MUUGLines The Manitoba UNIX User Group Newsletter Volume 27 No. 3, November 2014 Editor: Adam Thompson Next Meeting: October 14th, 2014 !here to Find the Meeting RTFM and presentation: In the RTFM segment this month, Wyatt Zacharias will explore the differences between wget(1) and curl(1). en for this month"s presentation, Brad Vo%ey will gi&e a demonstration o! Li&e(ode) an open so*rce, cross+platform, rapid application de&elop+ ment language. Li&e(ode e&ol&ed from MetaC+ ard (the original Unix Hyper(ard clone/ into be+ coming a tr*e cross+platform I01 capable o! r*n+ ning on i23, Android, O3 X, Windows, and se&+ eral variations o! Unix incl*ding Linux, Solaris, and B30. It can be used to write mobile, des%top and ser&er6(7I applications and is the most widely used Hyper(ard6.yperTal% clone. Meetings are held in the Uni&ersity o! Win+ nipeg's Loc%hart Hall (mar%ed “L” on the map/, at the so*th+east corner o! Spence Street and El+ lice A&enue. We can normally be fo*nd in room :'AB, b*t occasionally get relocated to nearby MUUG Mugs! rooms. I! there is a change, it sho*ld be con+ &eyed via a sign on the door to 1'AB. Par%ing is #ac% by pop*lar demand8 M--7 now has new available on the s*rro*nding streets. Please see coffee m*gs, cobalt bl*e and deep laser+etched http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/maps for f*rther in+ with o*r age old, lo&able logo for sale for $:; !ormation abo*t par%ing and access to the cam+ cash. They are q*ality m*gs, made in the U34, p*s. and have a fairly large vol*me capacity. Want a m*g b*t can’t make meetings> As% on the mail+ Those who do not understand UNIX are ing list and most li%ely a board member can de+ condemned to reinvent it, poorly. li&er one within Winnipeg. —Henry Spencer " #$er% slightl%' Ne( )oo* Lo* can see the new logo on the front page, in the header. The impro&ements are s*btle, b*t Adam Thompson, Newsletter Editor they"re there. Fonts MUUG +oard ,&ection ‒ No.inees 4s free and open-so*rce soDware waxes in the -EI5F world, and PostScript® wanes, I"&e taken Adam Thompson, Nomination Committee Chair the opportunity to extend some recent disc*s+ ,Ed. note) I forgot to get updated bios for most o! sions at the Board le&el into the newsletter) new these nominees – the stale bios are my fault, not !onts are used in this newsletter. the nominee"s fault8/ e masthead and header use the Droid family o! e c*rrent nominees who have agreed to stand Tr*eType fonts, which were released by Google !or election to the M--7 Board o! Directors are) and Ascender under the Apache license. The en+ tire Droid family o! fonts is freely available in the Tre$or Cordes: Owner, Tecnopo&is 4ndroid S0G and6or from Google FontsH yo*r ,nterprises distrib*tion li%ely has a pac%age that installs Trevor Cordes has owned and operated them automatically for yo*. They can also be re+ Tecnopolis Enterprises – a computer VAR, trie&ed programming and consultancy company – since !rom .https://code.google.com/p/google- 1999. Linux and open source have been the fontdirectory/. Note that Ascender Corpora+ keystone of Tecnopolis since 2000 with the tion licenses the Droid Pro series o! fonts for introduction of Linux-based appliances which commercial users. today are critical to the operation of over 20 local 4long with the occasional smattering o! Droid small businesses. Trevor was President of the 3ans Mono, the body o! the newsletter now uses Atari ST User’s Group in 1995 and 1997-1999, 'inux Libertine and Linux Biolin*m OpenType and also holds a B.Sc. (CompSci) from the !onts, released by the Libertine Open Fonts Pro+ University of Manitoba. His main workstation Iect under both the GC'&J and the OF'. These runs Fedora. !onts pro&ide excellent typographic res*lts both Gi&bert Deti&&ieux: S%stems Anal%st, on screen and on paper, excellent UEI(20E co&+ Uni$ersit% of Manitoba erage, a wide variety o! styles, and are freely Gilbert Detillieux has been working with UNIX as available from http://www.linuxlib- a programmer, system administrator, and trainer ertine.org/. since 1980. He worked as a computer consultant 2nce the appropriate files ha&e been positi&ely specializing in UNIX, from 1983 to 1989, and is identiKed, they"ll get uploaded to the M--7 FTC currently working as a Systems Analyst for the ser&er alongside the newsletter. As a bonus, us+ University of Manitoba’s Department of ing freely+distrib*table fonts instead o! Post+ Computer Science, where’s