
San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1910 Special Libraries, 1910s 6-1-1910 Special Libraries, June 1910 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1910 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, June 1910" (1910). Special Libraries, 1910. Book 6. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1910/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1910 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SpecialI Libraries --- .- . - - --- -- -- - - - - -. -- -- Vol. 1. JUNE, 1910 No. 6 PUBLISHfijD BY THE Second Session: Monday Afternoon, July .4. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCTATION Indexes to Current Llleratnre: Editorial OiRce, State Library. A Trades Index-Joseph L. Wheeler, Li- Indianapolis, Ind. brary of the Uistrlct of Columbia. Avplicntlon pcncllng for tirlniissir~n ns seconcl- A Public Ajlairs Index-John A. Lapl), clash mattel nt the PosLoffkc, Intllnnapolis, Inrl. Legislative Reference Librarian, Indiana Stdte L~Inwy. Subscription. .....$2.00 year (10 numbers) The general discussion mill include a dls- Single copies.. ....................25 cents cussion of the above paIltlrs and a general The annual dues of thc Special Libraries discussion of the t'ollowing: Association include a subscription to Special Fields not covered by exlsting indexes and Libraries. - ol ilnllortance to slmial libraries. PrcsrAen t, JOHNCOTTON DANA Should the index conflne itself to a specl- Frco Pul~licLihr,wy, h'rwnrlc, N J. decl its1 of periodicals or Pources, or at- Vice-president, I:OIICRTH. WIITTTEN Pubilc Sewlce Comm~ssron,New Torlr City teml~tto include everylhing within its Scwetni v-'l'reas~nrr - - - GVY W. MARION particular field, shoolcl it be a complete Arthur D. Little, Inc.. 93 nroad St., Boston, Mnss index to a subject or a complete index E.uccuLlvc Bonrd . PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. SEcnm,tRr-rrREAsultalr. GlCOnCE 11' Lnt:. Stonc to specifled sources? 's: Wcbater, Boston. 1-11:tin~n~O. RRIarranI. Annotations, descril~t~veand critical. SLntn L~bvar)', Pio!'lrlence. 11 I. Methods of 111~inting;cumulation; use of Mnnng~ngEditor ol Sgcrial LIb~'nllcs : .TOIIN A. LAPP,Stnte Library, Iniliaunpolis. Ind. cards and loose-leaf systems. Duplication of work and means of mini- CONTENTS. mizing it. Synopsis of Papers, Among those who will take part in thc Mackinac Meeting ............... 42 cliscussion are the following: Agricultural Librar~es. C. W. Andrews, Librarian, John Crerar Marjorie I?. Warner ................ 44 Library, Chicago. Library of Stone & Webster. Samuel 13. Ranclr, Libranan, Grand Rapids G. W. Lee. ..................... 44 Public Library Technical Magazines Containing Book W. Uewson Johnston. TAmwian. Columbia Reviews. Joseph 1,. Wheeler. ........47 ~niversity. H. H. I3. Meyer, Chief Bibliogral~her,Li- ANNUAL MEETING SPECIAL LIBRARIES ~irlEd ~&nn~etz,Indexer, Index to Le- ASSOCIATION, MACKINAC ISLAND, gal Periodicals. JULY 1 TO 5, 1910. Frederlclr W. Fnxon, Editor, nulletin of First Session: Fr~dayForenoon, July 1. Bibliogmyhy. Library bulletins, publicity and methods Prof. L. C. Mal'shall, Editor, Journal of Po- of keeping a special clientage informed con- litical Economy. c.erning current literature of interest Third Session: Tuesday Afternoon, July 5. Opening discussion, George W. Lee, Li- Election or oficers. brarian, Stone & Webster, Boston. Report of SecretarpTreasul'el', Guy E. MR- General discussion with specla1 reference ].ion. I,ibrarian, A, l3. Little, Inc, Boston. to the needs and n~ethodsof l~articular11- Repo~tof Public Utillty Librarlps Com- braries. Among those who will talrc part in mittee, Georgc W. Lee, Librarian, Stone & the discusslon are the following: Websier. W. F Stevens, Librarian, Carnegie Li- Report of Legislative and Munici1)al Ref- brary, Homestead, Pa erence Libraries Committee, John A. Lapp, Guy E. Marion, Librarian, A. D. Little, 1,egislt~tive Reference Librarian, Indiana Inc., Boston State T,ibrary. Robert H. Whitten, Librarian, Public Report of Teclmologg Libraries Commit- Service Commission, New York City. tee. Joseph L. Wheeler, District of Coium- D. N. Handy, Libranan, Insurance Lilwary bla Public Library. Association ot Roslon Report of Managing Editor of Sgecial LI- In connection mlth the above session there braries. This report will be Pollowecl by a will be an exhib~tof bulletins, methods and gcnernl discusslon of thc bulletin ~~ublished devices used by special libraries relating to by the association. thc su,bject under discussion. Annual dinner of the association. SPECIAL LIBRARIES SYNOPSIS OF PAPERS TO BE PRE- (by Dewey Demical Systen~") I)upl~cating SENTED AT THE MACKINAC MEET- by mimeograph or multigral)h, etc., vs. ~~rinting.Consolidation. Announcements in ING, JULY 1 TO 5. advance of l)ublication. IJulletlns as the Bulletins. shccls of n I~andl~ookon wherc to look 0. \.