Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1972 Daily Egyptian 1972 4-19-1972 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 19, 1972 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1972 Volume 53, Issue 126 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 19, 1972." (Apr 1972). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1972 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1972 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Council ok's street party •cover funds A $750 contingency fund to provide for initial insurance costs and to compen­ sate South Illinois Avenue service ~ , April 19, 11m-Vol. 53, No. 126 station owners for lost business during the coming street parties w~s authorized by the Carbondale City Council Tuesday night. • Steve Hoffmann, local liquor dealer and a spokesman for the South Illinois Avenue task force, told the council the contingency fund is needed to pay in­ surance costs, which he said would add up to $65 per night. Two service station owners whose businesses will be closed by the celebration will be paid about .., each for every night the street is closed. • Hoffmann said about 30 applications for activities and concessions have been received by the task force thus far, and "We expect that there will be at least 20 concessions. " A final schedule of acth·ilies for the firs t of six possible weekend celebrations will be presented to acliP.g City Manager Bill Schwegman Wed­ nesdav. The activities are scheduled to .begin·at 8 p.rn. both Friday and Satur­ day and continue to 3 a.m. The task force will collect 25 per cent of the net profit from the sale. of beverages from vehicles and a 55 registration fee from all concessions in order to defray the costs of insurance and compensation. I n other action, the counc iI desig nated April 30 as Glenn "Abe" When the good weather comes, so do the fair weather diversions. For Passing time Frank Zamakis and Bill Stuede a canoe trip on ~ Lake pas1!I8S some time on a pleasant • ~~:r~~r~:~ ~Ja~l~~e df~i~~~o~::J spring day. The two natives of Arlington Heights may find Wednesday's weather less favorable. coach. however. with predictions of rain and colder ~res . (Photo by John Lopinot) Derge, governance heads agree to meet By Daryl StepheDSOll Those makjng the decision were Lon vested interest in makillB this JJniver- than the U-5enate." This, he said, is DaDy Egypti.aa Staff Writer Shelbv, chainnan Graduate sity move abeed!' . due to coosa-rabJe sentiment ~' ithin Council; Lee Hester, chltirman of the Following the decision. Kenny the cooncil that dealing with the • The heads of three campus govern- Nonacademic Employes CounCil and suggested that each constituent body be president is quicker and more efficient mental units along with David Kenney. Wayne Riley, vice-president and Chris prepared to discuss specific matters than dealing with the U-Senate. president of the University Senate. J ensen. secretary of the Graduate dealing directly with their respective Jensen, in describing the Grdduate agreed Tuesday to meet with President Student Council. area. Student Council's recent second David R. Derge to discus the fate of thoughts concerning campus gover­ The proposal to meet Derge came During the meeting, the governmen­ the campus governance ystem and the from Catanese. who said "the current nance, attributed much of the " decline of campus morale. " tal heads expressed concern that the disiUusionment within the council to morale on this campus is lower than at Campus Governance System is in Anthonv Catanese. vice-pre 'ident of any point since the spring of 1970. what he descri~i as Derge's recent the U-Senate. said the meeting will be Either President Derge doesn't know it jeopardy. il'lplication that the role of the various held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the ·Senate or doesn't acknowledge it. The various "Since President Derge has come constituent bodit!S woold be advisory ~eadquarters. 