Bulletin MASCMASC www.masc.org April 2013 V.47 n.3 Massachusetts Association of School Committees MASC Files Legislation Based MASC LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY DAY: on Delegate Assembly Actions School leaders and Based on actions taken by the delegates at the 2012 MASC Delegate Assembly last November 9, MASC General Counsel Stephen Finnegan has filed legisla- legislators moving tion that will address the special education circuit breaker formula; a special forward on issues commission to study mandated reports for school districts; health insurance coverage for treatment in school; education evaluation system funding; ad- to promote student equacy study; and governance boards for charter schools. In addition MASC achievement will also be refiling legislation relative to charter school funding; school im- Legislators have a lot to know. It's provement plans; and MCAS scores and 766 schools. Reported below are brief up to school leaders to help them rationales of the proposed legislation, the bill number and legislative sponsors. understand school issues. Establishment of a Special Commis- Health Insurance Coverage for Medi- This year, more than ever as the sion of the Legislature for Mandated cally Necessary Treatment in School FY2014 budget season reaches full Reports and Data Submission for (H.2088) throttle, legislators are facing nu- School Districts (H.512) Sponsoring legislators: Representa- merous budgetary challenges from Sponsoring legislators: Representa- tives Smizik, Calter, Coppinger, Peisch, the governor, their constituents and tives Christopher Walsh, Conroy, Dw- Lewis, Dykema, Benson; Senators a raft of social service and other yer, Gregoire, Linsky, David Rogers, Barrett, Eldridge advocacy groups. From school Roy; Senators Spilka, Tarr The purpose of this legislation is budgets to probate law reform, Among other matters covered by to require private health insurance to environmental concerns, skyrock- this anti-mandate legislation is the cover medically necessary expenses eting health care costs, as well as requirement that before new regula- for special needs children. Currently, new concerns over school and tions are promulgated by DESE a only Medicaid provides funding for public safety, these are just some financial and programmatic audit certain diagnostic matters. of the issues that legislators need must be conducted. (resolution proposed by the Brookline to be knowledgeable about and (resolution proposed by the School Committee) make budgetary determinations. Framingham School Committee) That's a lot of detail to be absorbed, Appointment of Governing Boards and who better to help legislators Modification of the Special Educa- of Commonwealth Charter Schools unravel the complexities of public tion Circuit Breaker Formula (H.511) (H.495) school issues than the school lead- Sponsoring legislators: Representa- Sponsoring legislators: Representatives ers who understand them best-- tives Christopher Walsh, Conroy, Smizik, O’Day, Ferrante, David Rogers Gregoire, Linsky, Pignatelli, Turner; This bill will require that the ap- that's you and your colleagues. Senator Spilka pointment of all members of govern- As districts prepare for the im- Current law reimburses school dis- ing boards of Commonwealth Charter plementation of the common core tricts through the Special Education Schools be subject to the review and curriculum and PARCC assessment, Circuit Breaker Account for 75% of approval of school committees where the requirements of RETELL, and the costs after 4 times the foundation such students reside. In addition to the educator/administrator evalu- formula, and this legislation would this bill, Rep. Smizik also intends to ation requirements, never has it increase the percentage to 100%. refile the charter school legislation been as imperative to remind legis- (resolution proposed by the Framing- filed in the previous session about lo- lators of the need to relax mandates ham School Committee) continued on page 2 on educators and provide sustain- continued on page 2 of the Acts of 2004. This amendment continued from page 1 MASC files legislation, removed school committees from cal approval of new charters (H.491). referenced local approval is received their longstanding statutory role con- (resolution proposed by the MASC the new charter school shall be funded cerning the review and approval of Board of Directors) pursuant to current statute. If either school improvement plans submitted method of local approval is not re- by school councils. The school com- PRIOR Legislation ceived funding must be provided by mittee is the policy making authority An Act Relative to Charter Schools the Board of Education without usage of the school district (G.L. c.71, §37). (H.491) of Chapter 70 or any other local funds. The review and approval of