Devoted to the Interests of Summerland, Peachland and Ntramata SUMMERLAND, B: C, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1925. Volume 17. Number 49. .50, Payable in Advance SUMMERLAND TO Keeping Kiddies Kool WILL RE-ORGANIZE STAFF COAST VIA CANOE SAY SUMMERLAND GAMP From Summerland.to the'coast by SUMMERLAND HIGH SCHOOL canoe will be'thevnovel experience; of Mr. "G. .Y. L. CrossTey," well, known real estate ?and /insurance rmaripwho is leaving Summerland to'-reside per• School Board at Meeting on Wednesday Night Decide manently at the coast. - Mr. Cross- j Hundreds of Tourists; in Town Oyer Week-end Extend to Advertise Immediately For New Principal - And ley -leaves Summerland > on ..Sunday. Many Compliments on Summerland's Tourist Camp .He will travel; up to; Vernon, ;have Lady Assistaht—New Teacher is Engagedr for Public the ; canoe shipped "from that-vtown —Demonstrated in Practical Manner by One Tourist School—Also New Janitor for High School. to Enderby and .from there -- will Party—Is Favorable Publicity. again ; travel; by canoe through, the Shuswap • River^; Shuswap Lake and The staff: of the Summerland High down the Thompson and Fraser Riv• A decided compliment was paid School is to be entirely re-organized. ers. He anticipates the voyage will Summerland's-Auto Tourist Camp by At a meeting of the school board~on TRAVELLED BY "BUG? be very pleasant-and not. necessar• BIG GAME THURSDAY a large party ..of tourists from Wenat- Wednesdays night, with Chairman ily hazardous. Ritchie presiding, it was decided to chee, Washington, who . spent the advertise' immediately for a new prin• On another page of this is• Summerland and Oroville week-end here while- on a tour at cipal and an assistant teacher. This sue an interesting account of-: will battle for the championship British Columbia. "You have the most . of- the Okanagan International action follows a resolution previously their - adventures; and impres• pleasing tourist camp we -have met passed by which the resignations of sions while travelling across the: ON FIRST VISIT Baseball League next Thursday Principal Steeves, Mr. Mclntyre and •continent viaia "bug" is given afternoon on the Crescent, with.in any oC the towns on our itiner• Miss Griffiths were' requested. "The by Mr. Allen Harris a'hd Mr. Beach, grounds. ary so -far,-and. we have covered a resolution was worded, as follows: Noel Wright, two Summerland TO SUMMERLAN The game was-.scheduled for good many hundreds; of miles,"; one .of, "In view of the present standing young men who have been at• yesterday afternoon but the the party told the Review. He remark• tending the University of Il Oroville team,asked for a post• of the High School as indicated in r ed upon >• the beauty of the surround• the report of the Inspector and the • linois in Chicago: "They jour-, Grand "Master Wisher Pays ponement, of one w.eek owing desirability of a reduction of staff, neyed from Chicago to Sum• to the fact that they have play- ings, and excellent equipment and the it is the opinion of this board that merland arriving here on Sun• Local Lodge First Call ed in five games during the various courtisies ^extended to tour• it would be advisable to have teach• day "night. ;past week. The changing of ists here. '.. in 'Official Capacity the date will enable the visit• ers who are specialists in the sub• A diary of each day's travels The party arrived here-Friday night jects and that the secretary be in• ing team to cpme here in good^ was kept by the boys which The first visit in' his official capac• condition for- the final tussle. .in several car loads, a number stop• structed to inform iMr. -Steeves,-Mr. makes interesting reading. ping at the local tourist camp and the Mclntyre and Miss Griffiths that ity to any, lodge in British - Columbia - A great deal of interest is others proceeding to the Penticton Both Mr. Harris and Mr; Wright was paid to Okanagan .Lodge No." being taken in the series and it their services will not be required are apparently keen observers. camp. Next morning those who re• after the 31st of June.'? 51, Independent Order of Odd Fel• is anticipated -that a .large mained at Summerland were so pleas- ; Mr. Harris has been taking a - Want Specialisti .