TREMOR AL,. t Cheag for Cash. PATENT HOES—AND ALE. Goods'. u _ i ( PUBLISHED BY 1\/| RS. M^jA. SELLECK has removed her T^HE subsciiber tiasrthi,sday received from T^HE subscribers have just received and of- TUST received by SMITH fe WlLSONj S.W.BENEDICT. fer for saje, a 'quantity, of warranted MILLINERY Establishment to the N. Yofk a general assortment of GRO­ • a large and handsome assortment of Cali^ TERMS.—Two Dollars p^r annum, payable building lately occupied, by DK Ansel Hoyt, CERIES, which he offers at reduced prices PATENT SPRING STEEL HOES,which coes ; plain and fig'd tiro deN?p and Levatii 'Quarterly. Mail subscribers in advance. will neither bend, batter nor. break—a very next door to the store she formerly occupied, Tor cash. The following articles are amdng tine Silks ; brown do. do. do.; Dr&is Hdkfs.| , less than a square, 75 superior article. Also—MOUNSEY'S best ' ADVERTISEMENTS where her customers are respectfully invited his assortment i black Levantine Hdkfs.; French and Italiari 'cents; a square, $1 00, for three insertions. to call. Norwalk, April 11. Cogniac and Cidar BRANDY'; Jamaica, STOCKJ3EER, which they will furnish to Crapes ; white G.VJze Vei\s ; Irish Linen j— &^xx^xxxxx x:xx>o<x,>o<>oC" St. Croix, & N. E. RtJM ; Holland & Coun­ Merchant and others as cheap as can be had OLD LINE. MILLINERY try GIN ; Young Hyson, Hyson Skin,, and in New-ifork.—It is earnestly re- iquested thif those indebted to the subscribers SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. " 11/1 RS. M. A. SELLECK has just received Souchong TEAS ; Loaf, St. Croix, & Ha­ will make'payment on or before the first of fe furniture Dimity ; black Circassian ; blacfe from New York a general assortment t)f vana SUGAR; Wheat, Rye, and Buckwheat May ne^ if they wojild wish to save the cost and colored Bombazetts ; Apron Checks ;—• GOODS in her line, which she confidently FLOUR; Rice ; Molasses; HONEY, of a of collection. - v BARTRAM & STREET. fig'd Gr,o de Nap fe Cashmere Hdkfs.; Crapd expects will give satisfaction to purchasers : very superior quality ;Crackers and Cheese ; . Norwalk, Ap™ 15, 1825. 8 " Lisse ;Love'hdkfs.; fancy cotton Shawls^ . consisting of BLACK fe YELLOW LEG­ Codfish ; Herring; Mackerel; Pork,'Pork & Beef Hams ; Coffee; Chocolate ; Ginger ;— assortment of cotton and wqrstted Hosiery• ACCOMMODATION PACKETS, HORN HATS fe GIPSIES, some-of su­ Pearlash ; Pimento.; Nutmegs ; Mustard ; To'Clothiersi Ladies and Gentlemen's black and coloured ' sail from the Landing of Hoyls fy Co. perior quality ; STRAW HATS & GIP­ Box Raisins5 Figs ; Oranges; Cassia ^Span­ T^A^TED, for the ensuing season, a horse skin Gloves; Kid do.: Beaver do; j Norwalk, for Peek-Slip, New-York. SIES, together with a good assortment of ish and American Segars ; Snbffof ail kinds; * Workman, who is master of Carding, Bang up Cord ; blue and yellow Nankeens J N Tuesday, 22(1 inst. the Norwalk Line fashionable RIBBONS, ARTIFICIAL Tobacco; Candles ; Blown Salt; Box Soap Dying, and Dressing Gloth, in all its branch­ Florentine Stripe; domestic and imported of Packets will commence running ac­ FLOWERS, BAND-BOXES, fee. fee. O an.d Patent Shaving Soap ; §)arch ; Brooms; es, and capable of taking charge of a Blue Ginghams; green Baize; red do.; fine whit© cording to their usual summer arranjreinenis, ALSO, an assortment of CALICOES, Patent Spring Steel HOES ; Bellows ; Pow­ Viit. Satisfactory recommendations, as to Flannel; Paper Hangings.; Gilt and Sill^ ^he CITIZEN, Capt. Broion, leaving Norwalk very elegant, FOR SALE as above. der & Shot; Cider, Vinegar, ^BEEft, &c.&c. character and ability, will be required,. Buttons ; black fe blue C!lotfiestfe Casshneresj through the season on Tuesdays, and return­ Norwalk, April 12, 1825. ?tf Norwalk,April 18. EDWIJ* LOCKWOOD. 5w*6 JOHN B. WHITLOCK. Satinetts; low priced and fine Cambric Mus-r ing on Saturdays ; the MECHAMC, Captain EBENEZER STEVENS Mechanic-Ville,Westchester Co. !\1arr,b;5. litis ; assortment of Ribbons ; Brown Musliii Hoijt, on Thursdays, and reluming on Tues­ for Ladies' Hats, fee. fee. Liumbkr—Old Establishment. 'PHE Court of Probate for the district of 7i days ; and the SABINA, Captain Daskarn, on O"AS just ree'd from N. York an extensive Norwalk, April 19. U rI",HE subscribers have just received per *• Danbury, has limited and appointed six Saturdays, and returning on Thursdays. & elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, Sloop ORBIT, from Ca^shill and Alba­ months froih the date hereof, for the creditors For freight or passage apply on board, or which he is now offering for sale as cheap as J,OHN BURRALL ^ u ny an additional supply of LUMBER". Their of the estate of Elizabeth Slebbins, late of at the store of H <>YTS ,fe"Co. can be purchased in any store in this county. TTAS LAtEtir received a new. supply 01 ? assortment at present consists of v Ridgfield in said district, dee'd, represented Norwalk, March 14,1825. The following comprise a part, y\t. Groceries; Hard Ware, and CrockeryJ Superfine blue & black London BROAD 100,000 Catskill Shingles, oftthe first quality insolvent, in which to exhibit their claims whicn are offered to the public at prices whicli [h CLOTHS ; Cassimeres and Sattinetts; Vel­ 45,000 Albany do do thereto, and has appointed William Iiawley will compensate the purchaser for calling.