PAGE SIX AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1918. Save Meat. ALL ATLANTA PAPERS I Eat More Eggs--but IIICMI ZONES INTEREST II T RAISE SUBSCRIPTIONS Cook and Bake with ATLANTA, Ga., August 28.—Fellow ing Hay LEAGUEIT CAMP the order of the FORII.S. SOLDIERS War Industries Presses) Board of the United States that steps 25c Package Replaces PLEASURE TRIPS ARE ARRANGED be and carry for- A Eh GROWING AS NEW taken t 0 protect K 3 Cozen Eggs ward the newspaper industries of the Guaranteed to satisfy. ¦ FOR MEN WHO GET SEVEN-DAY Try the recipe below. POWER PRESSES g country, the newspapers of Atlanta J FURLOUGHS—FREE TRANSPOR- STARS DEVELOP have raised their prices to meet the TATION PROVIDED FOR MEN. new war conditions confronting them. The cost of print paper has advanc- VOSE, NEW STAR TWIRLER WITH Carload just received. Place your || ed greatly, general operating 236th SQUADRON HAS PUT NEW Between three hundred tnd five hun- expenses are mounting skyward, and Victory Gems arriving LIFE IN CELLAR BERTH CON- fe order NO W. On account of 0 dred American soldiers are many newspapers in the country have or leaving Aux-Les-Bains each day 2 buttermilk via TENDERS—OUTFIT FROM 237th J cup barley* peanut, or trains. Smaller numbers entering been compelled to suspend because of other are OUT 4 TO O.—PLAYERS flour aubstiiute scarcity of material willnot have and leaving the towns of Chambery, SHUT their inability o cope 2 tups fluur t with the situa- 2 teaspoons MAZO in | Challes-les-Eaux and other places in INTEREST 2 tab’espoons tepid SHOWING MORE resulting from the war increases. wafer the department of Savoie, has tion 2 teaspoons salt T which DAILY. 2 teaspoons baking powder any more this season when they § been selected as the first great leave The price of paper has gone from 75 1 teaspoon soda in tablespoon center of army. These 1 cold water the American t 0 100 per cent! freight rates have 2 tablespoons melted grease. soldiers are America’s first “permis- The advent of one Mr. Vose to gone. been milk, floor, salt are sionaires” on general of the increased 25 per cent; postage Mix and shortening into || leave. All Squadron 23*3 served to inject new smooth© batter. Add soda and water. of has MAZO in tepid water till foamy | first arrivals have been members rates have been increased; and in : and addgbak- ing powder, stir quickly and well, put into hot the first expedition to reach France, life into one of the cellar contenders (Jem pans most of the other cities subscription greased or muffin and cook 10 to 15 \ -g first to see minutes in hot oven, top rack of gas stove if i" and likewise the active league at in the Y. M. C. A. baseball already used. This will make about 20 gems. Cold rice service in the trenches. prices have been raised grits week they shut or may be used instead of flour substi- The question of taking care of men Sou'hei Field. Last The tutes. daily papers will now cos> 5 Prepared by MRS. £ 2. BULL. on leave has been of the most im- the bunch from the 237th by a one out cents portant recreation problems with instead of 3 cents; and the Suu- , •1-0 score and this week they kept up Save Money which the United States army has had day papers 7 cents instead of 5, while AMERICUS GROCERY CO, I I consulting repre- the good work bt taking the strong to deal. After with weekly and annual rates have also Whol esale Distributors s sentatives of the Young Men's Chris- 501st in camp by a 7-4 score. Now j 1 tian association and other welfare or- been raised in proportion. Americus, Ga. they roosting on a fifty-fifty pe ffi Mowers, ganizations it was decided to experi- are l-1 On Rakes, Grain Drills, S ment with the scheme of selecting in estal with strong intentions of bid-1 turn various interesting places In ding for the bunting at the close ot g Engines and other France to which the men could be sent. 11 i machines® General orders weae then issued grant- the season. ing each officer and man in France a This good work can be attributed while we can make you a good leave of seven days, exclusive of travel GROW BIGGER CROPS I 1 S work of Vose -AND- ¦ time, once every four months. Free in part to the clever transportation is provided to men in the box and of the increased inter-1 PERMANENTLY IMPROVE YOUR SOIL price.and have them on hand. § who spend their leave in centers se- -BY FERTILIZING WITH- 4 | est manifested by other members of ; lected by the