Acta Palaeobot. 40(2): 131–137, 2000 Ultrastructure of the leaf cuticle of Pachypteris indica and its comparison with that of Komlopteris indica USHA BAJPAI1 and HARI KRISHNA MAHESHWARI2 1 Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, GPO Box 106, Lucknow 226 016, India; e-mail: [email protected] 2 “Ganga-Moti”, D-2228, Indira Nagar, Lucknow 226 016, India. ABSTRACT. The ultrastructure of the leaf cuticles of Pachypteris (Palissya) indica and Komlopteris (Thinnfel- dia) indica was investigated in order to work out the taxonomic relationship between the two genera. Appreciab- le differences were observed in the cuticle ultrastructures of the two species which suggest that a detailed investigation involving more species of the two genera should be undertaken, in order to determine the exact relationship between them. KEY WORDS: leaf cuticle, ultrastructure, Pachypteris, Komlopteris, Thinnfeldia, India INTRODUCTION The taxonomic status of the genus Pachyp- similar to those of Pachypteris, particularly P. teris Brongniart 1828 against Thinnfeldia Et- lanceolata from Yorkshire. She opined that tingshausen 1852 has been long debated. An- even the genus Cycadopteris Zigno 1853 might drae (1855) was of the opinion that the leaves be a synonym of Pachypteris. of the genus Pachypteris were indistinguish- Barbacka (1993) argued that even if the able from those of Thinnfeldia. Nathorst specimens of Thinnfeldia rhomboidalis from (1880) agreed with this view. Harris (1964) ob- the type locality were similar to those of Pa- served that the subsidiary cells of the cuticle chypteris lanceolata, other specimens referred in Thinnfeldia were arranged in the form of a to the former species did not necessarily be- collar, while in Pachypteris the arrangement long to Pachypteris. She therefore instituted a was less regular and their number compara- new genus Komlopteris to accommodate all tively fewer. But at the same time he con- these “leaves which, according to their mor- sidered the difference between Pachypteris phology and cuticular structure cannot be as- lanceolata and certain finely divided forms of signed either to Pachypteris or any other Thinnfeldia rhomboidalis Ettingshausen to be known genus”. She also transferred Thinnfel- slight, and believed that the two species might dia indica Feistamantel, reported from the be very similar. Doludenko (1969, 1971) firmly Early Cretaceous of the Rajmahal Basin, believed that the leaves of Pachypteris and Bihar (Feistmantel 1877, Bano et al. 1979) Thinnfeldia did not differ either in external and the Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu Mahesh- morphology or in epidermal features. She wari 1986) to the genus Komlopteris. treated Thinnfeldia as a younger synonym of Pachypteris. Bose and Roy (1968), however, no- ticed differences in the stomatal apparatuses MATERIAL AND METHOD of the two genera. Doludenko (1974) observed that the epider- For ultrastructural studies cuticular membranes mal features of a specimen from the type lo- (CM) were obtained from compression fossils. Speci- cality of Thinnfeldia rhomboidalis were quite mens of Komlopteris (Thinnfeldia) indica (Feistman- 132 tel) Barbacka and Pachypteris (Palissya) indica (Old- strictis nec rachi adnatis” (Leaves pinnate or ham & Morris) Bose & Roy were collected by one of us bipinnate, pinnules entire, coriaceous, veinless (HKM) from the Sivaganaga (Naicolam, Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu) and Jabalpur (Sehora-on-Sher, or one-nerved, base compressed, adnate to the Satpura Basin, Madhya Pradesh) Formations, respec- rachis below). tively. For transmission electron microscopy the un- E m e n d e d d i a g n o s i s (after Harris 1964, macerated phytolemma were treated in hydrofluoric acid for the complete removal of silica particles. After pp. 121–122). Leaves petiolate, once or twice careful washing in distilled water, very small pieces of pinnate. Main rachis not forked, striate, pinna the phytolemma were fixed in 4 per cent glutaralde- rachides or lamina segments borne laterally. hyde in 0.2M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2) for 6 hours at Lamina segments ± lanceolate or lobed, apices room temperature. After thoroughly washing in buffer, blunt, bases contracted above, decurrent post-fixation was done in 2 per cent OsO4 at room temperature. After washing in double distilled water, below. Veins inconspicuous, embedded in the the pieces were passed through an ethanol series and lamina, consisting of a midrib and forked lat- acetone; embedding was done in Spurr’s low viscosity eral veins. Cuticles thick, generally hyposto- medium. Thick sections were cut to check the orienta- matic, stomata variably distributed and tion of the CM under the light microscope. Thin sec- oriented between the veins. Stomata haplo- tions (up to 600 Å) were picked up on copper grids and