^1^ n. m) POST OFFICE m 3'" PEETH DIRECTORY. • f30» (C^.^ ^, « ALEX. DRUMMOND, GOZJ} 4* SIZVERSmiTHy JEWELLER y, AND WATCHMAKER, PERTH. SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICES, SPOONS, . FORKS, &c. Best Slieflfield and Birmingham ELECTRO MAGNETO PLATED CRUET & SPIRIT FRAMES, BREAD BASKETS, WAITERS, SPOONS, FORKS, FISH CARVERS, &c. &c. &c. Scotch Pearl, Pebble, and Carengorm Jewellery. HAIR BRACELETS, RINGS, BROOCHES, CHAINS, &c. &c.. Plaited and Mouktbd. V OLD PLATED GOODS RE-FINISHED, EQUAL TO NEW. Silver Plate, Jewellery, and Watches Repaired. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/postofficeperthd1854mars National Library of Scotland BOOO 168098' : THE POST OFFICE PEETH DIRECTORY, FOE 1854-55: WITH A COPIOUS APPENDIX, CONTAININa A COMPLETE POST-OFFICE DIRECTOilY, WITH A LARGE SHEET, SHOWING ALL THE FOREIGN AND COLONIAL POSTAGES, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS FROM ENGLAND. CAKEIEKS, SHIPPING, &c., WITH OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY J. MARSHALL & J. GALLOWAY, Clerks. WITH A VIEW AND PLAN OF THE CITY AND ENVIRONS, Engraved Expressly for the Work. PEETH PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHERS, BY C. G. SIDEY, POST-OFFICE. Price Two /Shillings. NEW FERFUMEET L HAIKDRESSING ESTABLISHMENT, (Opposite the Salutatioti Hotel), (d ANDREW SCOTT, ^tttumn, l^airtrreg^er, antr WUpmaktVy Tl EGS respectfully to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public generally, of the City and County of Perth, that he has OPENED those PKEMISES, 19 SOUTH STEEET, opposite the Salutation Hotel, where he has got to hand a select Stock of the finest Perfumery, Dressing-Brushes, and Combs, of every description ; and where he will conduct the Hairdressing Business in all its branches. A. S. has had considerable experience in the above departments, and was for a period of seven years in the employment of the late Mr D. Cameron, George Street. It shall be A. S.'s study to devote close personal attention to Easiness, and he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. HAIB WATCH-GUABDS, BRACELETS, & BINGS, Made to order on the shortest notice. 19 South Street, Perth, 30th August 1854. CONTENTS. Directory, page 1-100 *^ Names too late for insertion, foot of page. Appendix. Page Page Assurance Offices and Magistrates and Town Agents, 148 Council, 119 Auctioneers and Apprai- Medical Practitioners, . 146 sers, 145 Messengers-at-Ai-ms, ... 126 Banking Companies, ... 126 Newspapers, ... 144 Carriers, 129 New Licensing System, 147 Cemeteries, 147 Places of Worship, 143 Charitable Institutions, 132 Polling Stations, 146 Civil Engineers and Land Post-Office Directory, ... 102 Surveyors, ... 146 Public Baths, 141 Coaches, 129 Public Libraries, Ml Commissioners of Police, 1-22 Public Offices, 122 Committees of Town- Quarterly Terms, 132 Council, 120 Kailways, 128 Criminal-Officers, 126 Koyal Lunatic Asylum, 142 Fairs, 145 Savings Bank, 142 Fire Engines, 145 Seminaries and Public General Prison, 145 Schools, 144 Gentlemen's Seats, &c., 116 Sheriff and Commissary Guild Court, 121 Officers, 126 Harbour Commissioners, 121 Sheriff, Commissary, and High Constables, 145 Justice of Peace Courts, 124 Incorporated Trades, ... 