CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES 17-PUNJAB PART VI·B SPECIAL SURVEY REPORT ON SELECTED TOWN-BATALA P. L SONDHI of the Indian Administrative Service EX·OFFICI,J DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS PUNJAB P. G. SHARMA DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS PUNJAB CENSUS OF IXDIA 1971 A-CENTRAL GOVER1\~lE~T PUBLICATIONS The 1971 Census Reports on Punjab will bear uniformly Sp"ies ~o. 17 and will be published. in the following Parts: Part I-A General Report Part I-B General Report (Detailed analysis of tho Demogrn.phic. Social, Cultural and Migra­ tion Patterns) Part I-C Subsidiary Tables Part II-A General Population Tables Part II-A General Popuhtion Tables (Stanuard Urban Supplement Areas) Purt II-B Economic Tables PHrt II-C(i) l Distribution of Population by Religion and and ~ Scheduled. Castes Part. V-A J Part n·C(£i) Social and Cu:tural 'Tables (Table C-I to O-VI) and Fe:-tility Tables Part TI-D :\figratil)ll Tahles Part TIl Establishment Report and Tables Part IV RouW~~J2ort and Tables in Purt V-B Ethnogrn.phic notes on Scheduled Casles and Sohedllled Tribes Part Vl·A Town Dirertory Part VI-B Spccial SurYey Reports on sclentca towns CPregen"';: YoluIDP,) Part VI-O Part VIII-A AdlUi.l1,i~trntinn Report -Enumoration (for official u~e ouly) Part VIII-B Aclmiui'3trat ive Report Tabulation, (for omcinl UHC only) Part IX Admin1", ratin' AHa;.; B-STATE GOYERX11E:\T rUHLIC~\'TIO~S part X DiBtric. Cemmq HUUll1)1)ok for e.1<'h llid1rinj in throe P. r.H: Part A Yill.. .gc 1111(1 Town DirC'c ory Pnr: n -Yill gu ana TOWllWif\'> Prilll .. ry CL·L-,U..... \h.::; r .. ct l~:t1t C -.\nalyti{'d Rl'purt> Arlminist.ra- tiou Rt, 'liHj 1('8 .011(1 TIi "t rir ~ Cewms T: hlcR. NOTE: Parts A and B of the Dis,rict Cf'nqug H.l.ntlbook h.lve been printed in on~ Volume. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Draft J. O. Kalra Assistant Director oj Census OperatioruJ1 Punjab (Now Deputy Directo1' of Census._ Operations, Bihar). Assisted by G. S. Pabla Assistant Director of Census Operations, Punjab. ani], Oharan Singh Senior Technical Assistant Field Investigation Charan Singh Senior T8fJknical Assistant N. S. Bhadauria Tabulation O.ificer Surinder Kumar Joshi and Som Nath Verma 06mputors Tabulation N. S. Bhadauria Ta.bulation Officer Som Nath Ver,ma and J arnail Singh Oomputors Gurcharan Singh Assistant Compiler Maps Gurbachan Singh Bhath Economic Investigator Typing Krishan Ohand Stenographet Axun Kumar Junior Stenographe., (iii-iv) CONTE~TS CHAPTERS PAGXS I,IST OF J)IAPS Vi f,rST OF PLATES VlJ FOREWORO fIX PRErACE XIn II ITistnrv of <'rowth of tILl' town 1':> III .\menitif'~ and S('rvice:> 20 IV Eoonom:c Lift> of the Town 47 V Ethnio and S"'IE'~ted Sorio - DI nt"~arhic ChLrart('rif,tic~ \)7 VII ~p;ghhnurho(ld Pattern 136 YIn Family Lifo in the Tuwn li)O IX. HOll::-it.g an" MatElrial Culture 170 X Slums, Rli~htE'ri and Oth.!)!' At'ea~ W;tfl ':!uh·st.lrriar(l Iivin.il "ondit:'>n'l 1"3 XT Orgrtni5atinn ()f POW!'f and Pr('Mi~p 191 XII L"j~ur" a1' ,1 R~<'r!'atior, Sodall'articil,at:r1n. Social Awar('r,(,~R, Rl'ligion and Crimo 204 XIII Linh.olgod ;:.nd Continua 221 XIV Conclusion 239 (v) LIST OF ~IAPS :-0. D~"(ription Fa eing PUgH D(':::-itr of Population 2 !J J)('n~ity of Building~ 2 ;) Exihting Luttd C:-e 9 4 )1 tjnf Ethl it, G~Ol1Pb 13 5 St'1:,dard t'rha': At·~.l 1';9 I) Location (If Srleckd \lIlaW- 224 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1\'\>. Description. Facing Page Shamshor Khan's tank and summer house amidst tho lake 1 2 A panorll.mio view of southern part of Ba.tala town I 3 A panoramio vieW" of central portion of Batll.la. town . I 4 A Bcene at Gandhi Chowk 5 A view of oircular road-industrial hub . r " 6 The bridge at lIansli nullah-stagnating water beneath 7 Nehru Gate-Main ontranc«!_, to tbo walled town f 8 A view of Ba.da. Ba.za.r-~ contradiction in nom(Hl,clature this J being perhaps the narrowest bazar 9 Shiva's tample amidst warer t~nk at AChal near Batrua. ""\ 10 Gurudwara Achal Saheb-Plaoo of discourse of Guru Na.n.ak ( 18 with,Sidhas. • . • J 11 Tunib of 'Sh~msher Kha.n who is recorded to be a Ka.rori of Ba.ta.la.