TUGboat, Volume 25 (2004), No. 2 203 The Treasure Chest fonts accfonts in fonts/utilities Programs to generate accented fonts. antt in fonts/psfonts/polish/antt This is a selected list of the packages posted to CTAN Antykwa Toru´nska is a two-element typeface de- from January 2004 through December 2004, with signed by Zygfryd Gardzielewski, a Polish typog- descriptive text pulled from the announcement or rapher. A great variety of characters, including researched and edited for brevity. Please inform us many mathematical symbols, in many weights, are of any errors. included. This installment, like the last, lists entries al- aurical in fonts phabetically within CTAN directories, rather than Calligraphic font resembling handwriting. by date. We’ve also omitted some packages which bera in fonts had only minor updates, again for brevity. New fonts Bera Serif, Bera Sans, and Bera Mono, Hopefully this column and its companions will based on the Vera fonts made freely available by help to make CTAN a more accessible resource to the Bitstream. (Renamed due to the license condi- T X community. Comments are welcome, as always. tions.) E cirth in fonts Tolkien’s Cirth font. Mark LaPlante cm-lgc in fonts/ps-type1 109 Turnbrook Drive Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT sources of Huntsville, AL 35824 the Computer Modern font families. [email protected] courier-scaled in fonts/ps-fonts Sets the default typewriter font to Courier with a biblio possible scale factor. dictsym in fonts babelbib in biblio/bibtex/contrib Symbols commonly used in dictionaries. Generates multilingual bibliographies in coopera- esint in fonts/ps-type1 tion with babel. Eddie Saudrais’s font esint10 in Adobe PostScript bib-fr in biblio/bibtex/contrib Type 1 format. French translations of classical BibTEX styles. fc in fonts/jknappen bib2xhtml in biblio/bibtex/utils Fonts for African languages. Convert BibTEX files into XHTML. fourier-GUT in fonts Fourier-GUTenberg is a math complement for Adobe bibtool in biblio/bibtex/utils Utopia. Manipulation of BibT X files, including: sorting E fpl in fonts and merging, pretty-printing, syntax checks with Small caps and oldstyle digits for URW Palladio L. error recovery, semantic checks, generation of uni- frcursive in fonts form reference keys, controlled rewriting with reg- This is the French Cursive font, a cursive handwrit- ular expressions, collection of statistics, and more. ing font family in the style of the French academic Includes documentation. C source only (no binary). running-hand, written with METAFONT. ebib in biblio/bibtex/utils greektex in fonts/greek BibTEX database manager for GNU Emacs. Fonts for processing LATEX files written in a mixture IEEEannot in biblio/bibtex/contrib of Greek and English. Unofficial style for an annotated bibliography in the hfoldsty in fonts IEEE citation format. Provides virtual fonts for using oldstyle figures with spain in biblio/bibtex/contrib the European Computer Modern fonts. The traditional bibliographic style in Spain. ibygrk in fonts/greek A collection of fonts and macros to typeset ancient vancouver in biblio/bibtex/contrib Greek. T X style to meet the “Uniform Requirements Bib E kerkis in fonts/greek for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” Kerkis font family, based on URW Bookman, with (the Vancouver style). complete Greek support. lm in fonts/ps-type1 The massive Latin Modern font collection, in Type 1 dviware format. dvipng in dviware metatype1 in fonts/utilities Convert .dvi files to .png images. The tool used to build the excellent Latin Modern fonts/utilities/metatype1 204 TUGboat, Volume 25 (2004), No. 2 fonts, among others. Has example source for an pst-bar in graphics/pstricks/contrib extended version of Knuth’s logo font. Produce bar charts. MnSymbol in fonts pst-fr3d in graphics/pstricks/contrib Math symbol font for Adobe MinionPro. Draw 3D framed boxes. nkarta in fonts pst-func in graphics/pstricks/contrib A corrected version of karta, containing map sym- Draw some special mathematical functions. bols. pst-geo in graphics/pstricks/contrib pandora in fonts/ps-type1 Draw geographical projections. Type 1 versions of the Pandora fonts. pst-infixplot in graphics/pstricks/contrib psethiop in fonts/ps-type1 Macro commands for converting natural mathemat- For typesetting Ethiopian languages. ical expressions to PostScript syntax. That is, al- lows PSTricks plotting with infix expressions rather sanskrit in fonts/ps-type1 than RPN. Type 1 version of Charles Wikner’s ‘skt’ font series for the Sanskrit language. pst-jftree in graphics/pstricks/contrib Draw trees. sauter in fonts/cm An update to the Sauter parameter package for pst-light3d in graphics/pstricks/contrib Computer Modern fonts. Draw a 3D shadowing effect on characters and PSTricks graphics. skaknew in fonts/chess For typesetting chess games. pst-math in graphics/pstricks/contrib Enhancement of PostScript math operators for use t1infos in fonts/utilities with PSTricks. Two tiny tools for studying Type 1 fonts: t1area in gives information about the black area of a glyph, pst-poly graphics/pstricks/contrib Draw various polygons. and t1extremes tells if the “extremes” of Bezier curves are at the right place. pstricks-add in graphics/pstricks/contrib A collection of code from the pstricks mailing list. tapir in fonts A simple geometrical font mostly created from line sparklines in graphics and circular segments with constant thickness. Sparklines are intense, simple, wordlike graphics. This tool allows drawing sparklines using the pgf tipa in fonts package. An update of the TIPA typefaces. texcad32 in graphics tt2001 in fonts/ps-type1 TEXCad32 is a clone of the DOS program Texcad Type 1 EC fonts generated by T Xtrace. E running under Windows. tpic2pdftex in graphics graphics An awk bridge from tpic to PDFTEX. 