B4 | Saturday, November 7, 2020 |HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com |Houston Chronicle HH BUSINESS Division insideQuibi preceded decision to Texas Commission on environmenTal APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE WITH THE QualiTy TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION noTiCe oF reCeiPT oF aPPliCaTion anD FOR ABEER RETAIL DEALER’S OFF-PREMISE inTenT To oBTain WaTer QualiTy LICENSE, AWINE ONLY PACKAGE STORE shut it down for good PermiT reneWal PermiT no. WQ0010495119 PERMIT AND APACKAGE STORE TASTING aPPliCaTion. City of Houston, 10500 PERMIT BY QUALITY LICENSING CORP. D/B/A By Ryan Faughnder Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77072, QUALITY LICENSING CORP.(STORE #7357) has applied to the Texas Commission on LOCATED AT 8208 BARKER CYPRESS RD, and WendyLee Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to renew Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination HOUSTON, HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS 77433. LOS ANGELESTIMES System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0010495119 (EPA I.D. No. TX0098191) to authorize OFFICERS OF SAID COMPANYARE JOHN the discharge of treated wastewater at SCUDDER, PRESIDENT/CEO; ANDREA M. avolume not to exceed an annual average Shortlyafter Jeffrey Kat- flow of 23,100,000 gallons per day. The LAZENBY, ASSISTANT SECRETARY; MATTHEW zenberg and MegWhitman domestic wastewater treatment facility W. ALLEN, VP; WAYNE HAMILTON, VP; DAVID is located at 9400 White Chapel Lane, launched Quibi on April6, Houston, in Harris County, Texas 77074. L. READING, ASSISTANT SECRETARY. The discharge route is from the plant site it wasclear something to Keegan's Bayou; thence to Brays Bayou needed to change. The Above Tidal; thence to Brays Bayou Tidal, which is part of Houston Ship Channel/ CAUSE NO. 2020-46327 companyhad sold itself as Buffalo Bayou Tidal. TCEQ received this In re: § the next big media brand, application on June 30, 2020. The permit Isaac Green § application is available for viewing and Requesting Discovery of: Notice To butconsumers were not copying at City of Houston, Houston § Public Works, Wastewater Operations, Kirby Inland Marine, L.P. § taking the bait.App down- 10500 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, Texas. IN THE DISTRICT COURT This link to an electronic map of the site loads were dropping fast, or facility's general location is provided OF § HARRIS COUNTY, Creditors as apublic courtesy and not part of the and the name Quibi, which application or notice. For the exact location, TEXAS§ stands for“quick bites,” refer to the application. https://tceq.maps. 334TH JUDICIAL DIS- arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.ht TRICT § hadbecome arunning joke ml?id=db5bac44afbc468bbddd360f8168250f& FIFTH AMENDED NO- TICE OF HEARING Ad marker=-95.542777%2C29.669444&level=12 online. aDDiTional noTiCe. TCEQ's Executive Please be advised that Weeks after Quibi’spre- Tribune News Servicefilephoto Director has determined the application is PLAINTIFF’S RULE 202 administratively complete and will conduct VERIFIED PETITION has miere, the company Jeffrey Katzenbergand MegWhitman were behind atechnical review of the application. been set for submission $74.00* After technical review of the application on Monday, November brought in marketing con- entertainmentapp Quibi, whichends service Dec.1. is complete, the Executive Director may 16, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. in sultants to help salvage the prepare adraft permit and will issue a the 334th Judicial District Call the Legals Team preliminary decision on the application. Court of Harris County, short-form streaming ser- him,”one executive who “Wecould have tried noticeoftheapplication andPreliminary Texas. 713-224-6868 Decision will be published and mailedto Respectfully submitted, vice’srollout,according to knows Katzenberg said.“It some other things before those whoare on the county-widemailing ARNOLD &ITKIN LLP Ext. 6435 or 4204 twopeople familiar with waspitching nonstop.” giving up,soalot of people, list andtothose whoare on themailing list /s/ Ryan S. MacLeod for this application.Thatnotice will contain Jason A. Itkin the matter whorequested Many industry analysts including myself,were the deadline for submittingpubliccomments. Texas Bar No. 24032461 *$74.00 includes first 36 lines PuBliC CommenT/PuBliC meeTinG. Cory Itkin anonymitytoprotect rela- questioned Katzenberg’s shocked thatthe company you may submitpubliccommentsorTexas Bar No. 24050808 and 1Affidavit of Publication tionships. ideatocharge forshortvid- decided to give up so fast,” request a public meeting on this application. Ryan S. MacLeod The purpose of apublic meeting is to provide Texas State Bar No. *$1.92 per line over 36 lines The marketing experts eos thatsubscribers would Uzzaman said. Hiscompa- the opportunity to submit comments or 24068346 to ask questions about the application. Michael Darling pitched multiple ideas to watchduring“in-between ny invested $35millionin TCEQ will hold apublic meeting if the Texas State Bar No. shakeupQuibi’sapproach. moments,”such as while Quibi and expects to geton- Executive Director determines that there 24105778 is asignificant degree of public interest in 6009 Memorial Drive One plan wastoheavily standing in line forcoffee. ly about 20 percent to 40 the application or if requested by alocal Houston, Texas 77007 Mr Tammy Spurlen Iamnolonger responsible for legislator. Apublic meeting is not acontested Telephone: (713) 222- any other debts other than my own. promoteseveral marquee Young adults and GenZ percent of it back. case hearing. 