THE ARMENIAN MIRRORc SPECTATOR Since 1932 Volume LXXXXI, NO. 48, Issue 4690 JUNE 19, 2021 $2.00 15 Armenian POWs Freed By Azerbaijan YEREVAN (RFE/RL) — In a deal brokered by the United States and Georgia, Azerbaijan set free 15 Ar- menian prisoners of war on Saturday, June 12, after receiving more infor- mation from Armenia about mine- fields around Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced their release as he campaigned for snap parliamenta- ry elections slated for June 20. Pashinyan’s press secretary, Mane Gevorgyan, said that the POWs were repatriated to Armenia via Georgia. “The process took place with U.S. and Georgian mediation, for which the government of Armenia thanks Presidential candidate Robert Kocharyan during his online press conference the US administration and the Geor- gian government,” Gevorgyan wrote Presidential Candidate Kocharyan Gives Press Conference for Diaspora on Facebook. Azerbaijan said it freed the POWs By Aram Arkun Robert Kocharyan held an online press con- hour and there were 100 participants from in exchange for an Armenian military Mirror-Spectator Staff ference via Zoom for various diasporan Ar- various parts of the world at its peak. map detailing the location of nearly menian media and representatives on June The conference was run by public relations 100,000 land mines in the Aghdam YEREVAN — Former Armenian presi- 11, with the support of his electoral coalition and marketing expert Hrachuhi Mirzoy- district east of Nagorno-Karabakh dent and current presidential candidate for partner, the Armenian Revolutionary Feder- an, herself a candidate in the parliamentary which was handed back to Baku un- the Armenia Alliance [Hayastan Dashink] ation (ARF). The conference lasted over one see KOCHARYAN, page 3 der the terms of a Russian-brokered agreement that stopped last year’s Armenian-Azerbaijani war. Washington Hits Armenia “The 15 Armenian captives were turned over on the Azerbaijani-Geor- With Aluminum Foil Anti- gian border with the participation of Perfect Silence for Communication Georgian representatives,” the Azer- Dumping Duties baijani Foreign Ministry said in a WASHINGTON (Eurasia.net) — The How Krisp Is Creating statement. Biden administration has introduced new The Right Environment US Secretary of State Antony tariffs on Armenia’s largest export to the Blinken hailed their release. “We United States. Last month, the Department For Remote Meetings also welcome Armenia’s decision of Commerce made a preliminary determi- to provide Azerbaijan with import- nation that Armenian aluminum foil is be- ant information that will facilitate ing sold “at less than fair value” in the US By Ani Duzdabanyan-Manoukian humanitarian demining and avoid – “dumped,” in industry jargon. Until a fi- Special to the Mirror-Spectator future casualties,” he said in a state- nal decision is made in the fall, Armenian ment. foil exporters must pay US Customs a cash YEREVAN — Nothing would prob- “The United States is pleased to deposit equivalent to 188.84 percent of the ably feel more natural than having support these steps and hopes they product value. a remote interview with a high tech will lay the groundwork for addi- Aluminum foil accounts for almost half professional. And what could make it tional cooperation. We continue to Arto Minasyan, at left, and Davit Baghdasaryan, of Armenian exports to the US, according to even more interesting is that no sound call for the return of all detainees and co-founders of Krisp UN trade data. It was worth more than $33 or even a whisper can interfere in our stand ready to assist the countries of million in 2020. The foil is manufactured by conversation thanks to a very pertinent application named Krisp – a noise-cancelling the region in their efforts to continue a plant in Yerevan known as Armenal, which app which removes all the background noise during the call. My interviewee is Davit cooperation and resolve outstand- see TARIFFS, page 20 Baghdasaryan, the cofounder of Krisp, who exactly four years ago in June of 2017, ing issues between them,” added joined his knowledge and experience with that of another tech entrepreneur, Arto Blinken. Minasyan, to lunch this revolutionary product. The Georgian government report- The two met in San Francisco, where Davit was working at Twilio, a telecommu- ed, meanwhile, that Prime Minis- nication company, and had been living in Silicon Valley for eight years at the time. ter Irakli Gharibashvili personally “I was traveling back and forth between Armenia and US and because of the time see POWS, page 3 difference I had to work in the evenings. In Armenia, summer evenings are full of noise. I always wished to have a button that I could click and all the noise would go away. And that’s how the idea was born to create Krisp,” Davit tells me, using his Mirror-Spectator Annual own creation in Armenia. Summer Vacation see KRISP, page 9 The Armenian Mirror-Spec- Armenal aluminum foil factory tator will close for its annual two-week vacation in early ARMENIA CALIFORNIA July. COAF Provides First Set The last issue for the Mirror Just Beneath the Dirt: will be that of July 3. Publica- of Homes to Displaced Where the Racism of tion will resume with the July Families from Artsakh Fresno Began 24 issue. Enjoy a safe and healthy Page 4 Page 10 summer. 