TITLENCWSOBERlS~ The Championship Fight Of The Year: The Republicans vs. The Democrats For The Presidential Title-See Story On Page 5 Tl TL£ INFORMATION. .5£R.VICE.. fflOPLR.TY TMINfOIUU\IlON .S.E.l\VIC.L to the most complete title services and systems. TRW's wide range of services gives need to increase your productivity, Give us a call and let us provide you you the solutions to your title office efficiency, and profitability. You can with the solutions you're looking for needs. From automated title plant in­ depend on us for quick and conven­ in performing all your office dexes and on-line real estate property ient access to property information, functions . tax records to systems like Genesis along with the continued support you that perform all your office functions, need. and TRW has a family of products We offer the most complete title services from which to choose. industry services available. It all adds Whether your company is large or up to enhanced growth for you and small, we have the resources you quality service for your customers. Real Estate Information Services © TRW Inc. 1987 714.385.2100 TITLENewsOBER,~· Volume 67, Number 4 Managing Editor: Adina Conn Cover Illustration by Peter Steiner, FEATURES depicts the battle for the Presidency between the Democrats and 5 Up Close And Personal: The In this Title News exclusive, four prominent fig­ Republicans. Mr. Steiner is a freelance Insiders' Views Of The 1988 ures: Paul Duke, moderator, Washington Week In Review; Douglas Kiker, NBC News cor­ illustrator and cartoonist whose UJOI'k Election respondent; Norman Ornstein, resident scholar, appears regularly in Tide News as American Enterprise Institute; and Federal Elec­ well as a variety of other publications, tion Commissioner Lee Ann Elliott-all authori­ including The New Yorker and The ties in national politics, speak candidly about the Washington Times. forthcoming election. 11 Parental Leave: The Small Does the future of parental leave affect you as an Business Impact employer or as an employee? Then read the lat­ est breaking news on one of businesses' most By David K. Rehr controversial issues. 12 What Will Be The Future of A New York consultant from a leading firm , Employee Benefits? speaks about employee benefits and the prob­ lems employers must face with this issue. By Carson E. Beadle 14 Cincinnati Site For ALTA Learn the facts and information on ALTA's up­ Fall Seminar coming education seminar-and what you can do to enroll now! By Pat Berman 18 The Art Of Developing An Read how two ambitious individuals imple­ Education Program mented an education program for their state Association, and how they've made it work. By Bayard H. Waterbury, III, William J. McAuliffe, jr. DEPARTMENTS 3 A Message From The President-Elect 20 Names In The News 22 Around The Nation 26 New ALTA Members 30 Calendar Of Meetings Title News (ISSN 0040-8190). Published bimonthly by the American Land Title Association, 1828 LSt, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Telephone (202) 296-3671 . Opinions expressed are those of the authors or the persons quoted and not necessarily those of the Association. Maximize your profits! The bottom line says it all. Only Genesis can make it happen. If your current computer system isn't making money for you in terms You can complete work in seconds that previously took hours. of reduced errors, expanded services and significantly increased Genesis lets you search 400,000 records in 3 to 5 seconds - all output, you're wasting money. cross referenced, all accurately filed . Genesis will transform your entire operation into a profit center with - Speed and accuracy give you the edge. • 13 state-of-the-art title programs, Today's technology is simply faster than it was a few years ago. • Flexible forms generation, Genesis lets you process information 2 to 4 times faster than • Automatic integration and transfer of data, systems just a few years old . • User defined calculations, • Integrated accounting, That means you can do twice the work in half the time. And that is • Guaranteed results, and much more . why most Genesis systems are purchased to replace other computer systems. Prove it to yourself. Join us for a hands-on demonstration at the ALTA convention in Toronto . And see how easy it is to put Genesis to work for you. Call today for information or demonstration. In Colorado at (303) 220-8288 or outside Colorado at (800) 525-8526. Genesis An investment you can count on ATs.T value,.,..,., Added Genesis is a product of TRW Real Estate Information Services. ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT-ELECT Marvin C. Bowling, Jr., Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Richmond, Virginia President-Elect Charles 0. Hon , Ill, The Title Guaranty & Trust Co. of ne of my first official functions as upcoming Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee president of ALTA was to make committee ap­ pointments. While in Washington working with Chairman, Finance Committee 0 staff, I was struck by several facts worthy of comment. Richard A. Cecchettini, Title Insurance Company of The first and most important was that our membership Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota is made up of some of the greatest people around. We Treasurer have some incredibly sharp folks within our industry. David R. Porter, Transamerica Title Insurance Company, That within itself, however, is not so unusual. What Los Angeles, California makes our association different from most is that so Chairman, Abstracten and many of its members unselfishly make their time and tal­ Title Insurance Agents ents available for the betterment of the whole industry, Section and at considerable financial and personal costs to them­ Bill Thurman, Gracy Title Co., Austin, Texas selves. Their contribution to our industry is made with no Chairman, Title Insurance expectation of financial reward and many times their contribution is received without Underwriters Section any recognition. To those people, "We salute you," and ask that you continue to Richard P. Toft, Chicago Title Insurance Company, step forward when asked. Chicago, Illinois I also was reminded that we have an outstanding staff in Washington. As I spend more time with staff and get to know them better, I am more impressed with their Section Representatives, competence and their desire to do the job in a professional manner. A brief over­ Board of Governors Joseph D. Gottwald, California Counties Title Company, view of staff coordinated improvements, some subtle and some not so subtle, would South Pasadena, California include: the new and drastically improved format for this magazine; the recently en­ Thomas A. Griffin, Mid-South Title Insurance larged scope of the Education Committee and the upcoming move of the Land Title Corporation, Memphis, Tennessee Institute to Washington; the work of staff and the Errors and Omissions Committee, ParkerS. Kennedy, First American Title Insurance culminating in the formation of Title Industry Assurance Company to service Active Company, Santa Ana, California and Associate members' E and 0 insurance needs; our recent successes in dealing Herbert Wender, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance with national legislative and regulatory bodies; our enhanced public image; and last, Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but not least, the fantastic conventions of recent times. We have been able to achieve those and many other successes with our present staff. When our members Immediate Past President see ALTA staff at conventions, a word of thanks and a pat on the back are defi­ John R. Cathey, The Bryan County Abstract Company, nitely in order. Durant, Oklahoma One thing dawned on me that makes me very apprehensive: I shall soon be called upon to lead this great membership and great staff. I feel as though I am not ready. ASSOCIATION STAFF The feeling I have is akin to a student issued a final exam on his first day of class. General Counsel Past presidents have been kind in assuring me they too experienced similar feelings James R. Maher and anxieties of inadequacy or unpreparedness. They reminded me that it is only Vice President-Public Affairs with the help of staff, board members, committee chairmen and the membership as Gary L. Garrity a whole that the jobs were completed. I am comforted by their words and their of­ fering of aid and advice, but I am most secure in the knowledge that together we Director of Research can fill the shoes of those who have preceded me. Richard W. McCarthy Director of Government Relations Robin E. Keeney Vice Presldent-AdmlnJstration David R. McLaughlin Director of Education Charles 0. Hon, ill And Membership Services Patricia L. Berman Director of Meetings And Coofmnces Lynn D. Wilkinson ~ouJ ABOvT SD~tfl.tiNO.. UKE THIS: nfE PRE~IDEIJT IS tLfa'fb EVERY fOUR. YEARs, e.vr 1JfE CAMPA16N BEGtt$ nJo Ve-A~ ~ 11-fE ELECTION, 4NP ALL '"ffiE CAI'JPIOA1f.S $PFNO MllLIOlJS OIJAr11Efrtsr~~ AN 0 tHEN 11fE SfA'TES J.4DL() rtrMARIES tr TUF{ tJAWT ~ IJI+fCHJ lr ntEY 00 IT Itt Gtn; GETS lUFM Ttt~tF OIJ T~L~~trrOIJJ U1¥.TFVFI'l. 714/.T IS AIJ() 1 At 1liF &JD Yoo HAVE 11.JIJ CNJ~f7A-rES AfJO A l6f oF BtTrER LDS£Rs, ~NO -ms TtJO CAWIDATfS Prtk VICE PRF~I~NfiAl CAJJPIOA~ I,.JfNJ AQ.E -rMSir< OPPOsrtts- At.Jo WHO Jqt:V J.toPE IJIU &tT All Til( tllt'f~ -nley CAN'T Get 1WN lf.lfY HAve PRA~ /JJJO .4-rrAc~ EAcfl tn11Bl~ PtnmD~ IJHILE- CDNCEitLlfJ&. IHEitt Dc,IN_, ~IJO 1ffl liD~ Pitt ONE DF flf~SF GUVt BASFO OtJ INUJMPLeTF AN() 111SLiAr:>l~t:. INF'Dtl.Wt-rrot.JJ Ju( MoSn'I oJJ WHETN fA.. '"TNeY A&Q.E£ 1JIIITH Wlf~11#eV '1l4rtJ~ "''feY STAIJIJ nR.. 81/T OtJt'l TlE RRSr "'600 Vll'l!S COUNr B~E.
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