Pork B U L K P U R C H A S I N G G U I D E B E N T A R R O W A C R E S Thank you! YOUR PURCHASE OF A WHOLE OR HALF PIG MEANS SO MUCH TO OUR FARM. WE IN THIS GUIDE: LOVE THE PIGS WE RAISE AND THE EXCELLENT PORK THEY PROVIDE. WE HOW WE DO IT CANNOT WAIT FOR YOU AND YOUR - WHAT IS PASTURE RAISED? - PRICING AND MORE FAMILY TO ENJOY IT AS WELL! CUTS OF PORK THIS GUIDE WILL HELP YOU - UNDERSTAND THE UNDERSTAND THE FEW THINGS THAT ANATOMY AND PLACE YOUR NEED TO BE DONE TO ENSURE YOU ORDER BASED ON HAVE THE BEST EXPERIENCE WITH PREFERENCES YOUR BULK PORK PURCHASE. PREPARE FOR DELIVERY FREEZER SIZES AND WHAT WE ARE ALWAYS HERE IF YOU HAVE TO EXPECT ANY QUESTIONS, SO DON'T HESITATE EATING AND ENJOYING YOUR TO GET IN TOUCH! PORK - MEAL PLANNING AND FINDING RECIPES LOVE, THE TROST'S How Pigs live at Bent Arrow Acres We chose to raise pigs because, after a lot of research, we found all the good they can do for the land if properly maintained… and because bacon. But, over the years, we have learned to love them and feel that they are really interesting animals. They chase our cars and love to come say "Hi!" when we are out in the yard. Let us know if you would ever like to come see them too! BENT ARROW PORK QUICK FACTS: WE RAISE BERKSHIRE PORK. THE BERKSHIRE BREED IS TOUTED AS THE BEST TASTING PORK AVAILABLE. THIS IS WHY WE CHOSE TO WORK WITH THESE PIGS. THE PIGS WE RAISE ARE BORN IN HOWARD COUNTY TO A FARMER FRIEND AND ARE PIGS THAT DON'T MAKE THE COSMETIC CUT FOR 4H COMPETITION. THE PIGS ARE RAISED ON PASTURE AND ARE MOVED OFTEN TO ENSURE THEY HAVE AVAILABILITY TO FRESH GREENS AND THAT THEY DON’T DO TOO MUCH DAMAGE TO THE LAND. YOU CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PASTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES BY WATCHING OUR VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. THE PIGS GRAZE ON GRASS, BUT ARE SUPPLEMENTED WITH A NON-GMO FEED THAT IS MADE LOCALLY AT A&J IN RUSSIAVILLE. EACH HOG HAS DISTINCT MARKINGS ON THEIR EARS SO WE ARE ABLE TO KNOW WHICH PIG IS WHICH. THIS HELPS US TO MONITOR THEIR HEALTH AS WELL AS KNOW WHICH ONES RECEIVED ANY MEDICINE IN IT’S LIFETIME. IF A PIG HAD RECEIVED ANTIBIOTICS, WE WERE VERY UPFRONT ABOUT IT AND MADE SURE THAT THOSE WHO WANTED ANTIBIOTIC FREE PORK DID NOT RECEIVE A PIG THAT HAD BEEN TREATED WITH MEDICINE. THIS YEAR, EACH PIG HAS BEEN HEALTHY SO ALL OF THE AVAILABLE PIGS ARE ANTIBIOTIC FREE! A WHOLE PIG WILL WEIGH ABOUT 300 POUNDS WHEN IT IS READY TO GO TO THE BUTCHER. AFTER PROCESSING, ABOUT 60-70% OF THEIR WEIGHT IS WHAT A CUSTOMER WILL TAKE HOME IF PURCHASING A WHOLE PIG. THE PIGS ARE $3.50 PER POUND, LIVE WEIGHT PLUS PROCESSING. SO, IT WORKS OUT TO BE ABOUT $650 FOR A HALF PIG AND $1300 FOR A WHOLE PIG. BULK PORK PURCHASE GUIDE Cuts of Pork Belly: Jowl: These are the cheeks of the pig and Bacon- A clear favorite of the pig. Adam often called “jowl bacon” as they are Loin: jokes that he needs to find a way to raise pigs cured or smoked like bacon found in the Pork Chops- This is a rich and meaty cut from the that are 100% bacon. Bacon is made from belly. They are great for pan frying or use d center loin. It’s important to not overcook pork fatty slabs in the pigs underbelly, then to add flavor to beans, collards and more. chops because they dry out quickly. They can smoked and cured with salt. Pan frying is easily be grilled, broiled or cooked in a pan. how we cook bacon; but, we know plenty of Shoulder: Loin Roast- Lean, tender and touted as being the people who love to cook it in the oven too. Pork Steak- Great for grilling. best piece of pork to roast. Also called “rack of Spare Ribs- Compared to Baby Back ribs, they Boston Butt- This cut is from the top of pork” because it can include the backbone. are