![Arxiv:2102.07268V2 [Physics.Comp-Ph] 30 Jun 2021 Such As Biology and Life Sciences](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Using analog computers in today’s largest computational challenges Sven Köppel1, Bernd Ulmann1, Lars Heimann1, and Dirk Killat1,2 1Anabrid GmbH, Am Stadtpark 3, 12167 Berlin, Germany 2Microelectronics Department, Brandenburg University of Technology, 03046 Cottbus, Germany Correspondence: Sven Köppel ([email protected]) Abstract. Analog computers can be revived as a feasible oratory conditions but also the necessary error correction technology platform for low precision, energy efficient and schemes challenge practical quantum computers (Wilhelm fast computing. We justify this statement by measuring the et al., 2017). This currently negates any practical advan- performance of a modern analog computer and comparing it tage over silicon based digital computing. Furthermore, all with that of traditional digital processors. General statements of these alternative (or exotic) computer architectures share are made about the solution of ordinary and partial differen- the characteristic that they are fundamentally non-portable. tial equations. Computational fluid dynamics are discussed This means they will have to be located at large facilities and as an example of large scale scientific computing applica- dedicated special-purpose computing centers for a long time, tions. Several models are proposed which demonstrate the if not forever. This is not necessarily a practical drawback, benefits of analog and digital-analog hybrid computing. since the internet allows for delocalization of systems. In contrast to this, silicon based electronic analog com- puting is a technology with a rich history, which operates in a normal workplace environment (non-laboratory condi- 1 Introduction tions; Ulmann, 2020). Digital computers overtook their ana- log counterparts in the last century, primarily due to their Digital computing has transformed many — if not close to ever-increasing digital clock speeds and their flexibility that all — aspects of industry, humanities and science. Turing comes from their algorithmic approach and the possibility of completeness allows statements to be made about the com- using these machines in a time-shared environment. How- putability and decidability of problems and computational ever, today Moore’s law is coming to a hard stop and proces- power of machines. Digital storage has undergone numer- sor clock speeds have not significantly increased in the past ous technological advances and is available in increasingly decade. Manycore architectures and vectorization come with vast amounts. Nevertheless, contemporary digital computing their own share of problems, given their fundamental limits is possibly not the last word in computing, despite its domi- as described, for instance, by Amdahl’s law (Rodgers, 1985). nance in the consumer market for the last 40+ years. GPGPUs and specialized digital computing chips concen- Fundamental research about non-traditional (also referred trate on vectorized, and even data flow-oriented program- to as unconventional or exotic) computing is taking place in ming paradigms but are still limited by parasitic capacitances material sciences, chemistry but also in more exotic branches which determine the maximum possible clock frequency and arXiv:2102.07268v2 [physics.comp-ph] 30 Jun 2021 such as biology and life sciences. Amongst others, beyond- provide a noticeable energy barrier. Turing computing (Siegelmann, 1995), natural computing Thanks to their properties, analog computers have at- (Calude et al., 1999), neuromorphic computing (Schuman tracted the interest of many research groups. For surveys of et al., 2019; Ziegler, 2020) or quantum computing (Zhou theory and applications, see for instance Bournez and Pouly et al., 2020; Georgescu et al., 2014; Kendon et al., 2010) are (2018) or the works of MacLennan (2004, 2012, 2019). In fields of active investigation. Being fundamental research at this paper, we study the usability of analog computers for heart, these disciplines come with technological challenges. applications in science. The fundamental properties of ana- For instance, computing with DNA still requires the use log computers are low power requirements, low resolution of large scale laboratory equipment and machinery (Deaton computation and intrinsic parallelism. Two very different et al., 1998). Currently, not only the low-temperature lab- 2 Köppel, Ulmann, Heimann, Killat: Using analog computers in today’s largest computational challenges uses cases/scenarios can be identified: High performance can achieve a time-to-solution computing (HPC) and low energy portable computing. The M 1 M M energy and computational demands for both scenarios are TD = M · TD; i.e., TD = TD (M) = O(M): (3) diametrically-opposed and this paper is primarily focused on Here, T 1 refers to the time-to-solution for solving equa- HPC. tion (1), while T M refers to the time-to-solution for solving The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, we review a problem M times as hard. M 2 N is the