President’s Message The winds of change continue to blow briskly at Cal State LA. With fall comes the return of The Emeritimes the semester calendar. The downtown campus Publication of The Emeriti Association California State University, Los Angeles is flourishing. Student en- rollments have reached an Volume XXXVIII, Number 1 Fall 2016 all-time high. We have a new logo (with accompany- ing new bookstore clothing Raphael J. Sonenshein to Speak at Luncheon line), a new athletic direc- tor (dedicated to achieving on This Election Season’s “Wild Ride” Division I status in some Raphael J. Sonenshein, executive director Previously, Sonenshein served as execu- sports), free off-site parking of the Edmund G. “Pat” Brown Institute at Cal tive director of the Los Angeles Appointed (for the first 200 students State LA, will be the featured guest speaker at Charter Reform Commission. The commission to request it), a robust de- the emeriti fall luncheon on Friday, September helped create a unified charter proposal for velopment office (securing major single-donor the ballot that provided the first successful contributions), various administrative changes and comprehensive update to the city’s 1925 (both in personnel and organization), an online scholarship application and review process (work in progress), and 52 new faculty hires (with more promised in the year upcoming) to rebuild the sometimes beleaguered professoriate. Fall The Emeriti Association is undergoing some LUNCHEON transformation as well. At the annual meeting FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 portion of the spring luncheon, the body elected 11:30 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. Kathy Reilly as secretary and re-elected Rose- See PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE, Page 2 GOLDEN EAglE BAllROOM 1 COST: $37 PER PERSON Send a check made payable to the SEMESTERS!! Emeriti Association, along with your entrée choice: chicken piccata, grilled The first fall semester in 49 years began Affairs Public .Courtesy of Cal State LA at Cal State LA on August 22. The total fall salmon, or hanger steak, to Marshall headcount enrollment is expected to be 16. His talk, “The Wild Ride,” should be both Cates, 1036 Armada Drive, Pasadena, 28,452, up from last year’s historic high informative and entertaining considering the CA 91103, no later than Saturday, Sep- of 27,681. Faculty searches have resulted events surrounding this election season. tember 10. For additional information, call in 52 new tenure-track faculty across the Among his many projects at the Institute, Marshall at 626-792-9118 or e-mail him at University’s colleges. At the University Sonenshein directs the PBI Cal State LA Poll, [email protected]. Convocation on August 18, President Wil- which is exploring participation in Los Angeles liam A. Covino welcomed the faculty to County by diverse communities, and the Civic the new academic year. University, a joint project with the Office of charter. The charter measure achieved a 60 Mayor Eric Garcetti to educate members of the percent approval at the polls in June 1999. community about the workings of local govern- It boosted the mayor’s power and led to the ment and how they can influence it. See FALL LUNCHEON, Page 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Professional and Personal ................ 3 Emeriti Association Awards 14 Fellowships for 2016-17 Fourteen fellowships have been awarded for a group to honor or memorialize a person or Harold Goldwhite Appointed 2016-17, including five named endowed fel- persons specified by the donors. Funds that are Executive Director of CSU-ERFA ... 3 lowships and nine general emeriti fellowships, donated or raised for a named endowed fellow- Billie Jean King Gala Set three of which are named emeriti fellowships. ship are maintained in separate accounts and for October 22 ................................. 3 They were selected by the ad hoc Fellowship their use is restricted to the specific fellowship Application Review Committee, 11 members for which they are designated. Emeriti Fellowships for 2015-16 of the Emeriti Association who reviewed more The David Cameron Fisher Memorial Fel- Awarded at Spring Luncheon .......... 3 than 235 applications. Members of the commit- lowship in biology has been awarded to Ariel Campus News .................................. 4 tee were Alan Muchlinski, Bill Taylor, Dorothy Sherman. Her career goal is to earn a Ph.D. and Keane, Janet Fisher-Hoult, Jerry Beer, Joe Casa- teach marine ecology at a university or commu- In Memoriam ................................... 