SCANNED East Coast Engineering, INC. DX1YVIER VF rMsMrwiDUi P. 0. Box 745 T56A Front Street Marion, MA 02738 Tel: (508) 748-2460 Fax: (508) 748-2553 DA TEJO E4. 2/1H/99Mr. L uet ATTENTION Mr. Hector LaGuette RE TO Dept. of Environmental Protection 205 Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 WE ARE SENDING YOU D Attached E Under separate cover via the following items: [I Shop drawings El Prints El Plans El Samples El Specifications L Copy of letter E Change order 0 COP]ES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval [7 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval * For your use E Approved as noted E Submit copies for distribution E As requested E Returned for corrections E Return - corrected prints El For review and comment E _ 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 E PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Hector, Attached are copies of requested information. I have enclosed your fax of regnested information. The highlighted items are not i nr I1nrAd in khis parkrja eiht-hr hecanse we don't have cnpies (i e, we don't hae memos from teleconferences), the item was already sent, or the item requested is not available to me at this time. Plhris will be ont of the offieo nntil Thnrsday, bnt'if there i anything else I can help you &ith, Please let me know, COPY TO File -SIGNED:Ln AN MPC FORM -t Sludin Lynn M . Southwort7 NO. 3502 If enclosurCs ara not as notad, kindly notify us at onto. 7 REFERENCES Allernman, Bruce C and Leeson, Andrea 1997), "In Situ and On-SiLe Bioremediation: Volume 3, Battelle Press, Ohio. Argonne National Laboratory. (n.d. visited site December 17, 1998.) Programs and Capabilities Database, htp://www an.gov/abDB/Current/Ext/h603-text.002,html. Buxbaum, Gunter (1993). "Industrial Inorganic Pigments." Cherifix Technoogies, Inc. (nd. visited site December 1, 1998). http://cluin.org/newclueZPRODUpTS/Sf/eomplete/democomp/chemtix, htm. Clarke, George K ( ). "History of Needham." 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L:\Wellesley\PhaseIIIREFERENCES.doc TOTAL P.05 Phytotech, Inc.-Phyloremediation and environmentalism http://www. phyto tech -com/ma in, h tm C)Oe K~~.er' ~4L a".Vv flbljMau j4 Sz) 40-o oo / .- ' / C)> 7:-) CL (*~~-'~) :2 '~ 7(29"1 NA~7 Cote 0<- S7tJ I of 1 12/17/1998 8:18 AM AUG-23-97 THU 04:36 PM H WISHNIE M.D- 617 '727 1E,2! p1. 0: 1 3 AUGQft '97 13:41 (ET) SOLUCORP INDUST PAGE Of 71-- L,~ % V E:P'4 S "taL' i %24v s4U /De ~~rJ4t~' 1 0 Demolastr8lden BuRe'A". 4CA#(4w Mosecular Ronding System(for Heavy Metals Stabztdon Seleorp@ Industries Ld. which is more Description: The pater-,pondclg Solucrp8 of spelally-costed carbon; z pecked tower scrubber. Technology efilclent, reploco he carbon Ifair emissionl stalards art more Molecuar Bonding System (MBSO) tailwrm a s-ld-phase chemical may stbilimnllon procas a redca the lechbility of heavy mess in stringent. soils, Siags. ad other solid wets. ArSenIe (As), cadmium (Cd), evmrum, coppo, ioe (Pb) mercury. and £ni fn rVpidly conveted Want Applicability: The MBS proces is desiped to reduce t less-soluble metallic nulfide. The technology ws applied ex situ loechObb heavy metals conceUimtons fom toils or solid wastes. durino de demonsoulon but may be utilized with standard in situ Certain muals present in reduced fbrms (e.g.. As) wanyrequire mixing equipmnt; this bulatin discusses only ex situ appiicadons. eanwnt with an oxidizing agent t impovO treaO t effbetivenes. As with odar swsitu pteacss, ti"s weology Is mast yo*effecive Soil is cxcatd. hn pnu'omd by senenlng to remova debris lnger for trea nt of consamina un shalo sails bcmae the sils are thpe two inches In diameter. As with other oA sim temfaologcIs, wet reedily ccesb1f. However,eCeavadon to gremr dapt., of use of or clayey soUs may need to bo died to improve matrial handing in situ mbarng way provide cosW-&e epplicaiona frte MBS chratnritics. The M3S agens, a proprieawry chemical mixture. is tchnology at certain situ. Soia or Z=IC wise Wg chilordo content it is blended with the soll (FigUm 1). odded to the pugnill whene (in x=a of 15 to 20 percnt) cannot be eStedvely treated with thIs Miswr also may be edded at te pugifIll.
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