The University of Chicago Law Review __LawReview_ VOLUME 45 NUMBER 3 SPRING 1978 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAX RHEINSTEIN'S WRITINGSt FAMILY LAW* 1. Marriage. In: Ferm, Vergilius Ture Anselm, Ed. An Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: The Philosophical Library [c1945] pp. 470-472. 2. Our Dual Law of Divorce: The Law in Action versus the Law of the Books. In: Conference on Divorce, February 29, 1952, The University of Chicago Law School Conference Series No. 9 [Chicago: 1952] pp. 39-47. 3. The Code and the Family. In: Schwartz, Bernard, Ed. The Code Napoleon and the Common-law World. New York: New York University Press, 1956, pp. 139-161. 4. Historical Survey of the Law of Parent and Child. In: The Child at Law. Report of the Twenty-eighth Ross Pediatric Research Conference. Columbus, Ohio: Ross Laboratories [1958] pp. 13-17; passim. 5. R6sum6 du discours . i la r~union des sp~cialistes du droit de la famille. In: Universit6 Internationale de Sciences Compardes. Inauguration de la Facultd Internationale de Droit Compare, 11 aodt 1958. Luxembourg: Impr. Saint-Paul, 1959, pp. 47-48. 6. Lectures on Comparative Law, of Divorce. Tokyo: 1961. 1 v. (various pagings) [Japanese with English summary]. 7. [As Editorial Collaborator to Yozo Watanabe]. The Family and the Law: The Individualistic Premise and Modem Japanese Family Law. In: Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor, Ed. Law in Japan; The Order in a Changing Society. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963, pp. 364-398. 8. Articles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica: Alimony. 1 Encyclopaedia Britannica633-634 (1964; 1968). Annulment. 1 id. 1022-1023 (1964); 1 id. 1011-1012 (1968). Desertion. 7 id. 296 (1964; 1968). t Compiled by Adolf Sprudzs, Foreign Law Librarian and Lecturer in Legal Bibliogra- phy, The University of Chicago. * Compiler's note: Publications listed in this bibliography are arranged under broad subject headings. There are usually three groups of publications under each subject heading: (1) books and articles in books and encyclopaedias, (2) articles in periodicals, and (3) book reviews. Publications in each group are arranged chronologically by publication date. Group (2) is distinguished from group (1) by the use of italics for the periodical titles. Publications included in group (3) are preceded by [R]. The University of Chicago Law Review [45:489 Interlocutory Decree. 12 id. 385 (1968). Marriage. 14 id. 926-928 (1968). 9. The Law of Family and Succession. In: Yiannopoulos, Athanassios N., Ed. Civil Law in the Modern World. [n.p.] Louisiana State University Press, 1965, pp. 25-57. 10. Motivation of Intergenerational Behavior by Norms of Law. In: Symposium on the Family, Intergenerational Relations and Social Structure, Duke University, 1963. Social Structure and the Family: Generational Relations. Edited by Ethel Shanas [and] Gordon F. Streib. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall [1965], pp. 241-266. 11. Marriage Breakdown in Ticino and Comasco. In: Festschrift ffir Hans G. Ficker zum 70. Geburtstag am 20. July 1967, hrsg. von Murad Feid. Frankfurt: Alfred Metzner, 1967, pp. 385-409. 12. Rechtswidrige Erzeugung menschlichen Lebens-Ein neuer Grund deliktischer Haftung? In: Festschrift fdr Fritz von Hippel zum 70. Geburtstag, hrsg, von Josef Esser und Hans Thieme. Tibingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1967, pp. 373-390. 13. Divorce Law in Sweden. In: Bohannan, Paul, Ed. Divorce and After. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1970, pp. 127-151, 271-275. 14. Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. Pp. 482. 15. The Family and the Law. In: International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol. 4: Persons and Family, pp. 1/3-I/19 (Tfibingen, Mohr, 1974). 16. La famille, son dvolution et son droit. (Traduit de l'anglais par Yvonne Marx). In: Aspects nouveaux de la pens~e juridique. Recueil d'6tudes en hommage i Marc Ancel. Paris: Ed A. Pedone, 1975, Vol. 1: 195-206. 17. Spannungen im ehelichen Gilterrecht. In: Familienrecht im Wandel. Festschrift fxlr Hans Hinderling. Hrsg. von Frank Vischer und Adrian Staehelin. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1976, pp. 151-160. 18. Staat und elterliche Erziehungsgewalt. 15 Zentralblatt far Jugendrecht und Jugendwohlfahrt 207-210 (1924). 19. Notes on Recent Illinois Legislation--Illinois Marriage Law. 5 The University of Chicago Law Review 97-107 (1937/1938). 20. The Need for Research in Family Law. 16 The University of Chicago Law Review 691-699 (1948/1949). [Report on an inquiry conducted for the Social Science Research Coun- cil]. 21. Divorce in Action. 45 The University of Chicago Magazine no. 1: 7-9, 20 (October, 1952). 22. Trends in Marriage and Divorce Laws of Western Countries. 18 Law and Contem- porary Problems 3-19 (1953). [Part of a symposium on "Divorce-A Reexamination of Basic Concepts"]. Reprinted in: Sussman, Marvin B. Sourcebook In Marriage and the Family. 