NOTES.. A Roman silver denarius of about the middle of -the third century B.C. was found in the garden of the Old School House, Stonham. Aspal, in November, • 1915. It bears on the obverse the head of the goddess Rotha (winged), and on the reverse Castor and Pollux on horseback to the right. •Below the word ROMA. One of our members, Mr. George Andrews Moriarty, . in writing from Cambridge, Mass. , U.S.A„ says : " The - early connection between Suffolk .and New England was very close. The three oldest counties Of Massa- chusetts were .named Suffolk, Essex, and Middlesex, and a friend of mine who is an authot.ity on our early settlers has estimated that almost 40 Yo_of the early Massachusetts settlers came from the western half of Suffolk and -the neighbouring parts of Essex.- The " Yankee twang " of our yeomanry is, I believe, the •offshoot of a Suffolk—Essex .dialect." A. W. DARWIN. GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. XV. A Alpe, Edw., 172 (2), 177 Alpheton, 163, 166 . Abbott, Jas., 30 ; Jos., 38 Alston, Edwd., 95 ; Thos., 94 Abell, Robl., Prior of Colne, 93 Alyn, Jno., 131 Abingdon, Abbot Faricius of, 87, Ame, Nich., 118 89 ; Abbot Walkelin of, 87 • Amye, Wm., 137 Ablewhit, Mary, 30 Anabaptist, imprisonment of an; 69' Ablewhite, Mary, 26 ; Robert, 26 Ancient Roman Settlement at Abre, Jno., 141 Long Melford, J. Sinclair Holden, Accounts and Diary of Rev. John on, 267 Rhodes, by Edgar Powell, 269 Anderson, Jno., 250 Acton, 162 Andrew, Anne, 27, 40, ; Edw., 40 ; Adam, Jno., 129 Jno., 250 (2) ; Robt., 26 ; Wm., Adams, - Mr., 272, 280 (2) ; Mrs., 27, 130 ; cf Handrew, 280 ; Patil, 168 Andrewes, Giles, 44 Adamson, Mr., 282 Andrews, Hen., 130 . Addington, Wm., vicar of Edward- Anger, Clem., 239 ; Jno., 137 ; stone, 99 Wm., 240 Adelina, Agn. w. of Hen., 304, Hen., Angold, Thos., 129 304 Ansell, Dr., 282 Adkyn, Thos., 246 Antony, Jno., 142 Aelfric, son of Withgar, 200 Apken, Thos., 129 Aeolian harps, made by Bloom- Appleton, Isaac, 162, 174, 178 field, 61 Applethwaite, Jno., 26, 29 ; Wm., Aethelred II., coin of, 227 25 Agas, Jno., 173 Applewaite, Jno., 34, 38 Aggas, Jno., 175 Apsley, Mr., 286, 288 ; Rph., 290 Ailwin, 220 Arberd, Wm.' 243 Alabaster, Jno., 20 (2) ; Mr. Jno., • Archer, Jno., 42 23 (2) ; Mr. Thos., 21 ; Wm., 40 ; Ardley, 173 43 Armiger, Walt, 155 Albold, Abbot of St. Edmd., 207 Armon, Anne, 175 ; Jas., 175 Albye, Thos., 240 Army and Navy, conditions of Alderman, Jno., 40, 42 (2) ; Pet., service in, 150 38 Arosmythe, Jno., 136 Alders, Jno., 246 (2) Arrays of arms under the Tudors, Alderton, Hen., 125 ; Jno., 124, 259 247 ; Wm., 121 Arrowsmith, Jno., 279 • Aldham, 35 Arthur and ye Traitre, Ballads of, Alen, Robt., 142 272 Alexander, •as., 1.35 ; Jos., 72, 155, Arundel, Earl of, see Howard 181 (2) ; Wm., 70 Arundel, Lord, 262 Aleyne, Const., 136 Ash, vica'r of, 303 Aleys, Robt., 252 " Ashe, Wm., 67, 175 . Alfer, Godwin, son of, 88 Ashefield, Robt., 114 Allen, Ellen, 181 ; Robt., 168 Ashen Bridge, papers re, 151 Wm.' 41, 68, 72(2), 157, 158 (2), Ashfield, 124 ; 170, 171 161, 164, 166, 167, 172, 174, 175, Ashley, Herb., D.D., 282 177. Aspall, 176, 178 Allington, Jno., 25 (2), 37 ; Jno., Aspole, leet of, 178 curate of Hadleigh, 34 ; Mr. Jno., Assington, vicars of, 99 26, 28 (2) Association Oath Rolls, 150 Allston, Mr., 272, 273 (2). Asty, Thos., 132 (2) Almack, Hen. H., his discoveries Aswell, Jno, 139 at Long Melford, 267 Assheffeld, Robt., 116 GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. XV. 367 Assington, 94 (2) Ballingdon Hall, visit to, 217 Atherton, Robt., 170 Balls, Edw., 121; Jno., 118 ; Rog.