3800 showsonthe app, similar to consumers already had But Katzenberg and oPPorTuniTy For aConTesTeD Facsimile: (713) 222-3850 Case HearinG. After the deadline for e-service@arnolditkin. howNetflix used “House of YouTube, TikTok,Twitter Whitman said theyhad lit- submitting public comments, the Executive com Director will consider all timely comments [email protected] Cards” to legitimize itself. and Instagram forthat. An- tle choice, citing acombi- and prepare aresponse to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. ATTORNEYS FOR PLAIN- But their suggestions alysts were perplexedby nation of badtiming and a unless theapplication is directly referred TIFF were largely rebuffed by Katzenberg’sideatomake coreideathatwasn’tstrong for a contestedcase hearing, theresponse to comments, andtheexecutive Director's companyexecutives, the “movies” on Quibi,broken enough to survive as a decision on theapplication,will bemailedto everyone whosubmittedpubliccomments peoplesaid. Katzenberg up into“chapters” of stand-alone entity. andtothose persons whoare on themailing HOUSTON INDEPEND- and Whitman still wanted roughly10minutes each. If One of Quibi’sbiggest listfor this application.ifcommentsare ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT received, themailingwill also provide NOTICE TO PROPOSERS to establish Quibiasa people wanted to watcha challenges wascompeti- instructions for requesting reconsideration The Houston Independent oftheexecutive Director's decision and School District located in brand in and of itself andbe movie in segments,they tion from established for requesting a contestedcase hearing. A contested case hearing is alegal proceeding the Hattie Mae White Ed- avolume play, pushing could just hit “pause” on brands with popular con- similar to acivil trial in state district court. ucational Support Center at 4400 West 18th Street manyshows at once. the Netflix app, theysaid. tent and deep pockets. Mul- To reQuesT aConTesTeD Case Houston, Texas 77092 will HearinG, you musT inCluDe Thiskey early challenge Whitman, speaking at tiple serviceshavesprout- THe FolloWinG iTems in your accept proposals, until reQuesT: your name, address,phone the stated date and time of Quibi —how to sell an un- January’sCES show in Las ed in the last year to attract number; applicant'sname andproposed deadlines, in the Board known service to amass au- Vegas, acknowledged that audiencestotheir plat- permit number;thelocation anddistance Services Office, Level C1 of your property/activities relative to the •Project 21-10-08 – dience —was the subjectof building an audience for forms. Disney+ has more proposedfacility; aspecificdescription of RFP /Privacy and Cyber how you wouldbeadversely affectedbythe Security Insurance –with much internal debate at the Quibi would not be easy. than 60 million paying sub- facilityinaway notcommon to the general adeadline of 10:00 a.m. Hollywood-based compa- “Myviewisweare scribers since launching a public; alist of all disputed issues offact that on Tuesday, December 8, you submitduringthecommentperiod and, 2020. Avirtual Pre- ny,people close to the start- launching anew consumer year ago. thestatement“[i/we] request a contested -Proposal Conference for case hearing.” if therequestfor contested this project will be held in up said. The push-and-pull service, which is going to Netflix has 195million case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or conjunction with the RFP association,therequest mustdesignate the on Tuesday November 17, often reflectedagenera- take time to build,”Whit- global subscribers. NBCU- group'srepresentative for receivingfuture 2020 at 10:00 am. Email tional divide between the man,the former CEO of niversal’s Peacock, which correspondence; identify byname and constance.wright@ physical address an individual member of houstonisd.org by 3:00 topexecutivesand the Hewlett-Packard Co.and has afreead-supportedver- the groupwhowouldbeadversely affected pm CST on November 16, younger staff,manyof eBayInc., said in an inter- sion,has clocked 22 million by the proposedfacilityoractivity;provide 2020 to request ameet- theinformation discussed above regarding ing link whom were partofthe de- view.
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