Report Precis Report of the Assistant Director Planning and Transportation to the Planning Regulatory Board Date: 15/12/2009 Doc No Subject Applications under Town and Country Planning Legislation. Purpose of Report This report presents for decision planning, listed building, advertisement, Council development applications and also proposals for works to or felling of trees covered by a Preservation Order and miscellaneous items. Information The proposals presented for decision are set out within the index to the front of the attached report. Applications included under Section A are recommended for approval and conditions are summarised at the end of each application. Applications listed under Section B are recommended for refusal and the reason(s) for refusal are set out at the end of each application. Other sections of the report may include consultations by neighbouring planning authorities and miscellaneous items. Access for the Disabled Implications Where there are any such implications they will be referred to within the individual report. Financial Implications None Crime and Disorder Implications Where there are any such implications they will be referred to within the individual reports. Human Rights Act The Council has considered the general implications of the Human Rights Act in this agenda report. 1 Representations Where representations are received in respect of an application, a summary of those representations is provided in the application report which reflects the key points that have been expressed regarding the proposal. Members are reminded that they have access to all documentation relating to the application, including the full text of any representations and any correspondence which has occurred between the Council and the applicant or any agent of the applicant. Recommendation(s) That the applications be determined in accordance with the recommendations set out in the main report which is attached. Full report attached for public and press copy (unless Confidential item). 2 BARNSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION PO Box 604, Barnsley, S70 9FE AS RECOMMENDED To: The Chairman and members of the Planning Regulatory Board Date:15/12/2009 Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 Part III Applications Notes 1. Permissions granted with reserved matters (Standard Condition 1) i. Detailed application for approval must be made to the Local Planning Authority not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of the grant of this outline permission and ii. The development to which the permission relates must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates: a) The expiration of three years from the date of the outline planning permission, or b) The expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters, or, in case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. for the following reason: “In order to comply with Section92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990”. 2. Permissions granted without reserved matters (Standard Condition 2) The development for which permission is hereby granted shall be begun within a period of three years from the date of this permission for the following reason: “In order to comply with the provisions of Section91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990”. BACKGROUND PAPERS These are contained within the application files listed in the following schedule of planning applications. They are available for inspection at Barnsley Connects, The Civic Centre, Eldon Street, Barnsley, S70 2JL. 3 SITE VISITS 2009/1299 Page 7 Erection of a two storey linked annexe to nursing home. Riverside Nursing Home, Camborne Way, Monk Bretton, Barnsley, S Yorks, S71 2NR 2009/1259 Page 14 Mixed use development comprising uses within classes A1, A2, A3 and A5. Hangmanstone Depot, Sheffield Road, Birdwell, Barnsley, S70 5TR 2009/0994 Page 24 Erection of grain storage extension to existing building Lee Lane Mill, Lee Lane, Millhouse Green, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S36 9NN 2008/0838 Page 33 Erection of a five-turbine wind farm with a height of 125m to blade tip and associated infrastructure including transformers, access tracks, temporary construction compound and new access from Cranberry Road and Mossley Road. Land adjacent to Sheephouse Farm, Mortimer Road, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 9FJ. SECTION A - APPROVALS 2009/0847 Page 75 Variation of condition 21 of approved application 2008/0171. Wind Farm, Whitley Road, Whitley Common, Barnsley 2009/1009 Page 89 Erection of an agricultural storage building (Resubmission) Farm, Bagger Wood Hill, Hood Green, Sheffield 4 2009/1091 Page 94 Removal of condition 9 (retention of footpath) of previously approved application 2008/1397 for conversion of church to dwelling Thurgoland Methodist