Shizuoka Trip Google Map https://drive.google.com/open? 2017 Japan Shizouka, Izu id=14C_wrWM_kf5jzSxUtHdPTvlgBY0&usp=sharing Tokyo Food Map https://drive.google.com/open? id=13xUYG5u8FEB2t8F069hWqoHbzKM&usp=sharing Date SIN - Tokyo (3N) 31-Oct Flight SIN-NRT NH802 31OCT17 06:35 - 14:25 NEX Narita - Tokyo TO-DO in Tokyo - NEX Round Trip Ticket - Collect Shizuoka Tourist Pass at JR - Shinkansen Reserve seat Hotel Tokyo Hotel (1N) By the time we check-in it is usually about 4-5pm which makes sense for an early dinner followed by an early Pearl Hotel Yaesu night Dinner: 酒の穴 Sake no Ana, Ginza Tokyo https://goo.gl/maps/S8N5re6jhhM2 1-Nov Hotel Tokyo Hotel (2N) From Harajuku Station -> Meiji Jingu Meiji Jingu Walk http://www.gotokyo. org/en/tourists/guideservice/modelcourse/autumn.html Harajuku -> Takeshita Steet -> Cat Street -> Shibuya Lunch: Udon Iroha うどん伊呂波 https://goo.gl/maps/gyUPPm1cJfr The Roastery by Nosy Coffee https://goo.gl/maps/HacDDkreQRS2 Dinner: Akaoni 赤鬼 izakaya http://www.akaoni39.com/list/ 2-Nov Hotel Tokyo Hotel (3N) Shinjuku Station -> Mt Takao Station Lunch: Ukai Toriyama うかい鳥山 https://goo.gl/maps/Ao4rDccKMNM2 Free Shuttle from Mt Takao Station evey 20mins, Reservations is required Cable car up to Mt Takao 高尾 Onsen at Takao Station Dinner: Ki Ji Okonomiyaki お好み焼 きじ 丸の内店 https://goo.gl/maps/29qJgTqXsZF2 OPTIONAL Fuchu, suuntory brewery https://www.takaski.com/10-things-to-do-in-tokyo-off-the-beaten- path/?v=0f177369a3b7 Sawanoi Brewery https://en.japantravel.com/tokyo/sake-brewery-sawanoi- tokyo/15108 Western Tama Area http://www.gotokyo. org/en/tourists/guideservice/modelcourse/tama.html omu rice tokyo https://www.theculturetrip.com/asia/japan/articles/top-7-places-to- eat-omu-rice-in-tokyo/ Sake Stores http://experiencesake.com/where-to-buy-sake-828 Tokyo Sake Shop http://www.gotokyo.org/en/tourists/restaurant/antennashop/tokyo. html top 10 sake bar https://www.theculturetrip.com/asia/japan/articles/the-10-best- sake-bars-in-tokyo/ tokyo teahouse https://tokyocheapo.com/food-and-drink/tokyo-tea-houses/ 3-Nov Shizuoka 静岡 (3N) Shinkansen Tokyo Station to Shin-Fuji 6:33 - 7:36 (Kodama 631) We could not get a reserved seat so had to make do with the Station 6:56 - 8:06 (Kodama 633) green cars without reservations (1 hr 8 mins, Y5590) * 7:26 - 8:34 7:56 - 9:06 8:26 - 9:34 Bus Fujikyu Bus Shin-Fuji station to Shiraito http://bus-en.fujikyu.co.jp/route/detail/id/7 (55 mins, Y560) 7:15 / 8:10 *9:45 / 10:40 11:45 / 12:40 13:45 / 14:40 The timings just did not make sense. We took a taxi from Shin-Fuji Staton to the falls. Cost about Y6700. Not too bad considering 4 pax and that bus is going to cost Y1050 per pax 白糸滝 Shirato no Taki (1hr 40 mins) Lunch @ one of the stalls around the 白糸滝 Shirato no Taki area. Yakisoba is famous in this area Bus Fujikyu Bus Shiraito no taki to Shin-Fuji station Shinkansen Shin-Fuji to Shizuoka Station Could probably save some train fare if you took the (Y2830) local train from Fuji station, but we could not manage the luggage, so i guess had to pay for a short shinkansen ride Hotel Shizuoka (1N) Hotel Associa Shizuoka https://drive.google. ホテルアソシア静岡 com/file/d/0B238jqODqzlSMUJQbHExVlBLWnhUYUlwWEhMaDd Hotel Associa Shizuoka BRkxIcG00/view