he’s worked since 3cript® standard fonts sho*ld make the job o! 1989, installing, supporting and upgrading the prod*cing and editing the newsletter easier, as department’s network and UNIX server not e&eryone has access to the original “4dobe infrastructure. He was co-founder and past J;” fonts. president of the Technical UNIX User Group (now MUUG), and has been an active member of )ogo the MUUG board ever since. Wyatt Zacharias has kindly undertaken the job Michael Doob: Professor, Uni$ersit% of o! rewor%ing o*r old logo into a modern format, Manitoba and fixed up some long-standing iss*es with it at Michael Doob is a member of the Mathematics the same time. The original logo was hand+coded Department at the University of Manitoba. He in Encaps*lated PostScript (as far as I can tell, has been using UNIX since 1990, primarily as a anyway/ and it didn't scale as well as we wanted working environment for mathematical it to. publishing. He has been a member of MUUG for .e has de&eloped se&eral UEI56'inux co*rses, over a decade and has given a number of and has also ta*ght R0#M3 administration. presentations to that group. 4dam has been a member o! M--7 since 1PP;, Robert Kei5er: Owner, Arg%&e Machine and a board member for a decade. Robert Keizer is a Systems Administrator and Brad :o*e%: Owner, Fortresss Software Developer. Apart from his full time position as a #rad Vo%ey is the owner o! Fortress SoDware Inc. Systems Administrator, Robert is interested in and the creator o! the Matchmaker F*ndraiser (a visualization, statistical analysis, and music. !*ndraiser that “matches up” o&er 1 million high 4e$in McGregor: Systems Specialist, Cit% of school students across Canada and the U.3. d*r+ !innipeg ing Valentine=s/. Brad started the company in Kevin McGregor provides server, platform and :PB; using Apple II comp*ters writing the ori+ infrastructure support in the City of Winnipeg’s ginal program entirely in 6;AO machine language. Information Systems Department. After having e program migrated to 6BAAA machine lan+ briefly used UTS on an Amdahl mainframe in guage (on Atari ST comp*ters/ in 1PBR and then university in the mid-80s, he dabbled in Coherent e&entually to C (and Atari TT comp*ters/ soon and then converted to Linux and OpenBSD. He after. The original C program is still very m*ch has been a member of MUUG since the early 90s, ali&e to this day and is constantly being tweaked edited the group’s newsletter for a number of and added to e&ery year. Brad has ser&ed on the years, presented various topics at MUUG board o! the Atari ST Users Gro*p (3T-7/ until meetings and has served on the board for the its dissol*tion in 2AAA and has been a member o! majority of his membership. M--7 since 2AAR. He was first exposed to Linux in 1PPP with Mandrake 6.A, uses Linux on a daily 4atherine Scrupa: St6 John's Ravenscourt basis on his company=s firewalls, and is loo%ing School !orward to converting his entire oSce to Linux Gatherine is a I.3. Ser&ice Des% Technician at St. “sometime” in the f*t*re. Nohn’s+Ravensco*rt school. Katherine has been *sing Linux excl*si&ely at home for fi&e years, !%att Zacharias: Unix>)inux Administrator, d*ring which she has also been a member o! Manitoba Blue /ross M--7. Promoting her learning experiences and Wyatt Zacharias grad*ated from Red Ri&er Col+ sol*tions to beneKt others, her blog can be loc+ lege in comp*ter networ%ing, and now wor%s at ated at http://uniquegeek.blogspot.com. Her Manitoba Bl*e Cross s*pporting a mixture o! ed*cational p*rs*its in Comp*ter Science at U o! .C6-5 and Linux. His interests incl*de micro M led her to a Networ% Technology C(E4 pro+ controllers and robotics. gram (.ons./ at Red Ri&er College in 2A:A, with emphasis on wor%ing with Linux, cabling, and MUUG Mirroring Re?uests networ% e<*ipment. 4s yo* may know, M--7 mirrors se&eral Linux "dam Thompson: Proprietor, distrib*tions (s*ch as Fedora and Ub*ntu/ for the CustomHosting6ca beneKt o! members and geographically (networ%+ ally>/ close members o! the p*blic. Yo*r Lin*x 4dam first unknowningly used UEI5 in 1PBB install may be using M--7=s ser&er, while playing NetHac% on the QE5 B#3 in Ott+ lisa.m**g.mb.ca, witho*t e&en knowing it, as awa, which gave him a h*ge ad&antage the first most pac%age managers now determine the fast+ time he enco*tered vi(1)8 He first ran into est (*s*ally closest/ mirrors automatically.
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