AGENDA Agenda for the Regular Meetingof the TahsisVillage Council to be held on August 7, 2018 in the Council Chambers Municipal Hall, 977 South Maquinna Drive A. Call to Order Acting MayorTaylor called the meeting to order at 7:00p. m. Acting MayorTaylor would liketo acknowledgeand respectthat we are upon Mowachaht/Muchalahtterritory. B. Introduction of Late Items C. Approval of the Agenda D. Petitions and Delegations 1 Steve Atkinson Re: Access to gravel from the Leiner Pit. E. Public Input ff 1 F. Adoption of the Minutes 1 Minutesof the SpecialCouncil meeting heldon June 27, 2018 2 Minutes ofthe RegularCouncil meeting held on July3, 2018 3 Minutes ofthe SpecialCouncil meeting held on July24, 2018 Village will enter into a 5 year Master Standing Agreement with McElhanny G. Rise & Report 1 Consulting Services Ltd. to provide consulting engineering services to the Village for on-going operations and new capital projects. McElhanny was the successful proponent on the Request for Proposal which was issued on BC Bid on April 23rd. All Regular Council Meetings, Committee of the Village of Tahsls Whole Meetings and Special Council Meetings Regular Council Meeting Agenda are recorded unless otherwise specified. August? ?018 Acting Mayor Taylor's July 9th letter to Diane Nicholls, Chief Forester and Diane Nicholls, RPF, ADM Chief Forester's response Re; Harvesting and road building H. Business Arising within the McKelvie Creek Community Watershed by Western Forest Products Inc. (WFP) 2 Recreation Centre Q2 Report J. Council Reports 1. Acting Mayor Taylor 2. Councillor Overton 3. Councillor VanSolkema 4. Councillor Bellanger K. Bylaws 1 Off-Road Vehicle Bylaw No. 608, 2018 Adoption: Pascal Pelletier Re: Invitation for proposals to paint the two shipping containers L. Correspondence 1 located at the townsite playground. 2 Lisa G Hendra- Email Re: Local Farmers Market held every Sunday on HeadBay Road 3 Lisa G Hendra - (2) Emails Re: 176 Alpine View Road 4 Lisa G Hendra - Email Re: Gifts of Property Jonathan Barry, Executive Director- Child Care Capital, Community and ECE Registry 5 Services, Ministry of Children and Family Development Re: Childcare BC New Spaces Fund Wendy Booth, UBCM President Re: Gas Tax Agreement Community Works Fund Payment District of Houston Letter of Support for the Province of B.C.'s Caribou Recovery Program M. New Business Village ofTahsis 2018 Election- Methods to Communicate Elections Information 1 Notice of Nomination Period 2 Notice of Election by Voting and Notice of Advance Voting Opportunities All Regular Council Meetings, Committee of the Village of Tahsis Whole Meetings and Special Council Meetings Regular Council Meeting Agenda are recorded unless otherwise specified. August 7, 2018 N. Public Input #2 Public Exclusion None. 0. Adjournment All Regular Council Meetings, Committee of the Whole Meetings andSpecial Council Meetings Village of Tahsis are recorded unless otherwise specified. Regular Council Meeting Agenda i-»- ~i ini o Ju!yK^20lS Village ofTahsis 977 South Maquinna Dr. Tahsis, B. C. VOP1XO "- - ... _. Dear Acting Mayor and Council; Weare writing regarding access to gravelfrom the Leiner Pit. Weneed gravel for the environmental well- ig ot our property's physical infrastructure. uncil is responsible to consider the