● 3:22, ...the righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ to “The Anatomy of Faith” // all who believe... But what is that faith, exactly? Different kinds of Christians will give Romans 4:1–25 // Romans #9 you different answers. ● If you ask a Roman Catholic, a professor at Duke Divinity, and Billy March Madness… Graham what Paul means when he says “the righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe,” you are I you have your Bibles… that should unify us. Romans 4 (J p. 34)! likely to get 3 different answers. How many have your Journals? ● (Show our production if this was worth the investment?) Thankfully, Paul tells us exactly what he means by “faith” in Romans ● How many have it and are using it, you just forgot it today? You 4. still get a 0 for today) Romans 4 is Paul’s analysis of what the faith that saves really is. He How many of you enjoyed high school biology class? lays it out on the table as it were and dissects it for you. It seemed like, when I was growing up, one of the rites of passage Honestly, this might be my favorite chapter in the whole Bible. For was that day in middle school biology when you got to do your first very personal reasons: It was through an in-depth study of this dissection--so many things in the world looked different to me after chapter when I was a freshman in college, I finally understood how I that--before it had just been this plain old frog jumping around; after could know for sure I was going to heaven. that it was this complex organism with all these interworking parts. ● I heard that if you went to the expensive private school you got Some of you have heard me share this before, but for years I doubted to do the fetal pig. my salvation. ● One of our pastors told me he got to do a cat, no lie. And he was ● I knew you were “saved by faith,” but I wasn’t sure what that able to confirm to me that the cat has no soul. No heart. Nothing meant. in there but pure evil. ● Was it praying a prayer? If so, had I prayed it right? ● Was it feelings of repentance? How strong did they need to be? Well, Romans 4 is Paul’s dissection of ‘faith.’ Throughout the whole ● Was it being committed to Jesus? If so, how much commitment book he’s talked a lot about how crucial faith is for salvation: was enough? ● 1:16, “...(the gospel) is the power of God to everyone that believes… The end result was that I prayed the sinner’s prayer over and over. Works Consulted: Romans for You, “Romans 4,” Tim Keller “The Assurance of Salvation—Romans 4:1–5,” Tony Evans “Hope Against Hope,” Joby Martin “Believing and Belonging - Romans 4:1–17,” Tony Merida ● I told you that if there were a Guinness Book of World Records… Paul frames this whole chapter around 3 important questions: some of you… ain’t got no game 1. How was Abraham saved? ● By the time I was 19… I single-handedly made my church’s 2. When was Abraham saved? conversion reports look good. “300 POI” -- 260 of them were one 3. What were the elements of Abraham’s saving faith?1 guy ● Saved in youth camps / saved in every denomination Let’s dive in… Romans 4 (CSB) 4:1 What then will we say that ● I followed that up with baptism… Calls for baptism: anyone Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, has found? 2 If besides J.D. want to get baptized? Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about— but not before God. 3 For what does the Scripture say? (the following So, what is saving faith, and how do you know if you have it? is a quote from Gen 15:6) “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness.” Paul is going to answer that question by looking at the life of one of the most important figures in the Bible: ABRAHAM. So… Paul’s choice of Abraham is intentional, because Jews considered 1. How was Abraham saved? Abraham to be the father of their faith. ● You know the song… YOGA/worship. Genesis 15:6 tells us it was “by faith”--Abraham believed God’s ● Asked our worship pastors to do that at the end… they said no promise that he’d bring salvation to the world through one of his but I’m praying they have a change of heart. sons and that was credited to him for righteousness. So Paul is going to demonstrate that Abraham was justified by faith, Vv. 4–5 show us the inner logic of faith. and say that if he, the father of our faith, was justified by faith, we should be also. 4 Now to the one who works, pay is not credited as a gift, but as something owed. (BTW, a lot of times I get asked the question, “How did people in the ● This is the premise behind every job. You perform a certain job OT get to heaven?” and then you are paid for it. ● People are like, “I don’t see any altar calls or people praying the ● When the boss pays you, he’s not giving me a gift. I don’t say, “Oh sinner’s prayer or getting baptized… wow, this is so generous of you! You’re so thoughtful. Thanks for ● So how did they get saved?” (btw, if you’re new to church, saved thinking of me!” = Christian shorthand for knowing for sure you’ll go to heaven; if ● Your wage is what you are owed for working. you grew up in a country church it usually had 5 syllables). ● Romans 4 is your answer. And this is how many people approach God, also. ● I do good things, and God pays me with heaven. 1 Adapted from Tim Keller’s Romans 4 outline in his book, Romans for You ● Most religion, I’ve told you, works off of this premise: I obey, more in? Double tip. Or pull it out and put it back in when they therefore I am accepted. God gives me acceptance as a kind of are looking? Then what if they turn around when you are reward for my obedience. pulling it out? ● And third, we saw this in chapter 3: Being good in one area The problem with that is that good works done to earn salvation are doesn’t erase the fact that we broke God’s laws in another. If you not really done out of a love for God; they are done out of love for were on trial for breaking & entering and assault & battery and yourself! during the trial you said, “Yeah, but Judge, I always use paper, not ● Right? If my nice to you is done so that I will go to heaven, it’s not plastic, and I drive a Prius and have my own compost pile.” The actually you I’m thinking about in my actions, but me. judge might say, “That’s great, the environment appreciates it, but ● It’s like when you’re at one of those coffee shops with a tip jar-- irrelevant to the issue at hand.” tips welcome, thanks a latte--and you put in your tip at just the moment they turn around. What do you do? Put more in? Double Those are 3 problems with thinking good works can earn you tip. Or pull it out and put it back in when they are looking? Then heaven. what if they turn around when you are pulling it out? So, the gospel works differently: If you get asked the question, “Why do you think God will let you into heaven?” The gospel works off of a different premise. ● And you say, “Because I’ve always believed in God, gone to church, been a good person, and even tithed my money,” you are Paul continues, 5 But to the one who does not work, but believes on working off of this premise in vs. 4: I work, therefore I will be him who declares the ungodly to be righteous, his faith is credited for accepted. righteousness. There are multiple problems with that that Paul has pointed out, Now, what does this mean, “does not work?” like: ● Well, it can’t mean that Christians don’t do good works because ● First, as we noted from chapter 2, good works can’t change the a Christian’s life is supposed to be filled with good works. heart. Commanding me to do good can’t make me love good any ● It means that you cease working as a means of salvation. more than commanding me to eat pig slop could make me love ● When it comes to establishing your rightness with God, instead of the taste of pig slop. working for it, and expecting it as a reward, you believe on him ● Second, (we also saw this in chapter 2) -- good works done to earn who declares the ungodly to be righteous. something from God are inherently selfish. If my being kind to ● IOW, you believe that God accomplished what God said he you is done so that I will go to heaven, it’s not actually you I’m accomplished when he sent Jesus to die in your place--that he thinking about in my actions, but me.
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