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Student Tributes ....................................................149 2. Student Statements ................................................176 3. Pianists and Teachers of the Past..........................181 4. Biographical Synopses ..........................................191 5. Competition Laureates ..........................................194 6. Teaching Affiliations .............................................204 ³,ZRXOGQRWHQMR\WHDFKLQJLI,WKRXJKWP\ZRUNZDVUHGXFHGWRVKRZLQJVWXGHQWVKRZWR preserve museum pieces. Although I cannot stand carelessness with the score, I thrive on FUHDWLYLW\DQGXVLQJWKHLPDJLQDWLRQ´ ²Solomon Mikowsky (Clavier, September 2001) Hong / Solomon Mikowsky 3 PREFACE BY KOOKHE HONG After attending the Curtis Institute, I transferred to the Bachelor of Music degree program at Manhattan School of Music as a scholarship piano student of Solomon Mikowsky. Little did I know that I would remain his student through the Bachelors, Masters, Professional Studies and Doctor of Musical Arts degree programs. For eight years I have enjoyed the benefit of his talent, wisdom, experience, dedication, generosity and personal guidance. I am sure that every other pupil of his has had a like experience. His class of students has been as close to being a family as a group of competitive young professionals could possibly be. Dr. Mikowsky is a master of his art and represents the continuation of a great pianistic and pedagogical tradition. He has been honored often through awards, articles, and the successes of his students. In selecting a topic for my doctoral dissertation, it seemed to me timely and relevant to record for posterity whatever he was willing to share with us about his life and teaching ideas. We both agreed to cover the subject by way of informal dialogue. There was no attempt to superimpose any structure but the most general, allowing recollections to flow unimpeded and conclusions to come about naturally. I appreciate the many hours that Dr. Mikowsky spent with me in wide-ranging and probing discussion, as well as his friendly candor throughout all our meetings. It is my intent that future readers of these pages will come away with special insight into the labor RIORYHWKDWKDVEHHQKLVOLIH¶VFDOOLQJ Kookhee Hong Los Angeles July 23, 2012 ENDORSEMENTS I have strong memories of my studies with Solomon Mikowsky, a deeply cultured man. In her excellent book, Ms. Hong describes Mikowsky's Socratic style,posing questions that lead his students to find their own answers. His search for beauty through multiple approaches to interpretation inspires his students into finding their own voices. With his help I found mine!! Simone Dinnerstein Concert pianist SONY recording artist. -- Hong / Solomon Mikowsky 4 This book chronicles the teaching of Dr. Solomon Mikowsky and his impact on the music world. It contains the pedagogical principles and advice from a master teacher who has produced some of the most outstanding concert artists, chamber musicians, university and conservatory professors in the world. It should be read by all piano students and professors alike! Professor Mikowsky represents all the qualities of a great teacher, realizing his students' individuality and developing their artistic growth and musical maturity to their utmost potential. He demands the highest standards from his pupils and brings to his teaching a vast knowledge of all other art forms, thus enriching their learning experiences while connecting them to a greater world of beauty. Read it and enrich yourself! Dr. James Gandre President, Manhattan School of Music -- ThLVZHHNHQG,UHDG6RORPRQ0LNRZVN\¶VERRN³DWDVLQJOHVLWWLQJ´DVSHRSOHVD\+LV professional life, all his studies, work and contributions to piano teaching all over the world and, especially, his will to face the adversity of not being able to continue his career as a concert pianist ±though, in another way, he still is - is truly impressive. For those who believe that the road to success is a trouble-free one, this book is a categorical denial. Commendable results can only be achieved through work, study and dedication, not to mention, of course, talent. I believe this book can encourage professors, pianists and even researchers at all levels; it constitutes the legacy of a man who has devoted his life, like a priest, to piano learning and teaching; a man who believes in people and who works for them. All this is asserted by the testimonials and statements of his students, some of them already colleagues in this endeavor to convey their knowledge to others. In my opinion, this is 0LNRZVN\¶V greatest contribution. Radamés Giró &XED¶VOHDGLQJPXVLFRORJLVWDXWKRURIWKHfour-volume Diccionario Enciclopédico de la Música en Cuba, 2002 -- .RRNKHH+RQJ¶V7KH3LDQR7HDFKLQJ/HJDF\RI6RORPRQ0LNRZVN\LVDERRNWKDWHYHU\ serious piano student and teacher must read. It has been written with admiration and dedication by someone who has been able to fully evaluate the caliber and stature of Hong / Solomon Mikowsky 5 Mikowsky. There are few who can achieve such results and success among the best piano teachers in the world. Four of MiNRZVN\¶VVWXGHQWVDWWKH0DQKDWWDQ6FKRRORI0XVLF received 1st prizes at our competition and many others are also laureates of other prizes. The secrets of his magic are clearly described in this book. Jaime Ingram President Panama International Piano Competition -- "Solomon Mikowsky is a musician and educator I greatly respect. I have read his new biography and I am deeply touched by his enthusiasm and devotion to piano teaching. I hope that his vast experience will influence music educators world wide and that he will personally continue to contribute to it for many years to come." Lang Lang One of the most famous pianists in the world today -- "Success can only be achieved by students who don´t see themselves as students but as artists." "Good teachers give answers; a great teacher asks questions." "Please forget everything I taught you and enjoy the music." Mikowsky's wisdom, experience, creativity and passion have become loyal lighthouses that have guided me in my long voyage towards my own musical Muse Yuan Sheng One of the leading current Chinese pianists -- COMMENTS BY PROFESSOR ZHOU GUANGREN I have read with the greatest interest the doctoral dissertation on The Piano Teaching Legacy of Solomon Mikowsky, written by his student Kookhe Hong, in a format of continuous dialogue covering his life and pedagogical ideas. I have the honor of having known Dr. Mikowsky for the nearly 30 years since he first came to China to listen to our students at the Central Conservatory of Music. From that time on, he has taught a considerable number of Chinese students at the Manhattan School of Music in New York, guiding their musical and cultural development and helping them at every opportunity to make their experience in a strange country smoother and easier. Hong / Solomon Mikowsky 6 7ULEXWHVIURP'U0LNRZVN\¶VFXUUHQWDQGIRUPHUVWXGHQWVPDQ\RIWKHPVXFFHVVIXO SLDQLVWVDQGWHDFKHUVDUHUHSULQWHGLQRQHRIWKHERRN¶VDSSHQGLFHV7KH\DUHDWHVWDPHQW to his often praised magical ability to develop his students into mature artists and confirm ZK\KHLVRQHRIWKHZRUOG¶VPRVWVRXJKW-after piano teachers. From these tributes there emerges a picture of far more than a teacher of traditional principles of beautiful playing. :HVHHDPHQWRUZKRQXUWXUHVKLVVWXGHQWV¶PXVLFDOWDVWHVWylistic awareness and their skill in projecting and communicating musical ideas, reinforcing the growth of personal artistic identities that distinguish one young performer from another while giving them the confidence to share their unique gifts with the world. This boob is a welcome contribution, sure to benefit Chinese teachers and students present and future, and serving to broaden the understanding of music lovers fascinated by the magical world of artistic teaching. Zhou Guangren One of &KLQD¶VOeading piano teachers Beijing, February 15, 2014 -- COMMENTS BY PROFESSOR DAN ZHAOYI A legendary teacher and his piano pedagogy Recommending The Piano Teaching Legacy of Solomon Mikowsky to my peers I invite the entire community of pianists and
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