906 W. Grand, and will governmental units ha\'e a moral into office," Hester said, "our rather than legislative. include the heads of all seven campus responsiblity to make him <Derge) Nonacademic Employes Council has Also, Jensen criticized Derge for governmental units. aware of this. because we all ha ve a tended to appeal directly to him rather sayi~ that he would accept advice from any campus cooncil ootside the U­ Senate. "I think he's attempting to atomize the campus when he says IPIR G study shows 40 per cent something like this," Jensen said. Shelby said, "I'm disturbed by the number of faculty who are questioning the governance system. Many of them want the Graduate Council to withdraw .difference in drug store prices from the U-5enate and establish a one­ don't think they (IPIRG) even used t&-ooc reJati.onship with the president" By Sue Millen veyed may have been aware that a sur­ the correct price. Their methods were a " However," Shelby said, "I don' t Daily Egyptiaa Staff Writer vey was going to be taken and thus little subversive. so it's hard to tell." think the president is any more critical Fazord said. lowered their prices. to the problem than the faculty is. I A survey conducted by the lUinois think Derge is hoping the constituent " We based the best Price list totally Public Interest Research Group Fazord said he djd not think his store bodies will cool oCf this thiruz." (IPIRG ) from nine Carbondale area on the prices oC the 11 items sur­ ~nd Penney's could be justly compared Another factor' working against the U­ drug store showed a 39.7 per cent price veyed," Peele added. The IPmG "best Senate, said Shelby, is the resentment sance the list leaders that Penney's buys" in order are: Penny's, drug difference between the "best buy" and uses are nationaUy advertised brands, oC many people in varioos campus Mohr • the "most expen ive buy" of the 18 such as those used in the survey. department; Value, drug depart­ governments oC being linked with dif­ items urveyed. April 8-12. ment; SaY-Mart, drug department; ferent groups in one governmental John Fazord. ma nager of Hewitts "We have our own low cost brands, Westown Rexall; University Drugs, system. "Many oC them oppose the U­ Drug Store, the most expensive store and in the end I think it equals oot:' he Campus Plaza and University Drugs, SeaBte as a matter oC principle," listed, said he did not consider the sur­ said. South Illinois; Atwood Drugs; Murdale Shelby said. Walgreen's; Hewitts. vey fair or accurate. The . list leaders that FaZOrd was Also c11scussed at the meeting was the " In the fi rst place, 1 think the girl who speaJun~ about are the advertised Fazord charged that IPIRG was sur­ possibility oC the U-5eoate holding its took down my pric was mad at us items used to get people in the store­ veying a field that doesn't concern own elections for senators. because of a disagreement we had. 1 those items usually take a loss. them or really matter. Peele explained Currently, there is no provision in the that the purpose of the survey was to U-5enate bylaws for designating when Bob Peele. IPIRG representative, provide inConnation coocerning pur­ electi.ons oC senators woold be eJected. said all the items surveyed were chases in varioos fields to enable Calanese said that he had mixed national brands. "Originally, all items students to make more k.oowledgable feelings aboot the U-5enate having its were taken from the Phase II 50 top • Gus purchases. own elections because 01 what he ter­ selling items on the base price list med "logistical problems." Then we extracted the 18 most frequen­ The IPIRG survey also included 19 Jensen said that some GSC members tly pl:rchased items that were common other items. However, all those items woold object, "because they woold not Bode to all the stores surveyed," he ex­ were not common to aU the stores sur­ plained. veyed. have enough control over the senators." Keaney said be feU participation by Peele said that none oC the stores "We publishe1 the inCormation the constituent bodies in the u-5enate were contacted in advance that a sur­ anyway for the students' general ioCO!'­ eJection procesl was a way 01 in­ Gus says he always knew the price of vey would be taken. Fazord had matioo. but no comparison oC prices creuing awareness oC the U-Senate's • drugs depended on the source. suggested that some of the stores sur- was done with those items," he said. potential. ~ I I ;1 - ·f· ' FAA head tells SIU group Channel 8 presents Commercial flight movIng up Maria Callas opera By U.n.emty New, Service ethic-go to work," and become an degrading to work with your integral part Ii the industry that hands." WedMSday afternoon and evening forms in a film with exerpts from• Commercial aviation has a now is the leader in passenger Recalling his afternoon ~tion programs on WSlU-TV. Channel 8 : Act II d Puccini's " Tosca." Rock brilliant past and an unlimited movement and by 1982 will derive d aviation technology faClhtJes at 3 p.m.-Great Decision.; 3::'>­ music is performed by a grwp from future. Federal Aviation Ad­ morP revenue from freieht traffic the Southern Illinois Airport and his Consultation; 4- Sesame Street; 5- New York called Jobraith; and a ministration head John H.
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