- IN 0 EX TO GENERAL RADIO EXPERIMENTER Volumes VIII and IX, June, 1933, through May. 1935 INDEX BY TITLE Acoustic Re ~ p<lnge Recorder, New (June, Bridges., Amplifi ers for Ahem.tins·Current 1934) (J. D. Crawford: July.August, 1934) Adju$loble Auto_Transform er, WeU Oe­ Broadcast Frequency Monitors for Com· fiS hed (July.Augu~t. 11134 ) plete A·C Olleratioll, Modification of (D. Adjustable Tran ~ rormer-Tlle Variac. A New B. Da"'es: March, 1935 ) (H. H. Seoll: lune-luly, 1933) Broadcast T ransmiuion, Imllroving Quality Altenlolilill-Curreni Bridgel, Amplifiers for in (B. U. ScO Il: Aug~t·September. 1933) (J. D. Cn... · ford ; July.Augu ~t. 1934) BroadeaBtili g Stations, Monitoring of (L. B. Amplifi ers for Alternating-Currenl Bridges Arguimhau: January, 1935) 0. D. Crawrord: July·AulI~l, 1934) Broadcast ing Stations., Monitoring of ­ An Improved Audio OK illalor (H. W. um­ Pan II (L. B. Arguimbau; February, son ; May, 1935) 1935) AnaJy&i& or Complex Soumis (lC ConKtant Camera, A New Moving.Film (H. W. Lam. PilCh, The (R. H. Scon: May, 1935) 5011: November.Decemher, 1934) Analysis, Power Faclor Meosuremcn!s in Oil Camera Records High-Speed Tran8ienUl, The (R F. FieJd: Seplemuer-Qclober, 1934) New (November·December, 1934 ) Analysi!, Wave (L. B. Arguimlmu: lune­ Camera, Taking Slow_Motion Movies wilh July, 1933 ) an Or dinary l\Iotion·l'iclUre (J. D. Craw. Antenna Measuring Set (W. B. Lodge, Co­ fo rd : Much, 1934) lumbi .. Broadcasting System: June, 1934) Capacitance and Its l\leaeureillent, Direct Antennas and Other Impedances, Improve­ ( R. F. Field : November, 1933) menu in Radio·Frequency Bridl!;e Meth. Callacitanee Oil Cell, A Lllrge CR. F. Fie1d: Od5 for Meu urinl!; (C. E. Worthen: De_ April, 1935) cember, 1933) Calhode-Ray OsciIJogl":lph, P bo tognaphy or At the Wave Analyzer Views the Tuninl!;' Transients wilb II (J. D. Crawford: May, Fork Oscillator {January-February, 11)34 ) 1934) Audio OllCilialor, All Improved (H. W. lam. Cathode-Ray O$cillol!;rllphs, A Comparison tion: May, 1935) Between (No\-ember-December, 1934 ) Audio Vohal!;es. A Method of Securing CatiJOde-Ray 0 8cUlogra),hs and Their Ap­ Small (1. W. Bonon: }une-July, 1933) plicationl (A. E. Thiessen : November, 1933) Auto_TfBlI$lormer, WeU·Desil!;lIed Adjll3lable (Ju1y·Allgu~t, 1934) Cathodo-Ray Oscillographll, Some Improve­ ments in (J. D. Crawford: June-JuJy, Bridge-Cireuit UIIC, A Shielded Transrormer 1933) for (R. F. Field: April, 1934) Ccll, A Large Callacitgnce Oil (R. F. Field: Britige for Testing of Electrolytic Condens. April, 1935) ers, A (R. F. Ficlti: June-July, 1933) Chort, A New Reactance ( March, 1935 ) Bridge Methods for Measurin lll Antellnas and Other hnpedances, Improvemcnts in Ra­ Chart, A New Reactance (April, 1935) dio-Frequcney (C. E. Worthen: Decem. Clu~mi g t ry, Chronol!;raph l'o1e85u rcments in her, 1933) (B. W. Lamson: Allgust-Septemher, 1933) Bridt;e, TYPE 516-C Radio·Frequency (De­ Chronograllh Measuremen" in Chemistry cember, 1933) (B. W. L:ull801l; Aug~t..sellteDlher, 1933) Bridge + Vacullm Tube - Megohm Meter COmPll r;80l, Between Cathode-Ray OsciUo­ (R. F. Field: Jlllle-July, 1933 ) grap"s., A (N(l\"emher·Deeember, 1 ~34) Complex Sound. of COllilaOI Pitcb, The Gene... 1 R.dio·Haachine Reactauee Meter. AD.ly.it of ( H. D. Scott: May, 1935) The (B. ll. Sc:oll : April. 