not as meaty. But, they are very tasty the shoulder. This is best for pulled pork, Baby Back Ribs- Baby Back Ribs are taken from thanks to more fat on the cut. Spare ribs but can be cut into steaks, roasts and the pig’s rib cage, near the backbone. They are come from the underside of the rib cage. stew meat. If using for pulled pork, roast it small, meaty and juicy. Baby Back Ribs tend to They are great for grilling, roasting and low and slow. cook quickly and the smaller they are, the more braising. tender. They are perfect for grilling and roasting. Picnic: Tenderloin- This is a very lean and very tender cut Ham: Roast- This is part of the front leg that of the pig. It cooks quickly making it nice for Roast- Ham roasts come from the pigs leg. runs from the shoulder socket to the weeknights and entertaining. A tenderloin is great They can be plain, but most are either cured elbow. It is good for braising, pulled pork grilled, pan fried or roasted in the oven. with a brine of salt and spices or smoked so or stew meat. Sirloin Roast- The sirloin roast is typically lean they are juicy and fully cooked. They can be and is found near the hip and backbone. Makes sold bone-in or boneless. Ham roasts are Hock- This is the bones from the joint that really great braised meat. great for a crowd and at the holidays when attached the pigs legs to the feet. Rib End Roast- On a slab of spareribs, there is a baked. Because of all the ligaments and bones it long end and short end. The short end tends to be Ham Steaks- These are ham roasts sliced requires long, slow cooking like braising meatier and more tender. into about 1/2 inch thick slabs. They are or stewing. It is often in soups. smoked and cured and make for a great breakfast after a quick pan fry. BULK PORK PURCHASE GUIDE Order Form T H I S I S N O T T H E A C T U A L O R D E R F O R M F R O M T H I S O L D F A R M , B U T R A T H E R A M O R E S I M P L E F O R M C R E A T E D B Y U S . W E W I L L P U T Y O U R R E Q U E S T S O N T H E F O R M A T T H E P R O C E S S O R . HAM: TRIMMINGS: Fresh OR Cured Burger Patties Roast OR Steaks OR Both Ham Cutlets OR Grind (Choose two, If desired, with Whole Hog) Sausage: Ground OR Brat OR Patties Half pig Choose 1, whole pig choose 2: Plain, Maple, Mild LOIN: Breakfast, Biscuit Delight, Mild Italian, Sugar Free Sage, Sirloin Roasts- YES NO Sweet and Sassy Sage, Hot Breakfast, Hot Italian, Chorizo Rib End Roast YES NO Bone In Pork Chops OR Boneless Chops (Whole pIg can choose two) Butterflied YES NO Boneless Loin Roast YES NO 2-3 Pounds WHOLE Tenderloin- YES NO (only If boneless chops selected SHANKS/HOCK YES NO Smoked OR Fresh Baby Back Ribs YES NO (only If boneless cops selected) LARD YES NO RENDERED NOT RENDERED SHOULDER AND PICNIC: Steaks OR Roasts OR Both OR NONE (Trimmings) SOUP BONES YES NO JOWL BACON YES NO Smoked OR Fresh OFALS: YES NO (Whole Hog Only) Processor assess ofals and has right to not process BACON Cured OR Fresh Whole OR Cut Spare Ribs YES NO BULK PORK PURCHASE GUIDE Prepare for Your Pig T H E M O S T C O M M O N Q U E S T I O N W E G E T I S “ H O W M U C H F R E E Z E R S P A C E I S N E E D E D F O R A W H O L E O R H A L F P I G ? ” H E R E I S O U R B E S T R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : W H O L E H O G – 7 C U B I C F E E T , A S T A N D U P F R E E Z E R O R C H E S T F R E E Z E R H A L F H O G – 3 . 5 C U B I C F E E T , S T A N D U P F R E E Z E R O R B O T T O M F R E E Z E R / R E F R I D G E R A T O R A F U L L P I G W I L L W E I G H T R I G H T A R O U N D 3 0 0 P O U N D S W H E N P R O C E S S E D A N D A B O U T 6 0 % O F T H A T W I L L B E C O M E P A C K A G E D C U T S .
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