Price $1.40 For full details a on the man nd ~rochure availabl y tyre sizes self add~~~:;~ stamped VETERAN & envelope to: CARS LTO VINTAGE . P,O, Box 43009 Mangere ' 207 Buck'land ~~~gere EastR~fd West. e Auckland 275-5316 VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N .Z. (INC.) NATIONAL EXECUTIVE President : N. A. Dewhur st (Auc kland) Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Banks Peninsu la) VOL.XXXII No. 160 Club Vice-Captain: B.A. Good man (Banks Pen insula] Hon. Secretary: Robert Duns, Cante rbury June-July 1986 Tel. 64·46 1 Christc hurch. Club Registrar: Don Bennett s, 714 Hills Road , Ch ristc hurch. 3 2N D YEAR OF PUBLICATION Executive: Messrs B.]. Barnes [South Canter bury). Mrs jocelyn P. Hosken [Ashburton], ].W.A. New ell [Banks Peninsula). N.C. Skevington [Canter bur y]. IN THIS ISSUE President's Message 2 CORRESPONDENCE Vauxhall Story (Part3) 3 Club correspondence, including members' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, mu st be sent to Invermay Hillclimb 8 The Vintage Car Club of N.Z. fIne.} r.o. Box 2546, Letter re. Registration 10 Christchureh. Telephone 64-461 London - Brighton Rally 11 Members should state 6 figure number from Membership 1st Pan Pacific Rally , Reports 13 Card. Intend ing member s should write to this address . Obituary 24 All Bead ed Wh eels co rres ponde nce and subscribe rs cha nge of address to P.O .Box 13140 . NZ's Oldest Car Goes to Europe 24 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITIEE Book Review 25 Chairman: Spen cer Barnard . Branch Notes 26 Committee: Ken Macefield, Bruce Pidgeon , Bob Seott, Pau l Giesler, Bob Entwistle. Letters to Editor 32 Material for publicati on is the respon sibility of this committe e and should be forw arded to p.a. Box 13140, Classified Ads. 34 Chr istchurch, typed or neat ly printed, double spaced on one side of pap er only. Reports of restoration s, events, road tests, historical and technical articles welcom e. No pay ment made to CLOSING DATE, AUG/SEPT ISSUE contributors. Ed itori al Copy July 4 th The opinions expressed in lett ers or a rticles in Beaded Adv ertisem ents July 10th Wh eels are the authors' ow n view s and do not necessa rily express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. [Inc]. COVER PHOTO Ces. Bishops 1928 2 litre 12 /6 0 Lagonda Photo by Spencer Barnarc. PRODUCTION Beaded Wheel s is the voice of the Vintage Car Bead ed Wh eels is published bi-mon thly by Purse Willis & movement In New Zealand and of the Clubs whose Aiken Ltd ,Christchurch for the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. eHorts are lostering and ever widening the interest of Inc., at its editorial office, P.O. Box 13 140, Christchu rch. this movement and torm rallying polnts for that ever Increasing band of enlhus lasts. The fascination of age Mailed free to all members of Vintage Car Club . itself or revulsion from the flashy mediocrity of the present day is draWing en increasing number of Subsc ribers only Annu al Subs cri ption (6 issues)S8.00. motorists back to the individua lity, solid worth. and Ind ividu al copies S1.40. functional elegance thal was demanded by a more discriminating generatio n and It is to these that this magazine I ~ dedic ated. ADVERTISING Rate schedu le av ailable on request to Advertising Manager , Registered at Post Office Headquarters Wellington. p.a. Box 13140, Christchur ch. Phone 67-346. as a magazine. From the President At th e last meeting of th e I, and othe r Execut ive members, mountain we were regaled with Nationa l Executive I announce d have again been abl e to att end so me gre at tal es of p revious that it was my int ention to stand Branch A.G.M.s thi s year. We Maunga Moana's, no doubt during down as President thi s year. appreciate this opportunity to meet it's rebel teen year s. Good support Although I am convinced that the members and participate in your was evident from many branches overall aims, policy, and direction discussions and plans etc. and trust in the lower North, including one the Club has been tak ing for many that by our atte ndance we have club Captain who organ ised an years now, are correct and on been of so me as si st ance or official bran ch run to take his course, ther e are neverthel ess guidance. members to suppo rt Taran aki . various tacks that ca