145 Shipping, 131 Justices of the Peace, ... 145 Societies, 137 List of Places, &c.. 101 Society of Procurators, 125 Water Commissioners,... 121 NAMES TOO LATE FOE INSERTION. Beattie, John, tobacco manufacturer, 63 High Street Brown, Rev. William, A.M., chaplain. General Prison Dyer, Miss Mary, seamstress, Blackfriars Wynd Farquharson, William, gardener. Charter Lane Forrester, Willidln T., mail-guard, 10 Speygate France, Robert Wilson, Springbank, Bridgend Graham, Thomas (of Thomas Graham & Co.), St John's Place Livingstone, John E. (Central Bank), Barossa Place Mitchell, Alexander, manager. Linen Factory, 278 High Street Scott, John, grain-dealer, Barrack Street Smeaton, Alexander, engineer, 74 Mill Street Smeaton & Son, James, liueii manufacturers, Paul Street INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSURANCE COMPANIES. The Standard Life,^ ... 149 "West of England Life and United Kingdom Life, ... 153 Fire, ... 163 The Edinburgh Life, ... 155 The Scottish Provincial, 164 National Provincial Life The Industrial and Ge- and Fire, 156 neral Life, 165 United Kingdom Tem- Scottish Amicable Life,... 166 perance, 158 County Fire, 167 British Guarantee, 160 Caledonian Fire and Life, 168 Eorfarshire and Perth- North British Fire & Life, 170 shire Fire, ... .o» ... 161 Scottish Provident, ... 172 English & Scottish Law Dundee Sea, 173 Life, 162 Atlas Fire and Life, ... 176 Scottish Equitable Life, 178 MISCELLANEODS. Page Emigration, 174 Grocer, Wine and Spirit Northern Warder, 174 Merchant, 200 The Building Chronicle, 175 Booksellers, Stationers, The Savings Bank, ... 179 &c. 201-218 Umbrella and Parasol Boot & Shoemakers, 202-203-204 Manufacturer, 179 Sack Manufacturer, ... 204 Coaching Establish.- Victoria Inn, 204 ments, ... 180, 181, & 182 St John's Hotel, 205 Tailor and Clothier, ... 183 Stormont Arms Inn, ... 205 Hatter & Cap Maker, &c., 184-5 Albert Inn, 206 Globe Clothing Mart, ... 185 Gun and Fishing Tackle Hatters and Clothiers, 186-187 Manufacturers, 206 Hosiery Manufacturer, ... 188 Refreshment Shops, 207-208 Dyers and Renovators, ... 189 Edge Tool Manufacturers, 208 Marble Works, ... 190-191 Household Furniture, ... 209 Plasterer, 191 House Carpenters & Joiners, 210 Dentist and Druggist, ... 192 Basket Manufactory, ... 210 Mechanical Dentist, ... 193 Painters, Paperhangers, &c. 211 Embroidery, 193 Auctioners & Appraisers, 212 Watchmaker and Jeweller, 194 New Peerless Lamps, ... 213 Furnishing Ironmongers Wireworker, 214 and Smiths, ... 194-195-196 Pleasure Boats, 215 Edmonstone Coal and Slaters, ^ 216 Fire Brick Works, ... 197 Bakers, 217 Plumbers, Brassfounders, Tea Merchant, 217 &c 198 Glaziers, 219 Tea & Coffee Warehouse, 199 Perfumeiy Establishment, 220 THE POST OFFICE PEETH DIRECTORY. 