Pope’s Intention for February 2017: Comfort for the Afflicted. That all those who are afflicted, especially the poor, refugees, and M ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ £ ¦ § ¢ ¤ ¨ © ¤ ¦ § ¢ ¤ ¨ £ ¡ ¨ ¦ ¢ ¤ ¨ © marginalized, may find welcome and comfort in our communities. P various and different ways. It can also be thought of as “to be in the presence of God nguhaÇ‹ ï«khj b#g¡fU¤J and waiting for Him”. When we talk about waiting, it expresses our own powerlessness, Ü bghUshjhu Ãiy, bkhÊ, ïd« ã‹òy« ït‰whš xL¡f¥gL« insufficiency and dependency and this should be our attitude to midtU« tunt‰ò« Mjuî« bgw. God. We can in no way force God to come to us but what we can Ü ca®kiwkht£l¤âš gÂòÇí« mid¤J JwÉfË‹ clš, do is to be present and wait. When we pray we lose our grip and we are no longer in control. When we wait for the Lord, we cŸs, M‹k ey‹fS¡fhf. become attentive and sensitive to God’s signs of love. We become listeners and contemplatives. Since we are not accustomed to waiting we begin to think that we are wasting our time which is not true. ï«khj« ÉHh bfh©lhL« g§FfŸ But in our prayer life what is mostly needed today is that of perseverance, patient perseverance in spite of darkness, mUshdªj® Mya«, x¤j¡fil - ã¥utÇ 4 temptation, even sin. To learn how to pray is just pray. Pray over ÿ®j‹id My«, átfhá - ã¥utÇ 11 and over again even if there is no response or no apparent results. ÿ®j‹id My«, ÿ®J òu« - ã¥utÇ 11 To pray will be difficult for us but we should never lose ÿ®j‹id âU¤jy«, nfh. òö® - ã¥utÇ 11 perseverance. To keep our perseverance we must place ourselves in the presence of God and simply wait for Him. In our expectant waiting we become conscious of our poverty. What will be the ï¥g§FfËš g òÇí« g§F¤jªija®fS¡F«, result that we may experience? It may be a painful prayer, a dry Jwtw¤jhU¡F« ïiwk¡fS¡F« vdJ thœ¤JfS« prayer or a prayer which may not be spiritual in its appearance; b#g§fS«. but our expectancy in the core of our being is the highest form of prayer. Hence + nguha® mªnjhÅ gh¥òrhÄ let us wait for the Lord with expectancy always conscious of our powerlessness and weakness feeling deep down a true hunger for Him. H ! " # T $ % & ' ( $ ) * + $ , - . / $ % & ' ( $ 0 * , ( % + 1 2 3 ' * % + / + 4 * + $ / $ % 5 1 2 0 6 1 * 0 + , 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B 9 C < D E 9 : D F G 8 @ I Feb 8 Y our Loving Archbishop, on their Feast Day on . (+Most Rev. Antony Pappusamy) 4 “Serve with Love” N O Q R S U V R W X Z V [ \ ] ^ ] _ ` _ \ a V b c _ S O d ^ O e f 2017 Archbishop’s Consecration Anniversary Invitation J K J L CCBI Meeting @ Bhopal 11 Feast day Mass @ Perambur By the Grace of God 12 Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee Celebrations @ R.R. Nagar Our Beloved Archbishop 13 Book Release @ Gnanaolivupuram Most Rev. Dr. Antony Pappusamy D.D., STD., 14 Archdiocesan Education Commission Meeting @ NPC Completing 18 years of his Episcopate 15 -16 Board of Madurai Provincial Bishops’ Meet @ St. Paul’s Steps into the 19th year in Feb. 2017. Seminary, Trichy In the name of all the Priests, Religious and Laity 17 M Board of Madurai Provincial Bishops’ Meet @ I Cordially Invite You Karumathur to Thank the Lord for His Blessings in the past, E Blessing of the Chapel @ Kansapuram and to Pray for the Good Health and Fruitful Ministry of His 18 M Archbishop’s Day @ NPC Grace in the Coming Years. E Pastoral Visit to R.R. Nagar Let us Celebrate this Blissful Event as One Family. 19 Pastoral Visit to R.R. Nagar Your Presence - Our Joy. 20 Seminar on Diocesan Synod @ Kumbakonam (Msgr. Dr. J. Jeyaraj) 21 Blessing & Holy Mass @ St. John’s Dispensary, Vicar General Vadipatty Archdiocese of Madurai. 22 Blessing of the Marian Grotto, Fatima Nagar PROGRAMME 23 Wedding Mass @ Kallukuzhi Where? : Nobili Pastoral Centre, Archbishop’s House, Madurai - 7 24 Correspondents’ & Teachers’ Meet @ NPC When? : Saturday, 18th February 2017, 10.00 AM sharp. 25 Blessing of Chapels @ Packiapuram 26 Pastoral Visit to Ugarthe Nagar What? : Solemn Eucharistic Con-Celebration 27 M Blessing of the Chapel @ Senadalapatty, Melur Felicitations Dinner & Departure. E Blessing of the Church @ Virudhunagar 5 6 Office with the following details: (a) Your Name; (b) Parish / Pleaseg h i j k i Nl ooottteee Institution (if run by the religious, your order’s name); (c) Project Location; (d) Estimate of the Project; (e) Agency and Assistance th 1. The Feast Day of St. John De Britto m n o p February, the patron Received; (f) Project Status; (g) Expected Time of Completion. saint of our Archdiocese (and Sivagangai) is to be celebrated in all Please substantiate your details with the photos, the plan, and the our parish churches meaningfully. May the blood of the martyr reports. Thanks. - Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi, Projects Coordinator. shed for Christ take deeper roots in the soil of the Archdiocese. 