San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1961 Special Libraries, 1960s 1-1-1961 Special Libraries, January 1961 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1961 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1961" (1961). Special Libraries, 1961. 1. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1961/1 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1961 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Putting Knoudedge to lVork OFFICERS DIRECTORS President SARAALILI. WINIFREDSEWELL University of I-lous!on Squibb Institute for Medical Research Housfon 4, Texm New Brunswirk, New Jersey LORRAINECIBOCH First Vice-president and President-Elect Charles Bruniug Co., Inr. EUGENEB. JACKSON Mount Prospect, Illinois General Motors Corpor~!ron,l~urrci:. ,Ilirbi.p.m Second Vice-president W. ROY HOLLEMAN PAUL L. KNAPP Scripps Institution of Oceanography The Ohio Oil Com.,b.my. Li~tlrtoo,Colorado La Jolla, California Secretary ALVINAF. WASSENBERG MRS. JEANNE B. NORTH Kaiser Aluminum b Chemical Corp. United Aircrajr Corporation, Elst Ifartford 8, C'onn. Spokane, Washington Treasurer MRS. ELIZABETHR. USHER OLIVEE. KENNEDY Metropolitan Museum of Art Room S600, 30 Rockejelicr Plax, Seu~I'ork, N. 1'. hTew YorR, New York Immediate Past-President DONALDWASSON DR. BURTONW. ADKINSON Council on Foreign Relations National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. New York, New York EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: BILL M. WOODS ASSISTANTTO THE EXECUTIVESECRETARY: KATHRYN E. SMITH Special Libraries Association 31 East 10 Street, New York 3, New York MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sustaining - $100 ; Active - $15; Associate - $10 ; Afiliate - $15 ; Student - $2 ; Emeritus - $5 ; Life - $250. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association. Aviation subject headings, 1949 ............ $1.75 National insurance organizations in the Bibliography of engineering abstract- United States and Canada, 1957 ........ $3.50 ing services (SLA bibliography no. Nicknames of American cities, towns I), 1955 .................................................. 1.50 and villages past and present, 1951 .... 2.00 Bibliography of new guides and aids Picture sources: an introductory list, to public documents use 1953-1956 195.9 ....................................................... 3.50 (SLA bibliography no. 2), 1957 ........ 1.50 SLA directory of members, as oi <>c- A brief for corporation libraries, 1949 .... 1.75 tobcr 2 1, 1960 ........................members 2.00 A checklist for the organization, opera- nonmembers 5.00 tion and evaluation of a company li- S1.A loan collection of classification brary, 1960 .............................................. 2.00 schemcs and subject heading lists, 1959 2.50 Contributions toward a special library Source list of selected labor statistics, glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........................ 1.25 rev. ed., 19.53 .......................................... 2.00 Correlation index document series & Sources of commodity prices, 1960 ........ 5.00 PB reports, 1953 ....................................10.00 Special Libraries Association-its first Creation & development of an insur- fifty years, 1909-1959, 1959 .............. 2.50 ance library, rev. ed., 1949 .................... 2.00 Special Libraries Association personnel Directory of special libraries, 1953 ........ 5.00 survey 1959, 1960 .................................. 1.00 Fakes and forgeries in the fine arts, 1950 1.75 Subject headings for aeronautical en- Handbook of commercial, financial and gineering libraries, 1949 ...................... 4.00 information services, 5th rev. ed., Subiect headings for financial librar- 1956 ......................................................... 5.00 ies, 1954 .................................................. 5.00 Handbook of scientific and technical Technical libraries, their organization awards in the United States and and management, 1951 ........................ 6.00 Canada 1900-1952, 19S6 .................... 3.00 Translators and translations: services and Map collections in the U. S. and Can- sources, 1959 .......................................... 2.50 ada: a directory, 1954 .......................... 3.00 Visual presentation. Our library, 1953 .... 5.00 TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX-Subscription, $7.50; Foreign, $8.00; Single copies, 75e New ADDISON- WESLEY books in mathematics and statistics LINEAR ALGEBRA BY GEORGE HADLEY, University of Chicago An introduction to linear algebra for economists, social scientists, engineers, and those in the fields of operations research and programming. Requires only a limited mathe- matical background; the book's elementary point of view lerids itself to practical ap- plications in the above fields. 