MIL-10648 176 Ch. 17 Industries Development {Amendment) 1953 i 1953 Industries Development Ch. 17,18 177 Act Act undertaking to which this sub-section appUes in respect 3. In the proviso to sub-section (1) of section ten ^^e^ of any period occurring after ten years from the date on of the Act of 1945 (which proviso limits to two million expenses which the assistance by virtue 01 which exemption is the total amount of expenses which under -the WIUChmay sought was first given to that undertaldng under the said sub-section (1) may be defrayed by means of sums m and'' Act of 1945. charged on and issued put of the Consolidated Fund of ^^°ut01 (3) Sub-section (2) of this section applies to any Northern Ireland) for the words " two million pounds " date'cTpund. there shaU. be substituted the words " five miUion pounds". industrial undertaking to which before -the passing of this Act assistance was given under the Act of 1945. 4. The provisions of section ten of the Act of 1945 as Further amended by "the last preceding section shall apply in ^^^ Extension of 2.—(1) The powers exercisable under paragraph (d) power to relation to expenses incurred by the Ministry or by any ;?,wvTdetosites of s.u;b-s?cti?? (1) of section three of the Act of 1945 to p" other Government department under that Act as amended for certain enable the Ministry to dispose of any lands or premises industrial by this Act. under- held, acquired or provided under that Act may also be takings. exercised to enable the Ministry, irrespective of the 5.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Industries short_tlue;. purpose for which any such lands or premises were Development (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland), ^SOTCUOn origmaUy held, acquired or provided, to dispose of those 1953, and shall be construed as one with the Industries citation. lands or premises for the purpose of providing or facili- fating the provision of sites which in the opinion of the Development Acts (Northern Ireland), 1945 to 1950, and Ministry are needed— this Act and those Acts may be cited together as the (a) for meeting the building requirements of Industries Development Acts (Northern Ireland), 1945 to industrial undertakings likely to continue to 1953. provide employment in Northern Ireland (in- (2) References in any other Act to the Act eluding the requirements of persons employed of 1945 shaU be construed as references to that Act as or to be employed in such industrial under- amended by the Industries Development (Amendment) takings) ; or Acts (Northern Ireland), 1948 and 1950 and by this Act. (&) for facilitating the erection by such industrial undertakings of buildings required for main- taining or improving the productive ef&ciency of the undertakmg; or (c) for providing or facilitating the provision of 1953. Chapter 18. means of access to or other easements or rights exercisable in connection with such sites. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments (2) Sub-section (2) of section three of the Act of certain enactments relating to the confinement 1945 shall have effect as if the reference therein to the said and treatment of prisoners, the administration of paragraph (d) of sub-section (1) of that section included a prisons, and offences arising in connection there- reference to that paragraph as extended by this section. with ; and for purposes connected with the matters (3) Without prejudice to the operation of sub- aforesaid. section (2) of section five of this Act, references in sections [19th May, 1953.] six and eight of the Act of 1945 to that Act shall include references to that Act as extended by this section. E it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, (4) Nothing in this section shaU be construed as and the Senate and the House of Commons of prejudicing any power of the Ministry of Commerce under Northern Ireland in this present Parliament assembled, section three of the Act of 1945. : and by the authority of the same, as follows :— MIL-10649 178 Ch. 18 Prison Act 1953 1953 Prison Act Ch. 18 179 Administrative provisions. 4. A writ, warrant or other legal instrument Address°f Functions l.—(l) The Ministry of Home Affairs (in this Act delivered to -the governor of a prison and identifying that pnson- of the. Ministry in referred to as " the Ministry ") shaU be the authority prison by its situation or by any other suf&cient description' relation to responsible for providing and maintaining prisons and for shall not be invalidated by reason only that the prison is prisons anrl prisoners. the general regulation, direction and superintendence of usually known by a different description. prisons and prisoners. (2) Without prejzidice to the foregoing sub-section, 5.