-*.,'. lows, - by. the newly, elected Grand crowd of rooters from the sui-- ed with the camp that they sent for post- graduate course in chem• Master of British Columbia, Bro. O. rounding district and Oroville the Penticton party, who' returned to The advertisement will ask for a ical engineering at" the? univer• E. Fisher,- on Tuesday night; s The principal, specializing in mathematics, will be present .at the game. Summerland -with their tents. They sity and Mr. Wright lias com• occasion was the; joint- installation The Summerland boys have were enthusiastic- over what- they history and geography and for a lady : pleted his first' year with hon• of - officers of Penticton Lodge . and high hopes of carrying off the termed the obvious superiority of the teacher assistant - who would teach ors in electrical engineering. j Okanagan Lodge. Latin, French and English Literature. championship. - Summerland camp to that of Pentic- Mr. Robinson, the present"teacher-of A pleasing feature -of the instal• iton/though they had no complaint to lation-was also the presence of Bro. make regarding- the camp there." The agriculture will be requested to teach complete party remained here for two:" drawing and elementary science also. J. ./Hi- Glass, Past Grand Master, and books in:the circulation department British Columbia's veteran . Odd or three days before proceeding on It is understood that a number of their way. • • ~ applications are already on hand and and 45 books of reference. -, • Fellow.; Bro. R. S. Jackson and it is probable that there will be no Janitor Appointed Bro. G. Marshall' of the Grand Indépendance Day in the United The position of janitor of the High Lodge of B. C, and Bro.-W. H. Mur- A aWcr improvised by a grown up good Samaritan is Stelaine TOURIST PARTY States was responsible for a very difficulty in filling the vacant posts. fitt,' D.D.G.M:, together, with about tnese children be comfortable, despite Old Soli .large-inllux of tourists to the Okan-: At the next meeting of the board School would appear to < be a much ; on July 29th, the. applications ,will desired post. v>The board received a thirty-five members " of .Penticton agan Valley from the Pacific Coast be considered.' - host of; applications; and; after: some Lodge, .were also honored guests. states, with^the. result that- the nuin- consideration that of Mr; Wm.Simp• After the- usual business had been ESCAPES DEATH ber of touilsts camping at the -Sum-; The board appointed. Miss Thelma merlahd- Auto Camp constituted S al- -. son of Summerland was accepted. In disposed of, the joint installation of - Hobbs-of Summerland who has been 1 Booty From Daylight most a record. Every available space- teaching for some years at the Kal-addition to his High School duties the officers of both lodges was con• he will be asked to supervise the ducted,: the following elective offic• was taken up pn Saturday and Sunday eden public school, on the local pub• Car ~RolJs Down Embank• and Summerland' was thronged., with lic school staff to,fill a vacancy. - Miss Public School ; grounds. Mr. Simpsoner s of Okanagan Lodge being in• will receiver a salary corresponding stalled: ;. Noble .-Grand, vE-. Walton; ment on Peachland Road tourists. Washington and California Hobbs will receive;a salary of $1200 cars predominated,, of -course, but to - that paid -his 'predecessor, Mr. -Vice Grand; M. Scurrah; Recording Robbery in Penticton 1 per annum.: ,:-The. request of > Miss Atkinson. ' On Saturday there were many cars from other Graham for a small raise in salary Secretary, :.W. Beattie; Financial states as well as a number from Al• to bring it up on a par with the ; The present-janitor of the Public Secretary, T. A; -Walden Treasurer; berta aird .even 'a car from Saskat-';; others, was granted. School will be required to pass exam• K. S. Hogg. A very able and inspir• Was Discovered Here A remarkable escape from what chewan, which added their quota to Practically the entire board have inations to enable him to look after ing . address on consideration ;>f or might easily- have been fatal -"con-:;th'.he American parties. tentatively announced their decision the low pressure boilers at the school, others, was delivered- by the Grand sequences was "made. by'~ a party of' As was_to he' expected the "flowing thus acording to- regulations. s.The Master, ..which was followed by short American tourists from Omak, Wash• bowl" was- much in evidence amongi to the annual meeting of the,, British The discarded booty? from a daring and .all the equipment.,.inside; gone, : secretary was instructed - at the", meet-.addresses .by ."Daddy^.Glass^PiG.Mv; rf J ington, who.went over the bank on Columbia School-TrusteesAsociation daylight "n'obbe'i^''iii 'P'efTlii:"t3*n"Ton ^Ty^tHS^tw'c?'^ some of'the American tourist parties,; . ing to' give him intimation to .this Bro. Jackson, Grand Marshal, and the. Peachland road about twelve who celebrated the American National v meeting in the Kelowna High School effect. He will' bé enabled to try Bro^Murfitt,. D.D.G.M. July 2nd. was found in a bush at ing in the location. , at 1.30 p.m. on Thursday,' July 23rd. West Summerland by police authorit• \ While the robbers were making miles, from Summerland, their car Holiday on Canadian soil in a/ truly : the examinations and receive a report A-splendid banquet was provided being damaged considerably and one:"wet " style.
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