9. The Archdiocesan Archives has been rededicated to St. Teresa 2. The Consecration Day of our Beloved Archbishop Most Rev. of Lisieux on October 1, 2016 and have resumed functioning. As Dr. Antony Pappusamy falls on 4th February inst. Let us remind per the direction of the Archbishop we have employed a reverse the faithful to pray for him in a special way. process, i.e., to begin with today and go backward. The office is 3. Holy Childhood Sunday falls this year on 12th February, 2017. situated adjacent to the Metropolitan Tribunal and can be visited on Kindly announce in the church on 5th inst. about the special weekdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Each parish is allotted a folder. collection to be made on the following Sunday. All the parish priests Each year the parish priest (both diocesan and religious) shall submit and the heads on institutions are kindly asked by our Archbishop to to the archives office an annual report of the activities occurred in take special efforts to enhance the Holy Childhood Day collection, the respective parish. Kindly submit this year’s annual report (April since we get the financial assistance for our orphanages. to March, 2016-17) not later than 7th April 2017. Your report shall include your pastoral activities, the activities of the institutions under 4. The priests’ monthly recollection for this month will be held on your care, and the presence and the worksof the religious. Thanks. Vicariate level. - Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi, Archives Coordinator. 5. For our Archdiocesan Annual Statistics to Rome, all the Parish 10. Congratulation to Rev. Fr. Adaikalaraja, the parish priest of Priests are asked to kindly fill the enclosed form and send them Packiapuram for his excellent renovation work towards the Church, back to the chancellor’s office before 20th February. marriage hall and Shops at Packiapuram, Kodaikanal. 6. Liturgical Regulations in the Parish: All the religious and diocesan institutions in a parish are subject to the supervision of the parish priest in matters of liturgical celebrations (c.519). It is the âUkz K‹jahÇ¥ò eilbgW« eh£fŸ duty of the superiors of such institutions to inform the parish priest 4,5.02.2017 behãÈ mUŸg ika« rÅ, PhÆW about the liturgical activities on time. 11,12.02.2017 ÉUJef® rÅ, PhÆW 7. For the celebration of 25th World Day of the Sick, to be held on 18,19.02.2017 behãÈ mUŸg ika« rÅ, PhÆW th 11 February, 2017 at Lourdes, the Holy Father published a special 25,26.02.2017 bfhil¡fhdš rÅ, PhÆW Message titled ‘ q r s t u r u v w s w x y s w z { | y s } s ~ ~ { r } y u | mU£jªij. n#hr¥, bray® “The Almighty has done great things for me…” (Lk. 1:49)’.The text is given in this Newsletter. ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ ¤ ¤ ¥ 8. Projects by Foreign Fund: Dear Father / Sister / Brother, If you for a job. He was not sure what to be filled in have got any aid from a foreign agency through the recommendation column “Salary Expected”. After much of our Archbishop, and are currently executing the project at your thought……………… he wrote: YES parish or institution, please notify to the Archdiocesan Projects 7 8 MetropolitanÅ Æ Ç È É Ê É Ë Ì Ç Í Î TribunalÏ È Ì Ð Ñ Î Í Ë ofÉ Ò theÇ Ó Æ ArchdioceseÔ È Õ Ó Ö Ì É Õ Æ × Æ ofÉ Ò MaduraiÅ Í Ö Ñ È Í Ì and volunteers, to give thanks for their God-given vocation of Annual Report- 2016 accompanying our infirm brothers and sisters. This celebration likewise gives the Church renewed spiritual energy for carrying out ever more fully that fundamental part of her mission which includes serving the Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ s Pending at the beginning of the Year 2016 - 27 2. Causes introduced and accepted in 2016 - 94 poor, the infirm, the suffering, the outcast and the marginalized (cf. John Paul II, MotuProprio DolentiumHominum, 11 February 1985, 1). Surely, 3. Causes closed in 2016: the moments of prayer, the Eucharistic liturgies and the celebrations of Through the sentences given in favour of nullity - 90 the Anointing of the Sick, the sharing with the sick and the bioethical and Through Abatement - 5 theological-pastoral workshops to be held in Lourdes in those days will Through Renunciation - 1 make new and significant contributions to that service.Even now, I am 4.
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