stained in uranyl acetate and lead citrate. cheilic, subsidiary cells about five, guard cells On the basis of available published data, the cur- sunken. rent taxonomic status of the two genera can be sum- R e m a r k s. Doludenko (1969) assigned a “to- marized as follows. potype” for Thinnfeldia from the type locality Steierdorf-Anina, Romania, epidermal fea- tures of which she found to be similar to those DESCRIPTIONS of species of the genus Pachypteris. Barbacka (1993), on the basis of some specimens from the Liassic of Hungary, found recognizable dif- Genus Pachypteris Brongniart 1828 ferences in the stomatal apparatuses of the emend. Harris 1964 two genera. Pl. 1, figs 1–2 Type species. Pachypteris lanceolata Genus Komlopteris Barbacka 1994 Brongniart 1828 (designated by Harris, 1964, Pl. 1, fig. 3 p. 122). H o r i z o n. Oolitic of Yorkshire, UK. Type species. Komlopteris nordenskioeldii (Nathorst 1878) Barbacka 1994. D i a g n o s i s (after Brongniart 1828). “Veg. Foliae pinnatae vel bipinnatae, pinnulis inte- H o r i z o n. Liassic, Pålsjös, Sweden. gris coriaceis enerviis vel uninerviis, basi con- D i a g n o s i s (after Barbacka 1994). Leaves Table 1. A comparative chart of the salient features of the genera Pachypteris and Komlopteris Characters Pachypteris Komplopteris Leaf pinnate/bipinnate pinnate Shape lanceolate to obovate elongate narrow Apex acute or obtuse subacute Margin entire entire, slightly undulate Venetion veins concealed alethopteroid, midvein Stomatal distribution hypostomatic, irregularly arranged, haplo- amphistomatic, stomata situated in cheilic, guard cells sunken, thinly cutinized, intercostal bands, haplocheilic, subsidiary subsidary cells 5–8, unequal in size, inner cells 5–7, forming a ring around the part of subsidiary cells cutinized forming stomata pit papillae Ultrastructure exhibits two distinct zones: 1) outer electron- homogeneous, exhibits two distinct zones: of the cuticular membrane dense zone with homogeneous matrix and, 1) an electrondense outer narrow zone and, 2) an inner electron-lucent zone, irregularly 2) a relatively wider inner electron-lucent reticulate or fibrillate. Conforms to zone. Conforms to Holloway’s Type-6 Holloway’s Type-3 133 pinnate, pinnules alternate or opposite, ellipti- bodies or vesicles of various sizes appeared to cal-elongate in shape, apex acute, subacute or permeate the sub-cuticular level (Pl. 1 fig. 2). rounded, margins entire, occasionally slightly These packages of vesicles subsequently added undulate; venation alethopteroid, lateral veins to the structural thickness of the cuticular simple or once to twice forked. Cuticle amphis- membrane as also observed by us in the CM of tomatic, stomata on upper surface sparse, on a species of the extant Cycas (Pl. 1 fig. 4). The lower surface distributed in the inter-costal cuticular membrane seemed to be at the de- areas only, subsidiary cells 5–7, mono- or di-cy- veloping stage. clic; stomata sometimes surrounded by a more or less complete ring of encircling cells. ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE CUTICULAR C o m p a r i s o n. The main difference between MEMBRANE OF KOMLOPTERIS INDICA Komlopteris and Pachypteris is in the distribu- Under the transmission electron microscope tion of the stomata on the lower surface. In the the leaf-air interface was in some places seen former they are distributed in the inter-costal to be covered with remnants of epicuticular bands only, whereas in the latter the stomata waxes (Bajpai 1997, Pl. 1 figs 2, 5). The struc- are distributed all over the surface with the tural configuration of the cuticular membrane veins and the areas between them indistin- showed an almost homogeneous matrix. The guishable. Salient features of the two genera thickness of the CM was not uniform are compared in Table 1. throughout. The cuticle conformed to Type-6 of For the present report, ultrastructural Holloway (1982). The CM showed two zones, a studies were carried out on the cuticular mem- narrow electron-dense outer zone, and a com- brane of a species each of the genera Pachyp- paratively much wider electron-lucent homo- teris and Komlopteris from India in order to geneous inner zone (Pl. 1 fig. 3). At the inner- identify the difference between them at the most limit of the sub-cuticular level, where the level of ultrastructure of the cuticle. cuticle came into contact with the epidermis, the sub-cuticular zone formed cuticular pegs (anticlinal flanges) into which extended a nar- OBSERVATIONS row strip of the electron-dense zone. The cu- ticular pegs were pointed at the tip and had ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE CUTICULAR wide bases (Bajpai 1997, Pl. 1 figs 6–7). These MEMBRANE OF PACHYPTERIS INDICA flanges were located between the walls of the adjacent epidermal cells. Thin sections
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