Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association • www.ken-carylranch.org Vol. XXXVI, No. 23 Nov. 6, 2013 Like us on at www.facebook.com/ken-carylranch KCR Veterans Monument To Receive Pro Bono Concrete Work Submitted by Byron Wicks, Aspen Meadows project would be funded by donations from The Veterans Monument Committee has ner. A $500 contribution reaches the “Bronze” Several weeks ago, Aspen Meadow resident the residents, friends of Ken-Caryl Ranch and developed a number of ways for the benefac- level with the appropriate recognition. Chris Sullivan notified the Ken-Caryl Ranch local businesses. tors to be recognized based on the amount Corporate sponsorship will be recognized Veterans Monument committee of a project There are no current plans to have either of their contributions. Private donors con- similarly at a different location at the monu- that he was involved in regarding construc- the Master Association or the Metropolitan tributing $1,000 or more will be recognized at ment. Corporate sponsorship can be in terms tion efforts to support American Veterans. District contribute money to the fund. Con- the “Silver” level. Their names will be engraved of cash donations, materials or construction Chris had been following the articles in Life tributions of any amount are welcome and at the monument if they so desire. Con- activities. Specific levels of corporate recog- at Ken-Caryl and determined that the project all will be acknowledged and recognized in tributors donating $750 or more will be rec- nition will be posted on the Veterans Monu- might qualify for support from the Decorative writing. ognized at the “Gold” level in the same man- ment website, www.kcrveteransmonument Concrete Council of the American Society of .wordpress.com. Concrete Contractors (DCC). Chris request- Monument Bricks ed and received the recently approved design To Recognize Veterans concept plans from the Veterans Monument The design of the Veterans Monument in- Committee. He presented those plans to the corporates the idea of using engraved bricks decision-making board of the DCC. to recognize Ken-Caryl Ranch residents, fam- Chris advised the Monument Committee ily members or special friends who have that the project had been approved by the served honorably in the United States Armed DCC, which means the DCC and associated Forces. Anyone who took the oath to defend companies will complete all concrete work the Constitution of the United States and pro bono. The concrete work is valued at served on active duty is eligible to be recog- approximately $12,000! Chris will be the main nized. liaison between the DCC and the Veterans A maximum number of 184 bricks will be Monument Committee during the concrete available for a donation of $300 each. It is ex- construction portion of the building process. pected that all the bricks will sell quickly. The preferred timeframe for the start of con- The engraving will basically consist of name, struction is spring/early summer 2014. In the rank, branch of service and dates of service/ meantime, all preparation for the concrete conflict. The design, size and parameters of installation must be completed. Thank you the engraving on the bricks will be posted on to Chris for a job well done! the Veterans Monument website. All bricks Veterans Monument Background will be engraved in a similar fashion. Sample And Donation Levels bricks will soon be available for viewing. The Ken-Caryl Ranch Equestrian Center held a Schooling Show on Oct. 20 to The concept of the Ken-Caryl Ranch Vet- There MAY be a very limited number of give the Riding School students and the Equestrian Center boarders an oppor- erans Monument was conceived and approv- decorative items for the monument that can tunity to compete. Check out Page 17 for more photos and event details. ed with the understanding that the entire Continued on Page 18 Chatfield Ave. New Member Needed Improvement Project Update The Chatfield Ave. improvement project contractor began work in late October at the For Architectural Committee A longtime member of the Ken-Caryl home. Members of the Architectural Commit- Chatfield and Cochetopa Pass intersection. Until mid-November, two-way traffic will be Ranch Master Association Architectural Com- tee are dedicated volunteers who are ap- driving on the east half of Chatfield Ave. from approximately Park Range Road to 300 feet mittee will be stepping down in December, pointed by the KCRMA Board of Directors. south of Cochetopa Pass. The speed limit has been lowered in this area. It is recommend- and the Master Association is looking for a The committee meets on the second and ed that you use alternate routes. Also, drivers wanting to access Shaffer Place must use new volunteer to serve on the committee. fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:30 a.m. Shaffer Drive. Construction crews will be working seven