The Judgment in Session [Registered at the G.P.O., Melbourne, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper] Vol. 27, No. 32 Melbourne, Victoria, August 5, 1912 ONE PENNY The Investigative Judgment By Mrs. E. G. White "I BEHELD," says the prophet Daniel, close of His work as a mediator. It is " till thrones were placed, and One that this coming, and not His second advent was ancient of days did sit. His raiment to the earth, that was foretold in proph- was white as snow, and the hair of His ecy to take place at the termination of head like pure wool ; His throne was fiery the 2,30o days, in 1844. Attended by flames, and the wheels thereof burning heavenly angels, our great High Priest fu-e. A fiery stream issued and came enters the holy of holies, and there ap- forth from before Him ; pears in the pres- thousand thousands minis- ence of God, to tered un- engage in the last to Him, WAV acts of His minis- and ten tration in behalf thousand „-= of man, — to per- times ten forni the work of thousand stood before investigative judg- Him ; the judgment ment, and was set, and the books DiP,EBOOKS to make were opened." OPEXED" an atone- " And, behold, one ment for like the Son of man all who came with the clouds are shown of heaven, and came to be entitled to its to the Ancient of benefits. The books days, and they brought of record in heaven, in Him near before Him. which the names and And there was given Him dominion, and the deeds of men are registered, are to glory, and a kingdom, that all people, determine the decisions of the judgment. nations, and languages, should serve Says the prophet Daniel, "The judgment Him; His dominion is an everlasting was set, and the books were opened." dominion, which shall not pass away." The Revelator, describing the same scene, The coming of Christ here described is adds, "Another book was opened, which not His second coming to the earth. He is the book of life ; and the dead were comes to the Ancient of days in heaven judged out of those things which were to receive dominion, and glory, and a written in the books, according to their kingdom, which will be given Him at the works." 498 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES August 5, 1912 The book of life contains the names of duty, and every secret sin, with every art- all who have ever entered the service of ful dissembling. Heaven-sent warnings God. Jesus bade His disciples, " Rejoice, or reproofs neglected, wasted moments, because your names are written in unimproved opportunities, the influence heaven." Paul speaks of his faithful exerted for good or for evil, with its far- fellow-workers, "whose names are in the reaching results, all are chronicled by the book of life." Daniel, looking down to recording angel. "a time of trouble, such as never was," The law of God is the standard by declares that God's people shall be de- which the characters and the lives of livered, " everyone that shall be found men will be tested in the judgment. written in the book." And the Revelator Says the wise man : "Fear God, and says that those only shall enter the city keep His commandments; for this is the of God whose names " are written in the whole duty of man. For God shall bring Lamb's book of life." every work into judgment." The Apostle " A book of remembrance " is written James admonishes his brethren, " So before God, in which are recorded the speak ye, and so do, as they that shall good deeds of "them that feared the be judged by the law of liberty." Lord, and that thought upon His name." Those who in the judgment are " ac- Their words of faith, their acts of love, counted worthy," will have a part in the are registered in heaven. Nehemiah resurrection of the just. Jesus said, refers to this when he says, " Remember " They which shall be accounted worthy me, 0 my God, . and wipe not out to obtain that world, and the resurrection my good deeds that I have done for the from the dead, . are equal unto house of my God." In the book of God's the angels; and are the children of God, remembrance every deed of righteousness being the children of the resurrection." is immortalised. There every temptation And again He declares that " they that resisted, every evil overcome, every word have done good" shall come forth " unto of tender pity expressed, is faithfully the resurrection of life." The righteous chronicled. And every act of sacrifice, dead will not be raised until after the every suffering and sorrow endured for judgment at which they are accounted Christ's sake, is recorded. Says the worthy of " the resurrection of life." psalmist, "Thou tellest my wanderings. Hence they will not be present in person Put Thou my tears into Thy bottle ; are at the tribunal when their records are ex- they not in Thy book ?" amined, and their cases decided. There is a,record also of the sins of Jesus will appear as their advocate, to men. " For God shall bring every work plead in their behalf before God. "If into judgment, with every secret thing, any man sin, we have an Advocate with whether it be good, or whether it be evil." the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." " Every idle word that men shall speak, " For Christ is not entered into the holy they shall give account thereof in the places made with hands, which are the day of judgment." Said the Saviour, figures of the true; but into heaven "By thy words thou shalt be justified, itself, now to appear in the presence of and by thy words thou shalt be con- God for us." " Wherefore He is able demned." The secret purposes and mo- also to save them to the uttermost that tives appear in the unerring register; for come unto God by Him, seeing He ever God " will bring to light the hidden liveth to make intercession for them." things of darkness, and will make The work of the investigative judgment manifest the counsels of the hearts." and the blotting out of sins is to be ac- " Behold, it is written before Me, . complished before the second advent of your iniquities, and the iniquities of your the Lord. Since the dead are to be fathers together, saith the Lord." judged out of the things written in the Every man's work passes in review be- books, it is impossible that the sins of fore God, and is registered for faithful- men should be blotted out until after the ness or unfaithfulness. Opposite each judgment at which their cases are to be name in the books of heaven is entered, investigated. But the Apostle Peter with terrible exactness, every wrong distinctly states that the sins of believers word, every selfish act, every unfulfilled will be blotted out, " when the times of August 5, 1912 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES 499 refreshing shall come from the presence The Voice of Nature of the Lord; and He shall send Jesus By R. Hare Christ." When the investigative judg- 'Tis writ on the cloud-steeps that rise in their ment closes, Christ will come, and His splendour, reward is with Him to give to every man 'Tis seen in the star-lights that sparkle above; as his work shall be. While over each flower-bud that blossoms so tender, Solemn are the scenes connected with Fond nature has pencilled that "Our God is the closing work of the atonement. Mo- love." mentous are the interests involved there- The breezes that whisper at dawning and twilight, Along with the fleet winds that restlessly rove in. The judgment is now passing in the Afar o'er the meadows, in unfettered delight, sanctuary above. For more than sixty Bear ever the message that "Our God is love." years this work has been in progress. Day unto day, with their sunbeams of gladness, Soon—none know how soon—it will pass Lighting the hill-tops or shading the grove, to the cases of the living. In the awful Flash ever, on eyes that are weeping in sadness, presence of God our lives are to come up The blessed assurance that " Our God is love." in review. At this time above all others Murmuring streamlets from valley and mountains, it behooves every soul to heed the Sa- Wandering afar where the forest birds rove, viour's admonition, " Watch and pray ; Falling in cascades or swelling in fountains, for ye know not when the time is." " If Tell out in their singing that "Our God is love." therefore thou shalt not watch, I will Why, then, should the sons of men fear to believe it, come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt Since nature but whispers what wisdom can not know what hour I will come upon prove ? Why should the sons of men fail to receive it— thee." Jehovah has written that " Our God is love ? " When the work of the investigative judgment closes, the destiny of all will have been decided for life or death. Pro- bation is ended a short time before the The Brutal Paw of the Russian Bear appearing of the Lord in the clouds of THE Russian Government appears to heaven. Christ in the Revelation, look- do some things vindictively. Its policy ing forward to that time, declares : " He towards Finland is an instance.
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