well co being and interest ofthe municipality ofTahsis and it's communit We recommend, to effect to the desires give of community property ownere,"that Council "makes wces's'to1 an urgent issue. To ourunderstanding the BC Ministry ofForests, Land,Natural Resources Operationsand Rural Developmertwm de access thecrown La"d of proyi through portion the Leiner7it~where~iti7possible to ] grawlfromDL235wllic11 is owned bythevillage ofTahsis. With your cooperation, we are requestTr ige's written approval, as required by the Ministry, to access gravel from DL235. Name Address Mailing Address Phone No. Signature / -r -/^?z /^ " M ^5-70 61?^f-. &k°/^L,,. -fr. ^.. !. ^*° 5^. A^/^, /^7-^^^^^;^. ^ ^;^'^ "t/yv" . ^ (&-X) ^ w ,^ ^ 2-Sb^T $/$ , 2?o'?t3^-6$o , (V^ ^e/^ '<S ^ i^-W'OD- y5$T^ts ^- 1 it, ^'Jotf\/i^'i^' -Z-1/ ' -3 «^M ??</ - ^C ^ '< .1^ b6^^ " J;2<r" // ^ ^M 'M. ^ft&ftt^ ^ ^-/^b ^ 'SB'^ . ". _,, -. CM<^ IH ^S)\' /l1 $ ^ ^~ ^ ^ / \1 ( rc'-a^ ^ ^y ^ ^ L^ '/^Je " 63^1 ^/^< ^g^ -7?f-w ,1/11. Ill/ ^ A^-^^i //// f^l^ f, .. -I -}ll" , :S<U/i(?teSL/ ^^P^^'^eiJ ^7<?7^ Naiiie-. -". - .~^l-MdKss Mailing Address Phone No. Signature a? >i %-^ ^ourfyi ou' r W A-(. B^c '36<^ ^/^r ^s^^ ^^^ ff Sc, ^ ^ 4G(^ , ^ 3^3^ ^z^A/5't(B6/1^ y^^'^/G Rvc^-w/l^f flf~ml ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ' -^,3^, ^^ ^9-^J ^ ij ^s, /s ^,, . 'L ^/v -77 / . ' -'^-^n f^^-'<y ^ »1 frto^ tLi^tye^ ^iic. MOK»»+O;», (8. J, T^>S&y- IS~% W-6Z^ ^ . r^ ' &0 ^ ^(. Z^( ^^. ^'' ;J 1r-^ . wc^. ' l. ^'""' ;5 ^^^o'c.u 1XL,'5'E/SU^W)^ ~^^^^f-^^^ '. '-^f ^ac V0.\ w. 6M6 -7,^ 6C ^3y-^<5y/ ^^~ w^^y^^ ^^^ '^y^o ^^^ ^ (^ T^/ry a^^i W<< '>rf\ ?. e^'w ^/ 8 ^6 !l -fftus', '^ ^< -2-So <:}^i/7896 *-;cc> <S&!too^ /^ ^J< -^ ~71T^ Sfo. 93" J3-& ft Vf ^ ^/^/)vc TA^^iS ;<^; ^ J' / / - ^- V^. LS-i-tJ^fy , /SC . -r- '-. ^ ^-s_ _?^?-^^s^-. <^\ fl ^^sf ^^^ ^ ~a^^ ^9^^, ^ ^ -^- ^. /^ T^<.. P/^ 5 O^?^/^ Name " Address Mailing Address Phone No. Signature ^^ ^4- 6 I ^v^f^ f-f^ /%? ^s$- » . ^J^ol^ i^ a'lrt<fctu \^6i ^ ^ !So 'yz-Wf / ^> f^^e ^2 C?3^SW ^"' A a^A/.m i^,^ fex ays <1^-isci^{ 6u>U, ^ Q^fj <^- 7 . R'Y <-3-^n, % -^ if k)W (i^-( ^ 5^ 6e- ^^DW /^/^ft, ti^f)- ^0> /^^ 25£>V</ A -^C?d^ "- '^.^ f0t t/Ccd, //-^>r y-/ ZSU-<73C/-^6 Js ^(D&^ ^^e^y^i Sfff. 3ss- / - ^5/ w " - -?^ -T^- 73% <?»-4 mx/, Sw .?o$~ ^r\ 9^<^^ ^^ \^ -78s ^,,-Q,^ ^. ^ 3l, foA / l5o- ^^-)^ lfF£ <^ ^ Bvxf- /-7 p \ ( " s^l 6^. -^ -^0 ^^^ '^^ ^, 4,^ ^ 5 7 Z. ^ry fe-» , Klf-(>P ^\ ^/^ ^ ^b . ^?^. "P 0. ^o^ /. -^ 7U\ I ^c//C-l/C/ ^ ^ I ^\a^er\ C ^ (_. ^JQOfJ T71 ^C 3G 7f 0 r^(^?/^ f^L^ /^ ^ ^-7^^ ^^i/7" '' ^^^ 3'<^- ft//iva- , /SC^- l/-;e^ /0 ^ ^. -^f^? ^c^ \^^ ^6^ , 0^ ^^^ ^18_x WioVif 10^ C^-ak ( *=>Q>'X '-i0~) 6 Gl^U- LQl.a <-i Minutes Meeting Special Council Date 27 June, 2018 Time 10:30 AM Place Municipal Hall - Council Chambers Present Acting Mayor Randy Taylor Councillor Brenda Overton Councillor Kathy Bellanger Councillor Louis VanSolkema MarkTatchell, Chief Administrative Officer A. Call to Order Acting Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM and acknowledged and respected that we are upon Mowachaht/ Muchalaht Territory. 