304 pfi., 196r46.75 LINEAR PROGRAMMING BY GEORGE HADLEY An introduction to the theory, computational techniques, and applications of linear programming, designed for those in the fields of economics, management, and social scielnce. Treats applications to industrial problems and to problems in economic theory. to be published sfiring 1961 MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND THEORY IN GAMES, PROGRAMMING, AND ECONOMICS BY SAMUEL KARLIN, Stanford University 'This two-volume set presents in a rigorous, unified manner the concepts of game theory and programming theory, together with the related concepts of mathematical econorn- ics. An invaluable reference for those concerned with the analysis of management problems, economic studies, military tactics, and general operations research. published 1759-each volume $10.75 MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING BY STEVEN VAJDA, British Admiralty Research Laboratory Presents the foundations of linear and nonlinear programming in a rigorous and ex- haustive manner; also treats recent developments such as nonlinear, discrete, stochastic, and dynamic programming. For the professionally trained mathematician or statis- tician, and those in operations research and management science. to be published summel- 1761 ELEMENTS OF STATISTICAL INFERENCE BY ROBERT M. KOZELKA, Williams College ,4n elementary mathematical treatment of the classical ideas of estimation and hypoth- esis testing, presented in an unusually readable and interesting style. Intended pri- marily for social and behavioral scientists: the reader is assumed to have had a brief introductory course in calculus. 150 pfi., 1961-$j.00 TOPOLOGY BY J. G. HOCKING, Michigan State Univ., AND G. S. YOUNG, Tulane University A unified treatment of point-set and combinatorial topology. Presents a bload flame- work upon which the reader may build, and stimulates his interest to explole beyond the conlines of the book. to be publi~hedsfit ing 1961 THE SIGN OF EXCELLENCE IN SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING BOOKS ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INCa Reading, Massachusetts, U. S. A. JANUARY 1961 A must for every library! Is Selecting Scientific and Technical Books a Problem? STWE Bibliography of use - Technical Writing Russell Shank, compiler and editor 958 Entries . 33 Categories - Author Index TECHNICAL BOOK The only comprehensive listing of the literature on various phases of technical REVIEW INDEX publishing. TBRI quotes reviews from more than Second edition $2.00 Society of Technical Writers and Publishers 1,200 scientific, technical and trade P. 0. Box 3706, Beechwold Station journals so there's no need to search Columbus 14, Ohio through catalogs, book lists, publish- ers' catalogs and hundreds of journals. TBRI also provides complete biblio- graphical data on new English and for- WALTER J. JOHNSON, INC. eign technical and scientific works. Complete subscription service for Many cross references and annual domestic and foreign periodicals author index. Monthly September Sale and Acquisition of through June. Scientific periodicals: complete sets, short runs, single volumes-all fields, Q7S0 U.S. $8,00 Elsewhere all languages Send requirements and offers to SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION WALTER J. JOHNSON, INC. 31 East 10th Street New York 3 111 Fifth Avenue New York 3, N. Y. New Reprints Now Available Review of The SCIENTIFIC ENGINEERING INDEX INSTRUMENTS 1954 VOLUMES 1-3, 1930-1932 Cloth bound volume .........$95.00 Single volumes, paper bound .....$22.00 Previously Reprinted Volume 5, No. 2, 1734 1928-1949 volumes Volume 7, No. 10, 1938 Cloth bound set .............$1,550.00 Single volumes, cloth bound . 75.00 Volume 10, No. 2, 1939 Volume 15, Nos. 4, 7, 10, 1944 1950, cloth bound .......... 95.00 Volume 17, No. 7, 1946 1955, cloth bound .......... 95.00 Single issues, paper bound ......... $ 3.00 1956, cloth bound .......... 95.00 JOHNSON REPRINT CORPORATION New York and London 11 1 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. 17 Old Queen St., London, S.W.1, England I I I SPECIAL LIBRARIES Want a faster, surer way of getting at the information buried in your news files? Use The New York Times Index. As a time and effort saver for busy librarians, HOW TO GET it's in a class by itself. In each twice-a-month issue-and in the Cumulative Annual Volume-the news is recorded and summcwized under al- M0 R E 0 UT 0 F phabetically arranged headings to give you the
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