2 SAturday, JUNE 19, 2021 ARmENIAN mIRROR-SPECtAtOR ARMENIA NEWS from ARMENIA Levon Aronian Takes 2nd Monumental Project for Families Place in Superbet Chess Classic BUCHARESt (PanARmE- Of Armenia’s Fallen Heroes NIAN.Net) — Armenian grand- master Levon Aronian scored 5 By Florence Avakian contributed $62 million, each worker giv- “The collected funds can always be seen. points to come in the second in the ing $3 to $30 monthly via their employer. Each cent donated is directed exclusively Superbet Chess Classic on tues- YEREVAN — They gave their ultimate “It is a life insurance scheme, provid- to the mission of paying compensation to day, June 15, as did Alexander sacrifice for our homeland, and for their de- ing for families so those with children can the fallen and disabled soldiers and their Grischuk and Wesley So, Chess24 voted service, a grateful nation is showing grow up in Armenia and hopefully stay in family while they protected the homeland’s reports. them its appreciation. the homeland,” said Sona. borders.” Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, mean- “The Life Insurance Foundation for Ser- Today there are twelve paid profession- She continued, saying that “every step of while, took a quick draw against vicemen was established in 2017 as a life als in the foundation who are experts “with the way, the list of beneficiaries who have maxime Vachier-Lagrave in the fi- insurance method which provides mon- stellar reputations” in finance, banking, received compensation, can go to the an- nal round to clinch first place along etary compensation to Armenia’s heroes crisis management, fundraising, asset man- nual reports. An annual audit is done by a with the $90,000 top prize, with a disability while they were protect- agement, marketing and law. There are also highly reputable audit company.” The world number two Fabiano ing the borders of our homeland, and also members of a Board of Trustees who are “It is our duty to stand by the families of Caruana took the eight spot with to the families of soldiers who are missing not paid. The majority of the Trustees come the fallen and missing soldiers, as well as four points. or deceased in combat,” said Sona Bagh- from the diaspora - U.S., Europe and Rus- the disabled. It ensures the life and health dasaryan in an interview from Yerevan. sia. Their average age is below 35 years. of serving the Armenian Army today, Sona ICRC Chief Says Return of Sona, who is the program’s development There are seven members on the Board Baghsaryan stated, displaying her great Armenian POWs His Goal director, related that the organization was of trustees, appointed for five years, she passion and dedication. established in 2017 following the four-day related. “There is no intervention from YEREVAN(PanARMENIAN. war in 2016 where more than 100 Arme- state authorities in their selection or deci- Personal and National Net) — Peter maurer, the Chair- sion-making procedure. man of the International Commit- Commitment They approve the bud- For Sona Baghdasaryan, this project tee of the Red Cross, this week get, including the annual ranges from both personal and patriotic responded to the President Armen budget, and define the concerns. Her 25-year-old brother, who is a Sarkissian’s letter on the immedi- procedure for paying the lawyer, fought on the front lines in the last ate return of all Armenian prisoners compensation. They also war. As a student in the Armenian Military of war and civilians held by Azer- appoint the executive Academy, he was accepted in the artillery baijan. committee and the direc- division, and will serve for three years, she Maurer has assured that issues tor of the Foundation. revealed. raised by the President are at the The members also ap- Born and raised in Yerevan, Baghdasary- focus of the organization’s and his prove the activities and an is the mother of three children; her el- own attention. liquidation procedures, dest son, who is eight years old, will be a Noting that the Internation- forms, other foundation soldier in ten years. “I am terrified,” she al Committee of the Red Cross bodies and the extent of declared. (ICRC) has had an active presence their power. They select Her maternal grandfather, born in 1915, in the region since 1992, maurer the external auditor, and was from Sis and Kilis. He fled in an ox- said in particular that since the first approve the publishing cart, and her mother’s family repatriated days of hostilities in September procedure of the quarterly from Lebanon and Aleppo in 1947 to Ar- 2020, the organization has provid- reports of the Foundation.
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