- Catalog and Announcernents Acadelnic Year 1967 - f ()6H COCHISE COLLEGE A Public Junior College Douglas, Arilona ~ leml)('r of: l\nwricall j\!'!'ocia/iorl of jWlior Coll(,!JI's National CmnmiU(·(· Ofl ;\ccrec/ilatiorl Council of .\'orlll C(,fltral Junior C'olle(j('s C aIHlida/e for mcmlu·rs/,ip statu,.. u'il/l SortI, ("('fltral Association of Coll('~ws and Secom/nry ScllOols COCHISJ:o; COLLEGE CALENDAR - ACADEMIC YEAR 19G7·68 , ()67 .\UGUST 1()()7 1()MI, JA;\;UARY 1965 2 ') 11 ') 2 ') ,I ') () ~ () ? I" (} 10 II 12 , R 9 10 11 12 D I I} • n 1,1 I 'j I() I? 18 1·1 1-; H) 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 .)... "".J '2·1 23 l() '2fj 2b I}.. ,"':' 2H 21) 30 31 • 11)()7 SI'YTE]\lIH:J~ 1%7 I ()()~ FUmt:ARY II)bl-l 2 2 ') .., I} () ') ,1 ') () / H ,1 -; -, M IJ 10 10 II 12 n 1·1 I 'j III 11 12 n H I 'j It> Ii I (J 'j'" IH I (~ "1) I? II-! :.W 21 :.U - ) 20 21 ... - .n :.U I) ~ ')., 'J'" 21 _J '2() .. , 2H 'l,1) ')0 .. J 2.() l.? 28 2.() I ()I)? OCrUBI]~ 1%7 IIJ()I-\ MARCil I % I'! ..., 2 ') ·1 i () , 2. ..., H (} 10 II 12 11 1·1 ') ·1 'j () , H 9 I 'j III 17 II'! I{) 20 21 10 II 12 13 1·1 1') H) 22 23 2·1 2') 26 T'.. , 2H I:;' IH I() 20 21 22 23 2C} ')0 ') I 24 25 26 27 2S 21) ')0 31 1967 NOVL~MI~EI~ 1%7 "'''.~ . I()()8 APRIL 1968 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 < 'J- ~(~11'*,<i _27 28 29 30 21 22 ... ,) 24 21 26 27 lH 29 30 1967 DECEJ'vtBER 19()7 1968 MAY 1968 I ...'1 3 <1 'j 6 j 8 () 2 3 .J .., 10 II 13 1·1 I 'j 16 :; 6 8 9 10 II 12 n .'1·1 I 'j 16 17 18 ",-, 19 20 21 22 21 2·1 23 26 27 28 2{) ••,.11 - VACATI0N PERIODS EXAMINATION PERIODS - . , , - - Cochise College Calendar - 1967- 1 968 FALL SEMESTER - Aug. 14 . Sept. 15 Fall Counseling and Registration September 14·15 Orientation September 18 Classes begin September 22 Last day for adding classes October 6 Last cay to drop classes without penalty October 29 Parent's Day N<Jvember 6 . 10 MId·semester exams November 23 . 26 Thanksgiving recess Dec. 23 . Jan. 2 Christmas recess , January 22 . 25 Final examinations January 27 . 31 Semester recess SPRING SEMESTER Jan. 29 . Feb. 2 Spring Counseling and Registration February 5 Classes begin February 9 Last day for adding classes February 23 Last day to drop classes without penalty March 25 . 29 Mid ·semester examinations April 6 . 14 Spring recess May 30 Memorial Day (no classes) May 27 . 31 Final examinations June 3 Commencement .... v 'ruble of Contents COLLl<Xm CALENlJAH .,. ..................... tv· v GENERAL INI<'ORMATI0N 1 History .................. 3 Accreditation ........................... 3 Philosophy of Education 3 Aims and Objectives ..... 4 Degree ...................................................... ., ..... '" ............................. 4 Campus Facilities ..... .......... ........... ................................. 5 Advisory Committees .......................................................... 5 ... Evening College and Extension Programs ........................ 5 ... Community Servic(ls ................................................................. 6 - STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICE ............................................... 7 ..... Admissions 9 '­ Orientation 9 .,., Counseling 9 ..- Testing .............................................................................................. 9 . Food Services ............. ..... ............. ........... ........ ........... .............. ....... 10 llousing ............................................................................................ 10 Scholarships and Financial Aids ........................................... 10 Student Employment ...... ........... .... ..... ....... .... ......... ......... .... .... 11 lIealth Services .......................... ................................................. 11 Student Activities ............................................. 11 Registration and Records ....... ................................... 12 Placement. ................................. 12 ACADEMIC INFORMATION ................................................................. 13 Academic Cruncil ............... .......... ......... ....... ........... ................... 15 Clas~ificatjon of Students ........................................................ 15 vi .... Grading System ............................................................................ 15 Grade Points .......................................... ..................................... 16 Academic Probation ...... ........... .................................................. 16 Removal from Academic Probation ......................... ........... 16 Academic Dismissal................................................................ 16 Readmission Following Academic Dismissal...................... 17 Transfer Students ...................................................................... 