1934 ) Computing Reactance.Re8onDnCe Problelll8, General Radio In3trument" Uses f (lt Help in (June, 193'* ) IMareb, 1935) Condenser" A Bridse for Teetins or Elee. Delp in Computing Reactance·Reioliance trolytie (R. F. Field : June-July. 1933 ) Problem. (June. 1934) CondeRsen for the Laboratory, Mica High-S peed Tralllienll., The New C'lIIera (April, 1935 ) Recorda (November-December. 1934 ) Conden.en., New Spec:i6cation. for TYPE 505 Dow Di.ls Are M.de (M. T. Smith : May. (AU{!DuSeptetnber, 1933) 1934) CODlit.ot.1Dduclarlce Re.illon ( R. F. Field: fmpedunce Mptehinl (A. E. Thiessen: July· M.rch, 1934) AUIU. " 1934) "CO Vera!e Sel"Vic:e a Specidty" Impedunces, illl l'fovemellli in Ra di o·Frt:. (June, J 934) quency Bridle Metboth for Measuring Crodey'. WLW (M.y, 19)4) Antenna. and Other (C. E. Worthen: De­ DeYelopmeou io Electron Ooocillo!raphy. c:ember, 1933 ) New (june, 1934 ) Improved Audio OKilill tor, All (D. W. Development. in Freqnency Slll.Ddarch, Re­ Lamso n : May, 1935) cent (C. E. Wortherl: bnuary-Jo'ebruuy. lmprovemenu in Cathode-Ray OKillographt, 1934) Some (J. D. Crawford: June-July, 1933) Di.t. AfCI Made, DtI¥( (loL T. Smitb: M'r. Improvement. in EUdio-Frequeocy BridSe 1934) Methods for Me ll ~u r in g Antennas ond Dial.., New (February, 1935) Other Impedance. (C. E. Worthen : De­ cember, 1933 ) Dial.., New KnoL. and (Au{!ust-Scptenlber, 1933) Improving Quali.y in Bro.deut TranllUi,. lion (H. H. Scoll : AugulI&ptember, Direct.Re.din! V.riable Inducton (Jpouary, 1933) 1935) IIItJu ctanoo, Tho Measurement or a Small Edgerton St rol.lou:ope, A Larger (August. (R. F. Field: Alirch, 1934) SeptembeT, 1933) Electrolytic Condensen., A Bridge fnr T«t· Inductors, Direct.Readiul V.riable (Jann. 1935) in, of (R. F. Field: Jnne-July, 1933) 8ry, Electron O.cilloSrDph, A New Sweep Cir· Inductors fo r tile Power O~iIIator, New (Morch, 1934) c:uit for the (IL H. Scott: May, 1934) Electron O&c:ilJogr.phy, New Devel0pDlents Indnctors, l'lu,·ln (Oetober, 1933 ) io (June, 1934) InJtrumenta, Utell lor General Radio (AI.rch, InS) Experimental·Equipment Constnll:tion, Sim. plifying (October, 1933) K.nob ll and Dial .. New (August.September, F.st-Sc:reen Tube. Now Stand.rd Equipment 1933 ) on GR OK,Ulogfllph_ Pric:e Chang." LarlO CapacitanCCl Oil Cell, A (R_ F. Field : (November-December, 1934) April, 1935) FlltSueen ve"u. Slow&reeo Tube. Larger Edgenon StroboKOIle. A (AUluat. (November·Deceml.ler, 1934 ) September, 1933) Filter Cb.rac:leri,tia, W.vefonD En-on in Litt le Eva Goea to Hea\'en on a Variac: the Meuurement of (A. E. Thieuen: Theater Notes (J. D. Crawford: Decem_ March, 1935) ber, 1933) Frequency Monitor for Police and Hisher Abtc:hing. Impedance (A. E. T hien en : July. Frequenciet, A (C. E. Worthen: April, AUlust, 1934) 1935) Measurement of • Small Inductance, The Frequenc:y .Moniton for Coml)lete A-C Op­ (It F. Field : Mareh, 1934 ) eration, Ilfodifie.tioD of Uro.deast (H. B. Measurement of Filter Cbanc:terittics, Wave Dawes: Mneb., 1935) form Errort in the (A. E. ThieDen : Frequency Standardil, Recent Development. March, 1935) in (C. E. Wortben: January.Febr11lry, Meu uremelll8 in Chemiltry, Chronop"pph 1934) ilL