Church, Cote Lane, Thurgoland, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S35 7AE 2009/1093 Page 98 Change of use from residential to residential family care centre and erection of single storey rear extension 30 Gawber Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 2AF 2009/1381 Page 103 Change of use from residential to a residential family care centre. (Retrospective) 32 Gawber Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 2AF 2009/1121 Page 107 Erection of a deer unit building. Little Doubting Farm, Hartcliff Hill Road, Cubley, Sheffield 2009/1262 Page 113 Erection of a two storey extension to existing Mill building and change of use for commercial use. Corn Mill, Bullhouse Mill, Lee Lane, Millhouse Green, Penistone Sheffield 2009/1287 Page 118 Residential development of 100 no. 2 & 3 bedroomed dwellings (Resubmission of application no: 2009/0657) Land at Leslie, Raymond & Reginald Road, Kendray, Barnsley 2009/1352 Page 126 Change of use from open land to form part of residential curtilage. Land adjacent to 84 Rose Grove, Wombwell, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. S73 8NB 5 2009/1356 Page 130 Erection of five townhouses. Melville Street, Wombwell, Barnsley, S73 8FL 2009/1368 Page 136 Demolition of existing schools, St Michaels Catholic and Church of England High School, St Dominics Catholic Primary School and Edward Sheerien High School. Erection of a new catholic and church of England Advanced Learning Centre (Outline) St Michael's Catholic & C.Of.E School, Carlton Road, Barnsley St Dominic's Primary School, Carlton Road, Barnsley Edward Sheerian High School, Carlton Road, Barnsley 2009/1454 Page 146 Improved access and service road, car park and associated works at retail park. (Resubmission) The Peel Centre Retail Park, Harborough Hill Road, Barnsley South Yorkshire, S71 1JE SECTION B - REFUSALS 2009/0904 Page 151 Erection of first floor extension, erection of two storey extension and creation of car parking area to nursing home. Holly Tree Lodge, Sceptone Grove, Shafton, Barnsley 6 SITE VISITS 2009/1299 Park Lane Healthcare LTD Erection of a two storey linked annexe to nursing home. Riverside Nursing Home, Camborne Way, Monk Bretton, Barnsley, S Yorks, S71 2NR Ten individual letters of objection and one on behalf of residents. Referred to board by a member. Site Description The site is approximately 0.6Ha and accommodates a single storey red brick residential home. The site is accessed via Cambourne Way which is a residential cul de sac. There is an existing car park to the west of the existing building currently providing parking for 12 vehicles. The application site is located to the North of the existing building and slopes steeply up from South to North. There are residential properties surrounding the site on all sides. These are at a higher level to the North and East. Site History 2006/0165 – Erection of single storey rear extension to provide 17 additional bedrooms to residential home – approved 2007/1598 – Erection of 3 storey 40 bedroom nursing home – refused 2007/2122 – Erection of a 2 storey 32 bedroom nursing home – refused & appeal dismissed. Proposed Development The applicant seeks permission to erect a two storey linked annex, adding an additional 30 bedrooms, to an existing single storey nursing home. The existing nursing home currently has 50 bedrooms, although three will be lost through construction of the extension. The extension is attached to the north elevation of the existing building in two places, creating an internal courtyard. The materials are proposed to match the existing building. The applicant also seeks to extend the car park adding an additional 9 spaces as well as a turning head and motorcycle and cycle parking. Policy Context UDP- Housing Policy Area LDF - Unallocated BE6 – The Council will seek to achieve good design standards for all types of development. BE6A – In assessing any proposed development layout, the Council will seek to avoid opportunities for crime. BE6B – In assessing any proposed development to which the public will have access…the Council will seek, where appropriate…to ensure the creation of a fully accessible environment. 7 H5B – Planning permission will be granted for residential care and supported living schemes in residential areas provided that: A – Satisfactory parking and manoeuvring space is available B – Adequate amenity space is provided C – The amenity of neighbouring properties and the wider locality is not adversely affected, and D – Proposals for the conversion of properties or extensions to existing homes do not adversely affect the appearance or character of the building, harm the character of the area or constitute overdevelopment. H8D – Planning for infill development within existing residential areas will only
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