January 1, 2021 Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Vol. 52, No. 1 Pandemic Draws Attention to ‘Simple, Profound Meaning of Christ’s Birth,’ Bishop Says Martina Hart Photo Bishop Mark Brennan incenses the nativity at Christmas Eve Mass at the Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Charleston. By Martina Hart The Mass was livestreamed on the would normally be a packed house. nan called the incarnation “God’s deci- ishop Mark Brennan celebrated diocese’s and the Basilica’s Facebook Bishop Brennan welcomed all who sive intervention in history.” the Solemnity of the Nativity of pages and televised throughout the were “joining us on this festive occasion Compressing his infinite being Bthe Lord at the Basilica of the Co- state at midnight. Due to current coro- of celebrating Christ coming among us, into the confines of a baby’s body and Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in navirus restrictions, in person atten- God himself coming among us for our soul, entering human history by Charleston on Christmas Eve. dance was limited to 75 people in what salvation.” In his homily, Bishop Bren- See “Christmas” on Page 3 Year of St. Joseph Brings Special Opportunity to the Diocese By Colleen Rowan St. Joseph as its patron as well. termination to serve God, to meet all the obstacles to WHEELING—Pope Francis’ proclamation of Bishop Mark Brennan said that he is grateful that come, trusting God to help him. the Year of St. Joseph Dec. 8 celebrates the 150th an- the Holy Spirit inspired the pope to have this year “That’s the kind of spirit,” Bishop Brennan niversary of the declaration of the foster father of to focus on the saint’s faith, virtues, and goodness “in said, “that’s what we need to move forward to Jesus as Patron of the Universal Church. This mo- view of our need to renew ourselves as followers of do what we’re supposed to be doing as Catholic ment also brings a special opportunity to the Christ.” Christians—to live our faith and invite others to Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to celebrate In St. Joseph, the bishop said, we see his faith, de- See “St. Joseph” on Page 3 A Letter from Bishop Brennan, Diocese has Renewed Commitment to ‘Faithful, Fun’ Inside: Page 4 Camping Ministry, New Director Says, Page 7 2 The Catholic Spirit January 1, 2021 Obituary—Hazel Dell Hudock To Report Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse of Children Hazel Dell Hudock, age 90, of Wheeling, West Vir- To Report Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse of Children: The Di- ginia passed away December 22, 2020 at The Welty ocese of Wheeling-Charleston encourages reporting to civil authorities first and foremost if a crime has been committed. We also encourage utiliz- ing Home for the Aged in Wheeling, West Virginia. Hazel www.reportbishopabuse.org to make a report about any bishop in the U.S. If was a native of Five Points, Tennessee. As a young you have reason to believe that a bishop has engaged in sexual mis- conduct woman she moved to Washington D.C. where she or has interfered with an investigation into sexual misconduct, please contact met Charles (Charlie) J. Hudock, Sr. who became civil authorities in the applicable jurisdiction and visit www.reportbishop- her husband of 45 years. Charlie was a meteorologist abuse.org. in the US Navy. Charlie and Hazel were stationed To Report to Civil Authorities: Contact your local law enforce- with the US Navy in both England and Morocco. ment: numbers will vary based on your location. If you believe someone is in Their family lived in Pensacola Florida, Patuxent im- mediate danger, call 911. To confidentially report any incidence of suspect- River Maryland, and Rockville, Maryland. Later in life ed child abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse, contact the West Virginia Bu- they moved to Gerrardstown, West Virginia, where they restored an old reau for Children and Families’ Child Protective Services by calling the Child Abuse Hotline at 800.352.6513. You may report anonymously to this hotline country home and ran a bed and breakfast inn. She and Charlie were if you prefer. members of the original congregation of St. Leo’s Catholic Church, in In- To Report to Diocesan Authorities: The diocese encourages report- wood, West Virginia, when it was founded in 1982. Confirmed in the ing to the appropriate civil authorities first and foremost if a crime has been Catholic faith in 1983, Hazel served her parish as an Extraordinary Min- committed. The diocese also encourages reporting to the appropriate church ister of the Holy Eucharist. After Charlie’s death in 1998, Hazel lived in authorities. