3,231,621 United States Patent Office Patented Jan. 25, 1966 2 oxide, hydrogen, and a carbon compound containing 3,231,621 REACTION RATES IN CATALYTIC olefinic linkage with a hydroformylation catalyst com HYDROFORMYLATION prising a complex between a metal, preferably cobalt, Lynn H. Slaugh, Pleasant Hill, Calif., assignor to Shell carbon monoxide, and a nitrogen-containing ligand com Oil Company, New York, N.Y., a corporation of prising a substituted pyridine, to be described hereinafter, Delaware under conditions sufficient to produce aldehydes and alco No Drawing. Filed June 26, 1961, Ser. No. 119,313 hols containing one more carbon atom than present in the 7 Claims. (C. 260-604) olefinic reactant. - As used herein, the term "complex' indicates a co The present invention relates to the preparation of ordination compound which is a combination of a metal oxygenated organic compounds, particularly aldehydes 10 atom with one or more electronically-rich molecules or and alcohols, by the reaction of carbon monoxide and atoms capable of independent existence. hydrogen with olefinic organic compounds in the presence The metal is held in complex combination with the of an improved hydroformylation catalyst. More spe particular nitrogen-containing ligand found most desir cifically, the present invention relates to hydroformyla able for the particular process wherein it is to be used. tion using certain metal complex catalysts having as 5 The ratio of the molar amount of ligand in the complex sociated therewith certain ligands to be described in detail is determined by the coordination number of the par hereinafter. ticular transition metal involved. By “ligand” is meant Hydroformylation is well known in the art and com a molecule having an element with a pair of electrons prises converting an olefin by reaction with carbon mon capable of bonding with a metal atom whereby a complex oxide and hydrogen to a corresponding aldehyde or alco 20 is formed. The carbon monoxide molecule is an example hol, the aldehyde or alcohol group being substituted on of such a ligand and may serve as at least a portion of the one of the carbon atoms previously involved in the olefinic complexes suitable in the present invention. However, linkage. Isomerization of the original double bond leads the catalyst must also contain a nitrogen-containing to several different olefins, in which case the hydro 25 ligand comprising a substituted pyridine molecule, which formylation product is varied accordingly. The olefinic will be described now in greater detail. linkage is simultaneously saturated with the addition of In order to fully realize the advantages of the present hydrogen and carbon monoxide to form the aldehyde invention, the pyridine must be substituted by at least one or alcohol. Thus, hydroformylation may be shown in non-hydrocarbon electro-negative substituent. Examples the general case by the following equation: 30 of appropriate substituents are middle halides such as R2 R3 R2 R3 chloride and bromide, cyanide, carboxylic acid, car catalyst boxylic ester, carboxylic acid anhydride, sulfonic acid and R-C=C-R -- CO - H -->A R-CH-i-CHO phosphoric acid. While more than one electro-negative R substituent may be present in the substituted pyridine and/or 35 ligand with certain appreciable advantageous results, it has been found that for optimum effectiveness the use of R. R. but one such substituent in the pyridine molecule is pre R-CH-i-CH-OH -- isomeric alcohols and aldehydes ferred. The substituted pyridine compounds which may be In the above equation, each R represents an organic 40 used as ligands in the metal complex catalysts are rela radical or a suitable atom such as hydrogen or a halogen. tively well known organic materials themselves. The above reaction is similarly applicable to an olefinic In the catalytic complexes useful herein, a carbon linkage in a cycloaliphatic ring, as, for example, when monoxide molecule can replace any nitrogen-containing R and Rs are joined into a divalent radical, such as ligand provided that at least one ligand molecule of sub tetramethylene, or the like. stituted pyridine is present in each complex. m In the past, dicobalt octacarbonyl has been widely used The catalysts for use in the process of this invention as a catalyst for the hydroformylation of olefins. This may be prepared by a diversity of methods. A conven catalyst may be prepared from many forms of cobalt by ient method is to combine a salt of the desired transition reduction with hydrogen in the presence of carbon mon metal with the desired nitrogen-containing ligand in liquid oxide under pressure. However, this catalytic material 50 phase. The valence state of the transition metal may then suffers from several rather serious shortcomings. One be reduced by hydrogenating the solution. The reduc disadvantage is a relatively low reaction rate. While tion may be performed prior to the use of the catalyst or dicobalt octacarbonyl is widely used industrially in Oxo it may be accomplished simultaneously with the hydro processes, there still exists a