S3040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 18, 2017 May 18, 2017, I would have voted no on restoration and contributing to ongo- cial education team, Ms. Rossetti still confirmation of Rachel Brand to be As- ing human rights discussions. Among took the time to get to know him and sociate Attorney General, and I would the many quotes highlighted at the every one of her students as individ- have voted yea on the motion to in- memorial is the following from Mother uals. Because of her ability to do this, voke cloture on Executive Calendar No. Teresa, ‘‘Kind words can be short and Ms. Rossetti has been able to cus- 55, the nomination of Terry Branstad, easy to speak, but their echoes are tomize her approach to her students of Iowa, to be Ambassador to China.∑ truly endless.’’ and foster their growth and develop- f I commend all those who are coming ment. Many of Ms. Rossetti’s students together to counter the acts of hateful have been impacted by this level of NATIONAL POLICE WEEK vandalism with kindness that will con- support and have stayed in contact Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, tinue to echo through our communities with her through the years. during this week, National Police and Nation.∑ The Exeter School District and all of Week, I honor all those who serve to f New Hampshire have benefitted greatly keep us safe. I honor three Maryland from Ms. Rossetti’s devotion and serv- TRIBUTE TO PAMELA ROSSETTI officers who lost their lives in the line ice. On behalf of my colleagues and the of duty in 2016. Corporal Jack Colson of ∑ Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, today I U.S. Congress, I thank Ms. Pamela Prince George’s County Police Depart- wish to ask my colleagues to join me in Rossetti for her unrelenting commit- ment, Senior Deputy Patrick Dailey, recognizing and congratulating Ms. ment to support every one of her stu- and Deputy First Class Mark Logsdon, Pamela Rossetti on her 35 years of re- dents, as well as the entire school com- both of Harford County Sheriff’s office, markable service as a fifth and sixth- munity, through her 35 years as a all dedicated their lives to making grade teacher at Lincoln Street School teacher, and I wish her the very best in Maryland safe. We thank them for in the Exeter, NH, School District. her retirement.∑ their sacrifice, and we thank their fam- Throughout her career, Ms. Rossetti f ilies, friends, and fellow officers. They has gone above and beyond to meet the will never be forgotten, and they de- needs of her students, as well as her MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT serve to be honored not just this week, larger school community, by serving as Messages from the President of the but every day. an adviser on a number of committees United States were communicated to f and taking a leadership role in special the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his projects throughout her tenure. The secretaries. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS State of New Hampshire owes her a f debt of gratitude for her service. Ms. Rossetti graduated with her B.A. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED IDAHO ANNE FRANK HUMAN from Notre Dame College in Man- In executive session the Presiding Of- RIGHTS MEMORIAL chester, NH, in 1981. She later received ficer laid before the Senate messages ∑ Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, today I her masters of education from Leslie from the President of the United wish to commend Idahoans and specifi- College in Cambridge, MA, with a con- States submitting sundry nominations cally the Boise community for coming centration in integrated teaching which were referred to the appropriate together so quickly to fight hate through the arts. She was hired by the committees. speech and related vandalism. Exeter School District in 1982 as a (The messages received today are Kindness, support, and respect run sixth-grade teacher. After 2 years, she printed at the end of the Senate deep in Idaho. The response to the re- began teaching in the fifth grade, proceedings.) cent vandalism of the Idaho Anne where she has taught for 33 years. f Frank Human Rights Memorial in Throughout her career, Ms. Rossetti MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE Boise, ID, is the most recent example has received accolades for her service. of the depth of compassion in Idahoans. In 1983, she received a commendation At 10:02 a.m., a message from the Since the recent vandalism, consider- from New Hampshire’s Governor John House of Representatives, delivered by able resources have poured in to repair H. Sununu in recognition of her work Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, and enhance the memorial. Rather with a colleague to create an American announced that the House has passed than responding with anger and hate, citizenship course. She has been a the following bills, without amend- Idaho is moving forward with a posi- member of both the science and social ment: tive spirit of renewal and inclusiveness. studies committees for the Exeter S. 419. An act to require adequate report- Dan Prinzing, executive director of the School District and served on a number ing on the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Wassmuth Center for Human Rights program, and for other purposes. of Lincoln Street School committees, S. 583. An act to amend the Omnibus Crime that built the memorial with support including the arts and health commit- Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to au- from the Carr Foundation and others tees. She has also been a mentor teach- thorize COPS grantees to use grant funds to and now partners with Boise Parks and er and a trainer for the school dis- hire veterans as career law enforcement offi- Recreation to maintain the memorial, trict’s Intel Teach to the Future Pro- cers, and for other purposes. said, ‘‘An act of hate by an individual gram, which focuses on integrating is not us, the community’s response to technology into curriculum. At 11:46 a.m., a message from the the act is what defines who we are and Ms. Rossetti has touched many lives House of Representatives, delivered by the values we share. Now what does in the Exeter School District, includ- Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, that do for us? It emboldens the mes- ing my son Ben’s. Ben experiences dis- announced that the House has passed sage of the Memorial and reinforces abilities that leave him unable to com- the following bills, in which it request that our work is not done.’’ municate verbally. Ms. Rossetti was the concurrence of the Senate: The Anne Frank Human Rights Me- Ben’s fifth-grade classroom teacher, H.R. 194. An act to ensure the effective morial was dedicated to the public 15 and, shortly after the school year, she processing of mail by Federal agencies, and years ago to offer a place for visitors to for other purposes. called me to tell me how smart Ben H.R. 195. An act to amend title 44, United consider and reflect on human rights was. While my family had always States Code, to restrict the distribution of and inspire engagement with others thought that Ben was smart and funny, free printed copies of the Federal Register to about the issue. The memorial is a it was incredibly reassuring to know Members of Congress and other officers and beautiful and thought-provoking re- that an objective—and caring—educa- employees of the United States, and for source, which includes a statue of Anne tor thought so as well. She went on to other purposes. Frank, quotes and excerpts of her tell me how she had assessed Ben’s un- H.R. 653. An act to amend title 5, United writings, as well as a wall of inspiring derstanding of sophisticated content States Code, to protect unpaid interns in the Federal Government from workplace harass- quotes. The love and care, including material. ment and discrimination, and for other pur- the support of Idaho students and their Ms. Rossetti’s observation impressed poses. families, that went into this memo- me because, in a classroom of students H.R. 672. An act to require continued and rial’s creation is prevailing upon its where Ben received support from a spe- enhanced annual reporting to Congress in VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 May 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18MY6.005 S18MYPT1.
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