GRACE UNTO THE GENTILES Anthony A. Hutchinson 6 The significance of magic in the Restoration BREAKING THE RULE--A MORAL OPTION? Susan Ryttin,7 11 Is it ever right to disobey? ~o]=l d ;i SITTING BEHIND BELVA LADAWN Susan Hafen 15 THE MISSING RIB Margaret M. Toscano 17 The forgotten place of queens and priestesses in the establishment of Zion THE UNNAMED WOMAN IN SCRIPTURE Jerrie W. Hurd 23 The standard works may allude to our Mother in Heaven. LESSONS LEARNED FROM LEHI’S CAVE William A. Johnson 27 Drawing the line between rumor and evidence MISUNDERSTANDING PATRIARCHAL BLESSINGS 36 UNNAMED SOURCE ANNOUNCES VALUABLE 37 HISTORICAL DOCUMENT "GODMAKERS" SUES FOR LIBEL 38 FACTION OPPOSES BYU JERUSALEM CENTER 38 FIRST D.C. SYMPOSIUM HELD Val Holley 39 WALL STREET JOURNAL EXAMINES 41 MORMONS AND GAMBLING LDS LEGISLATORS RATED Alice Pottmyer 42 ANTI-MORMONS: THEN AND NOW Davis Bitton 44 Secret History: A Translation of Vor Tids Muhamed by John Ahmanson, trans. Gleason L. Archer PICKAXES REQUIRED Larry Conrad and Bob Mesle 46 Preface to Faith: A Philosophical Inquiry into RLDS Beliefs by Paul Edwards READERS FORUM 2 LIGHTER MINDS Kent Frogley 31 Coming of Age with Johnny Lingo QUERIES AND COMMENTS Gary J. Bergera 32 Has the Word of Wisdom Changed Since 18337 ARTICLE DIGEST Martha Bradley 34 The Rite Stuff SHORT SUBJECTS 41 PEOPLE 43 BOOKNOTES 47 PUBLISHER/EDITOR Peggy Fletcher SUNSTONE welcomes letters from our stopped. Jesus brought us (and tried MANAGING EDITOR Scott C. Dunn readers and prints a representative to bring them) "salvation," knowl- NEWS EDITOR Cecelia S. Warner sample of opinions. All letters represent edge that we do have eternal life ASSOCIATE EDI’rOR Ron Bitton and, through all phases of that eter- FICTION EDITOR Susan Staker the altitudes of the writers and not neces- POETRY EOITOR Dennis Clark sarily those of the editors or publisher. nity, we can better ourselves by fol- 60OK REVIEW EOITOR John Sillito To b,~’ considered for publication, letters lowing two great rules: love God and ART OIRECTOR Ray Morales love our fellow man as ourselves. PRODUCTION MANAGER Connie Disney shoui’d be double-spaced and should not We can pile good on good in this PROOUCTION ASSISTANT Michael Stack exceed 300 words. Any letter may be way and become like him or pile evil TYPESETTING Brian Burke edited for reasons of space and clarity. on evil and retrogress. By our OEVELOPMENT I[]IRECTOR Michelle Macfarlane actions we show our faith in this BUSINESS MANAGER Tom Miner NOT SO AMAZING GRACE salvation. OFFICE MANAGER Rebecca Cornwall CIRCULATION Linda Turner If a cat can look at a king, maybe I These teachings and the one pro- can respectfully disagree with the claiming the uselessness ot! paying ~’,TAFF¯ Chri~;topher Allen, ]oseph H. Harris, priesthood holder, Donald P. Olsen, some priest to kill animals to show )eanne Pugsl,ny, Melissa Sillifoe in his dissertation on the grace of love of God were too threatening to Christ. By a stunning array of the hierarchy, so the Savior had to NATIONALCORRESPONOENTS Irene Bates, Bonnie quotes he seems to say that our die. His saving wisdom liw.~s on. M. Bobet, Bellamy Brown, Elizabeth Burdett, Anne Castlet~n Busath, James F. Cartwright, actions are irrelevant to our spiritual Gay Taylor John Cox, EG!rl P. Crandall, George Givens, health or progress and only belief in Redwood City, California )eanne M. Griffiths, Mike and Nancy the R.edeemer is necessary. I can take Harward, ]anna D. Haynie, Val Holley, the same books of scriptures he uses Thomas McAfee, Carrie Miles, Elbert Peck, and by judicious selection "prove" NEVER SAY GRACE )oel Peterson, Alice Portrayer, Kenf Roberts, exactly the opposite. Take any given The listing of Donald P. Olsen’s T. Eugene S~ioemaker, Bill Sims, Dolan and verse. Maybe we know to whom the article in volume 9 numbel; 2 of SUN- Sharon Pritchett, George D. Smith, Lorie speaker is addressing his remarks, STONE, "Understanding the Scope of Winder Sfromberg, Le’ Ruth Ward Tyau but do we know where and why and the Grace of Christ," said t:hat it FOREIGN CORRESPONOENTS /an Barber, Tim when and how--all those things that concerned "a little-known ,concept Behrend, Wi,!liam P. Collins, Wilfried Decoo, are so hard for a reporter to get among most Mormons." May I sug- Werner H. l-lock, Roger H. Morrison, Kay straight face to face with a situation, gest it is little known for the same Nielsen, ]am,~ F. Rea, Ed H. Zwanveld let alone 2,000 years after the fact, reason that the doctrine ot: the relying on translated and retrans- Immaculate Conception is little lated texts, arguing from the per- known among Mormons, :namely, spective of different customs and that it is not Mormon doctrine, at SUNSTONE is published by the Sunstone mindsets. As an example of a wild least