„ Atkyns, Edm., 180 44 Atkynson, Jno., 134. Balley, Robt., 126 Atmere, Jno., 137 . Attegate, Clem., bro. of Laur., 303 ; Ballys, Jno., 130, 139 ; Thos., 135 Lanr., 303 Baltrope, Nich., 134 Aurignac period, 7 • Bankes, Anne, 43 Aurignacien Age, Lower-Middle, ' Banks of Wye, Bloomfield's, 60 Ipswich flints attributed to, 84 Bannok, Andr., 117 Austen, Alexdr., 250 • Wm., 51 Banticke, Helena, 39 • Wm.,. 39 Avener, Sebastian, 125 ' Barber, Jno., 169 ; Tilos., 169 Avice, Win., 38 Bardwell, 125, 153 Avis, Win., 22, 25 (2), 39 Bardwell, - Mr., 252 ; Jno., 179 Aylesworth, alias Mills, Thos., 155 Barefoot, Wm., 181 Aylett, Ven. Robt., 25 Bardfoote, Win., 168 Aylward, Benedict, 22 ; Joan, 22 ; .Barett, Geoff., 236 (2) ; •John, 236 ; ' Nichs., 28, 34, Robt., 21 ; Wm., Robt., 249 ' Wm., 236 91 Barhoult, seeBergholt, Barker, D., Esq., 152 • Edw., ,162,. 243, 244 ; Hen., 252 • Jno, 25, ' 29, 119, 130 (2), 243 (2), 252 (2) ; Jno., clerk, 25 ; John, curate of Babergh, Hundred, 174 ; 205 ; mus- Monks' Eleigh, 20, 23, 26 ; Sit-- ter roll, 260 • John, Bart., 152 ; Milicent, 173 ; Babington, - Mr., 282 ; Humph., Robt., 128 ; ' Thos., 241 ; Wm., 283 n 128, 130, 239 (2) ; 246 Babwell, 206 Barkere, Emm., wid. of Geoff. le,. Backett, Geo., 137 302 ; Geoff le, 302 Bacton, 181 Barkham, Ven: Jno., 17, 25 Bacon, Sir Butts, bait:, 164 ; Barking, 159 (2), 162, 164 ' . Edm., 120, 146, ; Sir Edw., bart., Barlow, Geo. Fras., vicar of 175 ; Eras., 159 ; Jno., 239 (2) ; Edwardstone, 99 Nathaniel, 174, 180' Nichs., 173, Barnard, Ben., 27, 44 ; Jno., 27 202 ; Nichs., bart., 202 ;.. Nichs., Barnardiston, 246 (2) kt., 210; Thos., 162, 216 ; Barnardiston, Thos., 143 • Sir Bacon Letter Books, 146 Thos.; knt., 133, 173, 174,. 238„ ' Badburgham, Nichs. de, 209 252 Badingham, 172, font, 229 Barnby, 155 , Badwell Ash, 125, 168 • Barnes, Alice, 40 ; Dor.,38 ; Robt.,. Baggott, Thos., 135 (2) 164 ; Wm., 40, 41, 164 Baker, Anthony, 170 ; Edm., 26; Barnham, 130, .283 ; Elizabethan. 119 ; Jno., 26, 30, 127' (2), 128,. house at, 81 ; rectory, 280 ; curate of Hadleigh, 38 ; 'curate of supposed i:ilague stone near, 81 ;. Monks' Eleigh, 34, 38 ; Mark, Barnham, Geoff., 119 34, 37, 38 ; Saml., 41, 42 ; Barningham, 123 Sim.' 125 • Thos., 97 (2), 119, Baron, Dr., 276 • Rph., 137 (2) 122, 176, 178, 245„- Wm., 97,119 ; Barown, Wm., 244 ' rector of Monks' Eleigh, 42, 43 Barrance, Anne, 275' Jas., 275 Balard, Jno., 250, 252 13arrard, J no., 122, 128 ; Thos., 122' Balder, Robt., 125 Barrell, - w."of Thos., 35 ; Jno.,. Baldry, Robt., 123 23 ; Judith, 31; 33 ; Ralph, 157 ; Baldwin, Abbot of St. Edmund, 200 Ric., 40, 41, 43 ; Robt., 22 ;, 203 . Thos., 31 (2), 33, 35, 37, 39 Baldwin, Catherine, 22, Jno., 125 Barrens, -, 275 ; Fras., 275 Baley, Jno, 244, 245 Barrett, Jno., 142 ; Wm., 142 Ballard, Geo.; 170 Barrey, Jas., 139 3(18 GENERAL INDEX TO VOL, XV. Barrow, 155, 284, 284n, 288 Belegrave, Hen.' 131 Barton, 140 (2),. 