17 Grade Report .................................................................................. 17 Final Examinations ................................................................... 18 Credit by Examination ............................... .............................. 18 Repetition of Courses .................... ........................................ 18 Change of Program ........ .............................. .......... ....... ......... 18 I ~ Withdrawal from College ............................. ..................... 19 Transcripts ....................... ...................... ................................ 19 Attendance Policy.................................... .......... ......................... 19 , ACADEMIC PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS .... ....................... 21 Admission Requircmcmts ......................... .............. ................... 23 Residence R(~quirements .......................................... 23 Admission Procedures ............................... ....... ......... .............. 24 Graduation Requirements ...................................................... 25 Semester Fee Schedule ................................................................ 27 General Education Requirements .................... .... ................ 31 CURRICULAR PROGRAM OFFERINGS ........ .... ............................ ..... 33 Career ................................................. .. ....... ..................... 35 Transfer ... ............ ........... ....... ........ ..... ............. ...................... 41 Guided Studies ..... ................................................ .... ........ 41 ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES ..... ......... ...... ............. ...... ..... 43 ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTy..................................................... 87 INDEX ......................................................... .................................................... 94 .- vii History Cochise College. a public junior college. was the second college organiu1 d under the act of the Twenty· Fourth Arizona State Legis. lature providing for district or county junior colleges. The estab1ish· ment of the college distnct in 1961 and the funding for construction of the facility in 1962 represented a dedicat('d effort on the part of the citizens of Cochise County, The College was first openE'd to students in S('ptember 1964. Unlike many community junior colleges. Cochise serves both com· muter and resident students by offering residence hall facUities. thus making it a servic(' institution to th(~ ('ntir(' stah', The college campus is situated along Highway 80 approximately 16 miles east of the Bisbee·Lowell·Warren area and 7.5 miles west cf Douglas. The fourteen· building campus is located in the Center of a 540·acre site. The Col}(:age district is governed by the sevenh·en·member Ari· · .. zona State Board of Directors for Junior Colleges and by a five· man Governing Board elected from precincts in Cochise County. It is financed by legislative appropriation and a county·wide levy. Accreditation Cochise College is accredited by the Arizona State Board of Di· rectors for Junior Colleges. Students who complete appropriate lower division cours(~s with a grade of 3 or beU('r are accepted with full credit on transfer to the University of Arizona. Arizona State Univer· , sity. Northern Arizona Univ(lfsity. an the University of California campuses and oth<'r univ('fsities and eo.leges in the nation. The college holds memberships in the American Association of Junior College·s. the Council of North C{mtra) Junior Colleges. and is a candidate for membership status with North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Philosophy of Education Cochise College as a comprehensive community junior co11('g(', is dedicated to the service of its community. The college shall make education beyond the high school level available to all studfmts in· terested in. and capable of. benefiting from such a program of highpr education. The quality and effectiveness of instruction offer('d by the col­ lege is important to all those interested in higher {'ducation ­ students, teachers. administrators. alumni. and the g(meral public. It is the responsibility of the administration of the coll<·g{· to facili· tate instruction and lead its staff and students to pl'fsonal and group fulfillment in their educational ('nd("avors. Fr('e communica. tion. a free flow of ideas and feelings, among the admjnistratlon. the faculty, the students. and the community is essential for the realization of personal and institutional goals. .- 3 U' Aims and Objectives The main aims and objectives of Cochise College are: ,... 1. To provide a progralo of general education which encom· ~ passes the common
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