3DLDF in graphics Three-dimensional (batch) drawing program with help METAPOST output. uk-tex-faq in help in a2ping graphics Major English-language FAQ, with information on Unix command line utility written in Perl that con- virtually all TEX-related topics. Available on the verts many raster image and vector graphics for- web at http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq. mats to EPS, PDF, and other formats. epix in graphics Utility for mathematically accurate, camera quality indexing plots and line figures. cooridx in indexing expressg in graphics/metapost/contrib/macros Preprocessor for MakeIndex to sort chemical names Facilities to assist in drawing diagrams that consist in an index. of boxes, lines, and annotations, such as IDEF or UML. Particular support is provided for creating EXPRESS-G diagrams. info featpost in graphics/metapost/macros beginlatex in info Three-dimensional drawing with METAPOST. A thorough manual on getting started with LATEX— metaplot in graphics Formatting Information: A Beginner’s Guide to Plot-manipulation macros for METAPOST. LATEX, by Peter Flynn. pst-3dplot in graphics/pstricks/contrib chroma in info/colour Plot 3D math functions. A reference book of LATEX colors. fonts/MnSymbol TUGboat, Volume 25 (2004), No. 2 205 fontinstallationguide.pdf in info/Type1fonts A comprehensive guide to installing Type 1 Post- macros/context Script fonts. bib in macros/context/contrib guia-atx in info/spanish ConTEXt bibliography module. A guide to writing LAT X documents with Emacs E t-amsl in macros/context/contrib/maths and AucT X. E Provides some environments and commands that l2tabu in info AMS-LATEX users expect. Mark Trettin’s guide to common problems with t-nath in macros/context/contrib/maths LAT X. Originally in German with translations E Provides for ConT Xt the same functionality as the available in English, French and Italian. E nath package for LATEX. lshort in info “The Not Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε”, by To- bias Oettiker. Available in Bulgarian, Dutch, En- macros/latex/contrib glsh, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, 12many in macros/latex/contrib Spanish, Slovak, Thai, and Ukrainian. Provides generic way of writing “1, 2, many”, as in {1, 2, . , m}. rgb in info/colour X11 color swatches. anufinalexam in macros/latex/contrib LAT X document shell to produce the standard for- tex-references in info E matting of final exams at The Australian National Reference information for TEX and friends. University. tlc2 in info/examples arcs in macros/latex/contrib Examples from The LATEX Companion, Second Edi- Place an arc over or under a short piece of text. tion. assignment in macros/latex/contrib ttb in info/biblio Class for writing homework and lab assignments. A manual about bibliographies, especially BibTEX. beamer in macros/latex/contrib voss in info/math Create slides and presentations for a projector; now Articles on math-related topics by Herbert Voss, with much-improved support for verbatim code, originally published in Die TEXnische Kom¨odie. and many other bug fixes. bigfoot in macros/latex/contrib language Critical edition work in progress; for now, just the suffix package making it easy to define command in CBcoptic language/coptic variations like \macro* and \macro\!. Typeset Coptic philological text with proper fonts caption in macros/latex/contrib and hyphenation. Very general customization of captions in floating in cjhebrew language/hebrew environments such as figure and table; cooperates Hebrew typesetting package including fonts. with many other packages. in eehyph language/hyphenation clefval in macros/latex/contrib Estonian hyphenation patterns. Defines macros \TheKey and \TheValue to support elhyph in language/hyphenation (the semblance of) hash tables. Greek hyphenation patterns. cmap in macros/latex/contrib gahyph in language/hyphenation Create PDF files with searchable and copyable text; Irish hyphenation patterns. now also works with the CJK package. ibycus-babel in language/greek/package-babel contour in macros/latex/contrib Allows usage of the Ibycus 4 font for ancient Greek Generates a colored contour around a given text, with Babel. enabling printing text over a background without ithyph in language/hyphenation the need for a color box around the text.
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