1 B. Introduction of Late Items None. C. A rovaloftheA enda Overton/Bellanger: VOT 349/2018 THAT the Agenda for the June 27th, 2018 Special Council meeting be adopted as presented. CARRIED K. B laws 1 Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 607, 2018 First, Second and Third Reading Overton/Bellanger: VOT 350/2018 THATthe ZoningAmendment Bylaw No. 607, 2018 be introduced and receive a first reading. CARRIED Overton/Bellanger; VOT 351/2018 THAT the Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 607, 2018 receive a second reading. CARRIED Overton/Bellanger: VOT 352/2018 THAT the Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 607, 2018 receive a third reading. CARRIED M. New Business Village of Tahsis Statement of Financial Information for the year ended December 31, 2017. Overton/Bellanger: VOT 353/2018 THATthe Villageof Tahsis Statement of Financial Information for the year ended December31, 2017 be received. CARRIED Overton/Bellanger: VOT 354/2018 THATthe Village of Tahsis Statement of Financial Information for the year ended December 31, 2017 be approved and posted on the Village website. CARRIED 0. Ad'ournment Overton/Bellanger: VOT 355/2018 THAT the Special Council meeting adjourn at 10:34 AM CARRIED Certified Correct this August 7, 2018 Chief Administrative Officer fz- t> <fil Minutes Meetine Regular Council Date July 3, 2018 Time 7:00 PM Place Municipal Hall - Council Chambers Present Acting Mayor Randy Taylor Councillor Brenda Overton Councillor Kathy Bellanger Councillor Louis VanSolkema MarkTatchell, Chief Administrative Officer Deborah Bodnar, Director of Finance Janet St-Denis, Finance & Corporate Services Manager Public 6 members of the public A. Call to Order Acting Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. and acknowledged and respected that we are upon Mowachaht/ Muchalaht Territory. B. Introduction of Late Items Letter from Maureen Roth regarding Canada Day Festivities under 1 "Correspondence"as L2and Curtis Rutherford's petition to bringback the Riverside Park area under "New Business" as M2. C. A rovaloftheA enda Overton/ Bellanger: VOT356/2018 THAT the Agenda for the July 3, 2018 Regular Council meeting be adopted as amended. CARRIED D. Petitions and Dele ations None. E. Public In ut#l A member of the public spoke in favour of a petition signed by 67 Tahsis residents to reopen the Riverside Parkon the Tahsis River bank. F. Ado tion of the Minutes ^ Minutes ofthe Committee ofthe Whole Council meeting held onJune 14, 2018 Overton/ Bellanger: VOT357/2018 THAT the Committee of the Whole Council Meeting minutes from June 14, 2018 be adopted as presented. CARRIED Minutesof the Regular Council meeting held on June 19, 2018 Overton/ Bellanger: VOT 358/2018 THATthe RegularCouncil Meeting minutes fromJune 19, 2018 be adopted as presented. CARRIED H. Business Arisin 1 None. J. Council Re arts Overton/ Bellanger: VOT359/2018 THAT the Council reports be received. CARRIED Acting MayorTaylor: (no report) Councillor Brenda Overton (written report) Good evening Council. At our last meeting the telephone reception made it difficult to present my report so I will give that report tonight This is one of the times that I wish I was a great writer and I could actually make you feel like you were with me during an event. 10 On June llth and 12th I attended K'omoks First Nation inter- governmental meeting session number three as a Strathcona Regional District Director.
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