—(1) The Ministry shaU prepare an annual report Annual on the administration of this Act and the Minister of Home rep • the Ministry shaU. continue to. exercise and perform, subject to the provisions of this Act, all such powers, Affairs (in this Act referred to as " the Minister ") shaU lay jurisdiction and duties as were heretofore exercised and the report before Parliament. performed by the Ministry in relation to prisons and (2) Each annual report shaU. contain— pnsoners. (a) a statement of the condition of prisons and pnsoners ; Adminis- 2.—(1) The Ministry shall have. and ma.y exercise trative (&) a statement of the accommodation of each aU such powers as appear to it to be necessary for the powers of prison and the daily average and the highest the M inistry. proper administration and maintenance of any prison including the equipment, provisioning and supply thereof number of prisoners contained therein ; and the making of and giving effect to arrangements for (c) such particulars of the work done by the welfare, employment and training of prisoners. prisoners in each prison, including the kind and quantities of articles produced and the (2) The Ministry shaU appoint the governors, number of prisoners employed, as may in the medical of&cers and such other officers and staff as appear opinion of the Minister give the best in- to it to be necessary. formation to Parliament ; (3) The numbers, remuneration and conditions of (d) a statement of the punishments inflicted in service of persons so appointed shall be determined by each prison and of the offences for which the Ministry with the approval of the Ministry of Finance. they were inflicted, with particulars of every (4) The Ministry may, with the approval of the case in which corporal punishment was Mmistry of Finance, enlarge, rebuild, repair or alter any authorised and of the grounds . upon which prison and build new prisons. it was authorised. (5) Where it appears to the Ministry to be necessary 6. The governor of every prison in which persons Duty of or expedient for the purpose of this Act that any land committed for trial before a court of assize or quarter j^^orto should be acquired, the Ministry may, with the approval sessions are confined shall deliver to that court a calendar calendar of of the Ministry of Finance, acquire by agreement that of those persons, prisoners. land and any easement or right in or over any land adjacent thereto. 7.—(1) The Minister may cause an inquiry to be SWQrn (6) The Ministry, with the approval of the Ministry held where it appears to him advisable to do so in con- lnqumes' of Finance, may use, appropriate or dispose of in whatso- nection with any matter arising under this Act or other- ever manner it may think fit any premises which have wise in relation to any prison. ceased to be used as a prison. (2) For the purposes of such inquiry the provisions of section .sixty-five of and the Seventh Schedule to the Lock-ups 3. Where it appears to the Ministry to be necessary, Health Services Act (Northern Ireland), 1948 (which is-is, c. 3. the Ministry may provide and maintain suitable accom- relates to inquiries) shall have effect for the purposes of mpdation for the temporary detention of persons awaiting this Act in like manner as they have effect for the pur- trial or sentence. poses of that Act. MIL-10650 180 Ch. 18 Prison Act 1953 1953 Prison Act Ch. 18 181 Powers of 8. Every dE&cer of a prison shaU. while acting as (4) At least two of the members appointed to each prison officers. such have aU the powers, authority, protection and board of visitors shaU be justices of the peace and in the privileges of a constable. case of a pnson used as a women's prison at least two members shall be women. Religious 9.—(1) Where in any prison the number of (5) The provisions of this section shall not aoolv to nunistra- Borstal institutions. tions. prisoners who belong to any reKgious denomination is such as in the opinion of the Minister to require the appomtment of a minister of that denornination, the 11. The Minister shaU appoint for each Borstal visiting institution a visiting committee" consisting of at least committees Minister may appoint such a minister to that prison. forBorstal institutions. (2) The Ministry may aUow a minister of any denomination to visit prisoners of his denomination in a ,12'—^.where,.any HvuaS accommodation is pro- Ejectment prison to which no minister of that denomination has for a prison officer or his family by virtue of his wairants been appomted under this section. office, then, if he ceases to be a prison officer or is ~sus^ SBt (3) No prisoner shall be visited against his will by pended from office or dies, he, or, as the case may be, accoinmoda- his family, shall quit the accommodation when required tion- a minister.
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