school Sponsoring legislators: Representa- (this resolution was originally submit- improvement plans is an essential el- tives Smizik, O’Day, Turner, Swan, ted by the MASC Board of Directors) ement of the policy making authority Ferrante, Malia, Sciortino, Provost, of school committees. As a result of Vega, Balser, Brady, Lawn, Khan, An Act Concerning Charter School the 2004 legislation superintendents Decker; Senators Jehlen, Creem. Two Funding (S.222) now approve school improvement other bills were also filed replicating Sponsoring legislators: Senator DiDo- plans submitted by school councils. H. 491. S. 258 sponsored by: Sena- menico; Representative Swan This bill will keep approval of super- tors Pacheco, Jehlen, Kennedy; Repre- It is the premise of this legislation that intendents and reinsert the approval sentatives Gregoire, Brady, Lawn and charter schools receive greater funding of school committees. S. 212 sponsored by: Senator Clark; from the foundation budget for “as- Finally, in early December 2012 Representatives Kahn, Stanley, Swan, sumed in school special education” we were able to secure the agree- Andrews, Provost, David Rogers. than they are otherwise eligible to ment of all parties affected by this This proposed legislation was filed receive based upon the students they legislation and therefore, we antici- by MASC during the previous session. actually serve. This bill will correct the pate the passage of this bill during the In addition to the present system of inflated reimbursement. current legislative session. approving commonwealth charter (this bill was originally sponsored by schools, this legislation provides for the Everett School Committee) MCAS Scores and Approved 766 the additional methods as follows: Schools (H.455; S.205) approval of a commonwealth char- School Improvement Plans (H.414) Sponsoring legislators: (H.455): Rep- ter school application by the district Sponsoring legislators: Representatives resentatives Peisch, Turner; (S.205): or regional school committee, or by Haddad, Peisch Senator Chang-Diaz; Representative the voters of a school district(s) or This bill seeks to correct an amend- Sanicandro region(s) at a general election or town ment that was added in the Senate to This bill has been revised to ad- meeting(s), city councils. If the above a Supplementary Budget, Chapter 65 dress the issue of reporting aggre- gate MCAS scores for special needs students attending Approved Private MASC Advocacy Day, continued from page 1 766 Schools. During the last session MASC was able to secure the pas- Registration information has been able resources to districts. Legisla- sage of this amendment as it applies mailed to all members and is posted tors need to understand the critical to education collaboratives. We are online. The format for the day is importance of ensuring support for pleased to have secured the sponsor- informal and there is no charge to districts as they educate a diversity ship of this legislation by the Joint attend but we do ask that you regis- of students to succeed in the 21st Chairs of the Committee on Educa- century global workplace. ter in order to ensure that sufficient tion. MASC's revamped LEGISLATIVE materials are available for you to ADVOCACY DAY, Tuesday, May distribute and bring back to your dis- An Act Including Transitory Student 21 is an invaluable opportunity for trict. In addition, copies of MASC's Enrollment in the Calculation of Aid members to meet their legislators at Summary and Guide to Public Policy Under Chapter 70 (S.239) their State House offices and rein- Priorities 2013 is being mailed to all Sponsoring legislator: Senator Jehlen force the message that real achieve- members and we encourage you to This legislation seeks to recognize the ment can only be accomplished use it as a starting point for discus- category transitory student enrollment with real dollars. Don't forget to sion with your legislators. in Chapter 70 so that funds may be make appointments in advance Please contact the MASC with available to serve these needy stu- with your legislators and follow questions (800-392-6023) and check dents. through with discussions on the fu- the website (www.masc.org) for continued on page 4 ture of education funding in an era registration information and updates. of high expectations and excessive We look forward to seeing you at the regulation. State House on Tuesday, May 21. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP ANNOUNCED Earlier this month Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo and Senate President Therese Murray announced their Legislative Committee appointments. Chairs and Vice Chairs of committees with particular relevance to is- sues around public education are listed below. HOUSE COMMITTEES JOINT COMMITTEES
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