in the extreme Protestant way Foundation, a non-profit corporation with no distortion of a text, take President that Mr. Olsen has framed it. official connection to The Church of Jesus Reagan’s recent quotation of Luke Christ of Latler-day Saints. Articles represent Mr. Olsen has certainly done the attitudes of the writers only and not 14:311 (an analogy) as proof of Jesus’ something original in attempting to necessarily those of the editor/publisher or edi- endorsement of the military build- interpret latter-day scripture in a torial board. up. What Reagan and Olsen lack in way compatible with Martin these inferences is common sense. To speed up editing, manuscripts for publica- Luther’s enshrinement of t:he verses tion should be submitted on floppy diskettes Five hundred years before Christ, concerning salvation by grace in formatted for the IBM PC or compatible equi- Siddhartha Gautama wanted to Paul’s letters to the Romans, the valents and written with Word Perfect, Word- Galatians and Ephesians. In fact, he star, or any other word processor which saves know the meaning of life, of pain files in ~,scl~ format. Double-spaced typewrit- and old age and death. He sat under is more an orthodox Lutheran (in ten manuscripts are also accepted and should a wild fig tree and after a time re- the sense of a theological follower of be submitted in duplicate. Submissions should Luther) than many Protesl:ants. not exceed six thousand words. For increased joiced in being able to give this readability, SUNSTONE discourages manuscripts answer: "From good must come With Luther, he appears to com- with footnoting. Manuscripts should conform good, and from evil must come evil. pletely reject the idea that men and to the Chica~o Manaal of S~. le. Unsolicited manu- This is the key to wisdom." He went women can make any choice from scripts shoulc[ be accompanied by sufficient return postage. Send all correspondence and on to teach that the soul of man day to day that affects thei.r ultimate manuscripts to SUNSTONE, 59 West 100 South, lives :forever and his spiritual pro- forgiveness of sins and entry into Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1507. gression is up to him. Siddhartha eternal life. Martin Luther took the became known as the Enlightened logical next step and denied that United States subscriptions to SUNSTONE are $27 for one year (12 issues). Outside the U.S. One---the Buddha. humans have any effective free will subscriptions are $35 for one year by surface Jesus came from those of the Judaic so far as the most important facts of mail. Airmail subscriptions in the U.S. are $27 faith who, though maintaining a their existence are concerned. for one year plus airmail postage charges. Furthermore, strict adher~nce to this Application to mail at second-class postage strong belief in God, had no belief in rates is pending at Salt Lake City, Utah. an eternal life. A person lives on system of logic: forces the Protestant POSTMASTER: Send address changes to through his children and their mem- to conclude that since good acts can- SUNSTONE, 59 West 100 South, Salt Lake City, not save us, neither can sinful acts UT 84101-1~,07. ory of his good works, if you will. Some factions of Judaism still have condemn us so long as we have at this philosophy. Such believers surely some point been saved by grace. Copyright © 1985 by the Sunstone become, at death, earth bound spirits, When I was studying mathematics Foundation. All rights reserved. Printed in the in college, one of the standard United State,; of America. having no idea that there is a heaven to go to. They are in a way damned-- methods for disproving a theorem 2 SUNSTONE/JULY 1985 was to show that the theorem grace of Christ, why not look to the Smith’s teachings which extend por- resulted in conclusions which con- third article of faith: "We believe that tions of grace even to those who tradicted accepted and fundamental through the Atonement of Christ, knowingly reject Christ’s gospel. The axioms. Mr. Olsen’s theorem may be all mankind may be saved by obe- assignment of the unjustified to vary- consistent unto itself, but it clearly dience to the laws and ordinances of ing degrees of glory according to contradicts Mormon beliefs in free the Gospel." Or how about the sac- their works is only possible through agency, let alone Paul’s belief in the rament prayers, in which we are told grace. Were it not for the mercy of need for continual exhortation to by the Father to pray to him as we Christ, unmitigated justice would righteous conduct, and Jesus’ solemn covenant to take upon us the name condemn all to become "angels to testimony that "if ye keep my com- of Christ, and always remember the devil" (2 Ne.
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