E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 No. 73 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was May 2, he did not know that would be pital, the ambulance drove by a thin called to order by the Speaker pro tem- his last day on patrol. Officer Moore blue line of peace officers who stood in pore (Mr. DOLD). and fellow Officer Erik Jansen were silent salute, paying their respects to f driving in Queens, New York, that Officer Moore. evening when they saw someone who Peace officers, Mr. Speaker, are the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO was obviously suspicious, so they did first to respond to the call for help TEMPORE what they should do. They went up to when someone is in trouble. That is The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- that individual to check out what was who they call. The police are the first fore the House the following commu- going on. and last line of defense between crimi- nication from the Speaker: Officer Moore drove up behind the nals and citizens. And it is somewhat WASHINGTON, DC, suspicious individual and asked him ironic, Mr. Speaker, that our society May 13, 2015. this question: ‘‘Do you have something counts on police officers to protect I hereby appoint the Honorable ROBERT J. in your waist?’’ Allegedly, the callous their communities, to protect their DOLD to act as Speaker pro tempore on this criminal, Mr. Speaker, coldly replied: property, and restore order, yet they day. ‘‘Yeah, I’ve got something in my pock- are targeted and criticized when they JOHN A. BOEHNER, et,’’ and he pulled out a gun and fired Speaker of the House of Representatives. try to do their job to protect the rest three shots into Officer Moore’s patrol of us. f car, killing Officer Moore. The soulless We thank the peace officers who, in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE criminal then fled in the darkness of spite of this, continue to protect and the night. serve neighborhoods. As long as crimi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Officer Moore was rushed to the hos- nals are on our streets and in our ant to the order of the House of Janu- pital, where he spent 2 days before he neighborhoods refusing to follow soci- ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- died. He was 25 years of age when he nize Members from lists submitted by was killed. He was young, bright, and ety’s law, peace officers are absolutely the majority and minority leaders for committed to the badge that he wore necessary. morning-hour debate. over his heart. As a country, we should mourn the The Chair will alternate recognition In his short career, Officer Moore re- loss of all those in law enforcement between the parties, with each party ceived two exceptional police service who devote their life’s work to restor- limited to 1 hour and each Member commendations. Police Commissioner ing order in our community. Since Of- other than the majority and minority Bill Bratton of the New York Police ficer Moore’s murder on May 2, two leaders and the minority whip limited Department noted, ‘‘They don’t give other peace officers were murdered in to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- those medals out easily. He worked Hattiesburg, Mississippi. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. very hard for those.’’ Officer Moore Mr. Speaker, this week is National f earned those two medals in less than 5 Police Week. This Friday, right here on the west side of the Capitol, the fami- POLICE MEMORIAL WEEK years. He was an exceptional police of- ficer, even at a very young age. lies of 126 peace officers killed in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Being a peace officer wasn’t a job for line of duty last year, as well as the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Officer Moore; it was a cause. It was in families of those from previous years, Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. his blood. He was the son, nephew, and will gather. They will be surrounded by Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, po- cousin of New York police officers, and thousands of peace officers from all lice officers are the barrier between the job had deep roots in the Moore over the country and by citizens show- good and evil. They do society’s dirty family. Officer Moore lived with his fa- ing their respect during National Po- work. They are the fence between the ther, a retired police officer. He was lice Week. law and the lawless. These men and meant for the uniform, and he was Of the 126 killed last year, which is a women in uniform are our Nation’s killed because of the uniform. It is an 24 percent increase from the previous peace officers. Every day, peace offi- absolute tragedy that his young life year, 11 of those who were killed were cers rush into chaos and toward crime was stolen from not only his family, from Texas. And here is the rollcall of that everyone else is running away but the police department and the com- the fallen: from. And every day, these officers risk munity that he honorably served and Mark Uland Kelley of the Trinity their lives for the rest of us. protected. University Police Department. When New York Police Officer Brian Last Monday, as Officer Moore’s body Detective Charles Dinwiddie of the Moore set out for patrol on Saturday, was transferred from a Queens hos- Killeen Police Department. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2881 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 May 13, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY7.000 H13MYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 13, 2015 Sergeant Paul A. Buckles of the Pot- Donohue, the president of the U.S. No more evasion, gimmicks, and ter County Sheriff’s Office. Chamber, who don’t usually agree on short-term extensions. Raise the gas Chief of Police Lee Dixon of the Lit- much of anything, but do on this? Or, tax, put those hundreds of thousands of tle River-Academy Police Department. former Kansas Governor Bill Graves, people to work rebuilding and renewing Chief of Police Michael Pimentel of who is not just president of the Amer- America. Make our families safer, the Elmendorf Police Department. ican Trucking Associations but was a healthier, and more economically se- Border Patrol Agent Tyler R. Republican Governor who raised the cure. Robledo. gas tax not once, but twice. f Senior Deputy Jessica Laura Hollis What if we invited former Mayor of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office. Bloomberg, Governor Schwarzenegger, STANDING FOR LIFE—WE MUST Sergeant Michael Lee Naylor of the and former Governor Ed Rendell? What NOT REMAIN SILENT Midland County Sheriff’s Office. if we brought in the head of American The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Deputy Sheriff Jesse Valdez, III, of Road & Transportation Builders Asso- Chair recognizes the gentleman from the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. ciation, Dr. Pete Ruane? The electrical North Carolina (Mr. WALKER) for 5 min- Constable Robert Parker White of contractors are in town this week. utes. the El Paso County Constable’s Office. They could tell us. I have got a great Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Sergeant Alejandro ‘‘Alex’’ Martinez constituent, Ted Aadland, who used to today to speak on behalf of those who of the Willacy County Sheriff’s Office. cannot speak for themselves. Mr. Speaker, all of these officers died be chair of AGC. There are countless people, govern- As I consider the current state of our because they were wearing the badge. ment leaders, and legislative leaders Nation’s debate about abortion, I am a As a former prosecutor and a former who have stepped up and met their re- bit puzzled when I hear the word judge, I have known a lot of police offi- sponsibility, all expecting that Con- ‘‘health care’’ in discussing such a cers. I have known some who have been gress would do its part. topic. killed in the line of duty. They, like These experts, leaders, and politi- Unlike procedures for common ail- Officer Moore, represent the best of cians know what the problem is. They ments that would be typically associ- America. fashion solutions. And they are willing ated with the term ‘‘health care,’’ This week, other police officers to give the politicians in Congress abortion has as its very object the tak- throughout the country will be wearing cover to do something that appears ing of a human life. The term ‘‘abor- the black cloth of sacrifice over their hard only in the abstract. tion’’ forces the question: What—or, badge or their star, showing respect for There is broad consensus for the better said, who—is being terminated? those who have fallen in the line of same solution that was advocated by Without a doubt, it is clear that abor- duty in this country. Ronald Reagan, who in 1982 raised the tion ends the life of these little human So we thank the families of the fall- gas tax. Or, Dwight Eisenhower, who beings.
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