www.elektor.com July/August 2009 AUS$ 19.95 - NZ$ 24.50 - SAR 129.95 £ 6.95 electronics & microcontrollers SUMMER CIRCUITS CIRCUS more than 100 circuits, ideas & tips Top Act ElektorWheelie R35 1 $) &# %" ! # ! " # " # $! %" # ! # &# $ ! ' % ! # () # - # % ! $! * + .% ! % & +,)$ -. ! ( # ! + # " $ / , /0%" , ! ! ! " ! # ! ! " $ ! %! &'" ( % ) $* ! ! # * + !$ ,$ ! ! $ ! # ! & +,) $ ( . 0907_elektor_adv_UK.indd 2 05-06-2009 13:24:24 DEVELOPMENT TOOLS mikroElektronika DEVELOPMENT TOOLS | COMPILERS | BOOKS Now you need a... OK. DEVELOPMENT TOOL EasyPIC5 &7= ? 79443687? .? .? .? .? . &2)? .- '!% 1.(63(3286300*67? .8? (31*7? ;.8-? 8-* ? "-*? $!"(& &6);&6*? 2@(.6(9.8? *'9,,*6? *2&'0*7? :*6=? *++.(.*28? 78*4? 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'*88*6? 7.,2&0 ?&2)? ? 32@'3&6) 59&0.8=?!=78*1?79443687? 73(/*87?32@'3&6) ).++*6*28?!?13)90*7 http://www.mikroe.com/ S O F T W A R E A N D H A R D W A R E S O L U T I O N S F O R E M B E D D E D W O R L D electronics & microcontrollers Summer Circuits — made for you, by you Plus Colophon 6 As the days shorten ElektorWheelie 66 and the first autumn winds howl and buf- Hexamurai Puzzle 124 fet the castle walls, Elektor SHOP 128 the initial plans are Coming Attractions 132 drawn up. Seasons pass, autumn and winter make way for spring, and when everyone looks like they could do with SUMMER CIRCUITS 2009 (Colour of title indicates category, bold type = PCB design included) a bit more sunshine on as well as in their faces, it’s finished and ready for print- Audio, Video & Photography ing: Elektor’s Sum- mer Circuits edition! Audio Source Enhancer 94 To mark the real Automatic TV Lighting Switch 52 start of ‘SC’, howev- DMX Transmitter 108 er, we must go back Guitar Amplifier PSU 105 even further in time Guitar Pick-up Tone Extender 60 — to the beginning of the summer of 2008, when many of you Improved Hybrid Headphone Amplifier 114 were thinking up exciting new ideas for the edition and eventu- Load Protection for Audio Amplifiers 72 ally got round to sending them by email — and some even by snail mail. Sensitive Audio Power Meter 97 Summer Circuits has been a collective effort since it was first SRPP Headphone Amplifier 15 produced, now over 30 years ago. Every year we receive over Stereo Widening 38 500 entries and ideas for publication! The projects come from all S-video Converter 41 over the world, and we happily evaluate each item because the Two TV Sets on a Single Receiver 100 effort confirms the creativity and ingenuity of you, our readers. Vocal Adaptor for Bass Guitar Amp 59 All circuits in this edition have been tried and tested by Elektor Wireless S/PDIF Connection 23 Labs so repeatability should not be an issue if you read and work carefully. ElektorWheelie Computers, Software & Internet While ElektorWheelie was mostly ‘under cover’ in the June 2009 Cheap Serial Port for the Mac 11 edition, this month we are unveiling the electronics starting Control Interface via PC Keyboard 46 on page 66 . Our DIY ‘self-balancing two-wheeler’ will take you Fan Speed Controller 49 further, both in distance and knowledge. In distance, because Network RS232 81 it is designed to take you from A to B in spectacular fashion. In One Wire RS-232 Half Duplex 24 knowledge, because ElektorWheelie is an ‘Open Development’. PC Power Saver 122 Open for students and companies