W. Lam ~ on: AUlust-September, 1933 ) 2 Meuuremenu in Oil An.I,ai.. Power F.c­ Noile Meier with a Vibration Pickup., UsinS tor (R. F. Field: SeptcDlber-Oetobe:r, 1934) the ( B. B . ScOIl: April, 1935) - lHeuuring Antenna. lind Other Impedances. Oil Analysis. Power Factor lUeasuremenU Improvemenll in Rauio-Frequeney Bridge in (R. F. Fiehl: Seplembe...oClober, 1934) Methods for (C. E. Worthen: December, Oil Cell, A LarSe Capacitance (R. F_ Field: 1933) April, 1935) Melnllm Meler, Bridge + Vacuum Tube - On Service in Tropical Java (November, (R. F. Field: June.]uly, 1931) 1933 ) Method of Secorins Small Audio VoltAge.. OKillotor, An lmllfoved Audio (U. W. Lam­ A (J. W. Uorton: June-July. 1931) ",,: May, 1935) Miea Condenaen ror the Wbof.tOry (April. Oaeillog"raph, A New Sweep Circ:uil for the 1935) EI«tron (B. H. Scott: May, 1934) r.fodifiealion of Bro.deaal Frequency Mon;. Olcillograph, Photolraphy of Tran,ienta tore for Complete A·C Operalion (II. H. witb a Cathode.Ra,. (J. O. Crawrurd: Dawes: !breb. 1935) May. 1934) Monilor for Police and Bisher Frequeneie.. OteiUogral.ba, A Compadaon Between Cath· A Frequency (C. E. Worthen: April, 1935) ude-Ray (November.December, 1934) Monitoring of Broade•• tin, St.tion, (L. B. Oac:iIIolraph., Ca thode-Ray and Their Ap­ Atgoimh:!u : I . noary, 1935) plication, (A. E. ThieuClI: November, 1933, Moniloring of BroadCIIMinll Station, - Plrt II ( L. B. Arluimbau: February, 1935) Oacillulrapha, Fut-Screen Tubn Now Stand­ ard Equipment on GR- l'rice Chanlea Monitou rOt Complete A-C Operation, Mod­ (November-December, 1934 ) ification of Broadcaat Frequency ( U. U. Dawes; Mareh, 1935) Oscillograph .. Some ImprovemenU in Calb· o.It?Ray (J. D. C,a\'l'lord : JuneJuly, 1933) Motion-Picture Cametfl, TakinS Slow·Afotion Muviel with In Ordinary (J. D. Crawfurd; Oscillolraphy, New Develot""ent. in [lee­ March, 1934) ,ron (June. 1934) Moving.Film Camern, A New (8. W. Lam· Photography of Tran5ienll with :t C.thude­ lun: November.De.:ember. 1934) Ray Oscillosuph (J. O. Crawford: May, 1934 ) New Aconitic Respunse Recorder (june. 1934 ) Photogra phy, Variac Applica tion. in (Janu· ary, 1935) New Adjuiilllhle Trandurrner-The Varille. A (R. 8. Seo!t; June-July, 1933) Plug-In Inductora (October, 1933) New Ca men Recurds Uisb-Speed Tran­ Police and Uilber Frequel1cie.. A F,t? lient&, The (November-December, 1934) quency Munitor ror (C. E. Worthen; AIJril, 1935) Ncw Developments in Electron OtciIJosra­ phy (June, 1934) Power Faclor Meuuremenlt in Oil Analy8is (R, F. Field: September-Ocloher, 1934) New Dial. (February, 1935) Power OllCiUalor, New luductora (or the New InduCIUrl for the Power OKiUltur (Mardl, 1934) (Mlrc:b. 1934) Power Su ppli ~ (September-Oetober, 1934) New Knubs aDd Oiall (AUSual-Septemher, Price Chan gell-Filit-Screen Tubes Now 1933) Stllntlarcl Equipment on GR Oae illoltuph. New Movins·Film Camera. A (H. W_ Lam_ (November.December, 19») .on; Nunmber·Oecembe r, 1934) Quality in Bruadcast Tran!n.in ion. Impro .. • New Reactance Chari, A (March. 1935) inl (R. H. Scott : AU.gullt&llIember, 1933) New Reactance Chart, A (April, 1935) Rnck, Universal Relay (Octooor, 1935) New Specification. for TYrIi: SOS Co ndense ..
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