Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian Street The ChoaTe News Wallingford, CT Vol. CIX · No. 16 Friday, April 22, 2016 thechoatenews.choate.edu SCHOOL APPOINTS NEW DIRECTOR OF ADMISSION By Pinn Chirathivat ’19 me, the ability to see them and Truelian Lee ’17 not just in classrooms, but Reporter and News Editor around campus and the op- portunity to be a resource For the first time in 12 for them is extremely im- years, Choate will welcome portant.” He added, “The a new Director of Admis- parts I find most fulfilling sion. Mr. Amin Abdul-Ma- include watching students lik Gonzalez will succeed realize their full potential, Mr. Ray Diffley III in July, whether I have direct con- after the school formal- tact with them or observe ly extended a job offer to their accomplishments Mr. Gonzalez on March 15. from a distance.” Along with assuming the Ms. Wallace described role of the Director of Ad- Mr. Gonzalez as “intelligent, missions, Mr. Gonzalez will thoughtful, collaborative, also become a member of knowledgeable — he is going the senior administrative to be an exciting new face in team, meaning he will help our admission offce.” make major decisions with “I think that our families Photo courtesy of Mr. Ian Morris the Board of Trustees and coming in will connect with Varsity Ultimate Frisbee Win over Gunnery Followed by a Loss to Hotckiss other senior administrators him and like him,” Head- The Hotchkiss School pummeled the Varsity Ultimate Frisbee team, with a final score of 3-11 on April 16, 2016. Page 8. concerning the school. master Dr. Alex Curtis re- Mr. Gonzalez has been marked. “He’s a wonderful the Associate Director of combination of being likable, Undergraduate Admis- fun to be around, thoughtful, CONTEMPLATING THE NEW CURRICULUM sions and Co-Director of and intellectual.” Multicultural Recruitment Choate hired a search By Nathan Chang ’17 tiatives Dr. Katharine Jew- incredible. One of the beau- English teacher, required at Yale University since frm called Wickenden As- Staf Reporter ett, a teacher who has an ties of teaching in this de- considerable diligence and 2008. He was appointed sociates to help fnd a new idea for a new course must partment is that you have patience. He said, “What a member of the interna- Director of Admission ear- Recently, the school has first talk to their depart- people with different spe- was hard about it was that tional admission commit- lier this year, after discov- added several new courses ment head, then draft a for- cialties, so you can share we were trying to serve a lot tee, and he has also been in ering Mr. Diffey would be to the curriculum, many of mal course proposal over ideas with them, and you’re of different audiences; we charge of managing Yale’s leaving his post to become them interdisciplinary in the summer, which includes given the freedom to be were trying to satisfy what relationship with Quest- the Director of the Center nature. For example, some a title, description, expla- creative. I think the whole at that point was a very new bridge, a program that for Admission and Enroll- of the courses added re- nation for how it supple- point is to make teaching AP course. There was not a helps students who don’t ment Management Lead- cently are AP Journalism, ments or replaces any cur- interesting and fun and to lot of framework.” have the financial means ership in the Association of Topics in Engineering, and rent offerings, a syllabus, use as many different tools He added, “There were to afford higher education. Independent School Admis- Cognitive Neuroscience. and potential list of texts. as possible to engage stu- a lot of meetings where we Ms. Wallace described Mr. sion Professionals (AISAP). Other new courses will be In the fall, the department dents in a variety of topics,” didn’t know exactly the Gonzalez’s former role with The school drafted an added next year as well: a heads evaluate the propos- he commented. product that we wanted, Questbridge at Yale as “al- opportunity statement for history class called Colonial al and then decide whether Ms. Emily Lovejoy, the but we knew that there were most like running your own candidates and received Latin America and another the class should be added to third form girls’ dean and a things that we liked. We admission office within an many applications. “This class called Twentieth-Cen- the curriculum. biology teacher, also found knew we wanted things to admission office.” was a position that had a tury African History. Despite the numerous the process relatively easy. be interesting, and honestly lot of interest. It’s signif- steps within the process, She is teaching a biology I think a lot of the frst cou- icant, and it’s an interna- The Process of Creating Mr. Yaser Robles, a