ORISSA STATE BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN INDEX INDEX Pages i-ii ABBREVIATIONS Page iii Sl No. Item Particulars Page Chapters 1. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Brief Background to the Strategy and Action Plan 1 1.2 Scope 2 1.3 Objectives 2 1.4 Contents 3 1.5 Methodology 3 1.6 Key Participants 4 2. Chapter 2 PROFILE OF ORISSA STATE 5 2.1 Geographical Profile 5 2.2 Demographic Profile 6 2.3 Socio-economic Profile 7 2.4 Political Profile 11 2.5 Ecological profile 12 2.6 Historical Changes 15 3. Chapter 3 STATUS OF BIODIVERSITY IN ORISSA 17 3.1 Biodiversity of India 17 3.2 Floristic Wealth of Orissa 20 3.3 Ethno-medicines 24 3.4 Forests ecosystem 24 3.5 Wildlife in Orissa 28 3.6 Wetlands in Orissa 32 3.7 Sacred Grove & Biodiversity 34 3.8 Tribal Culture and Biodiversity 37 3.9 Agricultural Biodiversity 37 3.10 Microbial diversity 38 3.11 Biodiversity of Domesticated Animals 41 3.12 Biodiversity of fishes and aquatic fauna in Orissa state 43 3.13 Women and Biodiversity 46 3.14 ECOREGIONS 47-55 (Mahendragiri, Gandhmardan, Pradhanpat, Malyagiri and Chilika lake) Sl No. Item Particulars Page 4. Chapter 4 POLICY AND PROGRAMMES CONCERNING BIODIVERSITY 57 4.0 Background 57 4.1 Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 57 4.2 International Programmes and Conventions 60 4.3 Legislative Framework 60 4.4 Biological Diversity Bill 62 4.5 Policies of the State 62 4.6 Problems and Prospects 63 4.7 Development of Women 65 4.8 Water Resources Projects and Biodiversity 66 4.9 Major actors and their current roles relevant to biodiversity 71 4.10 Root Causes of Loss of Wild Animal Biodiversity 75 4.11 Gaps in wild biodiversity conservation 75 5. Chapter 5 ORISSA STATE BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 77 5.0/5.1 Background 77 5.2 General Strategy of Biodiversity Conservation: 77 5.3 General Action Plan 78 5.4 Specific Strategies for Conservation of Wild biodiversity 80 5.5 Plan of Action on Biodiversity for a Tribal area 83 5.6 Strategies for Ethnomedicinal Biodiverisity 84 5.7 Strategy and Action Plan for Conserving Sacred Groves Biodiversity 86 5.8 Strategies and action plan for conserving agri-diversity 87 5.9 Strategies for Soil and Microbial Biodiversity 88 5.10 Strategy for Domesticated Animals 88 5.11 Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity of Fishes and Aquatic Fauna 89 5.12 Strategy for Water Resources 89 5.13 Strategy on mineral resources 89 5.14 Strategy for Women in Biodiversity 90 5.15 STRATEGY FOR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN ECOREGIONS 91 5.15.1 MAHENDRAGIRI 91 5.15.2 CHILIKA LAKE 91 5.16 DISTRICTS STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 92 6. Tables 1-45 7. Maps and Figures 1-10 & I-V 8. Annexures 1-78 9. References 1-11 ************************************************************************************* ABBREVIATIONS BSI Botanical Survey of India CBD Convention on Biolgical Diversity CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CICFRI Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute CIFA Central Institute of fresh-water Aquaculture CMFRI Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute CRRI Central Rice Research Institute DPF Demarcated Protected Forests FRI Forests Research Institute FSI Forests Survey of India GSDP Gross State Domestic Product HYV High yielding Variety ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural research ICFRE Indian Council of Forestry research and Education IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources JFM Joint Forest Management JGSY Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana KBK Koraput Bolangir Kalahandi Districts of Orissa MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forests NBPGR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NIO National Institute of Oceanography NRSA National Remote Sensing Agency NSDP Net State Domestic Product NWCSO Nature and Wildlife Conservation Society of Orissa OBSAP Orissa Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan RPRC Regional Plant Resource Centre RRL Regional Research Laboratory SAP Strategy and Action PLan SDP State Domestic Product SFP Social Forestry Project SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SLSC State Level Steering Committee SGSY Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozagar Yojana TRIPS Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights UNEP United Nations Environment Programme VFC Village Forest Committee VFPC Village Forest Protection Committees VSS Vana Samrakshyan Samittees WALMI Water and Land Management Institute WHO World Health Organisation WII Wildlife Institute of India WTO World Trade Organisation ZSI Zoological Survey of India List of Tables ( The number for Table indicates reference to Chapter and its serial number thereof) Sl. Table No. Page Chapter Subject No. first referred 1 Table 2.1 1-2 2 Districts & Blocks under different agro- climatic zones of Orissa 2 Table 2.2 3 2 A list of important natural bodies in Orissa. 