Check-In 3 Nov 56 Kurogane-cho, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka, Check-Out 6 Nov Shizuoka, Japan, 420-0851 葵区黒金町56, 静岡, 静岡, 日本, 420-0851 +81542544141 Dinner: Teuchi Soba Tagata たがた https://goo.gl/maps/6reJnzpBBgJ2 Quite a lucky find for us as we loved this hole-in-wall https://shizuokatourism.com/2016/01/05/soba-shizuoka-native- type of some restaurant buckwheat-noodles-at-teuchi-soba-tagata-in-shizuoka-city/amp/ General Info http://www.visit-shizuoka.com/en/ Shizuoka Map https://shizuokatourism.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/shizuoka- prefecture-map.pdf https://en.compathy.net/magazine/2017/03/30/things-to-do-in- 40 things to do in shizuoka shizuoka/ 4-Nov Hotel Shizuoka (2N) 静岡駅前 停留所 (11番のりば) 08:20 09:28 35 minutes, 580 yen one way 50 minutes ride of Shizutetsu Just Line bus "bound for Nihondaira" from JR Shizuoka station. At the terminal "Nihondaira" 日本平 you will see the entrance for ropeway station. ※ At the north gage of Shizuoka Station there is a tourist information desk. 日本平 bus ropeway 久能山東照宮9 https://www.toshogu.or.jp/access/ 久能山東照宮 Kunōzan Tōshōgū 用宗渔港 http://excite.mochimune.jp/zh/map/ Mochimune Shizuoka Aoba Koen Oden Alley https://shizuokagourmet.com/shizuoka-oden/ 5-Nov Hotel Shizuoka (3N) Shizuoka Tourist Pass (mini) 3 days http://touristpass.jp/en/ Use from 5 Nov to 7 Nov Yui Harbour Sakura Shrimps https://japan-highlightstravel.com/en/travel/shin-fuji/060016/ S-Pulse Dream Plaza Sake Shop near Shimizu Ferry Pier http://shinoda-saketen.com/index.php?%E5%95%86%E5%93% 81%E3%81%94%E6%A1%88%E5%86%85 Optional Miho-no Matsubara(World Heritage Site,Heritage https://www.mlit.go.jp/kankocho/cruise/detail/025/index.html Asset) http://www.travelko.com/locale/en_US/restaurant/list/? Shizuoka FoodList id=jp_5_36&type=area tomii sushi https://shizuokagourmet.com/japanese-restaurants/ https://shizuokatourism.com/2014/02/05/traditional-japanese- Utsunoya houses-and-inns-in-utsunoya-shizuoka-city/ Shimizu Port Area https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e6354.html (Optional) morning market https://ja-shizuokashi.org/market/jimanichi (Optional) Shimizu port area (Optional) Shimizu Sushi Museum 6-Nov Toi 土肥 (1N) JR Shizuoka -> Shimizu - Shimizu (11mins, Y240), 100 bus Port Ferry Shimizu Port to Toi 08:00 - 09:05 (65mins) http://www.dream-ferry.co.jp/suruga/schedule.php 清水港 to 土肥港 10:40 - 11:45 13:20 - 14:25 土肥フェリーターミナル 16:00 - 1705 No reservation required. There is a free pickup bus from Shimizu Station *Covered by Shizuoka Tourist Pass (mini) 3 days Toi Guide http://www.japanvisitor.com/japan-city-guides/toi-guide Toi Food http://www.toi-annai.com/syokuzi/index.html Bus Tokai bus Toi Ferry Terminal to Toi Onsen area Lunch: 食事処 さくら (Sakura) https://goo.gl/maps/kymGu1fGSB12 Hotel Toi Onsen (1N) 牧水荘 土肥館 http://www.toikan.com/sp/index.html Check-in 6 Nov 土肥289-2, 西伊豆, 富士山, 日本 410-3302 Check-Out 7 Nov Bokusuisou Toikan 289-2 Toi, Nishi-Izu, Mount Fuji, Japan 410-3302 https://travel.rakuten.com.sg/hotel/Japan-Shizuoka_Prefecture- To check on dinner plans with Ryokan Izu-Toi_Onsen_Bokusuisotohikan/5333/ 7-Nov Shuzenji 修善寺, Yugashima 湯ケ島 (2N) Bus Toi - Shuzenji Tokai Bus Time - Toi to Shizenji