to redesign or modify, to make it even faster, or to make it go farther on a battery charge. Powering a Second Hard Drive 77 Who knows, we might even organise an ElektorWheelie Com- Pseudo Fan 17 petition. Remote Control for Network Devices 120 Have fun exploring this electrifying collection of more than 100 TurboGrafx-16 (PC Engine) RGB Amplifier 48 circuits, tips and ideas. None of our competitors has ever man- USB Switch 64 aged to publish anything remotely resembling our Summer Cir- VGA Background Lighting 22 cuits edition. And don’t forget, after a long day spent reading, soldering or measuring, comes well deserved recreation. On behalf of the Elektor Team, Hobby, Games & Modelling Wisse Hettinga International Coordinating Editor Acoustic Distress Beacon 106 Annoy-a-Tron 34 Volume 35 July & August 2009 CONTENTS no. 391/392 Braitenberg Robot 116 LEDify It! 32 Breadboard/Perfboard Combo 26 Lithium Charger using BQ24103 61 Full-colour Night-flight Illumination 84 Single Lithium Cell Charger 110 Going for Gold 102 Single-cell Power Supply 82 Impact Clock 74 SSR 2.0 42 Lighting Up Model Aircraft 30 Lipo Monitor 21 Low-drop Series Regulator using a TL431 22 RF (radio) Servo Driver 91 0-18 MHz Receiver 12 Speed Control 43 FM Audio Transmitter 90 Pre-emphasis for FM Transmitter 96 Home & Garden 12 V AC Dimmer 62 Test & Measurement Automatic Bicycle Light 121 Digital Sweep and Sinewave Generator 104 Automatic Curtain Opener 75 Frequency and Time Reference with ATtiny2313 56 Bathroom Fan Controller 97 Measuring Milliohms with a Multimeter 106 Chill Out Loud 92 Preamplifier for RF Sweep Generator 10 Daylight Switch 45 Quartz Crystal Tester 112 Dimmable Aquarium Light Servo Scales 28 with Simulated Sunrise and Sunset 93 Simple Temperature Measurement and Control 62 Economy Timer 83 SMD Transistor Tester 39 Long Duration Timer using ATtiny2313 111 Smoggy 85 Luxeon Logic 10 Tester for Inductive Sensors 101 Phone Ring Repeater 53 Power On Indicator 99 Power-up/down Sequencer 50 Miscellaneous Electronics & Pulse Clock driver with DCF Synchronisation 54 Design Ideas Remote Washing Machine Alert 31 Backlight Delay 98 Snail Mail Detector 107 Cut-rate Motorbike Alarm 103 Solar-driven Moisture Detector 86 Floating Message 51 Switching Delay 19 Four-component Missing Pulse Detector 44 Two-button Digital Lock 78 Freezer Trick 32 Wireless Baby Monitor 80 Frequency Divider with 50% Duty Cycle 58 Hassle-free Placement of SMD Components 44 Microcontrollers LED Bicycle Lights 30 Micropower Crystal Oscillator 52 Driver-Free USB 29 Momentary Action with a Wireless Switch 27 Easy LEGO Robotics Set Up 16 PR4401 1-Watt LED driver 47 An E-blocks IR RC5 Decoder 118 Programmable Nokia RTTL Player 18 I2C Display 88 Simple Wire Link Bender 82 Port Expander 14 Simple Wireless and Wired Emergency Stop System 35 Six-digit Display with SPI Port 20 Slow Glow 14 USB Radio Terminal 101 Start-up Aid for PCs 13 Stress-o-Meter 76 TL431 Multivibrator 40 Power Supplies, Batteries & Chargers Desulphater for Car Batteries 35 Doubling Up with the PR4401/02 95 Lead-Acid Battery Protector 75 ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS WORLDWIDE elektor international media Elektor International Media provides a multimedia and interactive platform for everyone interested in electronics.
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