3. Table 2.3 4 2 Demographic Profile - Orissa 2001 4. Table 2.4 4 2 Scheduled Areas of Orissa (1991 Census) 5 Table 2.5 5 2 Foodgrain Production in Orissa. 6 Table 2.6 5 2 Production of Fish in Orissa 7 Table 2.7 5 2 Livestock Population in Orissa 8 Table 2.8 5 2 Production and Value of Minerals/Ores in Orissa. 9 Table 2.9 6 2 District-wise Exploitation and Value of Major Minerals in Orissa, during 1999-00 10 Table 2.10 7 2 Mineral-wise Leases in the State as on 31.03.2000 11 Table 2.11 8 2 Year-wise Total Installed Capacity and Availability of Power in Orissa from all Sources from 1995-96 to 1999-00 12 Table 2.12 8 2 Major Industries having Captive Power Plants in Orissa during 1999-00 13 Table 2.13 8 2 Year-wise Demand for and Availability of Power in Orissa over the Period from 1995-96 to 1999-00 14 Table 2.14 9 2 Installed Capacity and Power Generation of different Power Projects In Orissa during 1999-00 15 Table 2.15 9 2 Additional Availability of Power by 2001-2002 16 Table 2.16 10 2 Protected Areas of Orissa 17 Table 2.17 11 2 Forests Types of Orissa 18 Table 2.18 11 2 Wetland Resources of Orissa 19 Table 2.19 12 2 Bio-geogeographical Classification of Orissa 20 Table 2.20 13 2 List of major crops grown in agro-climatic zones of Orissa. 21 Table 2.21 13 2 Distribution of horticultural crops of Orissa. 22 Table 2.22 14 2 Geological Succession of Rocks 23 Table 2.23 15 2 Development of Irrigation Potential in Orissa 24 Table 2.24 15 2 Submergence of land area under large and Medium irrigation projects in Orissa 25 Table 3.1 16 3 Comparison Between the Number of Species in India and the World. 26 Table 3.2 16 3 Globally Threatened Animals Occurring in India by Status Category. 27 Table 3.3 16 3 Biological diversity of vascular plants of Orissa 28 Table 3.4 A 17 3 Comparative list of ten dominant plant families of Orissa and India 29 Table 3.4 B 17 3 Economic plants with families, Orissa 30 Table 3.5 18-20 3 Distribution frequency, habitat and flowering period of Orissa orchids. 31 Table 3.6 21-22 3 Red List Of Threatened Medicinal Plants 32 Table 3.7 22 3 Red List Of Threatened Animals, Birds And Reptiles 33 Table 3.8 23 3 Statement showing the Details of Preservation Plots in Orissa 34 Table 3.9 23-25 3 Distribution of species in Preservation Plot 35 Table 3.10 26 3 Information about formation of VSS, VFPC and un- registered groups in forest management in Orissa 36 Table 3.11 27 3 Information about formation of Village Forest Committees 37 Table 3.12 28-31 3 Proximate processes affecting wild biodiversity. 38 Table 3.13 32-33 3 List of threatened animals/birds in Orissa. 39 Table 3.14 34 3 Existing Natural Wetlands in Orissa. 40 Table 3.15 35 3 Man made wetlands and lakes in Orissa. 41 Table 3.16 36 3 Forest Cover Status in Tribal Districts 42 Table 3.17 36 3 List of some traditional rice varieties grown in different agricultural eco-system 43 Table 3.18 37-40 3 Check list of crop plants and wild relatives of Orissa 44 Table 3.19 40 3 Number of soil microorganisms and invertebrates in Orissa and India 45 Table 3.20 41 3 Quantitative evaluation of endemic species of some soil microorganisms and invertebrates from Orissa 46 Table 4.1 41 4 District-wise Watershed, sub-watershed and Mini- watersheds in Orissa. 47 Table 5.1 43-44 5 Medicinal plants for primary health care 48 Table 5.2 45 6 Statement Of Market Rate Vis-À-Vis Collection Rate of Crude Drugs List of Annexures ( The number for Annexure indicates reference to Chapter and its serial number thereof) Sl. Annexure No. Page Chapter Subject No. first referred 1 Annexure 1.1 1-2 1 List of Cross Cutting Themes for SAPs in Orissa 2 Annexure 1.2 3 1 Students in Biodiversity Programme in Orissa 3 Annexure 1.3 4-6 1 Particulars of NBSAP Field Programmes in Orissa 4 Annexure 1.4 7-9 1 List and Address of SLSC members and others 5 Annexure 2.1 10-11 2 ECOLOGICAL PLANT GROUPS 6 Annexure 2.2 12-13 2 Forest Ecosystems of Orissa 7 Annexure 2.3 14-18 2 Biodiversity of Cultivated Plants 8 Annexure 2.4 19-21 2 Biodiversity of Domesticated Animals 9 Annexure 3.1 22-24 3 Orchid Status in Orissa 10 Annexure 3.2 25-26 3 Status of Community Conserved Important Forests and Biodiversity area in Orissa 11 Annexure 3.3 27 3 List of mangrove species and their associates reported to occur along the coast of Orissa 12 Annexure 3.4 28 3 Salient features of Botanical Garden 13 Annexure 3.5 29-32 3 A brief about Coastal Fauna 14 Annexure 3.6 33-34 3 List of Birds of Chilika Lake 15 Annexure 3.7 35-36 3 Hirakud Reservoir: a case study 16 Annexure 3.8 37-42 3 Participatory Approaches for Biodiversity Conservation of Chilika Lagoon and Biodiversity of Fishes.
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