n be used to Any Bran ch should feel free of Goo d on you Wairarapa. achieve that course. Th ere are co urse at any time to invite Don't forget to register for th e different emp hases that can be Executi ve representation to events, Annual Conference, this year bein g ap plied to aims and policy criteria. functions or meetings. Every ho st ed by Auckland. Th ese In oth er words, new blood, new a tte m p t is made to e ns u re meetings are held in different ideas, new thinking, is beneficial to reasonable representation auto­ venues around the country each our gro w th and wellbeing matically, but that does not year, and are we ll worth att ending provided we keep to those basi cs preclude a Branch formally askin g, if and when you have th e chance . laid down by the founders of the should they wi sh to do so. And pl ease do remember to Club, and I believe espouse d by Pat and I wer e abl e to atte nd exercise your right to vote in the every President since . Namely that Taranaki's 21st Maunga Moana postal ballot for elected officers and our Club is made up of peo ple, not Rally, (while on the way hom e with notices of moti on . Information and cars. Old vehicles ar e the common a recalcitrant car which declined to voting papers will be available very interest that binds us togeth er, and return hom e promptly after th e shor tly, if not now. And mos t that can take many forms. Two, Pan-Pacifi c). Along with several bran ches will be holding meetings four or mor e whee ls, Edwa rdian or hundred oth ers we we re trea ted to to discu ss the matt ers being voted Classic , ra llying or restor in g, th e usual h ospitality w h ic h on, make sure you att end yours. researching history or recording it, Taranaki has become kn own for, all this and much more form part and justifiably so. After an excellent NORMAN DEWHURST of our common interest. Th e wide days motoring around th e ran ge, or variety encompassed by our aims has always been one of our strength s and the sam e can be The Rotorua Vintage & Veteran Car Club Inc. said of ou r elected office rs. is holding its How ever, si nce stating my intent ions at the aforesaid meetin g, there has been a dearth of members 6th Annual Central North Island indicating their readiness to stand (at the tim e of writing this] and I SWAPMEET assure members that I have no (A NATIONAL CALENDAR EVENT) intention of leaving my position without a suitable and willing at the ROTORUA RACECOURSE, success or. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Late Mar ch Rotorua branch SATURDAY, 12th JULY, 1986 hosted the National North Island This event will be of interest to all collectors of vintage and Easter Rally, w hich really turned veteran vehicles, antiques of every kind, motorcycles, hot out to be a National Rally. Despite rods etc . bein g hard on the heels of the Pan­ Pacific, ther e were entrants there SITES FREE. ADMISSION $2.00 per person. from all over the country including REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE. V.C.C. & members of allied some from overseas. Report s so far clubs will be welcomed at the clubrooms, Neil Hunt Park, indicate all went we ll and Rotorua Rotorua, from 5.00 p.m. onwards for a "Get Together" and can feel very proud of their bran ch Bar-B-Que tea at a nominal charge . and those members wh o worked so well to ensur e the success of the For further details 'phone Rotorua 476-498. eve nt. PAGE TWO Vauxhall Competition! 1908-1911 by Leith NewelI Part 3. For 1908 the Canterbury Aut o­ Official observe rs wer e of course, by Mr Wait er Scott. Becau se of mobile Association staged prob­ ca rried on all cars and th ese wer e the late arrival th e car wa s run abl y its biggest trial ever. Amon g changed daily. Points were lost for ju st as it ca me out from the the thirty-sev en entr ies we re a all unofficial stops (apart from factory - Mr W.B. Scott (fathe r of number of cars from the North stops for tyres). As w ith most of th e dri ver) wo uld not allow any Island, including a White stea m th ese ea rly trials, th e object wa s to experime nting at that stage. As the ca r of Hawkins & Rowe, Napier, test th e relative reliability of th e dark hor se of th e eve nt and with a whi ch was conside red ineligible va rious tour ing cars.
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