BARACK OBAMA'S TREASON TREACHERY and TYRANNY Elizabeth A. Sage BARACK OBAMA’S TREASON, TREACHERY AND TYRANNY Copyright @ 2016 by Elizabeth A. Sage All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, or electronically stored posted or transmitted, or used in any format or medium whatsoever without prior written permission from the author or publisher, with the exception of brief passages quoted for review. Cover and interior design by Playhouse Books Published by God Free LLC ISBN 978-1-5323-0679-2 Ebook copyrighted in the United States of America. 2016 First Edition To George Washington for the gift of this nation that we love... CONTENTS Acknowledgments To the Reader Introduction Chapter One: Treason 1 Chapter Two: The Many Masks of Barack 19 Hussein Obama Chapter Three: The Underestimated Leadership 37 of George Washington Chapter Four: The Alinsky Community Organizer: 40 Strategies and Psychology Chapter Five: The Revolutionary War 56 Chapter Six: Treachery and the Mask 64 of the Chameleon Chapter Seven: Constitutional Convention 75 Chapter Eight: Freedom and Tyranny 81 Chapter Nine: First Presidency 92 Chapter Ten: The Emperor 101 Chapter Eleven: The Obama-esque Trump 121 Chapter Twelve: The Preservation of the Sacred 129 Fire of Liberty Chapter Thirteen: Epilogue 131 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I owe a debt of gratitude to many individuals who have made this book possible, especially Jim and Deslie McClellan for their graphics design and editorial assistance. My supportive family, friends and co-workers. Dinesh D’Souza for his astute insights into Barack Obama and for his courage to publish those insights. Glenn Beck for his original thinking and ability to accurately discern patterns and make predictions. Mark and Elizabeth Prophet for their spiritual teachings, including the psychology of control. TO THE READER It is likely that we share a common story. I had paid some attention to political issues before 2008, but I wasn’t galvanized into action until Barack Obama became president and aggressively pursued the “fundamental transformation“ of our nation. Beginning with the famous April 15, 2009 tax day demonstration, I participated in local Tea Party events. I also went to larger, national events such as Restoring Honor in Washington D.C. and Restoring Love in Dallas, Texas. I informed myself about the issues, signed petitions, wrote emails to my congressmen, and studied the foundations of America. This book originated in 2015 when I compiled my research about Obama’s treason into a document titled Patterns of Treason—a copy of which I mailed to every member of Congress. Out of this first effort grew this present book. Like most of you, I am an ordinary, hard-working American with a passion for truth and the principles of freedom that our Founders so revered. It is my hope that this book will inspire other ordinary Americans to offer their own special gifts to help restore this nation we love. INTRODUCTION The outline of the puzzle of Barack Obama’s identity gradually emerged during the 2008 presidential campaign. Records were dug up of Obama’s associations with individuals like Reverend Jeremiah Wright, proponent of black liberation theology, and Bill Ayers, former terrorist and leader of the Weather Underground. Obama’s training and work as a community organizer and the public statements he had made came under scrutiny. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and other conservative radio hosts and political journalists brought to our attention the candidate’s real beliefs—his desire to redistribute the wealth, implement a single payer health care system, increase regulations on the coal and oil industry, establish government control over banks and businesses who received bailout money, and expand government influence in education, among other aggressive pursuits. These pundits also gave their analysis and projection of the damage Obama might do to our nation if elected. That’s why when Limbaugh was asked what his “hope for the Obama presidency” was he said, “I hope he fails.”1 Limbaugh saw our nation as “dangerously close to the precipice,”—one that Obama would push us over through his liberalism.2 Glenn Beck also pointed out where Obama’s progressive philosophies would lead: a rapid descent into Marxism or Liberal Fascism. It begins with the government using bailouts to take control over a few industries. Then moves on to other areas until, like a cancer, ‘it consumes the body of America.’3 As astute as these men are, I think even they have been surprised at how close Obama has brought this nation to the brink of destruction. This book began as an exposè of the hastening of the journey to the brink through Barack Obama’s treason, treachery, and tyranny. Hence, the title. Yet it evolved beyond that to a study and comparison of two very