18 5 4—5 5. Abbott, Janres, weaver, Dovecotland Abernetliy, David, labourer, 148 Soutb street Absolon, George, M.D., 34 St John street Adams, David, labourer, 304 High street Adams, David, pointsman, Carr's Croft Adams, David, carter, 238 High street Adams, James, sawyer. Union Lane Adams, James, sawyer, 55 Mill street Adams, John, labourer, 89 South street Adams, John, sawyer, 15 Cross street Adams, Mrs Gilbert, 28 Gowrie street, Bridgend Adam son, John, grain merchant, 16 Pomarium Addis, Mrs William, lodgings, 69 North Methven street Addis & Frew, plumbers and brassfounders, 6 Mill street Advektisek and Stkathmoke Jouknal Office, Kirk Closet, 80 High street Agnew, James A., "civil engineer, 69 Methven street Ailanan, Mrs James, 2 King's Place Aitken, Charles, seaman, 7 Cow Vennel Aitken, John, M.D., 48 South Methven street Aatken, John, engine-driver, 10 New Town Aitken, Miss, Canal Crescent Aitken, Mrs John, 2 Canal street Aitken, Thifaias, hawker. Canal street Alexander, James, City-Hall Tavern, Kirkside Alexander, John, weaver, Thimblerow Alexander, John, carter, Newrow Alexandei', Mrs Alexander, 29 Pomarium Alexander, Mrs John, 42 Pomarium Alexander, Peter, shoemaker, 232 High street Allan, Alexander, superintendent of locomotive department, Scot« tish Central Eailway, Belle Vue House Allan, David, weaver, Kinnoull Causeway ALLAN—ANDEJRSOK. Allan, James, brassfounder, 50 Pomarium Allan, James, weaver, 46 Pomarium Allan, James, heckler, 212 South street Allan, Janet, dairy, 289 High street Allan, John, corkcutter, 28 Kirkgate Allan, John, weaver, Dovecotland Allan, Miss Janet, seamstress, Blackfriars Wynd Allan, Miss Jessie, 8 East Bridge street, Bridgend Allan, Mrs E., milKner, 16 George street—house IS Allan, Mrs James, Kinnoull Causeway Allan, Mrs John, 10 Cross street Allan, Mrs Robert, winder, 336 High street Allan, Eobert., weaver, 232 High street Allan, Robert, weaver, 14 Leonard street Allan, Robert, weaver, Clayholes Allan, Robert, mason, 61 Main street, Bridgend Allan, Stewart, weaver, 49 Pomarium Allan, Thomas, carter, 59 Commercial street, Bridgend Allan, Walter, weaver, 33 Pomarium Allan, William, general gi'ocer, 196 High street—h 15 Atliole st. Allan, William, weaver, 170 South street Allison, James, blacksmith, 13 Canal Crescent Allison, James, wriglit, 38 Skinnergate Allison, Mrs David, 13 Paul street Allison, William, cabinet maker, Newi'ow—house Skinnergate Allison, William, coach painter, James Street Ancell, Robert, York Place Anderson, Alexander, flesher, Kinnoull street—h. 21 Athole st- Anderson, Alexander, bootmaker, 158 High street—house 160 Anderson, Alexander, turner, 97 South street Anderson, Charles, clerk [Perthshire AdveHiser), 10 St John's Place Anderson, David, clerk, 5 County Place Anderson, David, Free Middle Church officer, Union street Anderson, David, dyer, 175 High street Anderson, David, weaver, 33 Pomarium Anderson, Duncan, sawyer, Kinnoull Causeway Anderson, George, turner, 190 High street Anderson, James, tailor, 6 Meal Vennel Anderson, James, baker, 154 South street Anderson, James, mason, 180 South Street Anderson, James, cowfeeder, Dovecotland weaver, 11 Cross street Anderson, James, ^ Anderson, James, weaver, 5 Leonard street i» Anderson, John A. (Dickson & Turnbull), Ivy Bank, Kinnoull Anderson, Rev. John, Kinnoull Manse Anderson, John, mail-guard, 3 North Port Anderson, John, blockmaker, 25 Canal street Anderson, John, blacksmith, 14 Canal street Anderson, Joseph, shoemaker, 22 Stormont street Anderson, J. & M., china-merchants, 54 St John street—house 17 Watergate Anderson, Laurence, porter, 188 South street ANDERSON—ARTHUR. Anderson,
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