WtX*jK PACE TWELVE THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1959 ford in November. Immediately after the m ission »uy» so, the railroad* uniat continue ' election - > • M M akr how il gee* - • Ruth­ this wasteful, unnecessary - - - und unwant­ Commercial Xenî>er erford will jate Ike state plan. ed - - aervice. By ao doing the Pt'C en­ See It In New Jersey *"» m worn M9KKN ir a * In adopting the Mate proposai the roni- danger* the aervice that ia vitally needed With New Jersey Vacations en- i ities will begin with children’s E t f b l u M 1 9 2 1 munities are not abdicating their home-rule oil week-daya. Tk* Cianamlil l.ssisr h the alcU ^sw»a>M al I tering the second half of the sum- | day which includes a beachfront responsibilities. lender the rule* and regu­ W hen the Long Ulaud Railroad w a s m er 9eason- «■«■orts oi Ocean treasure hunt and a circus. Other lation* the aaayers will have a voire in the naan^ i;* , City, Asbury Park and Point highlights ore dancing con- LYNDHURST RONE OF CHAMPIONS gjven a received tax peasant will feoture popular [ test, beachfront fireworks exhi- determination« of the state agency. It will relief from the state, county and m unicipal spectator and participant events i bit ion, band concert, beachfront Published every Thursday by The Commerci»! Leader Printing Company he np te them to ace that the program ia governments and a subsidy from the Penn- dur,ng month of August ,ac- clambake, an antique auto dis- — - - | -----ax— — play and a Coronation B a ll. at 251 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst, N. J. Telephone C Enera 8-8700-8701 kept within besusds, just aa the MRPB ha« aylvania Railroad. But the moat important cordfÎn* l° Sa'v.tore A Bdntjm- 1 J . ^ po, Commissioner of the New Jar- A ugust «15th featu res the G ov­ done in ita brilliant and abort career. E d ita r JoBN S a t i n o privelege it received was to raise fares when sey Department of Conservation ernor’s reception and luncheon, Butine*» Mgr. the Seafood Princess Contest and Eiin e st J. D a m n k tt Advertising Mgr. S a m l ' k l C. P l S U O N needed and to juggle its service around a* and Economic Development. it »aw fit. Theae latter accomodation, did CK"“n .Cl,y ,h' r* a huge two-mile beachfront par­ Entered a* tecond class matter April 7, 1938 al the Post Office of Rutherford, N. J., Ttaii Service . - , , , , is presenting its annual Baby Par­ ade in which Mummer's string as much aa anything to preserve the long «te on August (th. This year bands, costumed marchers and ______________________________ under ibe Act of March 3, 1879 Bab SWkadia of The Newark New» («land. i a milestone will be reaohed aa drum and bugle corps will com­ Subscription $2.50 Per Year TIN CENTS rm COrT staff took a rid* On the West Shore Rail­ To increase a fare in New Jeraey it is i!w1J UbyA PV*?f ™l«^st« If pete for honors. ■ L - ’ , Golaen Anniversary. Mr. Lao Competition for “Miss Seafood road the otbar day and promptly put hi» n e c e ss a r y to go to the PUC. There long i Bamberger. »1 -years old. who in- Lyndhurst. N. J„ July 30,1959 Princess’* is open to all New Jer­ finger s a a sifatian which has helped hearing« a r e held. Meanwhile, the reason ; augurated the parade over a half- sey young ladies between the bring the paaaeager aervice to ita knees. On ages oi, 17 and 25, who aft un­ men. All of them are striving to better the the railroad haa sought the fare increases <*"“»7 «1«. “ h^ ‘ Rutherford's Decision a two-ear train that started in Weal N or­ D , . I orary Grand Marshall. The col married, and are not ] affairs of their members and their com­ intenatviea. By the time the increase ls(or,uJ is to be divid ed | m odels. wood there were more trainmen than pas­ Rutherford ia one community that has m unities. .