Do not nnticipnto trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in tho suulight. Hammonton Hotel HAMMONTON, Our grand business is nob to see what Italian and American PROMPTLY SECURED lies dimly at a distanco, but to do what Livery and Boarding Write for our interesting books " Invent- RELIGIOUS. STEAM rot'oHolp" Jind "How you.aro swindled." BAPTIST. Rev. T. H. Athoj, pnator; Sun lies clearly at band. t Send «m a rough nltotcn or modal of your < day services: Preocblng 10 30, Sunday-school invention or improvement and wo will tell i 11.45, Junior C. E.,3.30 p. m., Christian En The advance of business is noted in i yon Crao our opinion as to •whether it la c Carting and Delivering of all kinds i probably patentablo. Wo make a specialty I doavor 6.30, Preaching 7.30. Weekday prnyo: all trade journals. i of applications rejected in other hands, c mooting Tbursdny evening 7.45. Boys Bri done promptly, on shoit notice. i HigSest references furnished. gado; meets Wednesday eye, in S. of V. Hall. The boy who tries to play the part of Manufacturer of the finest Vermicelli EIABION Ce ELARION . CATHOLIC, ST.. jloSEpn'a. Rev. tbe bully is always snrb* to run against Single and Double Carriages to hire, and Fancy Paste. PATENT SOLICITOUS & EOTEBTS rector— Sunday mass 10.30 a. in., vespers at a snap;. Bullyism is no evidence of real by tbe day or hour. Maccaroni in packages, with dircctiono. I Clva A Mechanical Engineers; Graduated of tho i T.30 p.m. HAMMONTOH, N". J., SEPTEMBER 24, 1898. i Itolytcchnte School of Engineering, Bachelors In i bravery, but quite the contrary,—real Tho loose, as well as tbe packed of the- NO. 39 , Applied QeloncoB, Laval Univnralty, Blembcra EPISCOPAL, ST. MARK'S. ROT. Edwin C , TaxcntLaw Association, American Water Worka i Alcorn, rootor. Celebration of Holy Eucbaris cowardice. very best quality, and nothing inferior Association, New England "W':itcr Worits Asaoc. Isi and 3rd Sundays ot 10:30 a.m. Other Bun to the imported ones. I*-Q. Surveyors AflROclatlon. Asaoc. Member Con. What a difference there is between [ Eocfcly of civil Engineers. days, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany, and and a most reliable line of Spending the Road IVloney. I The only defence I offer, as an indivi- WASHINGTON, D. C. Sermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.31) a.m what we are and what wo want others all the popular brands of dual, is to point to Bellovue avenue and MONTREAL, CAN. Evensong 7:30 p. ra. Sunday School 9:30 a.m to be. Tobacco, and my own make Friday Evensong, 7.30. Saints Day Colobra Imported Groceries ED. BEPTJBLICAN: Aa you have Main road at present. We have some- lion, 7:30 a.m. Special services in Advent and It's idle to wait for your ship to come A. H.Phllllps. W. A.Founco. Lent. Bee a fit to express your opinion on the. thing to show for the money. Attomey-at-taw in unless you have sent one out. terrible negligence of the bnilt-up por- The sayings of a stranger aro nothing. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W.N.Ogborni Official Town Attorney, pastor. Sunday services: class 9.30, a. m, No man is born into the world whose Is what I cull tho attention A. H. Phillips & Co. tion of the town, and aa 1 was one of One sees filth where another sees excel). Arlitz Building, Hammonton, R-I-P-A-N-S preaching 10.20, Sunday-school 12.00 noon work is not born with him. of my eld friends, and new the road committee, let .us "confer to-1 Epworth League ".00 p. m., preaching 7.30, friends. Also, well selected Tmce. My neighbor, Mr. Gowdy, jost Union Bank Building, Atlantic City. Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.45. Arnbitiou without proper preparation line of sporting goods. Insurance* gethet," and take a look from both from the west, does not agree with the Prayer mooting Thursday 7.45 p. m. sides. stranger regarding our town. ' The modern stand- Mjsaion at Pine lload. is vain. In Hammonton PIIESBYTEIHAN. Rev. (J. B. VnnDjho pastor, Prosperity comes only to him who is —MONEY— You were a little humorous, Mr. Ot course, electric lights are for all every Thursday ard Family Medi- Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a. m., Sun- propaied". FOB Editor, especially when referring to the tbe people, and the roads are used also day-school 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p. m. x poor merchants, who