Discovering Hebrews 1&2 Peter DISCOVERING HEBREWS AND 1 & 2 PETER BIBLE STUDY AND QUIZZING FOR YOUTH By Jim Wilcox COPYRIGHT © 2011 Published by Nazarene Publishing House Lenexa, Kansas (United States) Adapted and contextualized for use outside of the USA by Monte Cyr This edition published by arrangement With Nazarene Publishing House All rights reserved Cover and Internal Design: Christian Cardona All Scripture references are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV®). Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan publishing House. All rights reserved. CONTENTS SESSION PAGE USER’S GUIDE FOR DISCOVERING HEBREWS AND 1 & 2 PETER...................... 7 GUIDE TO DISCOVERY GROUPS.................................................................................. 8 LESSONS 1. YOUR ADOPTION PAPERS ARE READY.................................................... 10 2. TRUST ME ON THIS........................................................................................ 17 3. MERCY, MERCY ME!....................................................................................... 24 4. GOD’S RANSOM NOTE................................................................................... 32 5. YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH............................................................................ 40 6. THE OLYMPICS OF CHRISTIANITY........................................................... 47 7. KEEP ON KEEPING ON.................................................................................. 55 8. ALIENS ARE US................................................................................................. 62 9. BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS........................................................... 70 10. PUT ON SOME CLOTHES............................................................................ 79 11. FEELING THOSE GROWTH PANGS......................................................... 87 12. A TRUE/FALSE QUESTION.......................................................................... 95 13. ON GUARD...................................................................................................... 103 BIBLE QUIZZING – A PERSPECTIVE........................................................................... 110 HOW TO ORGANIZE A WEEKLY BIBLE TEAM MEETING.................................... 112 ORGANIZING A QUIZ COMPETITION TOURNAMENT........................................ 114 RULES FOR YOUTH BIBLE QUIZZING........................................................................ 115 STUDY TIPS........................................................................................................................ 120 QUIZZING PRACTICE AND COMPETITION QUESTIONS................................... 127 QUIZZING SCORING SHEET (To make copies of)..................................................... 154 USER’S GUIDE FOR DISCOVERING HEBREWS AND 1 & 2 PETER Discovering Hebrews and 1 and TEACHING AIMS and PERSPECTIVE- 2 Peter is best used in a “Discovery Group” -these will help you gain an understanding of set-ting. A Discovery Group is a group of youth the “main points” of the lesson. committed to growing in God’s Word, meeting BIBLE BACKGROUND regularly for a set period of time to study and --this extensive sec- share. Te use of Discovery Groups is described tion will provide you with additional informa- in more detail in the next section of this guide. It tion that will broaden your understanding of the also serves as a great group study workbook for passage being discussed. youth involved in Bible quizzing. tćFBDUVBMHSPVQTUVEZUJNFJTEFTJHOFEUP Here are some guidelines to help facilitate your take place through the structure of the ses- use of Discovering Hebrews and 1 and 2 Peter: sion activities. Afer you’ve prepared yourself through studying the Purpose, Perspective, tćJTTUVEZJTEJWJEFEJOUP4UVEZTFTTJPOT and Bible Background, read through the ses- and then the Bible quizzing. Each Group sion activities to develop an understanding of Study lesson is written to take approximately what to expect from the coming group study 45-60 minutes. Tis Bible study is meant to time. Make sure you understand exactly what be only a part of a total session that includes is intended to happen through each activ- you and your youth sharing insights from ity; remember, also, that these activities are your personal study plus events and activities here to assist you. Feel free to adjust them as of the week and ending with prayer. A meet- OFDFTTBSZUPĕUZPVSHSPVQFOWJSPONFOU SF- ing of an hour to an hour and a half will pro- sources, and/or time frame. vide adequate time for these components. t3FHBSEJOHUIFHSPVQBDUJWJUJFT ZPVXJMMĕOE t&BDI(SPVQ4UVEZTFTTJPODPWFSTBTQFDJĕD TQFDJĕD JOTUSVDUJPOT UIBU BDUVBMMZ TBZ i4BZ section of Hebrews and 1 and 2 Peter and …” or are printed in bold italics. Tis does BMTPJEFOUJĕFTBLFZWFSTFGPSZPVBOEZPVS not mean that you must quote this informa- participants to memorize. tion word for word to your students. We’ve included this material only as a guide for you tćJTMFBEFSTHVJEFHJWFTZPVBDPNQMFUFTFT- regarding what we recommend to be com- sion plan for the entire Bible study portion of municated to your group. your weekly meeting. Each session contains the following elements designed to assist you t&BDITFTTJPOQSPWJEFTZPVXJUIGPVSBDUJWJ- in your preparation and presentation. ties; each one intended to bring your students 7 into an encounter with the Scripture through your youth to be involved. Use posters and pro- a certain perspective. Tese activities are: motional an-nouncements beginning three or Engage the Word, Explore the Word, Apply four weeks in advance to spread the word about the Word, and LIVE THE WORD. Te ses- the group. Personally contact those persons sion activities are intended to give you strong XIPN ZPV GFFM XPVME FTQFDJBMMZ CFOFĕU GSPN teaching options without neglecting your the study. Also, make personal contact with own creativity. Adapt and tailor the sessions those whom you think will be in-volved in quiz- to meet the individual needs and personali- zing in the coming year, encouraging them to be ties of your group. involved in the group. t0DDBTJPOBMMZ ZPVXJMMĕOETFDUJPOTFOUJUMFE Tere are at least two ways to form a Discov- “Terms/People to Know.” Tese brief sections ery Group. One is to hand-pick those already XJMMHJWFXPSEEFĕOJUJPOT FYQMBOBUJPOTBCPVU strongly committed to becoming all God wants terms or people, etc. that will help your class them to be. Tese hand-picked, highly moti- members better understand the passage be- vated youth will usually respond more eagerly ing studied. to disci-pling than others would. Tis approach to discipling is called for when a major purpose t4UVEFOUTBSFFODPVSBHFEUPLFFQQFSTPOBM of the discipling is training for leadership, as in notebooks as they read and study during the Jesus’ training of the Twelve. next several weeks. During the group ses- sions, they will ofen be asked to refect in At the same time, every Christian needs to be writing. Encouraging each youth to have a discipled. Every Christian needs to belong to “notebook-type” journal will keep you from a warm, accepting fellowship that calls out the having to provide blank notepaper each time. best in him. In the lov-ing fellowship, the half- hearted disciple can begin to catch a vision of his ćFĕSTUQMBDFUPTUBSUPOZPVSKPVSOFZUISPVHI potential; he can taste the excitement of growth. Hebrews and 1 and 2 Peter is with the Word it- self. Read through Hebrews and 1 and 2 Peter *O NBOZ DIVSDIFT BMM UIF ZPVUI XJMM ĕU JOUP B entirely before you begin your Bible studies. single small group. If you need more than one Ten look through this leader’s guide and ac- group, provide diferent groups for those with quaint yourself with the contents. diferent levels of commitment. You may want to hand-pick a group for in-depth discipling, then GUIDE TO DISCOVERY GROUPS pro-vide other groups for those not yet ready GPSUIFJOUFOTFDPNNJUNFOUFYQFDUFEPGUIFĕSTU An efective small-group Bible study ministry group. Rather than dividing the youth arbitrar- for youth in the local church be-gins with Dis- JMZ ZPVNBZXBOUUPTFUTQFDJĕDDPOEJUJPOTGPS covery Groups. Discovery Groups are impor- membership in the more in-depth group. Tese tant in: communicating acceptance, teaching by conditions might include disciplines of attend- example, building personal relationships, mod- ance, spiritual journaling, Bible study, account- eling disci-pleship in a real-life setting. ability, and so on. Tere are many ways to start a Discovery Group Any Discovery Group member must have some in your church. Te best way is to invite all of level of commitment. An obvi-ous minimum 8 commitment is to attend the group regularly. To Te leader’s role is to help group members dis- build mutual trust in the group, members have cover for themselves what the scripture means, to get to know each other. If one group mem- how they can apply it to their lives, and then en- ber drops in only occasionally, he will be a rela- courage them to follow through with obedience. tive stranger to the rest of the group, at least at Te group leader’s role is not to be a resident au- the level of sharing expected in the Discovery thority who tells group members what the scrip- Group. Te presence of a relative stranger will ture means and how they are to apply it to their immediately reduce the trust level in the group, lives. He must resist the temp-tation to lecture. limiting the openness of sharing. Of course, some absences are inevitable. Te needed
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