ISSN 0378-6986 Official Journal C 363 Volume 43 of the European Communities 18 December 2000 English edition Information and Notices Notice No Contents Page I Information Commission 2000/C 363/01 List of credit institutions provided for in Articles 37) and 102) of Directive 77/780/ EEC Situation as at 31 December 1999) Ð Eighteenth version .................. 1 Price: EUR 59,50 EN 18.12.2000 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 363/1 I Information) COMMISSION List of credit institutions provided for in Articles 37) and 10)2 of Directive 77/780/EEC 2000/C 363/01) Articles 37) and 102) of first Council Directive 77/780/EEC of Directive applies in its entirety. There is no doubt that this 12 December 1977 on the coordination of laws, regulations and Article applies to credit cooperatives belonging to the network administrative provisions relating to the taking-up and pursuit of of Rabobanken in the Netherlands and to the `caisses agricoles' in the business of credit institutions 1) require the Commission to Luxembourg although, in the latter case, application of the draw up and publisha list of all credit institutions authorised to Directive has anyway been deferred pursuant to Article 25) and do business in Member States. 6)). This is the 18th occasion on which the Commission has The present list was drawn up by the Commission on the basis of complied with the above requirement. The list published in the information supplied by the Member States. Unlike the registers Annex to this communication is based on the latest information of banks kept in some Member States, the list has no legal available. significance and confers no rights in law. If an unauthorised institution is inadvertently included in the list, its legal status is in As a general rule, the list comprises all the credit institutions no way altered; similarly, if an institution has inadvertently been falling within the scope of the first coordinating Directive that omitted from the list, the validity of its authorisation will not be were engaged in business in a Member State on the date affected. The Commission is responsible only for the accurate indicated. It does not include institutions excluded from the reproduction of information received on individual credit scope of the Directive pursuant to Article 22) 2) thereof, institutions, while responsibility for the respective sections of institutions in respect of which application of the Directive has the list, and especially the spelling of the style and location of the been deferred pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6 of that Article or institutions and their classification in a given group, lies with the credit institutions in the process of liquidation. There are, Member States in question. however, a number of other exceptions. First, it does not include institutions which, although subject to the Directive, are exempt With regard to entries in the column headed `Legal form', which from some of its provisions pursuant to Article 24) thereof, are, by their very nature, in most cases untranslatable, it should which introduces special arrangements for institutions which be pointed out that terminological similarities are not to be belong to a network controlled by a central body to which the taken to indicate that the legal status is the same. ÐÐÐ _________________ 1) OJ L 322, 17.12.1977, p. 30. 2) Except where indicated, the Articles referred to in the following text relate to Directive 77/780/EEC. C 363/2 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 18.12.2000 ABBREVIATIONS IN THE TABLES In the column `Minimum capital', values have the following meaning: Value Meaning Y Initial capital greater than EUR 5 million N Initial capital between EUR 1 and 5 million 0 No initial capital In the column `Status deposit protection', values have the following meaning: Value Meaning Y Normal deposit guarantee scheme according to Directive 94/19/EC $Article 3$1)$1)) N Equivalent deposit guarantee scheme according to Directive 94/19/EC $Article 3$1)$2)) 0 No deposit guarantee scheme 18.12.2000 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 363/3 ANNEX CONTENTS Page Belgium B) . ...................................................................... 4 Denmark DK) . ...................................................................... 15 Germany D) . ...................................................................... 24 Greece GR) . ...................................................................... 119 Spain E) ........................................................................... 123 France F) ........................................................................... 145 Ireland IRL) . ...................................................................... 