2d ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. [c1963], pp. 430-450; 3rd ed. Boston: 1968. 23. The Law of Divorce and the Problem of Marriage Stability. 9 Vanderbilt Law Review 633-664 (1956). Reprinted under the title "Marriage Stability and Laws on Divorce" in: 8-9 Revista del Instituto de Derecho Comparado (Barcelona) 474-503 (1957) and in: 9 Annales de la Faculte'de Droit d'Istanbul no. 13:15-55 (1960). 24. Colloque on Marriage Stability: Problems for Discussion; Questionnaire. 8-9 Revista del Instituto de Derecho Comparado (Barcelona) 467-473 (1957). 25. Comparative Study of the Legal Means, Direct or Indirect, to Promete (sic!) the Stability of the Family. 8-9 Revista del Instituto de Derecho Comparado(Barcelona) 712-723 (1957). 1978] Max Rheinstein's Writings 26. International Association of Legal Science: The Colloquia at Chicago, September 8-16, 1957. I1. Legal Devices to Promote and Protect the Stability of Marriages. 6 The American Journalof Comparative Law 523-525 (1957). 27. The Stability of the Family; Report to the Director of UNESCO on the Colloquium on a Comparative Study of the Legal Means to Promote the Stability of the Family, Held in Spain, under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science. 6 The University of Chicago Law School Record no. 2:4, 17-21 (1957); reprinted in: 9 Annales de la FacultO de Droit d'Istanbul no. 13:1-14 (1960). 28. Recent Research on Marriage Stability (con traducclon espafiola de Fernado N. Barrancos y Vedia). [In English and Spanish; summaries in French, Italian and German]. 1958 Revista juridica de Buenos Aires no. 4: 30-85. 29. [With Alexander Plateris]. The Importance of Central Files of Divorce Records. 46 American Bar Association Journal 1285-1291 (1960); reprinted in: 26 Nevada State Bar Journal 116-132 (1961). 30. Challenge and Response in Family Law. 17 Vanderbilt Law Review 239-255 (1963/1964). [Part of a symposium on "Stability and Change Through Law"]. 31. Annerkennung von Eheurteilen in New York (Court of Appeals of New York, Urteile vom 12.7.1965, Rosenstiel v. Rosenstiel und Wood v. Wood: 16 N.Y. 2d 64; 254 N.Y.S. 2d 527; 209 N.E. 2d 709). 32 Rabels Zeitschrift ftar ausldndisches und internationalesPrivatrecht, Heft 3 (Festgabe fdr Alexander N. Makarov), 527-534 (1968). 32. From Divorce as Punishment to No-Fault Divorce. 33 Revista del Colegio de Aboga- dos de Puerto Rico 523-539 (1972). 33. The Transformation of Marriage and the Law. 68 Northwestern University Law Review 463-479 (1973/1974). 34. Division of Marital Property. 12 Willamette Law Journal413-440 (1975/1976). 35. [R] Tomforde. Das Recht des unehelichen Kindes und seiner Mutter im In- und Ausland. Neubearbeitet von F. Diefenbach und H. Webler. Berlin: Heymann, 1930. Pp. vi, 240. 3 Zeitschrift far auslindisches und internationales Privatrecht 995-998 (1929). [Reviewed together with Weitpert-Richter, Die Rechstsverfolgung. .. ]. 36. [R] Weitpert-Richter. Die Rechtsverfolgung der Unterhaltsanspriche unehelicher Kinder im Ausland. Mtinchen: Schweitzer, 1929. Pp. xv, 160. 3 Zeitschrift far auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht 995-998 (1929). [Reviewed together with Tomforde, Das Recht des unehelichen Kindes . .]. 37. [R] Bo, Giorgio. H Diritto degli Alimenti. Natura del Diritto e Soggeti. Padova: Milano, 1932. Pp. x, 538. 6 Zeitschrift far ausldndisches und internationales Privatrecht 898-899 (1932). 38. [R] Vernier, Chester G. American Family Laws. Vol. III. (Husband and Wife). Stanford University, Cal.: 1935. Pp. xl, 684. 3 The University of Chicago Law Review 685- 688 (1935/1936). 39. [R] Brockelbank, W. J. La formation du marriage dans le droit des Etats-Unis: Essai des synth~se du droit des 6tats particuliers, Etude de droit compar6. Paris: Librarie Arthur Rousseau, 1935. Pp. 477. (Publications de l'Institut de Droit Compar6 de l'Universit6 de Paris, lre s~rie. Collection d'6tudes th~oriques et pratiques de droit 6tranger, de droit compar6 et de droit international, sous la direction de H. Lvy-Ullmann). 2 The University of Toronto Law Journal 168-170 (1937/1938). 40. [R] La Vega, J. G. de. Capacit6 de la femme marine dans le droit de l'Am~rique latine. Paris: Librairie Arthur Rousseau, 1933. Pp. 339 (Publications de l'Institut de Droit compar6 de l'Universit6 de Paris, ire s~rie. Collection d'6tudes th~oriques et pratiques de droit 6tranger, de droit compar6 et de droit international, sous la direction de H. Ldvy- Ullmann). 2 The University of Toronto Law Journal 167 (1937/1938). The University of Chicago Law Review [45:4i89 41. [R] Abbott, Grace. The Child and the State. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1938. 2 vols. 6 The University of Chicago Law Review 355 (1938/1939). 42. [R] Brusiin, 0. Zum Ehescheidungsproblem. Helsinki: Akademische Buchhan- dlung, 1959. Pp. 133. 9 The American Journalof ComparativeLaw 135-137 (1959). 43. [R] Divorce and the Law in Germany: A Review [of: Scheidung und Scheidungs- recht; Grundfragen der Ehescheidung in Deutschland, von Ernst Wolf, Gerhard L1ike und Herbert Hax.
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