‘■ranted tosara have becom e so great another into four main divisions: fancy i Additional information < sengers. been bicased with good government over To do this beat they need the coopera­ increase ia immediately needed. costumes, comic impersonations, and remaining 1*5» events ia Hew The line is losing money hand over u -I . , * , floats and the entries of s e rv ic e (Jersey may be obtained by writ- the years. Indeed, we consider it one of tion of the community newspaper. An nailroadmen are not dumb. * hey j t.)ublli hotels and businesa con- ' ing to the SM$e Promotion S a e - fiat By aa doing it is endangering the pas­ the most soundlv adiniuiatered communitiea adult course showing how best to achieve d o n t want to price themselves out of th e c e rn a . ; lion. New J am y Department at senger service on other divisions of the New in New Jeraev. However, nothing is ao per­ this ia just dandy for the organiaation and m a r k e t . If given the right to juggle service A « f e a t u r e « H e r Majesty ( Conserv*ti*r-»nd frim iaslr De­ York Central ux,I In iaLp I i Queen Infanta lesding the Parade velopment, .Trenton 25, New J a r - fect that it cannot be improved. Therefore. for the newspaper. The Leader newspapers a n d to take increase* when they are needed W|th her [wo udir, . jn . wmiiing Take a walk to the two Lvndhnrst Democratic Mayor Hubert Franklin’* ef­ >oecialiac in community organiaation news. tliev will he given latitude enough to run and an honor guard Following | station* of the LarkawaniiH and to th«* Erie forts to have a charter study are of intereat. We print all of it we can lay our hand« on. llicir Imsinesseo tenslbly. the Qween will be former Queens J elation* n Rutherford. Watch the week­ Franklin'« Republican counrilmen Since our staffs are limited we depend upon If you think the busine«« is sensible “n,d "u,ed f rson‘"““ ' Iwfr‘ . end train* to Hw. There are not enough , • . , ested parents may obtain entry ' want no part of hi« chartcr plan. They ace the organiaation« and their PR people to tool**v Ic^k at the Lackawanna and Lrie on blanks from the Department o f j to start a good bridge game. it as a political talking point and why give keep us informed. week-ends. Public Relations, City Hall, Ocean it consideration? Yet, because the Public Utility Com- C ity Organsationa with “hep" PR people Farther up the coast. Asbury To The Lyndhurst They are willing to listen to Boroueh P a r k h a s announced its second get the best publicity. Naturally. G entlem en :- Harold Landahof exnound on his annual Sea Queen Contest” and We want to thank is attracting nationwide attention to save the borough $25,001) a year. Department for as y o u n g ladies vie for the cov­ of the council are in agree- Shadows Loom Ahead ! our property e te d title. The contest is open vacation a manager type employee might to w o m e n between the ages of We hate to mention it but lest Our us of the 17 a n d 27. married or single, re­ be desirable in the government. young readers be unprepared we wish to day and g a r d le s s of place . of residence, As a bit of advice to Rutherford it NOTES Knowing you point out that July rapidlv is falling behind p r o v id in g they swim in Asbury gave us a sense of should be pointed out that government vwvwwvwwwvwwwvwwww P a r k . Applications are available us and August is just ahead. And that made our vacation forms, techniques and al) manner of gim- means but six weeks of vacation days re­ T h e CYO of the Sacred Heart at , lhe; beachfront bath houses, more enjoyable. tnickry can’t make good government. Only m ain. R.C C hurch w ill hold a dance fwlmming pool, or at the As- tomorrow evening on the Sacred j ur* Park Information Bureau the men who administer the government Contestants should include Heart School grounds, beginning A CS1 do it The reason Rutherford baa been at 8 o’clock. signed photograph with the re­ turned entry blank. 011 governed well ia because it haa attracted Dawn Lospoluto and James The new “Sea Queen” will be type, idealistic men who have worked The Secret War LYNDHURST The way Palmer got the Public Laurita are in charge of arrange­ crowned August 28th by last Corridor Pundits here attrib­ Service strike over is snother in­ ments. Members of the Holy to give their borough the It is not quite by accident that Conser­ year’s winner. Miss Joan Ordyk ute moat of the brer-all plan­ s ta n c e o f the way he has carried Name Society will assist the withih their power. o f Irvington. The 1959 winner vation Commission Salvatore A. Bontempo ning in the' Heyner admlnist- > the ball for Meyner. Meyner young people. presides over the outstanding ration to big. handaome Dwight couldn’t possibly have gone to has invited South Bergen mayora, among e v e n ts at Asbury Park and O.
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