Columbia Co NY.Pdf

Columbia Co NY.Pdf

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K.Y. From 1787-1805. JjJzd. j '/."■/- / •'■'' Tolume 1 Copied from the original records at the Surrogate's Office, Hudson,5#Y. Copied and compiled by / Gertrude A. Barber>^ 1935. /"^ <^v - ^ C ^ z CP L £6.. John Slmeater of Canaan Dated Jan 17 ,1797 Probated Deo 19,1797 Mentiona; wife Sarah dau. Elizabeth w Wm Mercer John Bishop, and w %dia Exe outer:wife Witneaaea: Elihu K Knapp Patrick Handlton ffilliam Wearer of Chatham Dated Oct 10,1797 Probared Dec £7,7179 1797 Mentions: 9 children: J"ohn, William, Polly, Anna, Lydia, alar^ret, Peter, Olive, Ephraim Executors: 2£artin Kooper of Mnderhook Philip Harder " Witneaaea: D Gardenier Koaes Brink Tyrannua Collena lodowick Batz (Loduwick) of German Camp yeoman Dated Mar 21,1785 Probated Jan_ 8,1798 Mentions: sons: George, Frederick, Henry V/iliiam, Johannes *davia: i-Iargaret w Philip Krum Christina w Conrath Lasher Barbara w George Lasher Executors: Frederick Bats Wm " Witnesses: Willem Linck Philip Diederick Conrat Finger Gideon Burr of Mngs Pisttict Albany Co Dated Peb 11,1784 Probated Jan 16,1793 Mentions: wife Hannah sons: Gideon, Oziaa daua: Enuie w Oliver Kidder Sarah wid Stephen Burr late of Windsor,Conn Elizabeth w BenJ Hall Phebe w Benj Atwell Albi gr d Hannah rxlwell heir to Hannah, late w. of Joseph Atwell deed Exe cutor a: 2 sons Witnesses: Joel Savage of Whitestown, Herkimer Co Martha " and George Hinsdala Joshus^Lamphere - Dated Kay 13,1797 Probated Jan 31,1798 Mentions: eldest son Lemuel sons: Samuel, Joshua, Reuben, Richard Executors: wife Anne John Humphreys, Seth Jenny Witnesses: Zach. Standish, John Bemia, BenJ Moor c (U I 1 Hentlona: wife .Susannah ^ apna* Roawell, ii^dward. dana* loviey Parlcer Polly, Patty Executora: wife Philip Frishee Wm fiardner Vitneaaea* Pat Hamilton Daniel Morri a p f Chatha m Beni Bovejoy Thomas Connor of Hilladale i7Qfl Dated Jan 27 1798 Probated Feb 19,1798 \ Mentions: wife Sarah i Sxe cutor " I ii^itneaaea: Y/ait Darning I Daniel Morris I Deliverance ^mith I Andries Heermanaa of liv^lngatm Dated Jan 13,1798 Probated Apr 12,1798 Mentions: wife Slizab eth son John dau Mariah Executors: Andriea Heermance John Sayera Semon Heermance Witnesses: Helen Sayre Jno A Fonda Pater Frea Samuel Willbur pof CaMan Dated Hot 11,17 92 Probated l-ay 25,1798 Mentions: wife Susannab .son Sam^ daus: 31izal>0^H Goodfeliow Hannah Pitta Sarah Wilbur I Executor: Samuel Wilbur I' Witnesses: Nehemiah Finch { Ezra Be leer I Smitan Bro-flnel lawrence landt of °lsTeraok yeo^n I Dated ^us 29 17 97 Probated Ji^ay 29 ivya 1 Mentions: sona: Johannia , Lawremce, Casparua, I wife Christina Shulta \ daus: Christena, 3va, iJilizabetn 1 Executors: Casparua Landt i Witnesses: W Wimple George A Shu^elt I Henri clc Shult 46. Zachariala Stand!ah of Hilladale Dated Dec S8,1303 Protated Jan 27,1804 Mentlona: wife Iiiary Executors: Jacob Ford wife ""Itneaaea: Jonathan G Oimg-ted Daniel itorris, V/m Austin William Batiahell of Canaan Dated ^ct 23,1802 Probated Fab 6,1804 Mentions: wife Xabitha dau " sons: Moses, Jesse dau Deborah w Stewart dau Mary w 8eth Crewel Executors: ^fe son Moses Witnesses: Jonathan and James Y/arner Benj Sobey I" Andries Shirts of Divingaton I Dated Feb 27,1804 Probated Apr 27,1804 i Mentions: wife Mary I ^ daus: Hannah, Polly, Caty^ Moyer I ' gr 3 Jacob a Francis Shirts I Executors: wife son andries f- son in law Peter Moyer ta.of Caty I Witnesses: J A Fonda I Peter tVagganer Jr I Ells ha X I Gabriel Esselstyne of ClaTerack I Dated Feb 25,1802 Probated iwiay 20,1804 I Mentions: wife Catlintie I Executors: " I, Dr George Monell of Clayerack I Y/itnesaea: Jeremiah Fonda of Clayerack I James Bensway r Dwight Monell I > .William iVest of Hillsdale i Dated Apr 13,1789 Probated June 4,1804 i Mentions: wife Louise r . sons: Dayid, Samuel, Asa daus: Mary Hodman ^ Hannah Decker f; 3v e W 8 st [ Executors: son Dayid of Hilladale I Stephen Graves " \ Witnesses: Jacob Ford Br and Jr I Sarah Curtis I ♦I James Peterson of Chatham ; Dated ^ec 30 1803 Probated June 14,1804 f Mentions: wife Elizabeth ; * son Conrod 1 John Calicin of Hlllsdale Dated ^ug 23,1805 Probated Hoy 26,1805 Mentions; brothers; Daniel Benjanin Executor: Joshua Dakin Witnassaa: Jacob " of Hlllsdale Israel Sabins ^BenJ Covey of Bamibas Merrick of Hlllsdale Dated Kay 25,1805 Probated Peo 4,1805 Mentions; wife Ellis sons Joseph, Josiah, Barnabas rtilliam, Joshua daua: Beseall May Gills ■ Looine Stephens Zenua Caty Pla tt Executor: son Joseph of Hlllsdale Amasa Andrews " John Kfttle of Hindarhook Dated -^eb 2,1805 Probated Dec 7,1805 Mentions: wife Margaret sons: ^ndrew John Henry Nicholas daua; Eytie Hargare t Catherine Executors: Nicholas Hittle John Haniy Kittle and w Margaret Witnesses: Catharine Van Alen Peggy " Andrew "-of Kinderhook Iruman Powell of hlllsdale Dated Aug 26,1805 Probated Aug 26,1805 Mentions: wife AHzabsth 2nd wife Ezra Saton sisters nephew Truman s Katrin deed " Stephen s bro John deed Stephen a Joseph deed cousin Daniel Lovejoy nephew Sylvester Hichmond dau in law Sarsh Eaton by 2nd wife Anna and i^ally Eaton Martha w Josiah and dau Anne nephew Andrew Lovejoy Executors; Peleg Sisaon Stephen Richmond Asaph Bmmona Joaaph.

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