http://dia.tokaibus.jp/OrangeGuide/pc/table.do? 8:37 pole=1&busstop=5316&kind=1 1hr Bus 9:29 Shizuoka Tourist Pass (mini) 3 days http://touristpass.jp/en/fuji_shizuoka/common/pdf/timetable08.pdf Links for bus routes / timings https://www.japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0+139645 Tokai Bus Route http://www.tokaibus.jp/file.jsp?id=8582 Large lockers at Shuzenji Station Bus Shuzenji Station -> Shuzenji Onsen Shizuoka Tourist Pass (mini) 3 days Shuzenji Onsen 修善寺温泉 http://www.mustlovejapan. com/subject/koyo_shuzenji_nature_park/ Around Shuzenji onsen area, chrysanthemum https://travel.rakuten.com/hotel/Japan-Shizuoka_Prefecture-Izu- Syuzenji_Onsen_Yukairo_Kikuya/7491/?adults=2&checkin=2017- 11-05&checkout=2017-11-06&limit=20&offset=0&rooms=1 Lunch: Soba Omakase さくだ https://goo.gl/maps/4jHZkSB6PZ12 Bus Shuzenji - Yugashima 修善寺駅~下田駅 towards 下田駅行 修善寺駅(バス) 35 mins Y670 *covered by pass Hotel Shirakabeso (1N) 白壁荘 https://travel.rakuten.com/hotel/info/10847/? 伊豆天城湯ヶ島温泉 伊豆市湯ヶ島1594, 伊豆, 静岡, 日本 410-3206 id_hotel=10847&checkin_date=2017-11- 白壁荘 03&checkout_date=2017-11- 1594 , Yugashima, Izu, Shizuoka, Japan 410-3206 06&rooms=1&adults=2&currency=SGD&scid=af_trv_ta_pc_inbou Check-in 7 Nov nd_sg Check-Out 9 Nov Shirakabeso Map http://www.shirakabeso.jp/map/map.pdf 8-Nov Hotel Shirakabeso (2N) Bus Stop name: Joren no Taki Wasabi farm + joren falls http://kanko.city.izu.shizuoka.jp/query1.html?k1=16&k2=3&k3=10 Bus Stop name: Nanadaru Lunch: Nanadaru Bus Stop There are several lunch options there. We took the one right outside the bus stop which might not really be the best choice after we took a look around. Several others look more interesting Kawaza seven Waterfalls Stop name: Mizutare 水垂 We did the trail from Nanadaru to Mizutare direction, which was ascending. However, we wanted lunch first and all the food stalls were at the Nanadaru side. Would be easier to do the trail in the oppositie direction. Note that the initial trail entrance at Mizutare might not be as obvious as from Nanadaru Bus Stop name: Yugashima uchi (Optional) Central Izu Free Pass (2-day pass for 1900 yen) Unlimited use of Tokai buses between Shuzenji and Kawazu including the Kawazu Seven Waterfalls. (Optional) Darumayama Hiking http://kanko.city.izu.shizuoka.jp.e.jj.hp.transer.com/form1.html? c1=5&c2=4&aid=1&pid=2408 (Optional) Baird Brewery 9-Nov Tokyo(1N) Bus Yugashima - Shuzenji Station "Bus:修善寺駅~虹の郷 towards 修善寺駅行 (1hr) Izuhakone Railway from Mishima Station to Shuzenji Station (30 minutes, 510 yen one way, frequent departures)" Train - IzuhakoneShuzenji Station -> Mishima Izuhakone Train http://touristpass.jp/en/fuji_shizuoka/common/pdf/timetable14.pdf Station 09:02 -> 09:36 09:16 -> 09:52 09:30 -> 10:04 Shinkansen Mishima -> Tokyo Station Shinkansen (1hr) Hotel Tokyo Hotel (1N) About 11am by the time we arrived in tokyo, left the bags at the hotel and went out for shopping Ueno Station -> Ameyoko market (アメ横市場) Dinner: Takahashi Ramen たかはし • タカハシ https://goo.gl/maps/zjgGnTnSoSP2 10-Nov Browsing around itoya, Ginza https://goo.gl/maps/zW5p7WxJrxM2 Lunch: Renga-Tei 煉瓦亭 https://goo.gl/maps/WCQZ1V3hdV42 NEX Tokyo - NRT 14:00 hrs train ANA NRT-SIN 18:05-00:40+1day.
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