sweep in front of by the1 down towu residents, but every Practice in all Courts of the State. cine j Cures the C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday 7.45 p.m. You cannot stop being educated by GEO. W. PRESSEY, Mortgage Loans. With us, beet Jar Eubbers Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.45 p. m. their stores, and the awful 'filth of one cannot step next door for a letter, ceasing to attend school; the most you Hammonton, N. J., Money for first mortgege loans •Missions utFolsom and Magnolia. Correspondence Solicited. have been 3 c. per dozen all Bellevue was the matter that attracted like you, Mr. Editor, and good roads common every-day Italian Evangelical. Rev.'Thomas Fragalo, can do is to select your teachers. dealer in Pastor. Sundoy School at 10.30 a.m. Preach- Justice of the Peace, 1828 Atlantic Avenue, the season. the attention of some visitor who had are, for some, an absolute necessity. ills of humanity. ing at 9 a.m. Saturday, 7 p.m., preaching. Tbe ioys extracted by a corkscrew perhaps never stepped ?ntp Delaware Then, Mr. Editor, the road committee, UmvERSAtiaT. pas- are always transitory ones. Office. Second and Cherry Bts. Atlantic City, N.J. Avenue, in Philadelphia. W. R, TILTON & Go. tor. Sunday services: preaching 10.30 a. m. Sure Catch sticky Fly Paper is having in view "down'towni'^aBked for Sunday school, 12.00 noon, proacbiig 7.30 Then again, Mr. Editor, the people more money. Tbe town is booming p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings. Niagara Falls as good as any in the mar- did not vote at the last election for wilh "a tariff lor revenue only," but WOMAH'S CHRISTIAN TEIIPEBAHCE UHIOH. The last two ten-day excursions of the ket. It is cheap at 1 cent clean streets and good roada; they you did not see fit to grant the request. Mrs. Chas. E. Roberts president, Mrs. 8. E. July 1, 1S9S. "We represent companies that are among Brown secretary, Mrs. Win. Rutherford cor- present season to Niagara Falls via the voted for men who were safe on the It is a pity that the weeds are such a TJOWtJ TRAINS. ' CP TEAINS. the best. responding leoretaty. -. Pennsylvania Railroad will leave Phila- .per double sheet, or 20 cts. delphia, Baltimore, and Washington on license question; so please keep in view source of agony. I beseeched those on Onr rates are with the lowest. September 15 and 20, 1898. An exper- DI.JO. m.|p. m.|p.ui.|p.m|p,m[p.in 8TATIOK8. a.ni.ja.iu.|a ui.lu. m.ja. nijp.m|p.m!p.iu|p. za. per box. tbe fact that when 'you want a thing the lines ot the roads to cut them down, MUinOIPAL. 12453.00J5 10|500030 Insurance given us will have prompt and CLEHK. J. L.'O'Donnell. ienced touri-it agent and chaperon accom- 6 25 7 59 10 20 10-20 IL 10 6 K\& 45 lo 60 you must vote for it. but they rather like them. Some will pany each excursion. 1""2 57|" 3 10J" S 50|5 12 0 10, Ounden t 6 13 8 10 10 03 10 0!) 1MB 8 5-5s' 6 10 6 .S3 10 88. careful attention. COLLECTOR <St TREASURER. A.B.Davis. 6 19 6 48 ...WMtColHngswood.. 6UO 9 67! 3 51 0 «1 . We are selling quantities of Now let us looS over the roads. It is not even build up the holes in their MARSHAL. Chas. E. Huberts Excursion tickets, good for return 1 12 5 -a 6 58 ....Haddon HclgUtj.... 5 D 491 3 43 5 65 . passage on ar.y regular train, exclusive 26 541 7 Laurel Springs..... 5 B 30 Sugar in 25 pound lots. It true, the money is spent, but we have side-walks, not even cut out two inches W. B. TH.TON, Notary Public. JUSTICES. G. W. Preesey, J. B. Ryan. Si) 3 28 5 -10 Always a Good Stock CONSTABLES. Goo. Bernihouse. of limited express trains, within ten 5 45 7 Clomcmton.. 5 SO! 9 33 321 5 ,' something to show for it. We have two 39 SH7 82 ..WIlllajBBtown June.. of the side turf to let the water off. HABEY L. MONFOET, OVERSEKH HIOHWAVS. Roscoo Bickferd a »ll | 9 25 '8 14 J6 I7l._.. eaves money to buy it BO. days will be sold at $10 from Philadel- 4-1 800737 Cedu Brook 521 9 19 3 07 5 20 roads, nearly 3£ milea long, that are Some people in this town pay taxes, OVERSEER op THE POOR. 'Geo.Bornshouso. phia, Baltimore, Washington, and all 53 6 09 7 48! ;.Wlnalow Juno. (1'vo).. Hi BOO 2 67 6 00 — Commissioner of Deeds; NIOHT POLICE. J. H. Garton. points on the Delaware Division; $9.60 2 05 |3 41 8 19]023761 HammontOD 5 10 7 SO 853 9 3S|1130|2 50 4 53 ....
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