170 Belhus, Ric. de, 66 Barton, Bernard, verses on Robt. 13elton, 169 . 1-31oomfield., 62 ; Hen., 241 ; 13end, W., 140 Robt., 132 Bendall, Jno., 34 Barton Magna, 206 ; Mills, Arch- Bennett, Jno., 162 ; Susan, 150 ; deacon's visitation -at, 278 ; Wm., 150 Diary of the Rector of, 269 ; Bensington, serfs attached to, 187 Hearth Tax return for, 271 ; 33entley, 21, 179 manor of, 271 ; Rectory of, 272 l3entley, Jno., 244 Barwham, Roger, 128,129 Berford, Thos.,.132 Barwick, Ann, 24 ; Robt., 24 Bernard, Robt., 123 Baseley, Thos., 123 Berrington, J. of Kersey, 153 Basill, Thos., 40 Bergholt (Barhoult), 161 Basley, Jno., 122 Bernard; Sir Jno., 284 ; Sir Robt., Bassell, Abr., 154 280 Basset, Sim., 140 ; Thos., 140 Berre; Wm. le, 303 Bate, Wrn., 119 Berry, Grace, 172 ; , Thos.,' 172 • Bateley, Thos., 136 Bert, Jno.' 127 ; Marion, 126.; Bateman, Jno., 248 ; Win., 247 Robt., 126, 127 ; Wm., 127 Bathorne Bridges, 181 Berton, Christiana de, 100, 105 ;. Battelie, Jno., 147 Robt., son of Christiana de, 100 Battill, Mary, 163 Bery, Geoff., 142 Battisford, 164, 17.3 Besant, Robt., 141 Battle, Edw., 41, .43 Bette,. Robt., 126 Bawde, Wm., 222 • Betts, Jas., 173 ; Jno., 121 ; Ph., Baxter, Jno., 126 ; Nichs., 98 ; " 40 ; Sus., 32, 35, 36, 39 ; Thos., Thos., 130 (2), 131 41, 130, ; Webster, 37 Baylharn, 154, 171, 304 Beyhes, Wm., 244 Bayley, Jno., 245 ; Thos., 243, 250 Beylham, Robt. de, 304 Baynard, Fulk., 66 Beylom, Thos., 118 Beale, Jno., 127, 128 ; Wm., 126 Bidingham, Jno., 140 Bealings, Little, 156, 160,-163 Bigg, Nathaniel, 159 Beamond, Robt., 21 ; Wm., 42 13iggs, Bevis, 165 Bearte, Wm. 127 Bigesby, Bridget, 179 Beaumont, Edw., 34, 35 (2) ; Hen., Bigmore, - printer, 151 182 ; Joan, 38 ; Wm., 41 Bigod, Rog., 75, 77- ,Beccles, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153 (2), Bildeston, 153, 173, 174, 178 155, 157, 160, 162, 163, 165, 168, Billingford, 167, 168 169, 170, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, Billingsby, Wm., 28 ; 29 - 180 (2), 181, 264 ; courts at, 206 ; Bilney, -, 275 ; -Widow, 275 hospital at, 157, 170 ; Loan Bingham Priory, co. Norf., 229 Society, Rules of, 151 Birch, Jno., 150 Beckett, - of Woodbridge, 154 ; Bird, -, 275' Jos., 28 ; Nichs., Thos., 256 275, 286, 290 ; Ric., 162 (2) ; Becon, Jno., 124 ; Robt., 124 Robt., 122; Thos., 28 Beddingfield, Jno., 158 Bird and Inseats' Post Office, 60 Bedfield, 177 Birde, Day., bfass to, 215 . " Bedell, Rev. A. J., on Cratfield Birlingham, Robt., 126, 127 ; Wm., Church Font, 229 126, 127 Bedford, Thos., Earl of Dorset, 205 ; Bisterne, nr. Ringwood, co. HantS, . Wm., 150 279 Bedingfield, 176, 177 Black Death, its effect on serfdom, Beete, Robt., 126 191 Bekon, Jno., 125 Blackbourn, Hundred, 163, 205 ; Belamyn, Robt., 138 muster roll of, 116 Belcham, Thos., 157, 168 Blackman, Wm., 156 ; 169 GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. XV. 369 Blake, Laur., 169 Bond, Chas., 39 ; Margy., 39 ; Blakeley, Anne, 70 Win., 129 - Blanchfiower, Dionisius, 155 Bonde, Ric., .139 ; Rog., 302 • Blankes, -, 279 ; -, Mr., 282 Bondsmen, Bill for Emancipation Bleidiud, manumission of, 192 of, 191 Blewet, Thos., 24 Bonnett, Pet. de, 162 Blewett, Jas., 39; 40 ; Margt., 40 ; Boone, ThOs., 44 ; cf.
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