Concept Statement Local Development Framework Evidence Base www.portsmouth.gov.uk Tipner, Port Solent & Horsea Island March 2011 Prepared in partnership with Savills Planning & Regeneration Contents Concept Statement - Local Development Framework evidence base 1. Introduction Why produce this concept statement? 2. Background and Supporting Information Introducing Tipner, Port Solent & Horsea Island Land ownerships Summary of constraints Summary of opportunities Background & supporting information Transport / Access Land contamination Flood risk management and drainage Noise Other physical infrastructure Social infrastructure Environment Minerals & Waste Other planning applications Financial viability 3. Design Rationale The Vision Core Objectives Analysis What the developments could look like? 4. Concept Statement The concept masterplan Tipner: Suggested requirements & design principles Port Solent / Horsea Island: Suggested requirements & design principles 5. References Figures Plan 1: Site context plan Plan 2: Strategic site allocations plan Plan 3: Constraints Plan - Tipner Plan 4: Constraints Plan - Port Solent and Horsea Island Plan 5: Analysis - land parcels Plans 6, 7 & 8: Concept Masterplan (including detail of Tipner, Port Solent & Horsea Island) Tables Table 1: Summary of analysis Table 2: Summary of development distribution for each site The maps are based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100019671 2009 www.portsmouth.gov.uk 1. Introduction Why produce this Concept Statement? 1.4 Extensive public consultation has been The concept statement is intended to be a carried out during the preparation of the simple, clear expression of the kind of places Portsmouth Plan, notably: that the proposed new developments at Tipner, Port Solent and Horsea Island should • Meetings and liaison with landowners and create. It will act as background evidence statutory agencies to justify and explain the Portsmouth Plan strategic allocations and policies. • Public meetings and forums • Consultation on the draft Portsmouth Plan 1.0 The ‘Portsmouth Plan’ (the Local (2008) Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy) outlines the planning strategy to 2027 for • Consultation of the Concept Statement major sub regional growth and regeneration, ‘Options’ (June 2010) including new homes, retail and employment • Consultation on the new housing target for development. Portsmouth (December 2010) 1.1 This concept statement has been prepared to explain and support two strategic 1.5 The views of the public and key development allocations in the Portsmouth stakeholders have been incorporated to Plan and to facilitate any future planning achieve a deliverable masterplan. The separate applications. The strategic allocations (as shown ‘Portsmouth Plan Consultation Statement’ on plans 1 and 2) are: details the feedback received and actions taken on the whole Portsmouth Plan. • Land at Tipner (policy PCS1) 1.6 This concept statement is not intended • Land at Port Solent and Horsea Island (policy to be a Supplementary Planning Document PCS2) (SPD) and as such does not include detailed requirements or expand on the planning 1.2 Tipner, Port Solent and Horsea Island are policy in the Portsmouth Plan. It is intended key sites for the city as they can help to deliver to justify the policies within the Portsmouth a mix of housing that will meet the needs of the Plan and help illustrate the potential form city’s residents and will contribute to improving of development within these strategic sites. the city’s prosperity. However, the opportunity has been taken to outline some design recommendations for how 1.3 The sites share similar issues and the strategic allocations could be developed. constraints (e.g. fl ood risk, access and land contamination) and the junction at Tipner has implications for the development of all the sites. The Portsmouth Plan considers the sites comprehensively, however, the sites could be developed independently provided that this is done in a coordinated way. www.portsmouth.gov.uk Concept Statement, March 2011 The format of this document Other supporting evidence which should be read alongside the concept 1.7 This document provides evidence to demonstrate that the strategic allocations are statement achievable, and that they represent effective and deliverable site allocations. The assessment Western Corridor Transport Assessment, Atkins (May focuses on: 2010) • Land ownership and availability Bridge Feasibility Study, PBA (June 2010) • Constraints and opportunities Documentation supporting approved Planning Application ref. 09/01568/FUL (Tipner Interchange) • Wider evidence base studies (December 2009) • Urban