army. Leave to Paris CAMP WHEELER HORSE and other cities in France outside the the team since his arrival. In Sat-| MANURE ALLSHIPMENTS MADEFROM CAMP. NEAR MACON, GA. leave area is only provided in excep- he the 501st urday’s contest held ! Correspondence to | Addreu 4 tional cases. bingles and Y. M. C. A. Takes Heid. bunch to seven scattered BUTLER & PINSON 1 1 When the army selected the depart- at the same time causing six of them I ATLANTA Seffinj Agent* GEORGIA | . (happell Machinery ment of Savoie as the first leave area Co. He, himself, I to swat tha air in vain. | I the Young Men's Christian association uiiuiiiiininiiuintommoSmZm "sTmiTsmooi ¦r'r? no immediately began to make arrange- scored two of the runs for his team S TELEPHONE 234 J reception 1 ments for the of the men. mates. Arrangements were first made with champion slugger of the day hotel proprietors whereby they would The I open their hotels earlier than usual was one gentleman from Pennsylvania and reserve a certain of percentage —Schncbeli. by name. Out of four their rooms for soldiers. AU hotels in the department, which contracted with trips to the plate, tie connected safe- Young the Men's Christian association ly three times, two of which were for to GINNING provide the necessary NOTICE accommoda- other time he was tions were divided into three classes, two bases. The WILLIAMS according to the rates to be charged. caught out in a long fly to center. These rates fixed at 11,14 17 were and Render pitched a fair game for PVOLNEY FOR A francs a day for room and board, with the understanding that no tips were to , the 501st, allowing eight safe hits. Our Gin will be closed on Sat- be given, by the men. Each hotel also • His support was somewhat ragged. agreed to furnish the men with a hot Railroad Commissioner to his credit. bath upon their arrival. He had nine strikeout urday, (he 24th, Monday, the 26 At Aix-les-Bains the Young Men's • showing that he had something on the 1 hereby myself Christian association leased the big announce as a ’ ball in addition ,to the cover. casino for the exclusive use of the sol- and Saturday, the 31st of August, candidate for Railroad Commis- diers. This includes a large theater, The whole team from the 263th i sioner, to succeed Hon. George Hill- assembly hall and reading, writing, played snappy ball. A fast double in j yer, who is not a candidate for re- billiard and game rooms. Afternoon ¦ i This is in accordance with instruc- election, subject to the State Dem- tlio sixth from Capt. Roberts, to and evening concerts and theatricals i Hunt,, ocratic Primary to be held in Sep- are given in the Foohmadder,' cinched the game for theater with both pro« to tions issued by the Fuel Adminis- tember. The consideration of the fessional and amateur talent as attrac- tnem, bv retiring the side when the voters of the state is most respect- tions. The soldiers have made full use ! stilj fully requested. of the handsome casino, which is in 1 outcome of the game was uncer-; tration, VOLNEY WILLIAMS, operation from nine o’clock in the ’ tain. Hunt and McCarren each got morning until late at night. The ! Waycross, Ga. ' hits, bringing in men on the Y' Young Men's Christian association has two gins Ail zone . Gazette says: also leased the casino at Challes-les- ¦ • bases. in this will be The Tifton “Volney Williams is a candidate for Rail- Eaux and theaters in other towns. } The score follows: The famous thermal baths at Aix- road Commissioner. If elected he E closed Saturdays and Mondays in les-Bains also have been thrown open i 501st AB HRPO A will make a splendid official. For 16 years be has edited to the soldiers for a nominal fee, and I Schncbeli, ss. 4 3 113 1: the Way- they are proving very popular, espe- August and December. cross Journal-Herald, and has ever Hughes. 4 1 0 2 2 1; cially among those men who arrive in t 2b. been active in movements for the Aix fresh from the trenches of north- • Allender. p. 3 110 0 0 best interest of the state. He comes eastern France. A number of play- from one of the greatest railroad Gaughan, c. 3 0 0 6 0 0 AMERICUS OIL CO. grounds and fields have also been centers of the state, and from a sec- 0 0 leased where baseball diamonds, foot- . Puckert, lb. ’>.. 3 0 5 0 FARMERS tion that has no representation on ball gridirons and outdoor basketball 1 Andrews, If. 3 0 1 0 0 1 COTTON OIL CO.
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