days a week for the remainder The Architectural Committee carries the re- at the Ranch House. of the project, which is anticipated to be completed in mid-December. sponsibility of “how Ken-Caryl Ranch looks.” To apply,download the Committee Appli- It reviews and approves all plans and speci- cation form on our website. To access the Where Is Summit fications from an aesthetic standpoint, and form, go to www.ken-carylranch.org and click it establishes guidelines and Ken-Caryl Ranch on Committees & Task Forces under the Ad- View Trail? standards. Everything from colors of exteri- ministration tab. Forms should be submitted You may have seen the photo and or paint on individual homes to signage — to Victoria DeSair at [email protected], description of the Summit View Trail re- and the myriad details in between — helps dropped off at the Ranch House or faxed to route in the Oct. 23 issue of the paper. to create the community that we all call 303-972-1272. Unfortunately, when the trail map was last updated, the re-routed trail had not yet been christened Summit View Trail. On the map on our website and on the printed copies of the Community and Open Space Map and Guide, the trail is still listed as the Bradford Trail. While In This Issue part of the Bradford Trail retained its name, the upper section of the Bradford • Greg Stevinson Trail that crosses the summit of Tin Cup Tickets On Sale For Ken-Caryl Tour Of Homes was renamed Summit View Trail. Summit What: Tour eight homes in the Valley, Plains and North Ranch Inducted Into Jeffco View Trail is two miles in length from When: Saturday, Nov. 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. the eastern terminus of Beacon Hill Trail Hall Of Fame 5 Ticket Prices: $20 for adults; $10 for children to the western terminus of the Manor Purchase Tickets Online: www.kencarylranchfoundation.com • Halloween Haunted House Trail. If you have any questions, please contact the Rangers at 303-904- Purchase In Person: The day of the event at the Community Center. Trail Photos 9 0249. For more information, visit the website or see the flyer inserted in this issue. covenant protected community protected covenant A http://www.ken-carylranch.org Littleton, Color ado 80127 ado 7676 South Continental Divide Road Divide Continental South 7676 EMTN.171 NO. PERMIT c/o K c/o en-Car yl Ranc yl Master Master h Association LITTLETON, CO LITTLETON, Printed on Recycled Paper Recycled on Printed D I A P Life at Ken-Caryl at Life .S POSTAGE S. U. PRSRT STD PRSRT 2 • Nov. 6, 2013 www.ken-carylranch.org Manager’s Column Covenant Clips by KCRMD District Manager Darrell Windes Political Signage Note: The MA has relinquished architec- The Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District’s Proposed 2014 Budget tural control and covenant enforcement to is now available for review on the Ken-Caryl Ranch website with Reminders subassociations: the Mountain Gates, the En- copies also available at the District’s business offices at the Ranch by Community Standards clave, the North Ranch, Manor Ridge, Sunset House. The District Board of Directors conducted the Public Hearing Administrator Julie Kearful Ridge and the Settlement and a separate set on the Proposed 2014 Budget in conjunction with the Oct. 22 Board As this column reaches you, the November of documents may be applicable. meeting. Comments on the Proposed 2014 Budget will be accept- election will be history and of course, there Please keep in mind that rules and regula- ed until Dec. 10, the date the budget is scheduled to be adopted by will be no political signs in view anywhere tions are dynamic in nature…new issues sur- the Board. on Ken-Caryl Ranch! Actually, the Political face, new regulations are added, inappro- Property tax revenues in the 2014 Proposed Budget reflect a slight Signage Guidelines state, in part, that signs priate ones are deleted and others simply are decrease from 2013 levels as a result of tax refunds and abatements “….must be removed within one week after amended or updated. Ken-Caryl Ranch doc- that occurred during 2013. The Proposed 2014 Budget also reflects the election.” uments are available at the Ranch House minor changes to several recreation fees where appropriate. The District has two major And what is coming next? We all know. and on our website at www.ken-carylranch capital projects planned in 2014, which are included in the Proposed Budget. These proj- There will be folks far ahead of me in the race .org so try to make certain you, too, are up- ects include the replacement of the playground equipment and play surface at the Com- to the holidays, and for them, another rule to-date. Also, don’t hesitate to call me at 303- munity Park and the installation of a new sidewalk on the north side of Club Drive adja- may apply: “For traditional December holi- 979-1876, ext.
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