191 Italy I) . ........................................................................... 197 Luxembourg L) ...................................................................... 241 Netherlands NL) . .................................................................. 253 Austria AT) . ...................................................................... 268 Portugal P) . ...................................................................... 298 Finland FI) . ...................................................................... 307 Sweden SE) . ...................................................................... 321 United Kingdom UK) .................................................................. 329 C 363/4 18.12.2000 BE LGICA BELGIEN BELGIEN BEKCIO BELGIUM BELGIQUE BELGIO BELGIEÈ BE LGICA BELGIA BELGIEN Para toda informacioÂn adicional / For yderligere oplysninger / FuÈr weitere Informationen / Cia stvoàm rtlpkgqxlasijeÝz pkgqouoqißez / For any additional information / Pour toute information suppleÂmentaire / Per informazioni supplementari / Voor verdere inlichtingen / Para toda informacàaÄo suplementar / LisaÈtietoja / FoÈr ytterligare upplysningar Commission bancaire et financieÁre / Commissie voor het Bank-en Financiewezen ControÃle prudentiel des eÂtablissements de creÂdit/Prudentieel toezicht op kredietinstellingen Avenue Louise/Louizalaan 99 B-1050 Bruxelles/Brussel TeÂl./Tel. 32-2) 535 23 46 Fax 32-2) 535 24 96 18.12.2000 C 363/5 Nota / Bemñrkning / Anmerkung / Rgleißxrg cia som amacmxârsg / Note to reader / Remarque / Nota / Opmerking / Nota / Huomautus / AnmaÈrkning El texto de las notas se encuentra en la paÂgina 13. Fodnoterne findes paÊ side 13. Fuûnoten siehe Seite 13. Oi tporgleixâreiz etqißrjomsai rsg rekißda 13. The footnotes appear on page 13. Le texte des notes se trouve page 13. Il testo delle note si trova a pagina 13. De tekst van de voetnoten bevindt zich op bladzijde 13. O texto das notas encontra-se na paÂgina 13. Alaviitteet ovat sivulla 13. Fotnoterna finns paÊ sidan 13. C 363/6 oB 18.12.2000 Situacio ndela garantõÂade depoÂsitos / Status over indskuds- garantiordninger / Einlagenschutz- Nombre / Sede / Forma jurõÂdica / Observaciones / Capital mõÂnimo / status / Rtársgla Navn / Hjemsted / Retlig form / Bemñrkninger / Minimumskapital / ecctgÞrexz sxm Name / Sitz / Rechtsform / Anmerkungen / Mindestkapital / jasaheÝrexm / Status Ömola / Ódqa / MolijgÞ loqugÞ / PaqasgqgÞreiz / EkaÜvirso jeuaÜkaio / of deposit Name / Location / Legal form / Observations / Minimum capital / protection / Nom / SieÁge / Forme juridique / Observations / Capital minimal / Situation en matieÁre Nome / Sede / Forma giuridica / Osservazioni / Capitale minimo / de protection des Naam / Zetel / Rechtsvorm / Opmerkingen / Minimaal kapitaal / deÂpoÃts / Sistema di Nome / Sede / Forma jurõÂdica / ObservacàoÄes / Capital mõÂnimo / garanzia di Nimi / Kotipaikka / YhtioÈmuoto / Huomautukset / VaÈhimmaÈispaÈaÈoma/ depositi / Status Namn SaÈte RaÈttslig form AnmaÈrkningar Minimikapital depositogarantie- regeling / Regime da garantia de depoÂsitos / Talletussuoja / Status insaÈttningsgaranti 123456 1. Liste des eÂtablissements de creÂdit / Lijst van kredietinstellingen 1) Aachener Bank eG Eupen 3) Aachen, D Y Y ABN AMRO BANK Brussel Ð Bruxelles 3) Amsterdam, NL Y Y AGF Belgium Bank Bruxelles Ð Brussel SocieÂte anonyme/ YY Naamloze ven- nootschap Antwerps Beroepskrediet Antwerpen CooÈperatieve ven- 4) YY nootschap Antwerpsche Hypotheekkas, ook genoemd: ANHYP of Antwerpen Naamloze ven- YY Spaarbank ANHYP Caisse HypotheÂcaire Anversoise, aussi nootschap appeleÂe: ANHYP ou Banque d'Epargne ANHYP) *) Antwerpse Diamantbank Banque diamantaire anversoise) *) Antwerpen Naamloze ven- YY nootschap Argenta Spaarbank, verkort/en abreÂge : ASPA Antwerpen Naamloze ven- YY nootschap Argentaria, Caja Postal y Hipotecario Bruxelles Ð Brussel 3) Madrid, E Y Y Artesia Banking Coporation, en abreÂge : Banque Artesia, Bruxelles Ð Brussel SocieÂte anonyme/ YY Artesia Bank en anglais, ou encore: Artesia Artesia Banking Naamloze ven- Coporation, verkort: Artesia Bank of Artesia) *) nootschap Artesia Banking Coporation, verkort: Artesia Bank of Artesia Brussel Ð Bruxelles Naamloze ven- YY Artesia Banking Coporation, en abreÂge : Banque Artesia, nootschap/SocieÂte Artesia Bank en anglais, ou encore: Artesia ) *) anonyme B.B.L., en entier: Banque Bruxelles Lambert B.B.L., voluit: Bruxelles Ð Brussel SocieÂte anonyme/ YY Bank Brussel Lambert) *) Naamloze ven- nootschap B.B.L., voluit: Bank Brussel Lambert B.B.L., en entier: Banque Brussel Ð Bruxelles Naamloze ven- YY Bruxelles Lambert) *) nootschap/SocieÂte anonyme Bacob Brussel Ð Bruxelles CooÈperatieve ven- YY nootschap/SocieÂte coopeÂrative Banca Monte Paschi Belgio S.A. Bruxelles Ð Brussel SocieÂte anonyme/
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