...... -L-— — j:____ -t ----- -— .— ym—— ---l-r- — t mmmm— ■ -tyffr;1----------- «sr~ ■---- • ** t — =----------r "*■— . jb*. ■ .•••■•)~TT . y hJR : vBJ* —- . tJ* r *“ •S5 <A.‘. If.' . «.« THE •v 0'4 .>- P a U U u i In Florida'., Heart Rkowar* 1 ( 0 ; u d (M ight. Tha WorM*« Greatest Vegetable Wedac*d*y it will b« (ilr u d l * Spat and Richest Garden Land fc J colder. w -iW it: AN INDEI'KNDRNT IIAILY NEWSPAPER Maraber Aaaociated Press SANTORO. FI t)ttinA7rntKsi»AY7MAHrH 27. IM4 Price Fire Cents NUMBER l«i' % N A V Y BILL First Alleged Violators Of VOLUME OF HEARTY LAUGH Central Florida’s Celery MJ ROOSEVELT - . Citrus Marketing Contract TMMIQTPIAI CUAIT7 DCDIV Growers Expected To Meet SIG N ED BY Are Named At Orlando Meet InUUdlnlitL M1ULU Rill LI A t Court H o u s b Tonight TURNS DOWN OH LA N I K>, Mar. 27. I*»r-1 al 1 tammitlnitirti to Kntnti« I* tYntial Florida celery uniti'D approved or rejected. lrg«.<l vinlstois of the Flotilla cil- PRESIDENT Whitehall. Ih l*atid. who i- att -r ' ACTIVITY UP TO CHALLENGE I «»«• • -Xpee'ted to irather at the The comnilttcf* i* computed of MONEY BILL » i ru« marketing agrx*emen: wrtc, ney for the |fioilp. an.I who it wn t’otirt l|i«u«,- h*it tonight at H:00 I Mir me Haoul of Mra«lenton a* named yesterday by Hccrrtary O undeiatoial. x%;»* in rofniillilltea' on " '• ha k to p.iitui| Nti* in the selec* chantotn, J. ( llutchiton ami S. (>. Strauss of the Florida control with Wn Li* night Faetory\Jimpl»yment. f*«vernor Refuses Dr- VetoKiHsIndependent Measure Provides For * *• *ti **f three e rower-members #f H l»»ehton of Sanford. Mr. Haoul committee at a session held timing Another item of hu«>n«* « han ' .» * ••niinittee of II which will cun* i* expected to attend tonight'i Building: OfNations the afternoon at the lounge room Payrolls, Increased hate XX'ilhWhitaker Offices Act As Well dh .ft i y the com mittee w.»- tH« r » J *rol t!••• dr-tiny of the state . eel* of the San Juan hotel. met tine toeetber with Mr. Ilutchl- Fleet Up To Limits talili • htiwot id allotment * for \ For 3rd ( ’onsecutive, (l\er New Kleition • ij in«l*.sltv under tin* provision* As Clauses Aimef( The allotted violators ate: milt «nd Mr. Di^hlon. Yurk, I litlad.-lphia, |laltil'»m *• i f a relet\ marketing ugtvrntrtil Of Treaty By 1936 l(. N. Smith, shipper*, Bartow. .Month. Says, Hoard Campaign Issues tlrower* who bake been working At Benefiting Ve^ Boston. Pitt** ugh. ( iiulim iii.. whiih iiitehed heie ye«teiday with .Sloan Fruit fti., Tampa Shore*. rie%rlnnd. lhtioit, t’hieag.*. and foi the past few day* in securing v I nr v \\ alia tentative ap M u 27 i \ II Ml \ v i > Mhi other grower*' name* to petition* WASHINGTON. Mar. 27—; WASHINGTON. Mnr. 27-^ Smytho At t’o., Ocala. St. I.*»tii« foi the w *ek <•( Mat 2* w .sin\t;roN. ill m • n*hi*»l i in^ r, V\ I t :• 1 • %m*e (AP)— Prudent Rooecvoll 1 Kroger ISrortry & Hakim: <*••„ to Apr I. inrlu«iv« \i'<\ 10 I • N*• o that me to he sent to Secretary (AIM—> Prriililfnt Rooaevalt, . , Ilio'v • ttow wn • « alletl hy the . im to \ ei iplv . mi » ;.ir ■ II *1 Wallace Ju-t a* soon a* a majority (’ineinnnti. Ohio. Final d o m > ii **l the c nun I * *1 V slffncd the Vinson nnval con-, \, Ill'll • •I floe • i-t o who were today turnetl thumb- tlown pi* *. ••! • .• e i., ••i *»• I % • Is* \ of the «tate’* large shipper* of In uiiVm inriitR lift* alleged \to- wn* to oU a ••mo what to « utruction bill todiy. U 1*1 I r.h ill li* ei. |; .1. » •». III Ih. tire Letting ill on the money bill thut would lator«. St tans-, doelaieil that in h - to ♦•n!. • th* *• ton1 1 »* ti*i tilery sign the agieenrent, re|M»rt* It provides fo r the btiildini' S i,, «i t* U» ' t \ * ih • I iepie«< fit have libornlizvtl allowance** j .»pini*>n the*** uerr “dm*, t vit.l.i etc 1 II • i ed satisfactory pi egret* today. Mine . e«p. < it tin tn I «hippet •* ill j o f the nation's fleet up to lion**' of t Its* in.it kelinc lu'io (In xxt.k pteno i The |N't it ion call* upon Score- for veteran*. I In treaty limits. Tile measure !.*• 4.11|JX ■. X •« XX Ml 1....... - 4lM*t fl ' .1 i \\ .•«liiiifct..