measure for the the general assumptions about digital and analog computing. algorithmic complexity of f(y). f(M) = O(g(M)) refers to In Section 3, small scale benchmark results are presented for the Bachmann-Landau asymptotic notation. The number of a simple ordinary differential equation. In Section 4, a typi- computational elements required to implement f(y) on an cal partial differential equation is considered as an example analog computer or the number of instructions required for for a large scale problem. Spatial discretization effects and computing f(y) on a digital computer could provide num- computer architecture design choices are discussed. Finally, bers for M. This is because it is assumed that the evaluation Section 5 summarizes the findings. of f(y) can hardly be numerically parallelized. For a system of N coupled ODEs dyi=dt = fi(y1;:::;yN ), the vector- 2 A Simple (Linear) Model for Comparing Analog and valued f can be assigned an effective complexity O(NM) Digital Performance with the same reasoning. However, an overall complexity O(M) is more realistic since parallelism could be exploited In this paper, we study different techniques for solving dif- more easily in the direction of N (MIMD, multiple instruc- ferential equations computationally. Due to the different con- tion, multiple data). ventions in algorithmic and analog approaches, a common Furthermore, multi-step schemes implementing higher or- language had to be found and is described in this section. der numerical time integration can exploit digital paralleliza- Here, the term algorithmic approach addresses the classi- tion (however, in general the serial time-to-solution of a nu- cal Euler method or classical quasi-linear techniques in or- merical Euler scheme is the limit for the fastest possible dig- dinary or partial differential equations (ODEs/PDEs), i.e., ital time integration). Digital parallelization is always lim- general methods of numerical mathematics. The term ana- ited by the inherently serial parts of a problem (Amdahl’s log approach addresses the continuous time integration with law, Rodgers, 1985), which makes the evaluation of f(y) an operational amplifier having a capacitor in the feedback the hardest part of the problem. Section 4 discusses complex loop. The fundamental measures of computer performance functions f(y) in the context of the method of lines for PDEs. under consideration are the time-to-solution T , the power It should be emphasized that, in the general case, this esti- consumption P and the energy demand E. mate for the digital computer is a most optimistic (best) esti- mate, using today’s numerical methods. It does not take into 2.1 Time to solution account hypothetical algorithmic “shortcuts” which could archive solutions faster than O(M), because they imply The time-to-solution T is the elapsed real time (lab time or some knowledge about the internal structure of f(y) which wall clock time) for solving a differential equation @tu = could probably also be exploited in analog implementations. f(u) from its initial condition u(t0) at time t0 to some target simulation time tfinal, i.e., for obtaining u(tfinal). The speed 2.2 Power and energy scaling for the linear model factor k0 := T=tfinal is the ratio of elapsed simulation time per wall clock time. On analog computers, this allows to For a given problem with time-to-solution T and average identify the maximum frequency ν = k0=(2π sec). On digi- power consumption P , the overall energy is estimated by tal computers, the time-to-solution is used as an estimator (in E = PT regardless of the computer architecture. a statistical sense) for the average k0. Relating this quantity In general, an analog computer has to grow with the prob- to measures in numerical schemes is an important discussion lem size M. Given constant power requirements per comput- point in this paper. Given the simplest possible ODE, ing element and neglecting increasing resistances or parasitic capacitances, in general one can assume the analog computer dy=dt = f(y) := y ; (1) M power requirement PA for a size M problem to scale from a 1 M 1 one can study the analog/digital computer performance in size 1 problem PA as PA = PA ·M. In contrast, a serial sin- terms of the complexity of f(y). For a problem M times as gle node digital computer in principle can compute a problem big as the given one, the inherently fully parallel analog com- of any size serially by relying on dynamic memory (DRAM), M 1 puter exhibits a constant time-to-solution, i.e., in other terms, i.e., PD = PD. That is, the digital computer power require- M ments for running a large problem (PD ) are (at first approx- imation) similar to running a small problem P 1 . Typically, T M := T 1 ; i.e., T M = T M (M) = O(1); (2) D A A A A the DRAM energy demands are one to two orders of magni- In contrast, a single core (i.e., nonvectorized, nor superscalar tude smaller than those of a desktop or server grade processor architecture) digital computer operates in a serial fashion and and are therefore negligible for this estimate.
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