different presidential archetypes: Barack Obama and George Washington. In five chapters of this book, I have analyzed Obama’s motives, psychology and strategies to help the reader identify other politicans who are cut from the same cloth. These chapters alternate with ones illumining the character, principles and leadership of George Washington, particularly during the critical turning points for America in the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, and the First Presidency. Through Washington’s example we learn what it takes to lead America to victory in the face of existential threats. The standard of his honor, virtue, and sacrifice may seem like an impossibly high bar to expect from contemporary candidates. But when we are willing to settle for less, that is exactly what we get: presidents who are incapable of dealing with the existential threats to our country and who have no desire to preserve the sacred fire of Liberty. Presidents who only desire to profit from their position of power. Elizabeth Sage 1 ELIZABETH SAGE CHAPTER ONE _______________ TREASON Paris was a scene of carnage and chaos in the aftermath of seven coordinated terrorist attacks carried out on November 13, 2015. Explosions rocked the Stade de France where a large crowd was gathered to watch a soccer match between France and Germany. Fifteen hundred people were at a rock concert given by the band “Eagles of Death Metal” when gunmen wearing suicide vests entered and began methodically shooting individuals with AK-47s. They killed 89. Diners and revelers were hit with bullets while enjoying their Friday evening at restaurants and bars around the city. Altogether 130 people died and hundreds of others were wounded.4 Shortly after the attacks President Obama gave a statement to the press that seemed appropriate—at face value: “Once again we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. This is an attack not just on Paris. It’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.”5 But his words were hollow, delivered without emotion and contradicted by his past and present actions.6 When twelve employees of the French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo were killed by Islamists in January 2015, Obama stayed home while the leaders of many nations came together in Paris in a show of solidarity against terrorism.7 When the G20 leaders held a moment of silence to remember the victims of the November 13th ISIS attack, Obama walked in late.8 No matter how it might be spun, Obama’s actions were deliberately disrespectful. The critical question is “why?” 2 ELIZABETH SAGE Obama concluded his remarks on the attack with a caution that we should not rush to judgment about the perpetrators: “I don’t want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this.”9 He probably suspected it was ISIS but hoped otherwise. Especially since he had just said in an interview with George Stephanopoulos broadcasted that morning on ABC’s Good Morning America that ISIS was contained. “I don’t think they’re gaining strength. What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them.”10 If ISIS was responsible, Obama knew the Paris attack would be viewed as an indictment of his ISIS strategy. After France confirmed that the terrorists were ISIS, they immediately ‘took the fight to them’ and pummeled ISIS’s stronghold in Raqqa, Syria.11 Obama’s first reaction, on the other hand, was to defend his ISIS strategy: “There will be setbacks and there will be successes,” Obama said during a news conference. “The terrible events in Paris were obviously a terrible and sickening setback.” When a reporter pressed Obama on his lack of resolve to “take out” ISIS, Obama again defended his strategy as “very aggressive.” And he went on to dismiss any criticism of his ISIS strategy by Republicans as mere slogans “...that had no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people, and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed, and to protect our allies and people like France.”12 Rather than unleash the military on ISIS, Obama constrained them by rules of engagement and by not putting intelligence officers and troops ‘on the ground.’ During the first four months of 2015, only 1,859 out of 7,319 sorties dropped at least one bomb on ISIS targets. Commander Christopher Harmer, a retired Navy pilot, observed that without ground intelligence, the pilots are flying “half blind” and have been told to hold their fire when civilians are possibly in harms way.13 This is not a “very aggressive strategy” by any stretch of the definition or imagination. At the very least, as writer Stephen L. Miller suggests, Obama is apathetic about defeating ISIS.14 The great peril to 3 ELIZABETH SAGE America, and to Western Civilization, is that Obama is actually encouraging ISIS.
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