5 nova, John Cleman, José Galván, Mani Subrama- nity college. Her interest in this area began as nian, Marilyn Friedman, and Alfredo Gonzalez. an undergraduate when she had the opportunity to work in a faculty lab and study the evolution Visit the Emeriti Association webpage, Named Endowed Fellowships of marine invertebrates. As a participant in the http://www.calstatela.edu/emeriti Named endowed fellowships are established Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participa- by an individual, a group of individuals, or See FELLOWSHIPS, Page 8 President’s Message (Continued from Page 1) The Emeritimes marie Marshall-Holt as membership secretary, ing fellowships, publishing The Emeritimes, along with Stan Burstein as vice president for distributing the directory, and maintaining WILLIAM E. LLOYD, Founding Editor-in-Chief administration and yours truly as both president the Association website, the Executive Com- and Cal State LA Academic Senate representa- mittee has begun exploring new ways for it ELLEN R. STEIN, Editor DENNIS KIMURA, Graphic Designer tive. In the Executive Committee meeting prior to serve the Association, the emeriti, and the to the luncheon, Jerry Beer and Steve Felszeghy University. We have been gaining visibility EDITORIAL BOARD were approved as committee members-at-large. by participating in Honors Convocation and J. THEODORE ANAGNOSON, Also, Barbara Sinclair, José Galván, and Frieda Commencement ceremonies, serving as ban- DONALD O. DEWEY, HAROLD GOLDWHITE, Stahl have agreed to serve as corresponding ner holders and escorts. For several years, the JOAN D. JOHNSON, VilMA POttER, FRIEDA A. STAHL (CHAIR) secretary, database coordinator, and The Emeri- Emeriti Association has been a co-sponsor of times Editorial Board chair, respectively. I want the Gigi Gaucher-Morales Memorial Confer- Address copy to: to welcome the new members of the Executive ence, organized by emeritus professor Roberto Ellen Stein, Editor, The Emeritimes Committee and express my thanks to all, includ- Cantu and including as presenters Cal State LA 1931 E. Washington Blvd., Unit 2 Pasadena, CA 91104 ing the continuing members, for their willingness emeriti. This year’s conference was devoted to Email: [email protected] to serve the Association and the University. I also the work of the distinguished journalist, novel- wish to express my appreciation to Hildebrando ist, short story writer, folklorist, and professor EMERITI ASSOCIATION Villarreal, Margaret Jefferson, Marilyn Fried- of English and anthropology at the University SIDNEY P. ALBERT, Founder man, and Roberto Cantú for their contributions of Texas at Austin, Américo Paredes. The well EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to the Committee’s work. Finally, I want to con- attended, two-day event featured presentations JOHN CLEMAN, President gratulate Harold Goldwhite on his appointment by distinguished scholars from major Ameri- DOROTHY L. KEANE, as executive director of the California State Uni- can universities and panel discussions led by Immediate Past President versity Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association director-producer Robert M. Young and actor STANLEY M. BURSTEIN, (CSU-ERFA). This is a position of considerable Edward James Olmos. Also of special note, Vice President, Administration importance in the statewide organization that physics emeriti Bill Taylor and Marty Epstein T. JEAN MORROW-ADENIKA, promotes the interests of CSU retirees, and his successfully applied through the Chancellor’s Vice President, Programs selection not only brings honor to him but also to Office to receive a VISTA (Volunteers in Service MARSHALL CATES, Treasurer the Cal State LA Emeriti Association. to America) student to help their department KATHRYN REILLY, Secretary Our scholarship/fellowship program has also establish contact with alumni and thereby fa- ROSEMARIE MARSHALL-HOlt, undergone some changes, due in part to a new cilitate networking, internships, and mentoring Membership Secretary electronic application and review process. As is for existing and future majors. BARBARA P. SINCLAIR, Corresponding Secretary typical with the implementation of new systems, All the activities above are examples of some there were a number of problems that caused us of the ways emeriti continue to serve Cal State DONALD O. DEWEY, Historian-Archivist to have to honor the 2015-16 awardees at the LA, and the Executive Committee would appreci- ALFREDO GONZÁLEZ, Fellowship Chair spring instead of the fall luncheon. We adjusted ate hearing suggestions of other ways it and the by inviting three previous fellowship recipients Association can engage emeriti in service to Cal DIANE M. KLEIN, Fundraising Chair to speak at the fall event, and in response to the State LA and its students. Or to put the question MARSHALL CATES, Fiscal Affairs Chair popularity of their talks, we included a previous somewhat differently, what do you think the JOSÉ L. GAlvÁN, Database Coordinator winner to speak at the spring luncheon along with Emeriti Association could be doing for emeriti DEMETRIUS J. MARGAZIOTIS, Webmaster the current awardees. At the fall luncheon, we and the University that it is not now doing? We JOHN CLEMAN, will award 14 fellowships for 2016-17, and our welcome your input. Academic Senate Representative featured speaker, Raphael Sonenshein, promises PETER BRIER, to be (once again) spellbinding in his analysis of Lifelong Learning Program Liaison the presidential election. Hearing the students JOHN CLEMAN, DONALD O. DEWEY, speak about their academic and professional BARBARA P. SINCLAIR plans and what our award means to them has CSU-ERFA Council Delegates always been impressively moving, one of the best GERALD BEER (2019), things we do, so we urge all emeriti to attend the JOSEPH A.
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