real need for improvement formylation process of this invention. Alternatively, the in catalyst performance, particularly increased reac 'catalyst may be prepared from a carbon monoxide com tion rates. plex of the metal. For example, it is possible to start with The present invention now provides an improved hydro dicobalt octacarbonyl, and by simply heating this sub formylation process for compounds having olefinic link stance with a suitable nitrogen-containing ligand of the age wherein the rates of reaction are significantly in type previously described, replace one or more of the creased over those obtainable from known catalytic mate 60 carbon monoxide molecules by nitrogen-containing Ii rials including, among others, dicobalt octacarbonyl. This gand, producing the desired catalyst. This latter method increase in reaction rate of catalytic hydroformylation of was utilized in the preparation of most of the catalysts carbon compounds containing olefinic linkage constitutes used in the examples hereinafter described. This latter a primary object of this invention. method is very convenient for regulating the number of In brief, the invention comprises reacting carbon mon carbon monoxide molecules and other types of ligand 3,231,621 3 molecules present in the catalyst. Thus, by increasing the catalyst amount of ligand added to the dicobalt octacarbonyl, CEs COO CHCH-CH -- CO -- E - - - A more of the carbon monoxide molecules may be replaced. allyl acetate The hydroformylation reaction is carried out by in timately contacting a carbon compound containing ole CH3COO CECECHCHO finic linkage such as an aliphatic olefin hydrocarbon, gen Ty-acetoxybutyraldehyde erally in liquid phase, with carbon monoxide and hydro and for CHs COO CEL2CH2CH2CH2OH. -- isomeric products gen in the presence of the catalytic material at hydro y-acetoxybutanol formylation temperature and pressure and under condi catalyst tions sufficient to produce the desired reaction product. O XCHO The reaction may be carried out at pressures of from about 500 to 5000 p.s. i. of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, cyclopentene formylcyclopentane with from about 1000 to 3000 p.s.i. being preferred. If desired, even higher pressures, say about 6500 p.s. i., and for XCEO may often be advantageously used. The temperature 5 cyclopentylcarbinol may, in a large degree, depend upon the selected pres catalyst CHO COCEI-CEICO OCH -- CO -- H -- --> sure as well as upon the desired reaction product. While A it may ordinarily be in the range of from about 75 to diethyl fuInarate 300 C., it has been found that a temperature of from about 120° to 150° C. is suitable and often preferred. The process of this invention is generally applicable diethylor-formylsuccinate to the hydroformylation of any aliphatic (cyclic or acylic) compound having at least one ethylenic carbon-to-carbon CHOH bond. The invention is used to advantage in the hydro and for CHO CO CHCHCOO CH formylation of carbon-to-carbon ethylenically unsaturated 25 diethyl ox-methylolsaccinate linkages in hydrocarbons, preferably of from 2 to 12 carbons. Monoolefins such as ethylene, propylene, and CHCCH Catalyst -- CO -- H --> butylene are a few examples of suitable lower alkenes; A by lower is meant an alkene of 2 to about 8 carbon atoms. Feed hydrocarbons may include both branched 30 and straight-chain compounds having one or more of allyl beezene these ethylenic or olefinic sites. These sites may be CECHCHCO conjugated, as in 1,3-butadiene, or non-conjugated, as in 1,5-hexadiene. In the case of polyolefins, i.e., poly enes, one or more of the olefinic sites may be hydrofor 35 mylated. The unsaturated carbon-to-carbon linkages may y-phenylbutyraldehyde be between terminal and their adjacent carbon atoms, as in 1-pentene, or between internal chain carbon atoms, as in 4-octene, or as in cyclohexene. andfor -- isomeric products Macromolecular materials involving acyclic units of the 40 above types such as polydiolefins like polybutadiene, as well as copolymers of olefins and diolefins such as styrene y-phenylbutano butadiene copolymer, are also within the scope of ap As will be seen from the general equation given for the plicability of this invention. hydroformylation reaction when producing alcohols, at Hydrocarbon cyclic compounds are equally suitable for lease one mole of carbon monoxide and two moles of hy use in this invention, especially five- and six-ring carbon drogen are required for each mole of olefin. If condi atom hydrocarbons. This group includes the unsatura tions are selected that will result primarily in an aldehyde ted alicyclic hydrocarbons such as the cylic olefins con product, only one mole of hydrogen is required for each taining carbon-to-carbon unsaturation such as the cyclo mole of olefin. Highest yields, therefore, require at least alkenes like cyclopentene, cyclohexene, and cycloheptene. 50 these stoichiometric amounts of carbon monoxide and hy Also included in this category are the terpenes and fused drogen reactants.
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