-Protected monument . • 12 Wa.ter tow&r adja.ocnt to Gandhi chowk .._ _'_ i 13 ToW'n, Hall of Bntala I 14 P.:mchayat Samiti Rest houso i.n administrative Block Hi City Police Station 16 Railway JUlI,ction Batala 17 K, V. SUb-station Hatala 18 Maternity Hospital 46 19 Hoetel-R.R. llawa D.A.V. College for Women 20 Khalsa Higher Secondary School near HansH bridge 21 Methodist t}:).aducationai Primary School 22 Kulwant Singh's clinic at Cinema Road 23 Hotel and Restaurant a.t Cinema Road J 21 Square Iron Bars at Railwa.y Junction arriving fram R.S.L. I 25 Unloading coal at Railwa.y Junction I (vli) ------------ --------------- ~--------~--- -- Plato So. Desrrip tifln 26 ::\Iachine tools rpady for being sent to \'isaJiliapatnam 1 :!7 Pro!'isinn lathe mallufactur~cl hy B.RC.O. :),~ ClliHPIIing al',l gl';nding nf mcruhll'd C'l.&tillgs inRid(, D.K( .0. :)1) 8~tld !lrillfllllanllf.lrtured hy R.E.C.n. ·a l'l'id( fl)r f.!fmer" :{() Rnlling mill In "pf'ration irrf.icle R.E.C.O. al Skill"d moul':"ls Lusy im,itlp Royal f!lIll.dry 12 Sluttir.g of gt arf, insiLle Royal f'ounr:ry 33 Yplrra (cJ-no crn&hf'r) an important art.l'f"ct rna' uf trtutP!l ir town :)4. ~Iar.ufa~·turill~of r yl In Iims 3:1 The Bata:a ("" 'perativf' Sugar )Il1l 311 JU1~e t anh~ ar:d ancillary syst<·m in~i!tP dugar :MiII :~7 R"f kh,g \_,f :,ul;r.r in the :Mill 3" Rhf.IIt'I·-Ricf' dh i,i')I1 of F.r.I. 31l Jhora. (Par1dy) prc"lucf' piling IIp h grail markpt !II F.( '.1. (;<)(1< 'II n& f ..1l1 of J(lhna (Paddy) !Jr' 'clUe!' ut Ai:" al Roa(\ 41 l'mTIsacti<lJ.' I" Hnhzitr andi 4:! Trar.f;aet.C>lll' SnlziUlanrli J 4:.1 Hauitat I)f ~fir,,~b at Kanltuwan Road } 182' H ~Iod"rtl hou~e lIf a Wf');·to·t!o Rarngarhia i,. Kri~hl r. Xag"r .j.;' ~lub('um-a lflr~·a.t:lInal &pot nraT' Ha!liqr.t Hai ('enut&ph ! 41l 051'0 'tn,l Li1:>ral'Y "f Dainik l'r..trthara Bauha in Qilr. ~11 ,rli arlla 47 Kris}wa T»lki!' at Cmf'llla Roarl 4H La:o.ill] Dt'vi ~aH1l1r k- an imporiar.t ral'k in t, WI. 49 Inne! vi"", uf (;'.lruthlara Kar.d.h 8aheb (Sd~rp.,: Kal.dh l~ Sf'''" er.C,1~"(1 tuwal'ds thB fight) r 239 ,11) Front VII'W (Of Unrud,,'ar a Ka"rU~ Hahl>J., .3l Gllru!l\\al'il D,'hra Sahoh-PlIl'PlltR·in·law'8 h!'u~(' "f Gurn Xa~ak Sah,,}' .:;~ Guruflwara. "'ahf J., at ('iIlt.ma. Hoad 53 Gurndwara Akal Uarh 8aheh iu old Mall Mar!ti 5-1 rhurch of F.piphary at City Road 5i'i f<ekhariJ. Tpmpir':n TIa, i<1, liazar area (viii) FOREWORD The Census bas become an indispensable instrument of policy and deve10pment planning. It need hardly ~e str~ss­ ed that a census 1S not a mere counting of heads. It ]~ a kmd of stock-taking as it were, of the nation's human weaHh. Cer.sUs aims at presenting as complete a picture of man as may be possible in his social, cultural and economic sett­ ing. Recognising that its role is to serve the needs of the planner, policy maker, administrator and the academician, the Census Organisation from time to time arrangc~ discus­ sions with the main data users and seeks guidance in pl<ln­ ning its operations. However, for a further and more reali­ stk appreciations of the data tbrown up by tbe C'.!nsus on var:ll'!S aspects of the life of the community. it has been rea­ h5ed that more and more empirical studies would have to be ur._;ertlkCll. This requirement was kept in view even v., hite p1:mr.mg the 1% I Census. The studies undertaken a'> ancil. lary to it, and particularly the socio.economic survey of fh e hundred and odd village>; throughout the country pro­ vided insight into the meaning of the statistical data in term" of real life situations. India is no doubt predominantly rural, but urbanisa­ tion has been rapidly occuring. With increasing tempo of econ0mic and industrial development of the country urbam­ ~tatio:1 would seem inevitable. Urbanisation bas become sine qua non of progress. Urban centres are undoubtedly the centr~s of dissemination of knowledge, new ideas, technical 'skill~ and so on. This influences the life around till more and more areas get urbanised. lndia is at this interesting trasit!(,n:Jl ~tage and the Census Organisation thought if fit to t::ldertake ~tudjes to get a deeper insight into the growth of S~:lll towns which are likely to play an important ro1e in., the life and economy of the community in the near future.
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