|l Until' tar> Wallace to approve ami *ign ’ merit. \n uttetoot wa • niaitr do* in The veto mcasaue. firat. •1.1 V m* 4• Mil .mi I'll 1 . littiar) I* • uuthprizes construction ot I *1 hr muttoi m e ief«*ri**d hy th« 1 fPontJiiaeil On Par, Six I ............... wn* either' (Continued On Paga Threa) with which he han killed any: , 4.'44| 1 . 1 ilk XIn . f. 1 I.* m ore than a hundred . n e w ------------------------ -------— -------------- major legislation, waa ready - X l.if] •11 .h Hu ....... 41 • Ml tl. f. • •MCI • . hull to be nent to Conirrcaa thi* !*•• r Ml ini*in • . ' .ink :*l • •• \x 4*“ !>• til t The President pro|Hi«iil fimh.-r SWOPE REMAINS FEDERAL JIJItV A.4k. •1 XX ' SHIPMENTS OF CITY HEADS ACT afternoon. , i eduction* In naval *t length in the » \\ t».»fl­I.l* ......... ••lit k p* it» (|»r 1, It t* nprctrd to hit at th* Itf- . »*•*.*»if an•I. ....... 1 ll** « • ud * '(1 1 « r. < i.lation which ov,rrodt th* Econo­ T TEXAS iCITRUS'TO PREVENT NEW SZfxrzzr'" • \AS FERA HEAD INDICTS M A.I ill! , 1. • •nt xx« •». • 1 my bill of a y*ar afo. and b«ar ♦ loll It • •ltd • i'll.' down moit heavily afainil thi •Im t i to ,tl d . t. REING HELD UP HEALTH MENACES V*l*rana‘ Am.mlm.nt fact In relation lt» th« \ inaun * ill.Ji |despite c h a r g e OIL COMPANIES I O IM An alimut linmrdiat* vote waa it la only right that it* main pm ; — ------- oiotd h in proipret in the ltouae, and % vision* be made \vholl> clcai 1 1n* j Stone Refuses TtiCive Nation-W ide I) r i \ e ,.hl . Discuvcrv Of Mexican Fly Infestation Held S«n*t* vote expected *hoilljfn l« not a law for cnnatrur.hoi of n j . , in • p.i * • * * thrrvaftar. single additional United States I In To ( omplainls A g a nisi Violators Fruit Flv rn Border As Originating On • I * " Th* whole independent offi oa warship The general pui )»•’«* "t | Raised ByJ'YrgtiNon "‘ r ' ’ ’ ----- r.f h i • • I tilth Brings Action Celery A vienueFarm bill' to which are attached am.-ud- the tdll I* •odrly t^e «lnli no ot 1 \ , Of ( fide Is Begun off. I • menta providing for veteran*' b«na- I'ongre*** that it approve- U # ; 'I it, t. u \ I I I N l . i n V Mar 27. f A 1*11 In thf futurr, it w i« ilrruleti at ill!I W H O , Mai 27 Iti*«p»l# I * * \M ,| I fit* and for th* reilnratlon of fed­ building of our navy up te and not hare*'* p i * * f !*> the TaxpaN 404' Ih* • T» ■ I. it,. anso ••!* plant .piarantim j • * it)1 1% l( omnn»*ionHniniiHiiim imn'tingimroting last eral pay cute U now daad unltaa beyond lire strength in the i i i k h * a .lie .»• • o I .milt i * • 1 1,, t ntehl. |H*i«M*it» or firm* who .In not i • le unit- that Orange county la ' it •da\ sl.lpMM'Ilt Conyrea* override* the veto which types of ship* authoriai .l ” t th. t «m »>h)*H'|**«l In both II P S XX **p* . ■ i,|. vxi»- la • n 1 i a«i a­ 4 Mllip • I ilf-p.'-f ,.f ^ailug* or it'fusf In • i* cuniideird highly improbable. , II till’ low.-* Ii «*• all*I* I . * . i. 1 1 j' ItMilll N*lmiMI*11 nt«M . and t *9»| K Dl* 4 1.1 gf *1 Mr 1 III I k xx I ••• I'nge •| h... ] MmtiMi i tti.it xx 111 pioh'.t thr In the bill are money auppllaa ,1 \ all. > • *1 | I MO W ...rill « • i«-« t • * * lin'd It Ii nt til. M-Aliffllt XI sh**arfi, i9*kA' 'niU n• 1 mini* 11.1 1 m! t XX ■• M 1)1 I 'hi* city j for variou* government depart* - Eckerson Cannery l.r* •' mi \| I :*. sit hough it fm fi»i Cm ,mi'.' « ...Mil x. *• •til M If... * >.* , uft.'.i m i* 1 |Onlinar> !• mu ral To i *h« -• .»-.*• xx.II In* aiic*l«'.l Mini ubjrcl.il to | mi nt*. ... *k iioiliy w ii ml. ii.l.'d to cel mit Ih*- finr-a «»rt foith hi an ol«l illy I Thr Senatr yesterday approved. ToRemarnOpenFnr In 1 **f f icijI xx ill 1 Mill t M kit 1• * . .»* 1 X ,. 1 11 m l x i«f(i .1 InpMt* nt - m.1 . 1 Apr tn or.lmancv. thr llou.r piog.em rratoilnf out thru ullii* • th* gem* r Pa. t n * »• t t 'H .m* i I Sr .lull a n's Loll 1 \ pinn> me t h. « hung* * I aa t •*. XHm action wax taken an thr At Least Six Weeks lilieitloii <>f .luliii- St**m. -ta** I ». Stan.la* 1 »n ■ bout IH Ilf.0 0 0 ,000 Ui war veteran* ftn l*M • .Ml -aid llmt for sexeial remit of numi'ioux complaint* that * end federal employe* acalnak I MCA .i.Iiii.mi -i • al-x « i.hf •«* oil.
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