\'. Lee. 10) Definition of Bulletin. Tlulletins vary ARTISAN'S TRADES INDEX. from Lhc3 single sheet, or news])aper ~~oster, Joseph 1,. Wheeler. to ~~am])hlrtsof over n hundi-ed pages, 11Be Several lilnarics have offered to co-op- Ihe I3ulletin of Bureau of Standards and eriite in the pre1)aration of the Trades 111- vni'y tron~reading lists to bibliographies nncl des, and n d~finitcplan of ihe work is here indexes General and sl~ecidbullelins to outlined Following is a tentative list of the be distinguished; what is slrecial fivon~it nlagaxines from w11ich all articles of sum- gPneral standlloint may be general from a cient lcngth and value mill be indexed, keel)- special stand])oint. ing in nlind lhat the index is not designed to (1 Bulletins Past and Present. llulletin Includc the class of literalnre which apl~eals of' 13ibliography ns an index to other bulle- to engineers and sllecinl l)rofessional ex- tins; :L clearlng house to avoid ove~~lal~~)ingperts, and that it 15 not for tnerclmniu or and clul)llrat~onof work. l~nsinessmen who may be interested in com- (2) Bulletins as Reference Lists. Smn- mercial aspects or technical subjects, but pies. Need or their classification. A view that it is for workmen, fol-einen, amateurs, of the ground al.-early covered. ~nc1those wllo may be In search of prac- (3) Bulletins as Reading Lists. Snlnples Hctrl instruction as how to make various RTethods of using them Ci~,culationva, use. tllings, the operation of machinery, recipes Exlremes to be avoided: "Too much ol' u :md Ilrocesses for shop work, amateur worlc good thing" and "No earthly use," II too aud inanual trades of all kinds. long. yet iml~ortantatTicles must not be The 1)url)ose should be to tivo~ddul~llcat- oveilooked. Habit ot usin:: easily lost. Oilin- ing the work 01 the engineer~ngindexes. 111 ions of librarians. A view of tlic g~~o~iknclluany cases the same nlagaxines will be in- nlrently covered. flexed, bul a different class of materm1 will (-11 Contents of Bulletins. Ilaoku, book be coiisiclered. !i.ts. ~~eviews,notes and conlments, periodi- The amount of sl)ncc given to entries on cal refercnceu, sources of infornlalion in broad tol~ics,such as textiles, machine work, general, may well he incluclecl in the sai~i~~carlwnlry, etc., should be proportionate to I~ulletin. llie importance and interest of those topics. (5) Quality. Care nredecl In n~alii~lgulr Testiles, all Idnds ot machine, metal and I~ullelins. Tendency to rouline. RPCOI'CI01' slio]~work, b~iildingtrades should be 11101-- nnestions aslced as n Ila~isfor thc In~llc~li~iorigl~ly corered. Such trades as bnlrei%, S~~onsorahi~~of sl~rcialists. l~a~,her's,are of such a natnrc that the de- 16) Limitations of the Bulletin. I!ulle~in inancl for literature is vn.y sn~all. T1iei-r- ~4.pe~wn~l servire. The man bclhi~~dtha I'T? ~nrhslrecial magnzlnes ns 13alter's l~ullc~tin.Suegestions for a tnbalnled bullc- I-Ielper, I3i~ooms, etc., will not be indcxeti: lin to nlect the nceds of several s])eclalistr; l111t w11ei.e thc morc general magazines, lilrv nt once. Ar)ir~~icnnhlachi~~iul, describes ~)roct~sses. (7) Publicity. Newsl~al~ers,the Ihllelin l lie nrtirles should be indexed. of Ili1Aiogral)liy nncl other centers of ])os- The form ot entry should be ~nucli likc sil~lero-ol~erallon in giving pul)licity to ex- 11i:~t of the Reader's GLII~PInstead of be~ng isting and forthcoming bulletins. Inverse annotated like the hgineering l~itlrx 01' 1)ubllcilg: iml)ortance of ]nMic necacls being Technical Press Index. Izno\vn to the hullelin maker. Subject indehing heading. (8) Speclal Libraries Association in Rela- Title (short e1111'y.) Short roiw of thcl tlon to Bullet~ns. Should he ~u touch wth s~~l~-ti(leif nwcswrv. Pages. Illusl~~:~l- n11 the 1)ulletins lhtlt bear ullon the 1nle1'- ed. Magazine Date (.-Is oC its nlembers. Should have and pub- Exanlllles of indes ('11Iiy : Ilsh infomation on ways of oblainiqg all the Ouiler worlc. lxllet~ns. "Special T,ibraries" and its scol)e. Al)lrlyina ~)a~chesto I:oil(x~.s I il. ~lionlclrefer in bullelins 1)ublished or 1,ro- Power. Ntly 24, '10. ~~\scd,and should encourage ones that arc I J~il)r~catifl~~. iicctled, rather than attelnpl in its own pages C\'linder lubrication Pam let terb of lo snrisfv its menibe~*swith reading or isef- discussion, 1 % 11 Power Llny 9, '10. crence lists. Exchange ~)ossll)ilitiesilnd rho The .John Cl'erar 1,ibrai.y and the T,il~i.:~~-y ~)ossil)leformation of a liln-ary of bnllelins of the Stt~l\\'orlrs Club, Jolicl, I11 , lit~vcs Circulation ol 1)11llrtins11y mail on ;L loan oifcr~dto co-opcl'ale.
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