Chemical physics of protein folding Peter G. Wolynesa,1, William A. Eatonb, and Alan R. Fershtc aDepartment of Chemistry and Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005; bNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892; and cMedical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 0QH, United Kingdom n 2008, to the consternation of some, logically distinct traps. In other words, the Many of the most intriguing questions of one of the editors of this special issue energy landscape of evolved proteins ap- mechanism can only be addressed feebly at on the “Chemical Physics of Protein pears to be funneled (6, 7). the level of ensemble-averaged experi- I ” “ Folding, was quoted as saying, What The overall funneled nature of the folding ments; thus, folding science has called forth was called the protein folding problem 20 landscape provides a first guess of how some extremely challenging experiments in years ago is solved” (1). One purpose of this folding begins and continues: Proteins fold which molecules are studied individually special issue is to drive home this point. The by assembling primarily native substructures, oneatatime(17–19). On the computa- other, more important purpose is to illus- whereas they only transiently sample mis- tional side, although effective theories of trate how workers on the protein folding folds. This insight explains the success of folding can often use simplified models that problem, by moving beyond their early ob- protein engineering in providing detailed make interesting and surprising predictions session with seeming paradoxes (2), are structural information on the transition state (20, 21), many questions of detail can developing a quantitative understanding ensemble, the so-called “φ-value analysis” now be answered satisfactorily with fully of how the simpler biological structures (8, 9). In some cases, changing solution atomistic simulations that challenge com- assemble both in vitro and in vivo. The conditions changes the position of the tran- putational power to the limit (22–24). emerging quantitative understanding reveals sition state along the reaction coordinate, As the title of this special issue suggests, simultaneously the richness of folding phe- such that φ-value studies can even tell us in most of the contributions focus on explor- nomena and the elegant simplicity of the what order native parts assemble along the ing the general principles of folding. These underlying principles of spontaneous bio- dominant transition path. principles emerge as clearly in test tube molecular assembly. The appreciation of The ensemble nature of the transition studies as they do in the cell. However, the these contrasting aspects of the folding states was the first clue that mechanistic cell provides its own challenges to folding problem has come about through the co- complexity still remains on funneled science. The effects of heterogeneous in- operation of theorists and experimentalists, landscapes. Multiple choices of a precise tracellular environments on folding land- a theme common to all the contributions to folding mechanism are possible, and sev- scapes (25) are beginning to be explored. this special issue. Although the basic ideas eral experimental studies herein demon- Also, despite the inborn tendency of pro- about the folding energy landscape have strate the malleability of specific folding teins to do the right thing (arising from the turned out to be quite simple, entering mechanisms for proteins of either related minimal frustration principle), alternate even into some undergraduate textbooks (3), structure or related sequence; on a fun- folding, misfolding, and aggregation for exploring their consequences in real systems neled landscape, many roads lead to a few proteins do lead to pathology, a topic has required painstaking intellectual analy- Rome (10, 11). After a molecule embarks explored in this issue (26) with the super- sis, as well as detailed computer simulations on a route, even on a funneled energy oxide dismutase system that is involved in and experiments that still stretch the bounds landscape, assembly may not be com- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. of what is feasible. The backgrounds of pletely straightforward. Occasionally, The topics discussed in this issue are only the contributors to this issue reflect the a greedy attempt to make native contacts a small part of the work in the folding field. breadth of the folding field and range from early on can lead to topological traps (12); Nevertheless, they make clear that protein computer science and theoretical physics to in that case, some early native interactions folding is a vibrant, living, interdisciplinary molecular biology and organic chemistry. must be undone to allow complete folding part of the natural sciences. We hope this A great deal of the progress in the field can and one must backtrack (13). Also, evo- snapshot of the field will encourage others to thus be traced to a fairly successful effort lution toward a funneled landscape cannot bring new approaches to contribute to our to develop a common language and con- repeal the universal character of the understanding of biomolecular assembly and ceptual framework for describing folding. physics of specific molecular interactions; encourage the use of the ideas and strategies The conceptual framework is provided thus, no real folding landscape is ever that have already proved successful in by energy landscape theory, which perfectly funneled. If the nonnative inter- the study of assembling the simplest bio- describes the diversity of structural possi- actions are fairly weak, they just provide molecules to look at the full complexity of bilities in statistical mechanical terms. The a source of “friction,” a topic quantified living systems at higher levels of complexity. main paradoxes of folding are resolved by here in several papers (14, 15). If the the consistency principle (4) or, more nonnative interactions become stronger, as generally, by the principle of minimal theory predicts, frustrated interactions can Author contributions: P.G.W., W.A.E., and A.R.F. wrote the frustration (5), which quantifies the allow specific intermediates to form with paper. dominance of interactions stabilizing the substantial nonnative contacts along with The authors declare no conflict of interest. fi 1 speci c native structure over other inter- some native structure. This phenomenon To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: actions that would favor nonnative, topo- also receives attention here (16). [email protected]. 1. Service RF (2008) Problem solved* (*sort of). Science 5. Bryngelson JD, Wolynes PG (1987) Spin glasses and the ultrafast folding protein. 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