teacher and psychology elective ple months of meetings, we tionally known opportuni- a New Course in the HPRSS department, called Cognitive Neurosci- didn’t get very far. I think ty,” said Dr. Curtis. “There commented on the surpris- ence this spring with Ms. we had a lot of grandiose were probably hundreds of Although the number of ing efficiency of approving Tianlin Ford, a psychology ideas but we didn’t think applicants. We only spoke new courses has surged in his Colonial Latin Ameri- and Chinese teacher. about how they would be directly to about 10 or 12 the last few years, the pro- ca course, which will run However, Mr. Nicholas executed or what resourc- of those applicants, and cess of adding a class to the in the 2016-2017 school Molnar, a math teacher, es would seem to make the we had a small number of course catalogue requires year. “I am very impressed said that the course plan- most sense. I think we had people who had a full day of considerable work on the with the openness of the ning for Journalism with a lot of interesting ideas, interviews.” He continued, part of teachers and depart- department and how much Ms. Harriet Blanchard, the but we weren’t exactly sure Photo courtesy of Mr. Amin Gonzalez “We were looking for some- ment heads. According to they want to diversify the Director of Teaching and Mr. Gonzalez said, “My one who was deeply experi- Director of Curricular Ini- curriculum. The support is Learning Center and an See New Classes Page 2 frst task at Choate is to ap- enced in admissions; who preciate it as fully as I can. knew boarding schools, It is really important to take especially ones with as di- the temperature of the place verse a student body as we TUDENTS EEK IVERSITY IN EALTH and then see what areas, have, both nationally and S S D H from an admissions per- internationally; and who spective, could use the most supported the values of the CENTER, QUESTION CONFIDENTIALITY attention. Having said that, school and had experience in all of my previous posts with the really large process A major recurring theme The lack of comfort that defnitely getting better – the I’ve always been about in- that we’ve got here.” Esul Burton ’16 contin- when interviewing members Norman alluded to is attribut- perception of both med leave creasing access for prom- After the interviews, ues her exploration of of the community on mental ed to anecdotes depicting and the counseling center.” ising young people. That Choate narrowed down the Choate’s mental health health is the contentious rela- counselors as out of touch However, she added, “I think access can extend globally, feld to three fnalists. services in the third in- tionship that some believe ex- and even antagonistic towards there are a few things that locally, socioeconomically, Ms. Wallace comment- stallment of this series. ists between students and the students’ needs. Misconcep- people still don’t understand religiously, and racially. I ed on some of the attributes Pratt Health Center. Jerri Nor- tions are abound on campus, about the health center.” think Choate is an institu- Choate noticed in Mr. Gonza- In the past two weeks, man ’17, a leader of the Choate which is why student clubs Some of these misunder- tion that should be known to lez. She said, “He brings with I have explored support Diversity Student Associa- like CDSA, and now Mental standings have to do with all, should be aspired to by him experience as a student systems and competition tion’s (CDSA) Mental Health Health at Choate, are trying diversity within the Health most, and should more than at a peer school, as a teacher, at Choate. This week, I will Campaign, said, “There is to educate the community on Center. Some students believe meet the needs of those stu- a coach, and college counsel- examine the Pratt Health a perception that people in mental health and the services that the counselors aren’t rep- dents who ultimately enroll.” or in other secondary inde- Center in depth, looking at the health center aren’t hap- that are available. resentative of the Choate com- He added, “I like to pendent schools, and as an the diversity in staffing and py to help or are rushing you Martha Zhang ’16 believes munity at large. see students in a variety of admission offcer in institu- the student-counselor con- around. People just feel un- that some of these efforts settings and support their fidentiality. comfortable.” work, saying, “I think that it’s See Counselor Diversity, Page 3 growth however, I can. For See Mr. Gonzalez, Page 2 Sustainability CPU at Choate What’s Danielle Young ’17 asks us The Choate Program- Inside News.......................1-3 to be more conscious of ming Union wants to Opinions: Campus ........
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