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse of children by personnel Martinsburg, West Virginia and Wheeling, West Virginia. of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, contact one of the fol- In addition to her husband, Charlie, she was preceded in death by her lowing designees at 1.888.434.6237 or 304.233.0880: Mr. Bryan Minor, ext. parents, Lovick and Leila Dell Thomas of Five Points, Tennessee; five 263; Mr. Tim Bishop, ext. 353; or Very Rev. Dennis Schuelkens, Jr., V.E., ext. 270. brothers, Millard (Ruby) Thomas, James Edgar “J.E.” (Mable) Thomas, You may also call the Diocese’s Office of Safe Environment at 304.230.1504. Emmitt (Marie) Thomas, and Clarence (Eva)Thomas, James Brice (Ellen) You may also call the Diocese’s sexual abuse hotline at 833.230.5656. Com- Thomas and two sisters, Eva Inez (Cilvie) Hale, and Fannie Marie plaint forms are available online at www.dwc.org, click “Diocese” on the menu Thomas. bar, then “Offices,” then “Safe Environment”, then “Download Files and She is survived by her five children: Patti (Dennis) Dmytryk of Port Forms.” The form is titled “Com- plaint Form for Allegations of Sexual Abuse St. Lucie, Florida; Kathryn (Thomas) Herlihy of Morgantown, West Vir- of a Minor.” The form may be returned via U.S. mail to: Office of Safe Environ- ginia; Stevan (Wendy) Hudock of Gerrardstown, West Virginia; Charles ment, Diocese of Wheeling- Charleston, PO Box 230, Wheeling WV 26003. J. (Valerie) Hudock Jr. of Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and Rev. Msgr Paul To Report to the Diocese’s Victim Assistance Coordinator: please Hudock of Wheeling, West Virginia. She is also survived by seven grand- call Dr. Patricia Bailey at 304.242.6988. children: Sean (Kara) Thomas, Kevin (Adriane) Herlihy, Ryan (Sarah) Her- In addition to the methods listed above for reporting sexual abuse, the Di- lihy, Marc Dmytryk, Maureen Dmytryk, Samuel Hudock and Lena Hu- ocese also has partnered with Navex Global to offer the EthicsPoint plat- form dock, and six great-grandchildren. to report other, additional concerns, such as suspected financial, pro- fessional, Hazel’s family would like to thank the staff of the Welty Home for the and personal misconduct of a priest, deacon, religious, or lay em- ployee of the Aged, 21 Washington Ave in Wheeling, for making the last 5 years of her Diocese or any Catholic parish or school in West Virginia. The EthicsPoint plat- form can be accessed via www.dwc.org, under “Account- ability”, then “Report life very enjoyable and happy. Misconduct” or by calling 844.723.8381. EthicsPoint is a third-party reporting A Memorial Mass was celebrated December 30 at St. Vincent de Paul system that reports to civil authorities where ap- plicable and Diocesan au- Parish, Wheeling, with her son Rev. Msgr. Paul Hudock officiating. At a thorities, and the identity of the person reporting is protected. future date, Hazel will be interred next to her husband, Lt. Charles J. Hu- Links and information: WV Department of Health and Human Re- sources: dock, Sr. USN, at Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington Virginia. https://www.wvdhhr.org/report.asp. West Virginia State Police, Crimes Online condolences may be sent to the family at www.altmeyerfuneral Against Children Unit: 304-293-6400. homes.com. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) requires that all Dioceses/Eparchies have in place a Safe Environment Program for the protection of children and young people. In accordance with these re- quirements, the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston’s Safe Environment Program consists of the following components for persons seeking em- Place ployment or to volunteer—directly or indirectly—with children: back- ground check; receipt of the Diocese’s Policy Relating to Sexual Abuse of Children; and sexual abuse awareness training for adults. Sexual your abuse awareness training may be completed online or via live work- shop. For more information on the Office of Safe Environment,please Mowing Landscaping Patios Retaining Walls ad go to www.dwc.org, click “Diocese”, then “Offices,” then “Office of Safe Supply Yard here Environment.” Office: 1322 Eoff St. Mailing: PO Box 230 Wheeling, WV 26003 (304) 232-0444 [email protected] (304) 233-0332 Fax: (304) 233-8551 Web site: www.thecatholicspiritwv.org Diocesan Web site: www.dwc.org January 1, Vol. 52, No. 1 Publisher: Bishop Mark E. Brennan................................................................................... Executive Editor: Colleen Rowan, Ext. 347 ............................ [email protected] Advertising: contact Colleen Rowan Freelance Writers: Martina Hart, John Sherwood, Babette Pascasio Member SERVING THE DIOCESE OF Catholic Press Association WHEELING-CHARLESTON’S PARISHES West Virginia Press Association AND SCHOOLS FOR OVER 2025 YEARS National Press Photographers Association, Inc. Published 24 times per year. All issues sent to each registered Catholic household free of charge. Donations to help offset the cost of producing The DWC PARISHIONERS VICTOR GRECO AND JULIE DOERR Catholic Spirit are welcomed. Out-of- diocese subscriptions are $25 annually. The Catholic Spirit intends its news reports to be fair and accurate in every re- gard.
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