design and masterplanning capacity Environmental Noise Assessment, English Cogger (May 2010) • Delivery and infrastructure Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Portsmouth 1.8 Section 2 outlines the analysis of Core Strategy. Regulation 27 Stage. Portsmouth City constraints and opportunities for each of Council / UE Associates (February 2011) the sites. Section 3 sets out the design and capacity analysis. Section 4 provides the Overwintering Birds Survey, Environmental Gain concept masterplan, including distribution of (September 2010) development. Financial Viability Analysis, Savills (February 2011) Infrastructure Delivery Plan: Supporting the Portsmouth Plan (Core Strategy) (March 2011) 6 Tipner & Port Solent / Horsea Island Portsmouth and the sites in South Hampshire Plan 1: Site context plan Chandler’s Ford Bishop’s Waltham Basset Totton Hedge End Southampton Wickham Waterlooville Locks Heath Cosham Beaulieu Portsmouth Hayling Island Gosport Cowes Newport N © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA KEY South Hampshire Boundary (Partnership for Site location Urban South Hampshire) 7 Concept Statement, March 2011 Site Boundary Plan Plan 2: Strategic site allocations plan Based or reproduced from Ordnance Survey 1:1250 Base Map with permission of HMSO © Crown copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence No. 100019671 N Port Solent Horsea Island M275 Tipner KEY Regeneration area boundary (Portsmouth Plan allocations - policies PCS1 and PCS2) 8 2. Background & Supporting Information Strategic nature of Tipner, Port Solent and Horsea Island Introducing Tipner, Port Solent & Horsea the UK’s centre of excellence for military diving Island training. This area also includes the former Paulsgrove landfi ll site (operated by Veolia), 2.0 The Tipner, Port Solent and Horsea which is being transformed into a country park. Island strategic allocations are approximately Veolia has a planning and contractual obligation 3km - 5km to the north of the city centre of to create a country park on the former landfi ll, Portsmouth. which is anticipated to open to the public in 2017. Within this site exists a household waste 2.1 Tipner covers approximately 25 hectares recycling centre (HWRC) and small electricity straddling both sides of the M275 motorway plant running off methane gas generated by at the entrance to Portsea Island. The area the landfi ll. However, for the purposes of the contains a mix of uses and derelict land Portsmouth Plan, only 11 hectares of land at surrounded by terraced housing to the south Horsea Island is developable (see Table 1 in and east, and a Ministry of Defence (MoD) Firing section 3). Range to the west. To the north lies Tipner Lake, which forms part of Portsmouth Harbour Land ownership (a protected Site of Special Scientifi c Interest, 2.4 Land owners at Tipner include: Special Protection Area for birds and Ramsar site). The area faces signifi cant challenges, • Portsmouth City Council (PCC) which include: the heavily contaminated nature of the land, fl ood protection, access issues and • South East of England Development Agency the surrounding ecologically important habitat. (SEEDA) It is the largest area of land in Portsmouth in • The Tipner Regeneration Company (TRC) need of regeneration. • The Pounds family 2.2 Port Solent and Horsea Island are located in the northwest corner of the city on the • MoD northern reaches of Portsmouth Harbour. The area forms part of a 187 hectare reclamation 2.5 Land owners at Port Solent and Horsea project that started in the 1970s. Port Solent Island include: (approximately 10 hectares) comprises a late 1980s marina development. It is predominately • Premier Marinas Limited residential (town houses and apartments) with some leisure, specialist retail and employment • Unilever Pension Fund / CBRE Investors uses and a signifi cant amount of surface car parking. • MoD / Crown Estate • PCC 2.3 Horsea Island, immediately south of Port Solent, was originally an island but is now connected to the mainland with access via Marina Keep. The island has been used by the MoD since the 1880s with the formation of the 1km torpedo testing lake. It continues to be the home of the ‘Defence Diving School’, www.portsmouth.gov.uk Concept Statement, March 2011 • Land contamination issues arising from 2.6 The land owners at Tipner have all previous land uses signalled their intention to proceed with redevelopment, and as such the land is • Timing/ delivery of mitigation measures and considered ‘available’. Planning applications release of land for development have already been submitted on part of the land
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