—^ vet and Bangup cords ; Bombazetts and 7,500 feet Merchantable Boards and William Keeler, commissioners to re­ The followirig articles are but a part: Stripes ; 200 yards fine superior twil'd Cer- 2,000 " Clear Boards and Plank ceive and examine said claims. GROCERIES. : cassian ; 200 yards Vesting, comprising a 1,000 " Yellow Pine Plank] . The subscribers give notice that thev shall Cogniac Brandy ; St. Croix, N. England 2,000 " Merch't. White Pine db • meet at the hoiise of Wm. Keeler in sd. Ridg­ and Jamaica Ruin; Holland, and P.'Gin:| [r;tf complete assortment ; 1000 yards superfine and common Calicoes ; 1600 yds. Furniture -2,GOO " Lath Boards field, 011 the Sd Mondays in June and Sep­ Madeira and Currant Wine ; Rice ; Keg chintz; black, white, & green French Crapes; All of the above is offered at the tember next, at one o'clock, P.M; for the pur­ Box Raisins ; Mace and Cloves ; Soap and 1 K • •G THE ELEGANT and FAST SAILING black and colored Canton Crapes ; blk Can­ lowest market prices.' STREEI & JAMES. pose of attending 011 the business of said ap­ Candles; Dye woods ; Allum.fc Copperas^ I'M 1STEAM-BO AT JOHN MARSHALL, ton hdkfs.; Silk and Cotton Flaggs ; Fancy pointment. WILLIAM HA*VLEY, ? Commis- Coffee ; Lump.Sugar; St. Croix, and New-r Capt. N. GRIFFINO, will leave foot of Roose­ Silk hdkfs ; black India Levantine, Sarcinets Lumber—New Establishment. f . WILLIAM KEELER^ 5 sioners. Orleans Brovvh Sugar; Codfish; Indigo £ $- velt-street, N.York, for Sawpitand Norwalk, and Sincheivs ; black and white Silk Gloves, rmiE Subscribers having recently entered RidafieM, March 28th, 1825. "8 Starch ; Plug, and smoking ToBacco; Ginger j every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday very superior quality ; Irish Linens, Linen jnio partnership, under the firm of Mer­ LOPED from my bed a Alspice ; Chocolate ;Brimstone, fee. fee. feci would inform the public that they Morning, at G o'clock, and return the same Cambrick, and Lawn ; one box Thread La* rill fy Hill, 19,h inst. without any just cause or pro- CROCKERY. .. • intend to days, leaving Old Well, at Norwalk} at two ces, a complete assortment; ladies white Liu- ^'arry 011 the Lumber Business in voc3///n my wife Sally Faycrwcather. This A handsome assortment of Liverpool En-f Norwalk on an extensive scale, and will keep o'clock, P. M. stopping at Sawpit. She has en pocket handkerchiefs; brown Muslin for is t , forbid all persons harboring or trusting amelled and Glass Ware, viz.: blue printed constantly on hand a general assortment of been thoroughly repaired and additional ac­ ladies Hats ; black Silk and Tabby Velvet ; her on my account as I will pay no debts of Plates; blue and green eplge, do ; Decanters; articles in that line, which (hey will sell on commodations made, which makes her very India Cambrick and Book Muslins ; Jaconet; her contracting after this date. Tumblers, of dil kinds and sizes ; enamalled commodious and pleasant. For freight or Mull, and Cambrick do ; blk and white Cot­ reasonable terms. Those who are in want STFPHEN FAYERWEATHER. and blue printed Tea ,k?ots ; do. Tea Setts j will please to call and examine for themselves. passage inquire of James Quiritard,Norwalk, ton Hose ; black and slate worsted do ; Silk r- South Salem, N. Y. April 12, 1S25. 8 Wash bowls; do. Ewers and Basins ; Vinegar or of the captain on board. Passage from Braid ; Inserting tiimmings and Suspenders ; ' ; 7 JOHN B. MERRITT, IT Cruits ; blue printed Bowls fe Milks, fec. fep^ Norwalk to New-York, $1—from Sawpit, 50 Coat and Vest Buttons, of all kinds ; 6 boxes EBE.NEZER QILL. {•y OTICE is hereby given that the 25th day HARD WARE.-r-Wrotight and cut nails ; Norwalk, April 9th, 1825. ~ 7 ^ of instaiit April, at 10 o'clock, forenoon, Cents. *#* STAGES run from Sawpit and Fancy Ribbons; large and smali Tortoise Knives and Forks,; Jack fel'ehknives; Slatd Norwalk to the. different towns back'. Mr. Shell Combs ; 15 dozen side Combs ; men's is assigned fqr all persons interested in the es­ pencils ; Wilson's broad knives ; butts, and Norwalk Dispensary. Calhoun runs his Stage regular to^ the Boat Buckskin and Beaver Gloves ; white Pins fe tate of DAVID EDMONDS, Esq. late of screws; razors and straps ; leather brhshes £ ion the above days, taking passengers to Wil­ Needles ; black Pins ; one case Ladies white SIGNof the MORTAR—South oftlieBridge.
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